Man, I knew fruit was expensive in Japan, but Jesus!
Honestly, I feel like this one image sums up the entire series, the entire franchise, and almost everything that SatoJun does well. Of course, I can also understand why some people might be tired of the same gimmick over and over again, but I love it. It's a nice quiet optimism born out of just being alive that I appreciate. I probably can't be as positive as a SatoJun character, but it's nice to see that someone doesn't think the world is destroying itself. lol
Indeed. I hope there's a final season in a couple of years. Seeing them graduate is, of course, the obvious and perfect place to end the series.
I only wish this show was licensed. Maybe Nozomi will pick it up a few years from now, assuming Aria did reasonably well for them.
Oh yeah, given that SatoJun did One Off, I'm surprised he had to use a fake Honda logo. At least it looks like it says "Bonda" to me. lol
a 60 dollar cantaloupe?