Well well,Kancolle anime is coming
A Kantai Collection anime? Fuck yeah! Time for Shimakaze!
I hope it doesn't end as cheap ONA or something.
Well well,Kancolle anime is coming
A Kantai Collection anime? Fuck yeah! Time for Shimakaze!
Jexhius, is this episode of Attack on Titan good enough that someone who dropped the show should pick it up again?
Man, and I thought I was bad with procrastination.
Henneko 12-fin
So like what the fuck. The time travel arc was actually really good. I was finishing the show up mostly out of obligation but the last arc was pretty good. The Emi arc was fucking terrible and made me think I was right in dropping the show but the time travel arc was handled in a pretty decent way and the twist at the end was overall satisfactory. I'm surprised.
I'm also impressed with the fact that the show had leads who actually kissed each other. How fucking rare is that?
Might as well update a few more recent Fall Anison posts from that blog, then. Note they're mostly radio rips, so they'll probably have some announcer chatter mixed in here and there sometimes:I'm really liking Coppelion's opening song. Not sure how it'll translate to video as it's kinda stop and go but I like the rock of it and the bass.
Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na, looks badAnime gaf do you know what anime this is from:
Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na, looks bad
Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na, looks bad
oh shit it isIts the cabbage anime!
Holy shit, last episode of Free was fucking awful. Dat DRAMAAAAA.
Yay Mikasa BOOOO Armin.
Yes, and by most accounts, Rika winning over Nagi thanks in large part to overseas votes was the beginning of the end for a more open Saimoe.Googling around, did that Higurashi character actually win Saimoe 2007? The cabbage should have won instead.
i remember it like it was yesterdayOne of the first instances of :wonzo found on the internet.
Now that's some bullshit.Back in Saimoe 2007, people actually tried to submit the Cabbage as an entrant. (It was promptly declared ineligible, of course.)
firehawk12 said:Sword Art Online. This is the worst show ever to have been produced by a culture. Take the solipsism of The Newsroom, the depravity of K-Town or any other reality show of that ilk, and the sad humanity exhibited exhibited in shows like Honey Boo Boo and you'd STILL get a show that is morally, ethically, and spiritually more justifiable than Sword Art Online. The bar has been set so low that I can even see merit in a show like OniAi. Fuck you SAO... just fuck you.
Let me help:
Let me help:
Just finished Sword Art onlineGoing to post some impressions in a few.
xD It's amazing all the hate SA:O gets. it's not that bad. lol.
xD It's amazing all the hate SA:O gets. it's not that bad. lol.
B-But it's cool to hate SO:A
Did you enjoy it? I look forward to hearing your thoughts
Yep, I did, but it wasn't an entirely smooth ride.Not enough Suguha
B-But it's cool to hate SO:A
Yes, sometimes it is cool to hate on bad things.B-But it's cool to hate SO:A
Just like you're not cool unless you pee your pants?;D
Sword Art Online 25 and overall Final Impressions
I would rather him had ended up with Suguha if they weren't cousins.
Don't worry, at least you like the right idol, based on your avatar.
Porco Rosso
Fio uguuu
Yes, sometimes it is cool to hate on bad things.
WTF? Marco all the way.
And Summer 2014Hating on SAO is so Summer 2012.
Also Anime-GAF what does "Korede' dou" mean and why is it usually the busty woman in my SRPG games who is saying it?
I don't know if it's been mentioned but the composer for Kyoukai no Kanata is Hikaru Nanase/Masumi Itou. She did the OST for Noein,Canaan, and Chrono Crusade.
Yes, and by most accounts, Rika winning over Nagi thanks in large part to overseas votes was the beginning of the end for a more open Saimoe.
Sword Art Online 25 and overall Final Impressions
I thought the series would take a huge dive when it went into the Fairy Dance, however I feel it added a lot of depth to the overall series. (Which wasn't all that deep to begin with.) We had a world with such huge promise. Then instead of cool action sequences going through tons of floors, we're skipping like 30 an episode. It was disappointing.
Asuna is soooooo boring. I can only imagine she hypnotized Kirito or something, because Lisbeth is season 1 goddess. Her episode was bY far my favorite of "season 1"
Still don't quite understand how Asuna wasn't dead forever as all her light disappeared. Then Kirito gets killed and quickly comes back strictly because of his will? Hmm. Did they forget that Klein has a Revival item the entire time? or did they just not animated that episode?
Anyway. to Fairy Dance. First of all, we (finally) get more Suguha, who is "goddess". You feel bad for her throughout, putting her feelings on the line only to get hurt several times. The way they handled the realization of them discovering each other was done meh, very predictable, but still poor Suguha.
The Forever Death penalty being removed wasn't as big an issue either, there was enough going on with Kirito's drive to find boring Asuna. As the series progressed I cared far less for her character. I did enjoy Kirito's drive to be with her, however. I would rather him had ended up with Suguha if they weren't cousins.
I also find it funny how Kayaba Akihiko kills about 4000 people, and Kirito doesn't really show immediate disdain towards him, rather he's a sort of Jedi counsel from the other world towards the end. I felt there would have been a more general hate toward him which never really came.
Hasn't it been said the LN's are still going on? or there's another MMO they're supposed to go to? Another season maybe, or do we think this is it?
So, yeah. Here's the new Suguha Alter I'm going to get
Yu-Sibu ED preview: Sticking Places by Sphere
It's always nice to see someone who doesn't hate SAO =) Welcome to the club!
In answer to your question, the LNs are indeed still going on. The anime has so far covered the first four novels (well, roughly - a few of the Aincrad events were taken from one-shot stories in later novels, and one part of the Fairy Dance story was disappointingly left out). There are currently 13 novels published (with a new one being released roughly every four months), and it seems inevitable that another anime season will be made at some point, since it's a very profitable series.
Yep, My thoughts my have come off a bit on the harsher side, but I actually really enjoyed it. It's been a while since I've had an anime hold my attention to finish the whole thing within a week.
Also, interesting to hear there was even less Aincrad in the novels until later on. I would have loved to have seen more action in that world. Very sad about missing so much from Fairy Dance.
Great news about a new season's chances. Looking froward to more Sugu-chan![]()