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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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I knew it !!! i freaking knew it ...

What a twist !!

it all make sense.

I wonder if they will not downplay that reveal with a freaking episode where the heroine is unsure and wonder aimlessly before taking action.
( that's actually what i expected from ep 10 )...
Please feel free to spoil me on the manga -
does the "unwound" timeline cease to exist, and the story return to young Jun's universe only? There are no Rozen Maidens in adult Jun's world, so there is little point in it existing once young Jun is free. With Kirakishou apparently dead (although with no-one claiming her Rosa Mystica who knows - I'm not sure she even has one given that she has no body) I'm not sure what else there is to do except finally resolve the Alice Game, which has barely mattered anyway by Suigintou's own admission.

If you don't mind manga spoilers:
Both timelines continue to exist. The Rozen Maidens go back with young Jun to the wound world and the plot continues there, while adult Jun goes back to the unwound world, his time with the Rozen Maidens almost like a dream. Chapter 25 of the manga deals with the aftereffects on adult Jun's life and solidifies the character development he's gone through, covering his relationship with Saito and the possibilities that are opening up for advancement at work, the theatrical company, and college. It uses the "Will you wind/will you not wind?" question as a springboard for the theme, already touched on in Jun's conversation with himself covered in episode 10, that he had had these possible futures available to him, the only reason his future seemed closed was because he had remained passive and not taken the initiative to make choices between them, which it's implied that he will now begin to do. Based on how the anime has been written up to now and the preview for episode 12, I think the final episode will be entirely taken up with this chapter, so bringing the story squarely back to being about adult Jun. The last panel of chapter 25 would be a great image to end the anime on.
Devils and Realist 11

It only took 11 episodes but William
finally put the ring on which has been teased since the OP/ED episode 1
. Not sure how they'll be able to wrap everything up next episode.


Highschool DxD S2 - 10

Akeno-scenes make the world go round.

Damn, Issei is a dumbass. 100% Japanese and he doesn't pick up on the naming honorifics thing for Rias.

Those figures at the end look like the bosses from El Shaddai.


Subete no aware
Yamato 24

lol, if you have SDBurton goggles, you could almost make out the
Melda x Yamamoto yuri scene

But yes, it makes perfect sense why this was the SatoJun episode of the series!


Strike Witches 05
:SDBurton episode? :SDBurton episode!
This was a pretty fun episode. I lol'd when this happened. Barkhorn thinking of her sister is so cute also. There was also dat Lucchini Kick. And hats!
Not an awful lot of [REDACTED] especially for a Lucchini episode.


Monogatari SS 11 (Recapmonogatari 2)

Well, I figured they were going to divide Bake into two for the sake of leaving one recap episode for Nise, but I didn't expect them to divide them up this way. I thought it would make the most sense to divide them up the same way as the novels (one episode for Hitagi Crab, Mayoi Maimai and Suruga Monkey, and another for Nadeko Snake and Tsubasa Cat), but instead they covered the first four arcs in a single episode. So I guess they're dividing it up in the same way as the original anime - one recap for the TV episodes and one for the OVA episodes.

...Which means, I guess, that the next recap will be entirely devoted to Tsubasa Cat. That's two whole recap episodes out of four devoted to Hanekawa, folks! I guess it fits, though. She does seem to get a disproportionate amount of focus sometimes, that girl.

Anyway, this episode basically played out as "the Senjougahara story". Almost the entire first half of the episode was spent on Senjougahara's own arc, there was a fair amount of Senjougahara focus in the other arcs (the confession scene from the end of Mayoi's and her timely intervention at the end of Kanbaru's both stood out as quite prominent), and then they even tied it up with the stargazing scene from the beginning of Tsubasa Cat, like in the original anime's TV broadcast.

Overall, it felt significantly more of a rush than the previous recap episode for obvious reasons, but it was still nicely-paced, nicely-presented, nicely-narrated, and generally a pleasure to watch. A nice refresher.

Now bring on Otorimonogatari! I honestly have no idea what to expect from this next arc; all I know is that it focuses around Nadeko, which is interesting in and of itself. She's had by far the least focus of any heroine in the series so far, barely appearing outside of her own arc, so it will be interesting to see more of her.


So you're solving the mystery by adding Seed timeline into the mix ?
Genius... itallmakesense.jpg

Kira has always just been alternate timeline Amuro anyway.

Realpost: Has Tomino directed anything actually good? I've heard varying degrees of good things about Ideon, Turn A, Zeta, and those gundam compilation films. Also is Brain Powerd as funny as it looks?

Turn A was wonderful and I loved ZZ, but Tomino is really bad about pacing. The George Lucas comparison is good. Tomino is great if he's on someone's leash.

Tomino is legitimately bad at directing anything. Turn A Gundam manages to be a good series because all of his eccentricities somehow synchronise, accidentally, to create a unique and intiriguing work but that's really the exception that proves the rule. He's bad at pacing, writing, editing, cinematography, layout etc etc.

Tomino's bad pacing is really evident in MSG, Zeta and ZZ, I think. Like MSG gets legit stuck in a desert forever and ever, Zeta's 2nd half is just bleh and ZZ takes almost 30 episodes before it is really good.

How good are we talking about? Like great? Hell no. Either Turn A or Zeta is considered his best work and both have some serious flaws.

If Corvo hate Eureka's kids, I fucking hate any kid in Tomino's works.

I just hate Eureka's kids the MOST. Kids in Gundam are not better. Katz, Kika and whatshisbutt were tolerable until Katz hit puberty, whereupon he becomes possibly the worst person in UC. Shinta and Qum weren't as bad, honestly, because they focused in so few episodes. Fucking I would gut Karlman with a knife right now if you let me.

Given the things he does to them, so does Tomino.

Not as much as he ought to.

There is nothing embarrassing about a man's butt-love.

Theonik's made it his greatest character trait!

So Valvrave was pretty good, don't understand why it is rated so low on MAL and CR. Of course SAO has a pretty high rating on those, so lol.

I didn't appreciate the glory of Valvrave until I had watched Geass. Just pity the poor ones until they see the light.

See, Chet? It's fancy because of a monocle!


neat. it's not really an unique style that one can catch, but looks nice.

I just wish there was more shounen fighters that are... airborne. devil is part timer had some good ones too.

I just like people volleyballing people around :)

No in fact his style so unique that his one of the easier ones to spot (imo) seeing as there's no one else out there with a similar style, which is why i was able to spot him instantly from your gif.

Here's a better Naotoshi Shida sakuga Mad

Just finished watch the dbz movie the scene he did was just amazing, top notch stuff.


Free! - 9

This show did what Tamako Market couldn't do: find its rhythm, a framing and a purposeful direction of plot events. Because of this, the show has gotten its spirit and identity, and I'm finding it more and more enjoyable to watch. I'm really involved with the swimming club members.

What a difference with the first episodes.
I finally got around to watching the first episode of Attack on Titan last night, and the overwhelming impression I had was of something trying to affect the appearance of weight, importance, and impact without putting any of the necessary work in. Mood vacillated from something like a downer episode of Spice & Wolf to giant monsters terrorizing humanity's last enclosure in a way that ensured the latter came off not only as shock when it finally appeared, but shock that pulled its punches. All of the yelling, cringing, Dutch camera angle using, and alluding to humanity's dire predicament did not actually add up to an atmosphere of dread in the way I think that they were meant to, weighed down as they were by the odd choices made in art direction and editing that burdened the whole thing with a distinct lack of tension. The varying thickness of the inks on character models, in particular, exaggerated the facial designs and expressions in a way that I can only describe as silly and comedic, in direct opposition to what they were probably going for.

It's a shame, because the premise is as delightfully doom-laden as it gets, and the titan designs are terrifically creepy, but what I gather from this episode and the all-downhill-from-here reputation the show seems to have is that they're both somewhat wasted in execution, at least by the anime. If anything, it gave me a level of appreciation for what From the New World, with all its flaws, was able to do in effectively and subtly setting up a world of mystery and disturbance and decay without immediately resorting to Inception horn farts and cannibalism from the get-go.

We told you you'd hate it.


Well, I try to remain open to anything that catches my eye. I wouldn't go so far as to say I hated it, either, if that's what you got out of that post. :p

You mean the Guilty Crown guy? Now there's a first episode I really did hate.

Guilty Crown, Death Note, Highschool of the Dead... if there's one thing you can say about Araki, his style is distinct and instantly recognizable.
Gintama Episode 23 – When You’re in a Fix, Keep on Laughing, Laughing…

Definitely had one of the best scenes so far, when everything wound down and they had their insightful discussion at the end tied in with the rooftop scene back in their childhood...really showed how thought provoking the anime can be at times. Sakamoto is a good guy and hopefully returns more often than a few of the other characters. Nearly turned it off when Sachan was in the pre Op part.


Majestic Prince - 22

Wow, the subgroup totally missed that the next episode is called "Alea Iacta Est", from Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon.

Arlea Yakuta Esto, man, what the fuck.


Strike Witches 05

:SDBurton episode? :SDBurton episode!
This was a pretty fun episode. I lol'd when this happened. Barkhorn thinking of her sister is so cute also. There was also dat Lucchini Kick. And hats!
Not an awful lot of [REDACTED] especially for a Lucchini episode.

Why I havent seen this yet feels like a mistake.

Ah yes, one of my favorite anime tropes. <3

Like in Strawberry Panic? Perfect example of this.

I love you all.

Love you too AWESOMEBEAR


Maturity, bitches.
It doesn't really live up to the height of School Days though.
See School Days is over in 12 episodes. It's also old so you can rush though it within a day if you so wish (though it is much better to savour it over a longer period of time).

Attack of Titan on the other hand traps them with a promising premise but by the time they realise they were conned they are stuck needing to know how the story continues. Also they have to watch it on a weekly basis so it will not be over for them as quickly as they hope. Stuck in this hellhole the only way for them to make it bearable is to trap others. Their only goals in life now are to finish AoT and to trick others into joining their tortured society.


Uchouten Kazoku 11

Allow me to join the throng proclaiming Kaisei's awesomeness. She's pretty amazing. <3

I like how it seems
the task of saving the family is ultimately coming down to little Yashirou. He's a sweet kid, and it's about time he got his chance to properly stand up to those nasty Ebisugawa brothers who keep picking on him. Go plucky little tanuki go!
I do wonder
when Yajirou is going to climb out of that damn well of his and actually come to his family's aid, though. He can't stay in there forever!

I slightly facepalmed at
just how easily Yasaburou fell into the Ebisugawa brothers' trap, although to be fair, transforming into the Professor to lure him in was uncharacteristically clever of them, and I can see how he might not have expected such sneaky trickery from those two. I guess even they can come up with something resembling a competent plan if they spend a whole year thinking it up.


Why I havent seen this yet feels like a mistake.

Like in Strawberry Panic? Perfect example of this.

Yes exactly like that. And if you haven't seen Strike Witches yet then you've made a huge mistake! Correct this injustice immediately!

Love Lab 6

BOYS?! I don't like where this is headed... But at least that new girl Momo is hot.
Hunter x Hunter 96

It's honestly a bit tough for me to root for the troupe after the special chapters.

That being said, there was some sweet-ass animation as always.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Uchouten Kazoku 11

I like how it seems
the task of saving the family is ultimately coming down to little Yashirou. He's a sweet kid, and it's about time he got his chance to properly stand up to those nasty Ebisugawa brothers who keep picking on him. Go plucky little tanuki go!
I do wonder
when Yajirou is going to climb out of that damn well of his and actually come to his family's aid, though. He can't stay in there forever!
The answers to some of these questions lie in the PV.


Free! - 9

This show did what Tamako Market couldn't do: find its rhythm, a framing and a purposeful direction of plot events. Because of this, the show has gotten its spirit and identity, and I'm finding it more and more enjoyable to watch. I'm really involved with the swimming club members.

What a difference with the first episodes.
Ironically episode 9 of tamako was one of their best by far. Around when the show picked up for me alongside choi's story starting to pick up. The dad's story there alone could hold up as a short film.
Teekyuu 18-23
Just marathoned these episodes. Just felt like was just filled a ton of useless information. If college lectures were like this, i don't think I would need to take notes.
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