If you haven't seen it yet, you should also check out Accel World, which is based on another light novel series by the same author, and seems to take place in the same world as SAO a little over twenty years later. Though SAO is the series which has achieved most of the sales popularity, it's a common opinion that Accel World is the better of the two.
If you haven't seen it yet, you should also check out Accel World, which is based on another light novel series by the same author, and seems to take place in the same world as SAO a little over twenty years later. Though SAO is the series which has achieved most of the sales popularity, it's a common opinion that Accel World is the better of the two.
Accel World is SAO with robot avatar and without sexual harassment so its infinitely better.
If you haven't seen it yet, you should also check out Accel World, which is based on another light novel series by the same author, and seems to take place in the same world as SAO a little over twenty years later. Though SAO is the series which has achieved most of the sales popularity, it's a common opinion that Accel World is the better of the two.
I heard Clannad was a good series. But I dislike moe. Will I like Clannad? Is it overly moe? Or just a tad? I didn't like Air at all. I disliked Tamayura because of the moe at the end of ova 1.
You gonna come to ToonamiGAF and watch us lose our shit every sunday Bats?
One Piece and Soul Eater is my other jam (hour before SAO), with a bit of FMA Brotherhood on the side and maybe some Bebop if I'm feeling up to it (hour half after SAO, I skip IGPX)
Best cover, evokes strong feelings of Free! nostalgia
I bet everyone's glad Tenchi's gone for now.
I used to love coming home from school and watching Tenchi >_<
Sword Art Online 25 and overall Final Impressions
I thought the series would take a huge dive when it went into the Fairy Dance, however I feel it added a lot of depth to the overall series. (Which wasn't all that deep to begin with.) We had a world with such huge promise. Then instead of cool action sequences going through tons of floors, we're skipping like 30 an episode. It was disappointing.
Asuna is soooooo boring. I can only imagine she hypnotized Kirito or something, because Lisbeth is season 1 goddess. Her episode was bY far my favorite of "season 1"
Still don't quite understand how Asuna wasn't dead forever as all her light disappeared. Then Kirito gets killed and quickly comes back strictly because of his will? Hmm. Did they forget that Klein has a Revival item the entire time? or did they just not animated that episode?
Anyway. to Fairy Dance. First of all, we (finally) get more Suguha, who is "goddess". You feel bad for her throughout, putting her feelings on the line only to get hurt several times. The way they handled the realization of them discovering each other was done meh, very predictable, but still poor Suguha.
The Forever Death penalty being removed wasn't as big an issue either, there was enough going on with Kirito's drive to find boring Asuna. As the series progressed I cared far less for her character. I did enjoy Kirito's drive to be with her, however. I would rather him had ended up with Suguha if they weren't cousins.
I also find it funny how Kayaba Akihiko kills about 4000 people, and Kirito doesn't really show immediate disdain towards him, rather he's a sort of Jedi counsel from the other world towards the end. I felt there would have been a more general hate toward him which never really came.
Hasn't it been said the LN's are still going on? or there's another MMO they're supposed to go to? Another season maybe, or do we think this is it?
So, yeah. Here's the new Suguha Alter I'm going to get
Confession: I don't like FMA or Brotherhood. Gave them a shot. Just not for me.
I feel like I'm one of the few people who just doesn't really like Shingeki outside of the few cool animation scenes. The premise is interesting but both the manga and the anime dilly dally so much that I just immediately lose motivation to care.
Phi Brain 40
I saw so many death flags on the poor dog
Rook solo episode was okay, focused too much on the girl and her dog. I'm incredibly sad that Melancholy played a rather small part in this episode despite being the "villain"I'm legit shook that the dog lived in the end
Speaking of Netflix, did they just add a bunch of shows? I just checked and noticed stuff that wasn't there before like Welcome to the NHK and Tokyo Godfathers.
Watch these two if you havent. they are absolutely fantastic. NHK especially.
One of those shows that was so good I marathoned it without pausing to do other things.
I recommend reading the novel too if you can find it for a good price!
Phi Brain 42
I had to stop and rewind to make a gif
So adorbs :3
The rest of the episode was okay I guess, mostly revealing stuff we expectedthat Kaito wasn't really a douche as a child the story is being over blown by the fake rings blah blah
Henneko 12-fin
So like what the fuck. The time travel arc was actually really good. I was finishing the show up mostly out of obligation but the last arc was pretty good. The Emi arc was fucking terrible and made me think I was right in dropping the show but the time travel arc was handled in a pretty decent way and the twist at the end was overall satisfactory. I'm surprised.
I'm also impressed with the fact that the show had leads who actually kissed each other. How fucking rare is that?
Well well,Kancolle anime is coming
Anime gaf do you know what anime this is from:
Also the cabbage in my DVD copy does NOT look like a sphere. It looks like a cabbage.
I heard Clannad was a good series. But I dislike moe. Will I like Clannad? Is it overly moe? Or just a tad? I didn't like Air at all. I disliked Tamayura because of the moe at the end of ova 1.
Greatest love story ever told. ;_;
Sword Art Online 25 and overall Final Impressions
I thought the series would take a huge dive when it went into the Fairy Dance, however I feel it added a lot of depth to the overall series. (Which wasn't all that deep to begin with.) We had a world with such huge promise. Then instead of cool action sequences going through tons of floors, we're skipping like 30 an episode. It was disappointing.
Asuna is soooooo boring. I can only imagine she hypnotized Kirito or something, because Lisbeth is season 1 goddess. Her episode was bY far my favorite of "season 1"
Still don't quite understand how Asuna wasn't dead forever as all her light disappeared. Then Kirito gets killed and quickly comes back strictly because of his will? Hmm. Did they forget that Klein has a Revival item the entire time? or did they just not animated that episode?
Anyway. to Fairy Dance. First of all, we (finally) get more Suguha, who is "goddess". You feel bad for her throughout, putting her feelings on the line only to get hurt several times. The way they handled the realization of them discovering each other was done meh, very predictable, but still poor Suguha.
The Forever Death penalty being removed wasn't as big an issue either, there was enough going on with Kirito's drive to find boring Asuna. As the series progressed I cared far less for her character. I did enjoy Kirito's drive to be with her, however. I would rather him had ended up with Suguha if they weren't cousins.
I also find it funny how Kayaba Akihiko kills about 4000 people, and Kirito doesn't really show immediate disdain towards him, rather he's a sort of Jedi counsel from the other world towards the end. I felt there would have been a more general hate toward him which never really came.
Hasn't it been said the LN's are still going on? or there's another MMO they're supposed to go to? Another season maybe, or do we think this is it?
So, yeah. Here's the new Suguha Alter I'm going to get
Oh, and I thought Klein was awesome. He deserved much more screen time!Loved that we saw him in 25.
Missed this. Yes, Makoto is goddess!
If you haven't seen it yet, you should also check out Accel World, which is based on another light novel series by the same author, and seems to take place in the same world as SAO a little over twenty years later. Though SAO is the series which has achieved most of the sales popularity, it's a common opinion that Accel World is the better of the two.
Well well,Kancolle anime is coming
The next best thing to a Strike Witches S3. Gimme da battleship butts.
When was this?I hated on SAO when all you guys loved it.
Ya know, I hear One Piece is really good....but dammit, I hate long ass series. Maybe I'll check out a few episodes.
FMA is good, and Bebop is always good. I bet everyone's glad Tenchi's gone for now.
Well well,Kancolle anime is coming
Is this the one with that has that young blond girl wearing a incredibly skimpy sailor outfit whose art has been popping up on image sites like crazy? Rensouhou-chan is her name I believe.
Now is the time to jump into one piece it's 2 weeks away from the best arc of the entire series. Dunno how you feel about jumping into an anime 200 episodes in though.
When was this?
I have. No idea. Creepy. Robot Girl.
Random 10 DVD Dregathon
DVD 08: The Tower of Druaga: The Sword of Uruk (2009) Episodes 5-8
Audio options: Sub & dub
Extras: None.
Do I want to watch the rest? Nah, would rather play the janky Famicom game.
If only they'd made an anime based on Takeshi no Chosenjo instead: 3/10
Also the cabbage in my DVD copy does NOT look like a sphere. It looks like a cabbage.
Ah, I quite enjoyed this show. Assuming you haven't watched the first series, I can't remember if that would matter or not.
This was your last random DVD in the bundle right? Or do you have a few more pleasures left..
They fixed it for home video, but the cabbage, like that one episode of Lost Universe with the crabs, will live on in infamy.
It's rare that a single moment should stand out, either negatively or positively, to be remembered more than the series that spawned it. There are plenty of :wonzo moments I remember (some corkers in early 00s Gonzo shows) but they're not my abiding memories of those shows in particular, whereas Yoake Mae... will always be "the cabbage anime" if it's remembered at all.
Is this the one with that has that young blond girl wearing a incredibly skimpy sailor outfit whose art has been popping up on image sites like crazy? Rensouhou-chan is her name I believe.
Random 10 DVD Dregathon
DVD 08: The Tower of Druaga: The Sword of Uruk (2009) Episodes 5-8
Audio options: Sub & dub
Extras: None.
Do I want to watch the rest? Nah, would rather play the janky Famicom game.
If only they'd made an anime based on Takeshi no Chosenjo instead: 3/10
uh, accel world has sexual harassment.Accel World is SAO with robot avatar and without sexual harassment so its infinitely better.
Yes! Pretty Cure 5: 21
Coco... Nuts.... Milk...
OK then.