Happy Birthday to
If my memory is correct from last year, then I believe it's also
icarus's birthday. Happy Birthday to you too
Have a good one you too.
Man. Those skin-tight suits are still so lewd, considering that the men don't have to wear anything like them.
Also, getting Jexhius to finally watch the show is a victory in itself, given he's probably the one person here that I know would definitely appreciate it!
It's kind of like Star Trek in that way I guess. Ladies of the future need sexy outfits or something, haha. At least they're not as weird looking as the outfits in Gunbuster. It was a thing for a lot of 80s science fiction shows to show girls wearing some kind of space bathing suit as a future fashion it seemed.
It's the old retro theme song. It's funny though, if you actually pay attention to the lyrics, you come to realize how cheesy the song can be despite how much bravado it seems to have.
Just listen to the English version here:
Ah, so it is. I thought it was maybe inspired by and made to be like an old song but I guess they just reused the old one with new people singing. I think that's what's happening with the new Sailor Moon, where they are using Moonlight Densetsu but that Momo Clover Z group is singing it.
Yeah, the lyrics can be kind of silly if you actually pay attention to them but it still works and kind of gets you in the mood of the show,haha.
I can't really tell who is watching it here, but given that no one really posts about it, and I think I am the only one watching the TV broadcasts at the moment (with the shitty TV theme song), I think it's safe to say that it's dead. lol
Maybe if Starblazers becomes a thing, it'll get an OT from all the old nerds on GAF.
Time Jam is based on a French comic and the cartoon was actually made for France. But it's animated by a Japanese studio, so I guess that's why Crunchyroll picked it up. But it's a very classic/retro science fiction series, with simple stock characters and simple stock adventures. For me, it's fairly nostalgic. The characters are fun at least!
Yeah, I was wondering if there was maybe an OT made for it before that I had missed on initially. Maybe I'll start posting some impressions to get more people aware of it. At the same time though it's like I can't because I'm too busy wanting to watch the next episode,haha.
Actually, talking about that Time Jam and it being a bit retro, it reminds me of the earlier conversation where people where talking about elements of science fiction and "hard" sci-fi and such.
It's kind of funny how sort of a mixed bag Yamato 2199 is. Since it seems to more or less be a re-make of an older show but with more modern visuals and effects I could forgive some more retro plot points. The show does things however like giving the hayabusa fighters, or even the Yamato itself, little jets on the sides for course corrections because you can't "fly" in space like you can in the sky on Earth.
That, or when they get so far they have that they are actually seeing the Earth as it was three years ago because they are three light years away. Later in the same episode though they communicate in real time with people back on Earth,haha. I forget but I think they might have activated some special device to do that just like Star Trek kind of washes over that. That's why I like
Xenosaga and they at least try to explain that by using an Unus Mundus Network.
It makes sense that you'd take whatever jobs you can get. And the industry is probably small enough that if you are a voice actor based in Tokyo and have representation, you probably can get some bones thrown at you. Bonus points because apparently the Japanese, like Americans, hate subtitles and want all their things dubbed into their local language.
You can see how it breaks down when English dubs of live action movies in America turn out to be such shit because they basically use the cheapest voice over actors possible. I almost hope that The Grandmaster has an English dub whenever it comes out on disc here. lol
When I was younger I didn't like subtitles but now I want whatever show to be in its original native language with subtitles. Usually because dubs are so bad or you can miss nuances.
Haha, that reminds me of video games and sound alike's who sound nothing like whoever.
"Hey, the Carrie Fisher sound alike couldn't make it in to voice the lines for Leia."
"Ah, whatever. Just have the Harrsion Ford guy do them then."
That, or a company uses up all their budget to hire some actor/actress and now they have no money for anything else.
Absolutely not, none of that drivel for me, only pure tea drinking for me. * goes back to admire his Yoko figure.*
Boo! It's not drivel.
Yamato 2199 is good! You should watch it.