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Summer Anime 2015 |OT2| !? Love Live is not real!

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Even if you don't like Ninja Slayer, you have to admit the soundtrack is damn good. I really hope a OST with all endings get a release.
Probably won't happen ;__;
Sölf;179863861 said:
You know I am right. You just won't admit it.

And 26 episodes according to MAL, so 2 more weeks.


I'm watching Ninja Slayer too!

...It's better than Kill La Kill.

It's really not, like not at all. I'm not a big fan of Kill la Kill but that show managed to be semi enjoyable most of the time

Sölf;179864053 said:
Even if you don't like Ninja Slayer, you have to admit the soundtrack is damn good. I really hope a OST with all endings get a release.
Probably won't happen ;__;

It's alright, sounds like a budget Hotline Miami soundtrack. The ED being different each episode is cool tho


The villains in G are terrible. The girls are all idiots who enable Dr. Ver because they never realize he is duping them when it's very, very obvious. Not even Sugita can save his character, he sucks. Fine and Carol are better but they aren't that good either

It's not even the Ver stuff although Ver is an atrocious villain. It's things like why did they need to go the terrorism angle in the first place? Why are they fighting the Japanese Disaster Response Squad? Why did they need to trick Ver into believing they had a descendant of Fine?

None of this makes any fucking sense.
It's not even the Ver stuff although Ver is an atrocious villain. It's things like why did they need to go the terrorism angle in the first place? Why are they fighting the Japanese Disaster Response Squad? Why did they need to trick Ver into believing they had a descendant of Fine?

None of this makes any fucking sense.

Fine's plan didn't make any goddamn sense either, probably just a victim of rampant rewriting halfway through


In the end plot consistency is unimportant to Symphogear as long as it has

1. Punching
2. Singing
3. Chris
4. Stupid twists
5. Stupid cliffhangers


I enjoy watching Ninja Slayer every week but it's not something I'll ever watch again. I still can't get over it somehow being a 26 episode series instead of 12/13.
Well technically it ends tomorrow, but you should go watch Shokugeki no Soma :)

Sölf;179848198 said:
Advice: Have something to eat within arms reach when watching Souma. Else you will probably suffer.

So I just watched episode one of Shokugeki, and yeah, the series is ridiculous. lol I enjoyed it though, I'll stick with it.

Oh and I took your advice, Sölf, I watched while eating dinner. ;p
Oh, while I'm here, could anyone tell me what the appeal is of Noragami? I thought it was decent but people seem to really like it. Am I missing something?

Season 1 was solid. Action was great and the concept is interesting.

I also have no idea what else is coming out. Non Non Biyori is done and I have no purpose in life anymore.


Season 1 was solid. Action was great and the concept is interesting.

I also have no idea what else is coming out. Non Non Biyori is done and I have no purpose in life anymore.

i've started rewatching NNB from the first season with subtitles off to convince myself it's for educational purposes (to be fair most of the vocab is fairly comprehensible atm)
Overlord 12


Dammit Demiurge, stop being a dick. Skelebro got this.

Man, we're not gonna see Cocytus do anything in this show are we? He looks super awesome, but we won't get to see anything...

This is the first time we've seen Lord Ains actually struggle...against anything really.

And of course it's all part of his plan.
If I were to give Non Non Biyori a try, would I have to watch the older one and then Repeat, or is Repeat just as advertised, a repetition/re-worked version of the first show?


Hmm, so people were talking about first anime, eh? The earliest one I can remember is Dragon Ball Z. I can't guarantee it was actually my first one because memory of that far back is so fuzzy. It could have been Doraemon, or Digimon, or Sailor Moon, or Speed Racer, who knows. The first one I really liked and made me an anime fan was the original Fullmetal Alchemist.
Funimation also needs to release apps on consoles. I guess when the new Apple TV comes out I can just airplay to mirror the browser to TV.

Edit: NVM there's a PS4 and XBone apps. Need a Wii U one tho.

i've started rewatching NNB from the first season with subtitles off to convince myself it's for educational purposes (to be fair most of the vocab is fairly comprehensible atm)

I guess because most SoL anime don't really have that complicated dialogue, I've been able to follow conversations between characters without having to rely on subs. Maybe follow isn't the best word but I can predict what they will say next in Japanese before they say it or the subs show up. Thinking about taking classes this winter so I can at least hold some basic conversation.

I do love the country accent in NNB. It sounds so good to my ears. I think thats why Hikage was one of my favorite characters this season.

If I were to give Non Non Biyori a try, would I have to watch the older one and then Repeat, or is Repeat just as advertised, a repetition/re-worked version of the first show?

Watch both seasons, S1 first and then Repeat. Repeat isn't a re-worked version, it's just different stories and events that took place in the same year as S1.


Funimation also needs to release apps on consoles. I guess when the new Apple TV comes out I can just airplay to mirror the browser to TV.

I guess because most SoL anime don't really have that complicated dialogue, I've been able to follow conversations between characters without having to rely on subs. Maybe follow isn't the best word but I can predict what they will say next in Japanese before they say it or the subs show up. Thinking about taking classes this winter so I can at least hold some basic conversation.

I do love the country accent in NNB. It sounds so good to my ears. I think thats why Hikage was one of my favorite characters this season.

There is a funimation app on PS3/ps4 and I'm pretty sure Xbox one.
The first anime I ever watched were Superbook and The Flying House, though I didn't know they were anime at the time. It wasn't until years later, after I had become aware of and gotten into anime as its own thing, that I noticed similar character expressions and poses and the connection was made.


Umaru-chan ep.12
Ok, Bomber and Kirai are both pretty dumb to nott connect the dots, lol. Oh well, another fun show bites the dusk with nothing to replace it.


Yeah, they do. I use it when at home, but it doesn't run well on my shitty college internet.

Interestingly, unlike the crunchyroll app, you can remote-play the funimation app on ps4.

If you need that (idk, maybe you are watching with friends and need to take a dump or something)
If that's the standard of what we're going for and just starting with our first anime shot, then mine'd be when my mom taped the 80s Nausicaa dub with Uma Thurman off HBO along with "Flight of Dragons" It known as Warriors of the Wind and literally until I went to college I had no idea it's actual name was Nausicaa. That tape is unwatchable today because I must have watched them both 40 times a week.

From then, I just watched whatever shows came out here until I had a means to access subs; I watched literally anything that was on Sci Fi's Saturday Anime block so it was mostly movies and that's how I fell in love with Project A-ko and Dominion Tank Police and all those super violent bloody 80s anime like 8-Man and Baoh and Demon City Shinjuku and all that stuff. I followed two shows religiously: Sailor Moon and Ronin Warriors. I actually got ostracized from my class for wanting to play Sailor Moon with the other kids as none of the guys watched it and thought it was weird I liked a girly show and all of the girls thought it was creepy I liked it.

Took off from there, though I think the big big introduction of subs and shows was when a kid I knew had been to a comic convention and bought VHS tapes of fansubs of Evangelion. We watched almost all of it when we were 12 and understood exactly none of it but loved it.


Took off from there, though I think the big big introduction of subs and shows was when a kid I knew had been to a comic convention and bought VHS tapes of fansubs of Evangelion. We watched almost all of it when we were 12 and understood exactly none of it but loved it.

That would imply it would be any easier to understand anything in EVA when you get older.


[...] Sailor Moon [...] and thought it was weird I liked a girly show


I'm actually going back and remembering probably the most influential out of the early things I watched:

Dragonball and DBZ, like a lot of people
Golden Boy
Nadia Secret of Blue Water
Miyazaki stuff, Totoro, etc. Totoro was the only one I saw for the longest time (Still have the VHS!) until Spirited Away and then I caught the marathon TCM ran around the time it came out.
Satoshi Kon stuff

I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but this is all 10+ years ago.
If I had to rank the shows I actually watched this summer, not hate watched, I'd probably give just about everything a 7.

Enjoyable, sometimes filling, but not lasting.

Though God Eater production staff deserves a special note for taking a note from the game industry, and trying to release a show before it was finished.

Great job guys.

John Blade


Finishing watching His and Her Circumstances few days ago and I can see why people love this show quite a bit when it was shown in North America for the 1st time. It have a simple but great teen romance comedy storyline with a great character development with almost all the main and secondary characters in the show. Also, the show have a good soundtrack which help make the show more memorable. Unfortunately, issue with the budget (a lack of budget), disagreement with the creator and producer of the idea of where the show should go, and an ending which just stop out of nowhere, give me a bitter taste when I finish watching it. I think the best way is to explain what I think about the show itself.

The main story of His and Her Circumstances is you follow two high school students, Yuniko and Arima in their life. At the beginning of the show, Yuniko and Arima live their life of lies, trying to be a perfect person in the class for different reason. For Yuniko, she love been praised by other people. For Arima, his perfection is to proof to his parent (or stepparent) he is a good boy that have a tarnish birth. After an incident early in the show, they both open up to each other, and this friendship will turn into love. Unfortunately, as with life in teenager, it isn’t easy for them but they will face them head on together knowing the consequence but will do it for their love.

For the most part, the story is a typical high school romance you see in most anime at that time. What make this show tick for me is the character development. Almost all the main and secondary characters in the show have they own backstory which help shape who they’re quite a bit in the show. Even Yukino’s parents have their own backstories in the entire episode which explain them. This is important in this show and any other anime as you want to get to know who you’re following and understanding of why they react the way they’re in the show. As for the leading couple, both have very eccentric type personalities with a two face which hide they own secret. For Yukino, she is fun to watch as you see her stressing out for minor things and also spend so much time trying to be the best in her class just so she can feel like a perfect person. This change quite a bit when she meet Arima. For Arima, he is interesting to see as he have problem which he hide from everyone and even with his step parent and want to be perfect just to proof he isn’t a bad person just because of his dad and what he did in the past. Like Yukino, this change when he meet Yukino.

Another thing I do like the most in this show is the soundtrack. I notice this quite a bit but the music is very enjoyable to listen to when they play it in the show and help set the mood in the anime quite well. Also, it’s still enjoyable to listen to outside of the anime mostly from the piano tunes that is used. As for the dubbing, I watch the entire show in English dub and it sound fine for me. I notice the voice who play Yukino sound like someone from the Pokemon series in the back (thinking of Misty a bit). Also, the voice who play Arima sound like someone who is a bit too layback for this character. Kinda feel a bit odd when he start to speak. As for the rest of the character, it sound fine and match quite well to tell the truth.

With this strength of the show, we will have to go to it’s weakness. One of the weakness I notice literally is the animation. A show that was shown in 1998, it doesn’t look good and you can see where the money didn’t go to when making this show. Not saying it’s bad all the way. The first half of the show, the animation look okay or passable. They use “manga still” technique which added quite a bit of atmosphere in this show and you see this in certain point of the story which add quite a bit of mood of the scene. Unfortunately, the second half of the show is where the animation quality drop like a rock. You notice quite a bit of still images is shown in the episode and less the fluid animation you see in the first half of the series. They did try an interesting style of animation of cardboard cut outs in one episode which move around like a puppet show. I will give them a credit on that as it was interesting to see but did feel odd when watching it as it isn’t the style you expected from this show. The last 5 episodes is where you feel the animator just give up and just draw still all the way with little animation shot. Hell, they use more of the manga still scene but by that time it feel cheap when watching it.

Another issue I have with the show is the, “ Recap” Episodes. In most anime show, they use the recap episode when they need to summarize of what have happened in the show. This is mostly used around the halfway point or later to remind the audience of what have happened in the show. This is fine for me but His and Her Circumstances just literally have so many in it and get worst as you get closer to the ending of the show. It feel like the development of the show have run out of idea so, what we got is literally a full or mini recap episodes which fill the space up. It kinda suck as if they remove almost majority of them from this show, you will have enough space to develop the story a bit more, more character development for certain character which come late (aka: Tonami and Sakura arch), and the bloody ending and this come down to the final issue I have, the lack of ending.

In most anime show, you want to have some sort of a closure for the story and characters in the show. Here, they isn’t one. It kinda end abruptly just went it start to pick up with the student festival. It’s a weird place to end the show. You start to develop more character development with the main and support character and they was an tension with some of them and then just stop. I know they have budget issue and disagreement with the creator of the manga and producer of the show, but at least end it in a way they is some sort of closure. Sigh…..

So, with all the flaws this show have, would I recommend AnimeGaf to watch this show? One word, Yes. Even with the flaw, His and Her Circumstances show us of how you can make a good teen romance comedy that isn’t the typical one you see in most anime now. I would consider for AnimeGaf who start to watch this show for the 1st time to go read the manga after you finish the show as the ending of the TV show suck and we all want to see what happened to the main character in the show. Which is why I am starting to read the manga because of it.

Non Non Biyori 01

First impression: Holy shit Nao's VA from Charlotte is in this, yassss. Also Popura from Working!!!

Yeah the show is pretty nice, some funny moments with the Tanuki and Ren's sudden realization that they live in the country. I can see why folks enjoyed the show.
If I had to rank the shows I actually watched this summer, not hate watched, I'd probably give just about everything a 7.

Enjoyable, sometimes filling, but not lasting.

Though God Eater production staff deserves a special note for taking a note from the game industry, and trying to release a show before it was finished.

Great job guys.

I feel like it was really Namco Bandai's fault not really Ufotable in producing God Eater immediately right after Fate Stay Night.
I feel like it was really Namco Bandai's fault not really Ufotable in producing God Eater immediately right after Fate Stay Night.
Yeah, you're probably right.

It's a shame too, fans of the game seemed like they were enjoying it.

I feel bad for those folks at Ufotable. As much as I love God Eater as a gaming series, the show is alright but I bet it could be even better if those guys got a bit of a rest. After UBW they deserved a nice vacation.

As an aside, nice new avatar Aqua ^ Been reading Re for the past month and it's washing away the bad taste Root left in my mouth.
Pretty much every TV anime starts airing before the production has finished.

Yeah, I don't think that's uncommon for shows outside of anime as well. South Park is a rather extreme example but all the episodes are made in less then a week and turned in to air hours before the date, yet they have never once missed the air date.

That AOT thread in the main GAF discussion......seriously some bullshit going on in there....

I don't even want to bother but it just seems like a case of people with a misunderstanding of voice acting in general
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