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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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Now that I've seen the very best of Gundam series, I feel no motivation to finish Victory Gundam. Like at all.

Why couldn't that show suck less?


rozen maiden - 09

The doll stuff is just so silly and the bits of humor - which I like - makes them feel even sillier. Kirakishou's entrance was fantastic though - a tangle of spidery vines unleashed at last in a bloom, it was a nice cap to all its slow, creeping intimations through the show.


Reinforcements, desu.


Attack on Titan 23

That was pretty good. I actually liked the added scene; it wasn't subtle, but I thought it did a better job of developing Annie's character than the similar scene in the manga, where she just had a casual conversation with Marlowe.
The laugh and parkour chef were pretty silly Araki embellishments, though. Annie's smile in the manga was more effective, especially with how similar it looked to the female titan's smile. That parallel was lost with the laugh.
Persona 4 had twice the episode length and also fairly good source material and it's barely watchable. I just can't imagine it's worse than Danganronpa.

My opinion might not hold nearly as much weight compared to someone like you and others who have actually played the game.

But coming from someone who has been incapable of doing so, watching the anime adaption of Persona 4 was really quite enjoyable.


Subete no aware

[slow clap] You did it again, SatoJun. You did it again. [/slow clap]

You know, I hope Yoshida wrote this episode, if only because it is basically a "reverse-K-ON!!". That's not to say the whole sempai thing hasn't been done before - even Pet Girl did it - but this all just feels natural and not very gimmicky.
Probably only the upcoming HidaSketch OVA thing will top this, but only because we've had so much more time with Hiro and Sae.

Anyhow, I hope he has another season planned. One more year of high school means they can do another season that opens up again.


DBZ: Battle of Gods

That was ok I guess. There were some nice portions of animation, and it was cool to see new DBZ again, but I had a lot of issues with the movie. The humor was mostly pretty good, however it largely dominated the movie. It felt a bit like DragonBall in that regard however I don't think they struck a very good balance considering this is a movie. It's nice that they went in that direction but it did nothing to build up the villain or the fights. As I mentioned there was some good animation, but it was often overshadowed by a bunch of pretty poor cgi that ruined a lot of the latter portions of the film for me.
The God transformation
is probably one of the laziest and ugliest things I've seen in some time. I mean not only did they put zero effort into it, they proceeded to surround the character in a pretty bad cg flame effect to boot. The overarching story kind of falls flat and often the writing doesn't make a whole lot of sense,
power levels are all over the place, SSJ3 Goku jobs to the bad guy in two hits, then it appears that Vegeta is stronger than Goku even though he is in a weaker form, Goku inexplicably loses his God form yet is still able to fight at that level because he "remembers how it felt". Goku inexplicably absorbs the final attack???
I did enjoy the ending though, and it leaves it wide open for further installments given the comments and events at the end of the movie.


Subete no aware
My opinion might not hold nearly as much weight compared to someone like you and others who have actually played the game.

But coming from someone who has been incapable of doing so, watching the anime adaption of Persona 4 was really quite enjoyable.

Maybe that's it. If you don't know the game, the anime is fine? I dunno. lol
(It doesn't explain why DeSu2 was terrible to me though!)
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You 01


I wonder when did they redesign the mansion to go from your normal mansion to one with a bunch of stone fountains everywhere.

So I guess this is an original story which is good since I'm not completely following considering there are like maybe three girls that look almost a like, unless that's the whole point.

Uh, more gags, more loli kidnappings, more singing, I guess it was all right.
Doki Doki Precure 32

With Bel taking over command with our fodder commanders out of the way, he makes Mammo and Ira his bitches by giving them rings.

Speaking of taking over, Mana collapsed right after someone said he wouldn't be surprised if she collapsed. But she's super human and goes to the fair anyway (although they had to force her down in the process with the power of Alice), but a bit before that, they compared her to the Happy Prince, so Aguri like a curious little kid decides to read the book. The ending apparently scared her to the point of making everyone look like pussies for over relying on her, And boy did she beast them.

but hey, She didn't have to do much afterwards and Ace gained a new attack to blind everyone, and Doki Doki seems to be breaking the trend of decreased public awareness now, but then again, Smile was the absolute low point of public awareness for them.
The only thing really original that came out of the P4 anime is that the non-party characters actually interacted with the rest of the cast and the one Nanako episode. Otherwise, it was a jokey adaptation that somehow both purposefully and inadvertently shat on the source material.

I suppose it's not fair because P4 is probably one of my favourite games of all time and whatever, but what can ya do. :p

There's more to it than that. What about the whole
illusion when fighting the baby? I thought that was a nice touch and even tried to deconstruct the silent protagonist a bit.
Then there was the true end stuff with
Yu's shadow.
Great additions imo.

And it's one of my favorite games too, yet I thought the anime was fine.
Up to episode 4 of Flowers of Evil and MAN this is some brilliant psychological suspense so far.

I'm really enjoying it. It's nerve-wracking, but I'm enjoying it.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm not really sure they're comparable in any meaningful way.
I was referring to [thread=678541]this thread[/thread]. The amount of recommendations it is getting is unhealthy.

You guys are really not making me want to try Attack on Titan.
To be frank I don't actually dislike the show, I just ended up forgetting to watch it every week in favour of a lot of better shows. But honestly the way people go on about it one can only conclude it's the only show they've ever seen.


Subete no aware
There's more to it than that. What about the whole
illusion when fighting the baby? I thought that was a nice touch and even tried to deconstruct the silent protagonist a bit.
Then there was the true end stuff with
Yu's shadow.
Great additions imo.

And it's one of my favorite games too, yet I thought the anime was fine.

I don't remember that first part. After all this time, all I can remember is just how lazy the whole thing ended up being.

Hell, selling the ending as an OVA (for Japanese fans anyway) is just the cherry on top of the "fuck you" cake.

It could have been just plain shit.
Or perhaps you wouldn't like the game either.
I wonder, since the game is apparently full animu anyway. lol

P4 anime was fine for me, the other one can't bring it to watch more than 1 eps tho. I don't even play DR yet.
For me, it's watchable. Nothing more, but nothing less. I mean, unless the whole bear thing is being overplayed or something, I assume it doesn't trod all over the source material.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The Rose of Versailles 01+02
oh god, everything is sparkling. or shimmering. or lens flaring. austria >>>>france, no wonder antoinette is trying to book it.


Why I havent seen this yet feels like a mistake.
It definitely feels like a mistake and you should correct it ASAP.

Not as much as he ought to.

Theonik's made it his greatest character trait!
That's probably one area Tomino should be left unrestrained. He probbaly wanted to do a LOT more awful things to them if studios let him have his way.
Also damn straight!

Barkhorn is the best Strike Witch. So that scene pleased me too.
I don't know about best witch but she's great! They are all great in their own way.

Strike Witches S1
Overall, it was an okay show. The battle scenes were decent. The final battle was pretty cool, but the story was predictable and the fanservice is still weird. That last cliffhanger was interesting though. I still think Lynne is the best followed by Shirley and then Lucchini.

Now I think I'll work on finishing Nichijou before I finish this series
Good man. Both for Strike Witches and Nichijou.

The Rose of Versailles 01+02
oh god, everything is sparkling. or shimmering. or lens flaring. austria >>>>france, no wonder antoinette is trying to book it.
Sword Art Online 1-5

Considering all the bad shit I've heard about the series, I don't hate it. It's actually pretty good. But then, I haven't gotten to the second half yet.


Sword Art Online 1-5

Considering all the bad shit I've heard about the series, I don't hate it. It's actually pretty good. But then, I haven't gotten to the second half yet.

Join us weekly in toonamigaf as we have seizures over how bad it is! I think we're only just past episode 6.

Also if you don't hate it now what's wrong with you


Join us weekly in toonamigaf as we have seizures over how bad it is! I think we're only just past episode 6.

Also if you don't hate it now what's wrong with you

Not hating SAO is perfectly acceptable. Doubly so at this early stage before all the things that really get people up in arms (
sympathising with mass-murderers, incestuous themes, turning the strong female lead into a damsel in distress and molesting her with tentacles


Yeah, true. I have a low tolerance level for fanfiction insert protagonists though.

I'm also struggling to determine if the needless ass shots in the first murder mystery is better or worse than the way Kirito treated Lisbeth throughout her entire episode


Teekyuu 23


Another fine addition to the anything but Tennis club.

Yami Shibai 11

First leper midgets and now albino giants, Japan truly is a nation of Xenophobes. :(


Join us weekly in toonamigaf as we have seizures over how bad it is! I think we're only just past episode 6.

Also if you don't hate it now what's wrong with you

They thought we would like the show, they were wrong, now they watch the watchers.


Love Lab 11


This show's really starting to feel like a bunch of gags loosely strung together, not that I mind as it's still entertaining. I just don't see how they're gonna be able to end this on a satisfactory note.

If anything this episode did teach us the importance of mandatory coed schooling.


Dog Days 7

Another show I want to get back to. As usual, it's remarkably pleasant. Looks like more war games coming up and it's hilarious the great bet for each others revered weapons is only for 60 days.

Why isnt this licensed yet? Sentai licenses everything but they couldnt license this masterpiece?

It definitely feels like a mistake and you should correct it ASAP.

That's probably one area Tomino should be left unrestrained. He probbaly wanted to do a LOT more awful things to them if studios let him have his way.
Also damn straight!

I don't know about best witch but she's great! They are all great in their own way.

Good man. Both for Strike Witches and Nichijou.


I will get to it no worries!


Occasionally lurk here, don't have much to say usually but ....
i saw a listing on anime-on-line.com for "10 Disc Bundle - Pot Luck Assortment (Maybe 18) DVD"
they promise over 16 hours of (unboxed) random anime for the low low price of £4.99 inc postage.
how could i resist? how bad can these dvds be???

so I hereby pledge that i will watch all 16+ hours of whatever dregs they send me and tell you how bad it was. for science.


Occasionally lurk here, don't have much to say usually but ....
i saw a listing on anime-on-line.com for "10 Disc Bundle - Pot Luck Assortment (Maybe 18) DVD"
they promise over 16 hours of (unboxed) random anime for the low low price of £4.99 inc postage.
how could i resist? how bad can these dvds be???

so I hereby pledge that i will watch all 16+ hours of whatever dregs they send me and tell you how bad it was. for science.

This will be interesting..


Occasionally lurk here, don't have much to say usually but ....
i saw a listing on anime-on-line.com for "10 Disc Bundle - Pot Luck Assortment (Maybe 18) DVD"
they promise over 16 hours of (unboxed) random anime for the low low price of £4.99 inc postage.
how could i resist? how bad can these dvds be???

so I hereby pledge that i will watch all 16+ hours of whatever dregs they send me and tell you how bad it was. for science.

Oh man

oh man

oh man
HIgh school Dxd New - 11

Plenty of good stuff in this episode ..
And plenty of bad stuff.


Yeah Vali !!

The good stuff :
-Some explanations on the why the 3 powers are this way , more informations about god system.
-The new stuff with irina & xenovia & asia ( they are bridging events for the birth of the church trio. )
Fake Leviathan
Vs azazel. I'm very disapointed that sera isn't fighting ( she was supposed to fight , but they don't have enough time to adapt that it seems ).
-First appearance of Ophis snakes ( loving the effect )
-Vali transformation ( it's awesome )

The bad stuff :
-i really don't mind the changes from the books but for godness sake , give me an explanation better than that !
Yes advanced people can defend against forbidden valor view but kiba , xenovia & irina are not advanced people ( yet ) they shouldn't be able to defend , same with koneko .. why is she moving ? ( she shouldn't be able to ). Since when holy sword protect from gasper hability , it's a broken hability ... that's why it was sealed.
They did all those changes to give more screen time to the cast but i wish they would have just followed the book.
-It's ending next week. Are they just gonna rush the final fight of this arc ?I want my hot blooded battle.Why didn't they do a 13 ep adaptation?
The P4 anime was actually an interesting take on the source material, with certain concepts expanded on and stuff.

Danganronpa is essentially a straight adaptation with assets lifted straight from the game and stuff cut out. It's the laziest anime adaptation I can think of.

Googling for videos, I saw that the first court case in Dangan Ronpa can take like a solid hour to complete in-game. There was a lot of stuff discussed in the case that just wasn't really needed. Lazy adaption maybe, but they didn't lose too much from cutting out some of the court case business as far as I can tell. I haven't seen any wildly illogical conclusions.

At worst we lost a lot of characterization. Meh.
Googling for videos, I saw that the first court case in Dangan Ronpa can take like a solid hour to complete in-game. There was a lot of stuff discussed in the case that just wasn't really needed. Lazy adaption maybe, but they didn't lose too much from cutting out some of the court case business as far as I can tell. I haven't seen any wildly illogical conclusions.

At worst we lost a lot of characterization. Meh.

when your appeal is your characters , losing lot of characterisation hurts ... a LOT


Neon Genesis Evangelion - 12 (rewatch)


Aside the sakuga stuff, this shot looked so frigging cool.

Man.. everything clicked much more to me in this rewatch, I seriously adore the character and all well made stuff.. I don't feel this way when I watch it years ago. I love the exchange between them, talking about motivation and such.. The scene with Shinji say he happy his father praise him just made me got all kind of feels, knowing things to come.. the last stretch would be brutal for me :(

Joe Molotov

Occasionally lurk here, don't have much to say usually but ....
i saw a listing on anime-on-line.com for "10 Disc Bundle - Pot Luck Assortment (Maybe 18) DVD"
they promise over 16 hours of (unboxed) random anime for the low low price of £4.99 inc postage.
how could i resist? how bad can these dvds be???

so I hereby pledge that i will watch all 16+ hours of whatever dregs they send me and tell you how bad it was. for science.

If it's anything like the DVD grab bag I got from RightStuf a while back, it's probably gonna be a lot of Vol. 2 and 3's of nondescript, mid-2000's anime.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 5: Yes, I think this episode more then any other thus far really showcases the layers and depth that this series is capable of. Indeed it is nothing short of magnificent the way it turns a local rebellion headed by a reject from the Roman Empire and turns every move, every step into a game of eleven dimensional hyper chess among at least three or four very powerful factions. Indeed these are the high political machinations that even the likes of Game of Thrones would have a hard time pull off with clarity. and indeed I do see why this is considered to be the secret best anime series ever produced.


Yes! Pretty Cure 5: 13

Ah, character building episodes.... looks like I'm getting into those now, given this episode and the next one's preview... Not complaining, though. Character development is good.
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