Didn't Recently My Sister is Unusual get made into a live action show? Wonder if there's anywhere to watch that.
Hunter x Hunter 147
I guess the next episode will be the final one. But there's pretty much only one thing left to do unless they want to make the anime viewers suffer as much as the manga readers and introduce the new arc and then end!
Happiness Charge!! Precure - 32
Wow this week episode looked really great, especially the art model, its quite noticeable in color and shading.. anyone can tell noticeable talent that work on this eps?
Watch Strike Witches and I will tell you.Hi, new to this thread. Are watchbets just two people trading anime to watch?
Someone needs to make a watchbet with me one of these days in order to save everyone's faith in them. The only problem is almost everyone here has probably seen all the great shows I've seen.
Here's the thing with Fairy Tail. This show was once my favourite anime of all time.
Now keep in mind, that was before I watched Geass, Madoka, Nanoha, TTGL, Hunter X Hunter, Baccano!, Kino's Journey, Eureka 7, and G Gundam!
One of the major reasons why I liked it so much was because of how lighthearted and fun it was. The first season (48 episodes) is all right, I guess. If you can stand one of the first instances of the Hiro Mashima backpedal.
Starting from the second season is where things start to go downhill for most people. The arcs begin to last a lot longer, and Mashima continues to do his usual shtick almost every time with each one of them.
Whenever you think that the show will take a really dark turn with a lot of foreshadowing, just before it makes the full turn it hits the brakes and goes the other way. So I can easily see why many people weren't fond of this show.
I don't recommend this show to people as much as I did in the past, now that I can see the flaws it has more clearly. But like I said, I'm a fan of when it is lighthearted and funny, so I can't bring myself to hate it. And the soundtracks that plays during the big action moments are really really badass. Every now and then I STILL like to listen to that show's OST.
All in all, this isn't a great show, but it still holds a special place in my heart for getting me back into anime. Just be prepared for its flaws.
Nintendoman and me have set up a watchbet now.
Gundam AGE.
...Okay okay. I'm actually watching Steins; Gate for him to watch TTGL. Will begin after I finish Strike Witches and War in the Pocket.
School Days 05
Ah the emotional torment that our twisted social norms hurl upon the young ones. Thankfully Makoto refuses to be yet another brick in the wall and proceeds to break away from the stale trappings of our decrepit civilisation. What an inspirational show.
Also, boobs. Lots and lots of them
I wanted Mike to watch SAO and he gave me shows I had never heard of. I accepted without researching either.
Having seen both of these this is a good trade. Hey Mike, remember when we traded good shows?... I don't.
It takes me a month to finish a 1 cour. Maybe it's because I need to savour these horrible shows be dragging them out as long as possible.
Just finished first season of Fate/Zero.
I expect a lot of deaths now in this second season.
Is the Order a Rabbit? 12
And the service ends with people getting interviewed and people getting sick.
It's a cute show, but it's not really that funny. I watch these for the comedy and only episode 7 was any funny. The rest of the episodes ranged from slightly amusing to boring.
What else is there then? The characters. The only slightly interesting character was Chino, but there's a similar characters in both good shows (like Non Non Biyori) and less good shows (like No Game, No Life) I've seen. Sharo seems to have a slight lisp sometimes, but other than that there's nothing really special here.
It looks ok at least. Reminds me a lot of Kiniro Mosaic, another Manga Time Kirara Max show that's much better. Same with the OP and ED, similar to what they did with Kiniro Mosaic. So I guess I'm saying that I recommend watching Kiniro Mosaic or wait for S2 of that instead of watching this one
Pretty boring and no characters I can say I like, so 1.5/5 rabbits:
Engaged to the Unidentified 01
Kobeni just turned 16 and already got an arranged marriage waiting, eh?
And both the fiancé and his little sister moves in as well. Doesn't help that Kobeni's older sister seems to be a pervert who likes younger girls either![]()
Mushishi 1-13
GAF I have a problem.
well let's thanks about the show first. obvious comparison will be with Kino Journey. basically both of them exploring "the world" while try to find interesting person/place that reflect with IRL issue.
Kino dealing with world idea/philosophy while Mushishi deal with human personality and emotion.
on plus side. Mushishi is beautiful series full different people and thing. there is nothing glaringly bad about the direction
Yet I cannot get my self excited when I am watching this anime. I really enjoy Kino Journey since it explore many interesting idea that seem good in first place but at same time harsh reality of the idea. While Mushishi idea seem explore stuff that already been explore by other anime like "moving on" and "sacrifice one for benefit of many". Eventhought Mushishi usually handle it better than other anime. It didn't really offer anything new to the theme. Also while Kino story can sometimes have interesting twist. Mushishi story is largely predictable which make it less interesting for me.
I dont know. Did I watch it i wrong way or Mushishi simply is not my taste.or I am simply horrible human being
I will certainly finished it. thought I hold it for now
Hi, new to this thread. Are watchbets just two people trading anime to watch?
Hunter x Hunter 147
I guess the next episode will be the final one. But there's pretty much only one thing left to do unless they want to make the anime viewers suffer as much as the manga readers and introduce the new arc and then end!
Dog Days: 04
Look at that treatment of that prisoner of war! How adorable!
Golden Time
ntr galore
Golden Time 5
... what the hell? haha.
Watch Strike Witches and I will tell you.
It was directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi of Casshern Sins fame.
Hi, new to this thread. Are watchbets just two people trading anime to watch?
But I already have.
Mushishi 1-13
GAF I have a problem.
I dont know. Did I watch it i wrong way or Mushishi simply is not my taste.or I am simply horrible human being
I will certainly finished it. thought I hold it for now
This is unfortunate but I kind of agree. Like shows like Tamako Market, it was adorable and I LOVE the art style but it ultimately didnt go anywhere. It is the epitome of a slice of life show, literally being a simple slice of the lives of these girls and that little cafe, where life might be a little bit too slow for anything particularly exciting to happen. but as a bit of feel good cuteness to relax and watch, it served its purpose and made me squee.
There is a definite place for stuff like this in anime, but an over indulgence of it might turn some off of anime a lot.
They're more like blood pacts were both parties agree to suffer in tribute to our lord and savior Makoto Itou.
But yes, they can be that too.
Tamako Market was actually funny though. Only close thing I've seen is GJ-bu, but that had Kirara and spinning maids at least, even if I didn't like much of the rest.
Season 2 and the Movie?But I already have.
Trading shows to watch implies a certain level of friendliness where as the watchbets 'appear' to be so named because the 'bet' aspect of the exchange is more to see if you can suffer through the garbage you've been forced to watch!
Watch From the New world!
Season 2 and the Movie?
Sounds perfect.
But I already have.
Of course.Erica best girl.
It might help if you provided a MAL or similar listmabob so we canOf course.Erica best girl.
Of course.Erica best girl.
Someone needs to make a watchbet with me one of these days in order to save everyone's faith in them. The only problem is almost everyone here has probably seen all the great shows I've seen.![]()
Have you watched/read Log Horizon?
I'll likely start doing watch bets at some point once I finish analyzing people and figuring out who to avoid for such things![]()
He won't even watch S2 for Lynne, what a terrible husbando.You're good, unlike that Narag guy.
Mushishi > Kino's Journey.
I'd say we put a box arriving at the hunter headquarters tittled " chairman heritance" and then you cut .It's the true HxH experience!
I was thinking about that the other day, how trolly would be to put something in the last two minutes about the new Arc, and the end.
It isn't licensed in france either... i don't know why If we can't get it , i don't think you guys can.Why isnt this show licensed in the US? It would be so much easier to get. I think the japanese version is actually subbed somehow in english but I havent gotten around to tracking it down to buy it. It deserves a local release though!
GAF actaully has Twitter tags. Thing is, it caused such a strain on a page it was disabled about 30 minutes after it was implemented so all it does now is provide a link e.g.:We need to ask Evilore for Twitter integration.
You're good, unlike that Narag guy.
He won't even watch S2 for Lynne, what a terrible husbando.
Busy pretending to watch real movies and One Piece.I'm busy!
Trading shows to watch implies a certain level of friendliness where as the watchbets 'appear' to be so named because the 'bet' aspect of the exchange is more to see if you can suffer through the garbage you've been forced to watch!
I'd say we put a box arriving at the hunter headquarters tittled " chairman heritance" and then you cut .
that would be so much despair...
Sorry , currently playing danganronpa2 , i can only see things with despair and hope ATM.
It isn't licensed in france either... i don't know why If we can't get it , i don't think you guys can.
And i don't know why nobody picked this for licensing.
Looking at this situation put me in such despair.....
watchbets are a blood covenant which if you ever decide to break will see you endlessly harassed from one corner of the net to another for your lack of moral constitution. They are a sacred deathmatch in which two people, ostensibly on good terms, attempt to ruin one another's lives by inflicting the worst possible examples of japanese media upon one another that they can.
Usually that means making someone watch KEY anime.
They are the ritual, human sacrifices of this our Aztec Empire. When, hundreds of years from now, our civilization has been laid to waste historians will point to watchbets as the justification for our extermination.
Trust no one who invites you to one, young junior. Shun every single opportunity you are afforded to accept one. Invent excuses. Lie. Tell them it is against your religion. Borrow money from strangers to defend yourself, start a kickstarter to get help keeping you watchbet free. Seek help from fire fighters, policemen, community leaders and gambling addiction experts to prevent you from ever developing a watchbet problem.
And God help you if you do.
I offered to watchbet you something good like Mushishi and was ignored!Trust no one who invites you to one, young junior. Shun every single opportunity you are afforded to accept one. Invent excuses. Lie. Tell them it is against your religion. Borrow money from strangers to defend yourself, start a kickstarter to get help keeping you watchbet free. Seek help from fire fighters, policemen, community leaders and gambling addiction experts to prevent you from ever developing a watchbet problem.
Why isnt this show licensed in the US? It would be so much easier to get. I think the japanese version is actually subbed somehow in english but I havent gotten around to tracking it down to buy it. It deserves a local release though!