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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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Wolf's Rain 13

Now this was a straight-up road movie episode. Hubb and Quent make a great odd couple; they play off each other so well.

I really like how this show has portrayed Hubb and Cher's relationship. It's a mature, adult, complicated romantic relationship of the kind you rarely see in anime. I mean, they're divorced due to job pressures pulling them apart but now slowly reaching out towards getting back together. This is love not in the naive teenage puppy-love sense or the base physical lust sense, but in all the messy sorrows and joys of those who have lived with each other for a long time, know each other's flaws, but are still drawn to be together.

Wolf's Rain 14

I thought 11 felt like a mid-season climax, but this tops it. It speaks well of the character work that you can bring all the cast together and give them each a role to play which expresses their individual personalities and conflicting relationships. The atmosphere in Darcia's keep was excellent; I really liked the ruined castle design which brought out most strongly yet the theme of a world which has lost its former glory.
Of course, by the end of the episode even those remains are destroyed. I wonder if the event that fundamentally ruined the world will ever be elaborated on or just left nebulous.
There was some really well-drawn and expressive character art, too.

With the way things went, I have no idea where the show will go from here.
I thought Darcia would be the main villain, but his plans have been unceremoniously cut short.
I feel bad for the people watching this when it came out who had to sit through four weeks of recaps after this.


Wolf's Rain 13

Now this was a straight-up road movie episode. Hubb and Quent make a great odd couple; they play off each other so well.

I really like how this show has portrayed Hubb and Cher's relationship. It's a mature, adult, complicated romantic relationship of the kind you rarely see in anime. I mean, they're divorced due to job pressures pulling them apart but now slowly reaching out towards getting back together. This is love not in the naive teenage puppy-love sense or the base physical lust sense, but in all the messy sorrows and joys of those who have lived with each other for a long time, know each other's flaws, but are still drawn to be together.
Complicated, adult relationships for side characters are actually a bit of a BONES staple, as least compared to other studios. They tend to crop up in a number of their original worls see also: Eureka Seven, X'amd.
It's straight out of a bad eroge.
It looks like the kind of thing that you come up with when no-one is around to tell you "No".


What's truly sad and bad about the costume isn't the exposed midriff, the crotchgap,the asscrack, or the underboob. It's the fucking overwrought shoulder boosters.
That's actually the best part of the whole suit. Well after the hair.
I don't think we can agree anymore :(


The exposed midriff and underboobs kinda kills it. It'd look a bit more acceptable if the whole thing went full ganmen.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The shoulder boosters might be fine if it was attached to a more normal bodysuit but it clashes horribly when in context with the rest of the costume.
The eyes of the suit are set further inwards on the scan that looks like promo art. You guys worry too much.


Am I a terrible person if I think the outfit is SO BAD it loops upon itself and becomes "good" :p

For what it's worth, I'm assuming the show is in on the joke or so ridiculous overall you can't even notice it :p (Like say Cutie Honey or Gurren Lagann)
I enjoy the crack, underboobs, and tummy but the fact that she looks like some genderbent, humanized Shadow the hedgehog is starting to irk me a bit.


For what it's worth, I'm assuming the show is in on the joke or so ridiculous overall you can't even notice it :p (Like say Cutie Honey or Gurren Lagann)

I'm guessing it's probably some in-show joke too. That said, in-show jokes are only funny for so long and if this is going to be her main battle outfit...

I enjoy the crack, underboobs, and tummy but the fact that she looks like some genderbent, humanized Shadow the hedgehog is starting to irk me a bit.

oh god



gotta go fast
I was scrolling down the Kill La Kill character designs shaking my head up and down saying yes agreeing. Then I stumbled upon the MC's mech (or whatever transformation it is) and my head started shaking left and right disagreeing. Everything else looks cool except her mech design.

Also it blew my mind that the second character was a girl. I thought that was a boy for the longest mostly because of the face and I never saw her body before.


I'm guessing it's probably some in-show joke too. That said, in-show jokes are only funny for so long and if this is going to be her main battle outfit...

oh god

To be fair, Yoko's outfit was kind of ridiculous for the entirety of Gurren Lagann and only got MORE ridiculous near the end but between the fact that she was actually a good character who could hold her own, the show being fully aware of how ridiculous she was dressed and lampshading it several times and crazy shit like
Galaxies being thrown around like shuriken
happening, it was hard to object. I'm confident it will be the same here.


Also it blew my mind that the second character was a girl. I thought that was a boy for the longest mostly because of the face and I never saw her body before.

She does have a very mannish face. Probably the one character in this show whose design I've never been very fond of. Ah well, I guess that means I get to enjoy the prospect of Ryuuko overthrowing her and her mediocrity.

As for Ryuuko's BATTLE MODE or whatever the hell we're going to call it...I think it might be so ridiculous it actually works. I want to see it in action.


The hair is the best part.
That's what I was getting at. Great hair.

One of them has HAIR-EARS and is voiced by Saitou Chiwa, it's definitely something.
We'll see. Gotta keep expectations fairly low. This is dangerous territory we are treading.

I enjoy the crack, underboobs, and tummy but the fact that she looks like some genderbent, humanized Shadow the hedgehog is starting to irk me a bit.


To be fair, Yoko's outfit was kind of ridiculous for the entirety of Gurren Lagann and only got MORE ridiculous near the end but between the fact that she was actually a good character who could hold her own, the show being fully aware of how ridiculous she was dressed and lampshading it several times and crazy shit like
Galaxies being thrown around like shuriken
happening, it was hard to object. I'm confident it will be the same here.

Yoko wasn't the main character though and her ass got punted to 2nd tier status after episode 8 anyway.


Yoko wasn't the main character though and her ass got punted to 2nd tier status after episode 8 anyway.

Fair. However Ryuuko being the main character means more chances for character development, agency and chances to be a badass. The design could certainly take a turn for the creepy/icky but given the past works of this team I feel it will trend towards the ridiculous and that's ok. I certainly won't argue its good; in fact its a stupid design. I just don't subscribe to the "welp now the show's trash" or "cancel the hype" line of thought (not saying you in particular think that, just in general) .


Doki Doki! Precure 31

So breaking the mirror doesn't mean seven years of bad luck. It means five new iPads that are available in a toy store near you. (And not for cheap either. The Lovely Pad runs $87. On the other hand, it can Kamen Rider Blade the crap out of you. Weeeeeey!). So, Ondulish jokes aside, that was a nice midseason finale. Hobo Clown and Gula had a decent plan in mind, even if it had an obvious target in the giant plant atop the city building. Smart of Rikka to save Aguri's Ultraman powers for later in the battle, not that they did much good. And wow, Mana can recover from an actual defeat pretty quickly. One quick slap of her own cheek (that creates shockwaves) and she's back in action.

Mana really reminds me of a slightly younger aimed version of Madoka Kyono. Though that may be because I watched Kamogawa Days earlier. Now all I'm wondering is when that crown is going to play a role. You know it'll be something important in the endgame. Speaking of Bel straight up murdered Hobo Clown and friend. He may not have done much, but he's clearly the second banana around here.

So, next week, Mana gets sick. Can the world survive?


Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan Episode 22:
Well, if last week was the high of highs, this week was the emotional low of lows as we finish off the Female Titan arc with little resolution, other then Eren recovered, the Female Titan incapacitated but not defeated and a lot of devastation and mourning of the lost members of the Survey Corp, which is while good, kind of strikes the same notes that the last arc did. It isn't bad but is certainly feels a bit redundant. Also, it looks like the next arc is going to be more buffoonery from the Military Police, oh goodie goodie gumdrops.


I certainly won't argue its good; in fact its a stupid design. I just don't subscribe to the "welp now the show's trash" or "cancel the hype" line of thought (not saying you in particular think that, just in general) .

I don't think anybody is going that far in this thread. Sawano is a bigger issue than this design.


So I was looking at this and I understand the suspenders are supposed to be fangs, but why is there a crotchgap in the skirt? That undermines the mouth motif.


I don't think anybody is going that far in this thread. Sawano is a bigger issue than this design.

Is this confirmed or still a rumour? Gatchaman Crowds is enjoyable but if Iwasaki chose/was given that show over Kill la Kill I consider that a considerable waste. Crowds has an AWESOME OST but Gurren Lagann's was god tier and I'd want it replicated here. Attack on Titan has more mistimed music than actively bad. How were Blue Exorsits and Guilty Crown, I never watched those shows so I don't know what their music was like.
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