Elfen Lied was one of my firsts and that was an awful show.
Pffft. Yuno is love.
Elfen Lied was one of my firsts and that was an awful show.
The first two anime series I recall watching are the Vision of Esclaflowne and Sailor Moon.
Esclaflowne is still an great classic but I haven't seen Sailor Moon in years.
Every time I see Zach I'm reminded how much I want to watch Aikatsu! then I remember "oh yeah 150+ episodes..."
Sölf;179838523 said:When did you start to "seriously" watch anime? :0
I see your passive-aggressive bullying a mile away.You could watch 12 eps in the time it takes you to watch one Browns game.
I see your passive-aggressive bullying a mile away.
How 'bout them Colts?
You could watch 12 eps in the time it takes you to watch one Browns game.
I see your passive-aggressive bullying a mile away.
How 'bout them Colts?
Sölf;179838523 said:That aside, do you guys remember when you got into season watching?
When did you start to "seriously" watch anime? :0
2 games in and you've already thrown in the towel. Pity, I was hoping to bullying you more.I'm a fan of the game with no strong allegiance to any non-Tebow team.
I watched the first like 4-5. Might finish it one day.Except watching Browns games slow down the course of time and could probably fit that 150 episode series in there. ;p
Wow rude!
Watch Rokka, Slice!
The pink hair guy in Mawaru Penguindrum had an excellent voice, his catch phrase "Electrifying isn't it?" (Shibireru ne) was stuck in my head for a while.
It turned into a meme in a WhatsApp group I'm in![]()
2 games in and you've already thrown in the towel. Pity, I was hoping to bullying you more.
I watched the first like 4-5. Might finish it one day.
Someone watched Green Green as his or her first show? 😂😂😂😂😂
Well you should, The ride was a good one!
I just need to know what to start now. I've been enjoying My Love Story! Only anime I've broken my wait to watch all the eps rule for. Any good summer shows that ended that I can binge ala Rokka?
Sölf;179844739 said:
Holy shit. Someone else other than me watched this show? I literally thought I was the only one. This show was an absolute atrocity. Bear rape. The girl's quirk being she fucking had a cactus. Oh my god. How did I watch all 12 episodes?
And yet somehow it has one of the best OP songs of all time and I'm not sure how that is even possible.
I started seriously watching anime when I moved to Canada. That happened in October of 2008. Shortly after that, after enrolling in school and whatnot, I heard about some show called Soul Eater that was supposed to be cool. Been watching seasonal anime since then. So 7 years for me in a month.Sölf;179838523 said:It doesn't really help that it seems like there is not a single show where most people say "watch that first". xD
I will definitly watch all of them sometime (I have no idea how many years I already have Ef and I still haven't seen it), I just can't decide for what first.
That aside, do you guys remember when you got into season watching? Everyone here has probably watched anime for years and years, but for example I only started to watch more than 1-2 shows from each season (if I even watched shows from a season) since the Winter 13/14 season (where I watched like... 15 shows at the same time, but tried out even more). I came to our weekly stream 1 season earlier, where we watched Kill La Kill, Noucome and Sekai de Ichiban (and the first episode of another show each week).
When did you start to "seriously" watch anime? :0
Well technically it ends tomorrow, but you should go watch Shokugeki no Soma![]()
Cool, just added to my queue. ;D Plus, I like the name Soma, one of my favorite Castlevania characters. ;p
I don't know. Are you Team Yakumo or Team Eri?Sölf;179846893 said:Well, sort of first. As said, I am not completely sure what my first was when I started to watch anime on youtube and actively search for stuff, but these two were one of the first I watched. At least I found out about School Rumble soon after. Does that redeem me?
I don't know. Are you Team Yakumo or Team Eri?
Plenty of people have watched Green Green.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HA HA HA HA
Holy shit. Someone else other than me watched this show? I literally thought I was the only one. This show was an absolute atrocity. Bear rape. The girl's quirk being she fucking had a cactus. Oh my god. How did I watch all 12 episodes?
You are good people.Sölf;179848627 said:Huh, the real test, eh?
Team Eri. But Yakumo is definitly a close second. I would have been fine either way.
Plenty of people have watched Green Green.
We just went into therapy to have the memory of watching it blocked from our minds.
Green Green isn't that awful. It's just... really nonsensical. Anime (adjective), basically.
Everyone's first anime was Bible Black. That's the real facts. If they say otherwise they are lying.
Except for me. Mine was Mumintroll.
Have you by any chance watched Akikan? Or Kämpfer?Sölf;179849689 said:I am not sure. I mean, I enjoyed it back then, but I haven't seen any of those harem shows before. And looking back, god I think it is just bad compared to newer ones - and I basically don't even watch newer ones anymore because they mostly feel the same.
The other thing is the Cosprayers thing. That's definitly, err, "an experience".
Have you by any chance watched Akikan? Or Kämpfer?
You know, the more I watch anime, the more I can understand why that series is considered a "gateway series" into anime. If you go in not jaded with no inherent bias' you would probably enjoy it much more. Either way, it was my first and you always think highly of your firsts, right?
You're missing out, breh.Sölf;179850424 said:Nope. Kämpfer aired when I already thought that stuff is too stupid to watch (then again, I might watch it for the lulz nowadays). Akikan I haven't even heard about... xD
Mine was Mumintroll
Not always.
My favorite anime used to be Fairy Tail back in 2012. I thought it was fun, had a great soundtrack, cool characters, etc. I just loved the show and thought it was a legitimately great fantasy shounen back then. This was before I watched Code Geass, TTGL, G Gundam, Madoka Magica, etc.
Nowadays? Not so much. I mean, there's still a genuine soft spot in my heart for the characters, music, and story, and I still read the manga. But the more I look back on the show and the more discussion I read about it, the more apparent its very huge flaws become to me.
We can always have nostalgia for the first shows we watched, but we should watch more anime to get a feel for how much better other shows can be.
Okay, you win this game.Besides the shows that I watched as a kid, the first show that I watched consciously knowing it was anime was Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan.
That was quite an experience at the old age of... 15.
Besides the shows that I watched as a kid, the first show that I watched consciously knowing it was anime was Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan.
That was quite an experience at the old age of... 15.