This reminds me of a friend telling me that eating stuff which has fallen on the floor is good for building up the body's defenses against germs and makes him a stronger person or something.
I think you're overestimating how sensitive kids are to war. To a lot of kids my age (10-11) when 9/11 happened, it was just something "really bad" according to the news/our parents, and we got some days off out of it.
Al was an annoying little prick, but only in that way oblivious 11 year olds can be.
The bad anime only made me a more discerning viewer and let me appreciate it more!
This is the worst thing anyone has ever done.
So status update on Deadman does it gt bad...HEY HERE'S THIS COOL SORTA UNIQUE that youve got a taste lets spend literally the rest of the show in the basement
Sword Art Online II - 8
This is the worst thing anyone has ever done.
No, I think someone continuing to watch something like Sword Art Online over good shows like Mushishi is worse.
The Iron Giant
Why in the fuck did I wait fifteen years to watch this??
Lol. You were warned to stop watching it! It's really trashy and there's nothing particularly good about it outside but being an interesting premise which gets shat on. Go watch something like Fate/Zero on Netflix instead. Better use of your time, lol.
Watching the first this R rated Harry Potter?
Sword Art Online II - 8
That was a really unconvincing portrayal of top tier tournament players. I mean, dudes casually walking out in the open with snipers around? Setting up prone with no cover on any side?
Also, this show really doesn't understand the difference between scary and goofy.
The first episode does not represent the quality of the series as a whole. In fact, it is probably the weakest episode.
Is there any news of a One Pucnh Man anime? Iget the feeling the dub for that wouldbe hilarious. Too bad Ben Stein isnt 40 years younger.
No anime, just a live action drama from Taiwan.
Sword Art Online II - 8
That was a really unconvincing portrayal of top tier tournament players. I mean, dudes casually walking out in the open with snipers around? Setting up prone with no cover on any side?
Also, this show really doesn't understand the difference between scary and goofy.
Best use of CG I've ever seen.
Wat..... Its literally the only manga Ive ever read.... loved the concept and the main character, would make a grat anime.
The appeal of One Punch Man largely lies in Murata's lush, detailed art, qualities which could not survive the transition to anime where detail needs to be sacrificed for motion's sake.
ONE's "unique" art style fits it better tho. no reason an anime couldnt just base it off of that insteadThe appeal of One Punch Man largely lies in Murata's lush, detailed art, qualities which could not survive the transition to anime where detail needs to be sacrificed for motion's sake.
Bullshit. The first episode rocks. I fought all the haters then, and I'll fight all the haters now. While walking in a circle around all of you!
Might be the best thing Brad Bird has done.
I'm going to side with Duckroll here. It's a whole lot of talking and exposition, but I loved it! That summoning scene at the end was especially great; it got me all excited to watch the next episode. It did its job well, I thought.
This reminds me of a friend telling me that eating stuff which has fallen on the floor is good for building up the body's defenses against germs and makes him a stronger person or something.
My friend used to do this elementary school
Dude was constantly getting sick
#teamcgberserker 4eva
Best use of CG I've ever seen.
Onii-sama 24
Lol only onii-sama can. This show is the reason freedom exists.disintegrate bullets in his hand, then proceed to fight various opponents with weapons with his hand as a sword, which proceeds to cuts them like butter as the blood splatters everywhere
quite the ntr fest indeed. the twists are ... whatever right now. and everyone in this show is stupid or a masochist.
Some time ago I posted about the huge corrections Wizard Barristers ep6 got on BD, but ep5 had a ton of corrections too. For an episode without any actual action, they seem to have put just as much effort into fixing it up as much as possible. I guess that 3 month delay was worth it?
Completely redrawn mob characters:
Completely redrawn side character and background:
Completely reanimated scene:
TV -
BD -
Completely reanimated dance at the end:
TV -
BD -
There are a gazillion corrections throughout the episode too, but those are probably the most interesting ones. The dance correction at the end is probably the single most impressive change so far in terms of overall quality and effort.
I think you're overestimating how sensitive kids are to war. To a lot of kids my age (10-11) when 9/11 happened, it was just something "really bad" according to the news/our parents, and we got some days off out of it.
Al was an annoying little prick, but only in that way oblivious 11 year olds can be.
Bad anime just made me stronger, a better viewer. This is why I'll make my children watch Infinite Stratos too.
My friend used to do this elementary school
Dude was constantly getting sick
If you're talking about all CGI ever, that's one of the craziest things I've ever read.
Onii-sama 24
Lol only onii-sama can. This show is the reason freedom exists.disintegrate bullets in his hand, then proceed to fight various opponents with weapons with his hand as a sword, which proceeds to cuts them like butter as the blood splatters everywhere
Is there any news of a One Pucnh Man anime? Iget the feeling the dub for that wouldbe hilarious. Too bad Ben Stein isnt 40 years younger.
You may watch Strike Witches to redeem yourselves.
Actually the BG is untouched, they only changed the objects on the foreground layer.Completely redrawn side character and background:
Don't know. I could have told you to watch it earlier!The Iron Giant
Why in the fuck did I wait fifteen years to watch this??
Yes.Sounds like I'm missing out?
He's right. Probably.This reminds me of a friend telling me that eating stuff which has fallen on the floor is good for building up the body's defenses against germs and makes him a stronger person or something.
Pretty great. I know that not everyone here like Sakura and Nozaki and consider them the most boring 'couple' in the show, but their dynamic entertains me more than enough. It was great.