Blood Blud 10
Well I guess that's that. I mean in the end it's just another one of those stories. Heroine is nothing more than eye candy, the show literally ends with her in her lingere and the other lass, who could have been good, ends up becoming a blushing tsundere predictably. Should note that all the women (not girls) have footballs on their chests instead of breasts.
As for the MC, they kept going on how he's actually a villain rather than a hero because he's a vampire and selfish but quite frankly remove the vampire baggage and it's just another typical anti-hero. I mean one thing you can't describe this show as is thought provoking. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just one of those shows you can switch off and watch, but when they try to pretend it's deeper than it really is I'm just not buying it.
I mean if it got another series I may have enough curiosity to check out the first episode, but the show has sold me enough to bother checking out the manga.
Oh and I saw some felt the art style didn't live up to the source material. Well I'm oblivious to the source and I quite liked the garish colour scheme the show was sporting. Sure there was some very obvious tweening going on, but for the most part it was clean.
Rating: 40DD