Honestly 2014 has been better than 2015 so far.
It had Ping Pong, Space Dandy, Barakamon, Nozaki-kun, D-Frag, Haikyuu, and Noragami
2015 had Death Parade and SNAFU 2
I miss 2014 too
Honestly 2014 has been better than 2015 so far.
It had Ping Pong, Space Dandy, Barakamon, Nozaki-kun, D-Frag, Haikyuu, and Noragami
2015 had Death Parade and SNAFU 2
I miss 2014 too
Hopefully it leads to another cull.
Honestly 2014 has been better than 2015 so far.
It had Ping Pong, Space Dandy, Barakamon, Nozaki-kun, D-Frag, Haikyuu, and Noragami
Meanwhile as Killua was dashing to the stairs in slow motion, Gon was turning his head ever so slightly to the right as he caught a glimpse of a pebble falling from the roof. As the roof was where those other two guys were fighting.
Meanwhile as those other two guys were about to hit each other again, that one other dude was looking at the stars and wondering where his wifewas
Meanwhile the guy wondered what his wife was doing, the neighbor was attempting to eat the cookies from the window.
But what happened to Gon's pebble? Will he ever see it hit the floor?
*song starts playing*
*end credits*
Cornbread78, how are you enjoying Samflam so far? Haven't caught up to reading your thread
Riding Bean Kickstarter![]()
Honestly 2014 has been better than 2015 so far.
It had Ping Pong, Space Dandy, Barakamon, Nozaki-kun, D-Frag, Haikyuu, and Noragami
Pretty good so far, but I guess tomorrow is when it all changes, so....
I would buy it as I am a fan of Gunsmith Girl. Do hope it's on Blu-ray.
It will be Blu-ray, it's already out on BD in Japan.
Animeigo have had two previous Kickstarters that were both successful, Bubblegum Crisis and Otaku no Video. Speaking of Bubblegun Crisis, I'm need to watch that soon.
Whatever year Hyouka was on? That was a good year.
2012. That was an amazing year.
Hyouka, From the New World, Space Brothers, Chihayafuru, Kids on the Slope, Tsuritama, Second half of Fate/Zero, Mysterious Girlfriend X, Natsuyuki Rendezvous, and more. What a legendary year.
the hell is up with your tagHow much do I haveto watch for the compatibility meter to work..? It says "Unknown" forever. ( ´;д;` )
Sounds about right.I'm just high as fuck.
What I find weird is, being a person that doesn't keep up with what comes out and when, the notion that a lot of these shows (keeping in mind the fact that I haven't seen many of them) they seem to be a part of my lexicon, and I guess that's mainly because they're recent shows and thus I hear and see them mentioned more often then others, but you know...the idea that prior to 2014 Ping Pong didn't exist? I guess it's because I hang about in places on the internet where these shows are talked about to great length, but it just seems strange to me and makes time just seem really weird.
I guess it's the same with any series really, like the idea that pre 2007 was a Gurren Lagann free world? Granted when you actually look at it 2007 was a long ass time ago (which is scary!) but still, it makes 'old us' look like cavemen. Hell pre 2007 was a world without Lucky Star, like what. FMA: B was released in 2009? You just lose track of time and everything just blends together. Years are indistinguishable. How did the world exist in a time without Bebop or Eva!?Perfectly fine I guess, but still!
I guess its because I hear about these shows a lot, because every year has shows that stick and become a part of the anime lexicon, forever a part of your vocabulary. I guess a lot of it has to do with the most recent series of the last 10 years being the more popular and most talked about with a lot of them being legit good and thus deservedly so...or maybe, just maybe, I'm just high as fuck.
What I find weird is, being a person that doesn't keep up with what comes out and when, the notion that a lot of these shows (keeping in mind the fact that I haven't seen many of them) they seem to be a part of my lexicon, and I guess that's mainly because they're recent shows and thus I hear and see them mentioned more often then others, but you know...the idea that prior to 2014 Ping Pong didn't exist? I guess it's because I hang about in places on the internet where these shows are talked about to great length, but it just seems strange to me and makes time just seem really weird.
I guess it's the same with any series really, like the idea that pre 2007 was a Gurren Lagann free world? Granted when you actually look at it 2007 was a long ass time ago (which is scary!) but still, it makes 'old us' look like cavemen. Hell pre 2007 was a world without Lucky Star, like what. FMA: B was released in 2009? You just lose track of time and everything just blends together. Years are indistinguishable. How did the world exist in a time without Bebop or Eva!?Perfectly fine I guess, but still!
I guess its because I hear about these shows a lot, because every year has shows that stick and become a part of the anime lexicon, forever a part of your vocabulary. I guess a lot of it has to do with the most recent series of the last 10 years being the more popular and most talked about with a lot of them being legit good and thus deservedly so...or maybe, just maybe, I'm just high as fuck.
Just think about it, one day it will be unfathomable to even think of a time before Charlotte. Umaru-chan will be THE mascot for all things anime and eating will never be the same after pshuu. The world has been changed and what's been done cannot be undone. This world that we are building is not healthy.
What I find weird is, being a person that doesn't keep up with what comes out and when, the notion that a lot of these shows (keeping in mind the fact that I haven't seen many of them) they seem to be a part of my lexicon, and I guess that's mainly because they're recent shows and thus I hear and see them mentioned more often then others, but you know...the idea that prior to 2014 Ping Pong didn't exist? I guess it's because I hang about in places on the internet where these shows are talked about to great length, but it just seems strange to me and makes time just seem really weird.
I guess it's the same with any series really, like the idea that pre 2007 was a Gurren Lagann free world? Granted when you actually look at it 2007 was a long ass time ago (which is scary!) but still, it makes 'old us' look like cavemen. Hell pre 2007 was a world without Lucky Star, like what. FMA: B was released in 2009? You just lose track of time and everything just blends together. Years are indistinguishable. How did the world exist in a time without Bebop or Eva!?Perfectly fine I guess, but still!
I guess its because I hear about these shows a lot, because every year has shows that stick and become a part of the anime lexicon, forever a part of your vocabulary. I guess a lot of it has to do with the most recent series of the last 10 years being the more popular and most talked about with a lot of them being legit good and thus deservedly so...or maybe, just maybe, I'm just high as fuck.
To think we all used to live in a world without Chi's Sweet Home.
Just think about it, one day it will be unfathomable to even think of a time before Charlotte. Umaru-chan will be THE mascot for all things anime and eating will never be the same after pshuu. The world has been changed and what's been done cannot be undone. This world that we are building is not healthy.
Just think about it, one day it will be unfathomable to even think of a time before Charlotte. Umaru-chan will be THE mascot for all things anime and eating will never be the same after pshuu. The world has been changed and what's been done cannot be undone. This world that we are building is not healthy.
... or maybe, just maybe, I'm just high as fuck.
This is turning into a hard watch. Half the runtime is filled with Tsubasa whining/crying/angsting over her dead friend and the other is about Hibiki's drama to live a normal school life. Why Hibiki is still going to school normally instead of getting private lessons, I don't know. Instead she has to turn in reports because she's failing classes. It's not like I don't know, the school and the world saving organization she's in, are both linked.![]()
"I could do with some Hot Pockets right about now. Go fetch them Tsubasa."
I would have completely written Tsubasa off if Nana wasn't blowing out Hibiki's VA on the singing front. The difference is like night and day, it sorta reminds me of Macross Frontier and the singing gap between Sheryl and Ranka's VAs.![]()
I would like it much better if you didn't actually have emotions. That way you wouldn't be so damn annoying.
Animation took a serious dive this episode with plenty of moments full of bad off-model animation. The show wasn't exactly a looker from the getgo so I'm not surprised it's already going downhill.![]()
This isn't Cross Ange?
This drama is trying me. Tsubaba's repetitious shit is tiresome enough but Hibiki having a friendship crisis is putting me to the test.![]()
When properly animating a berserk character is too hard. "Just throw some blackness on her and call it day. We don't get paid enough ramen noodles for this."
I'm pretty sure all three will be forgotten once the fall shows start much like how no one remembers Hestia anymore.
There hasn't been an anime that outright revolutionized the entire medium since Evangelion, I think. Every year has what's hot and what's not that gets talked about for a while until the next big thing comes along.
Was there ever a time before this thread?
Dude. I don't know how popular Umaru-chan is, but come on now. Really?
There hasn't been an anime that outright revolutionized the entire medium since Evangelion, I think. Every year has what's hot and what's not that gets talked about for a while until the next big thing comes along.
There's always going to be peaks and valleys, guys. It's not like good anime isn't being made anymore. Good ideas will always exist.
This is how time works.
Madoka is pretty close.
Madoka is pretty close.
umaru is the first anime since k-on with something to say
umaru is the first anime since k-on with something to say
fuck yeah.east coast >>>> west coast
umaru is the first anime since k-on with something to say
that sisters suck and older brothers have to deal with all of their shit?
I'm pretty sure all three will be forgotten once the fall shows start much like how no one remembers Hestia anymore.
What's a doujin? you look at doujins?
I don't. >______>
But do you?