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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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Anyway, what am I missing by not watching the series?

This badass son of a bitch


+ the Gundam Hammer and salt
Taboo Tattoo 5

This shit is painfully generic I'm fucking dropping it unless it somehow gets better in the future. I don't care for this Shirou ass motherfucker protagonist, this 'justice will prevail and I don't want to kill' crap is grating. Also

"Kill me"

*starts choking*

*cat with eye patch appears*

"Oh if you have a cute cat you can't be evil, regardless if you just murdered hundreds of people"

Fucking whatever. World isn't black and white. Having a cat doesn't negate all the fucked up shit you did. I don't even want to mention the fucking princess who kisses people, then the loli starts making out with her, and the princess also likes to fondle breasts because anime. I might come back to this when I hate myself later on in the season, but as of right now dropped.


Subaru is the most rage inducing mc in anime in recent memory. The worst part is he will probably still end up with emilia in the end.

dont know why I still watch it tbh.
Subaru is the most rage inducing mc in anime in recent memory. The worst part is he will probably still end up with emilia in the end.

dont know why I still watch it tbh.

For the same reason some people with high cholesterol eat fried foods and some diabetics still drink sugary drinks: it's delicious.
Mob Psycho 100 and 4 Dalmatians

Body Improvement Club are the noble badass knights of this universe, that they would go to this length over one of their members is truly great.

Also, Mob got pissed at the end. Of course the episode ends right when it gets good, what a fucking tease.
Mob Psycho - 04

First Kiznaiver, now this. Is Tenga supposed to be a delinquent name in Japan?

That ending though, hnghhhhh. WHY. What a cliffhanger. Goddamnit.


Taboo Tattoo 5. I don't even want to mention the fucking princess who kisses people, then the loli starts making out with her, and the princess also likes to fondle breasts because anime. I might come back to this when I hate myself later on in the season, but as of right now dropped.

The last 5-10 mins was almost (if not almost definately) worse than anything HxH has aired in it's utter disgustingness. Ugghh. Up until the cat part you mentioned the action scenes were actually pretty good...
ROUND VERNIAN VIFAM #09 As the Thunder Sounds, the Enemy Attacks - We'll Fight Alone!

Kents to save the day, at least he got them to fight back. Liked the plan here for this fight
even if we have to leave this base soon I think. Their safety is compromised


Pokemon Best Wishes! 21

satoshi got trapped in the past but it wasn't the past but some sort of closed temporal space hewn from the very memory of a distraught pokemon i don't fucking know


Taboo Tatoo 5

Previous 4 episodes were nothing great, but they were entertaining at least. This one, on the other hand, is downright embarrassingly bad. It felt as if I was watching a bunch of amateurs high-school kids acting while an amateur director called the shots.
I just want to pump money into making an Anime based off the gay kid who stars in a straight harem slice of life. Get some great writers to add some drama and expand on the concept of the original one shot. That or a Manga based off Yankee kun


Unda da Dawg-
Well this was a thing, I guess. Time to put Jiro Ishii on my 'Shitty Anime Writers' pile. Unlike sonicmj or duckroll, I don't think this was passable. At best this was mediocre, and it doesn't reach that best level even occasionally. There's so many script issues, even just in this thirty minute episode. Let's just warm up with this one:

Ok. Wait hold up.

Didn't your commander just tell you to blend in with the students and escape? So are they looking for the student or are they not looking for the student?

Why would they unlock the doors if they are also looking for the kid too?
Whatever, minor screwup right? Not a major deal. However then they add the male student's (I can't even be bothered to look his name up) family into the picture. Too bad it's incoherent and the final scene in the episode undercuts whatever they were trying to set up with his character.
Apparently he's special. Ah wait, nope he's not. Oh oops guess like he was, oh well he's dead anyway. Instead of capturing the kid for research as to figure out why he stayed white for so long, they just up and shoot him. Okay.
So much of the plot points end up being a conflicting mess, that it feels like the rough draft of a script that somebody didn't read through.
See, here is why this episode fails as a pilot/episode 0/prologue. They don't establish the world or the characters in any sort of meaningful way.
The only two characters the audience even has a chance to connect to (and it wasn't done in a decent manner anyway) are both killed off
. Now there's nothing wrong with that, look at Ga-Rei Zero's stuff for example. However even after this episode, I still don't have a clear idea about the world or what exactly is going on.
They don't bother explaining the monster, Flowers, political structure, or really the society in any sort of meaningful way. Yes we know the monster is bad and Pandorization is bad for unspecified reasons. Oh wait the episode provides evidence to the contrary with the monster protecting his son. Congratulations Ishii, you contradicted one of the main plot points in the opening episode. Why should the audience be afraid of Hana becoming Pandorized if it seems the transformed humans show a level of intelligence? Can they not transform back?
This is minor stuff they can explain later but it doesn't provide a clear picture of anything that is going on. Not to mention some of this shit seems purely illogical. For example
why does the shadow government kill your family if you die? That is the stupidest shit. It's posthumously punishing people that aren't directly involved. So if you succeed in your mission but die anyway, welp guess that means curtains for your family. Even Suicide Squad isn't this bad. I can understand threatening a candidate's family to keep the girl under control when she's alive but why kill them off when the girl's dead?
I also liked the lack of explanation as to why all the Flowers were girls. I'm sure there's a deep explanation worthy of Evangelion 3.33 in there. All of this ties back into a pilot episode (I guess) that doesn't flesh out the actual characters potentially in the show nor does it actually world build in a convincing manner. Instead it brings up echoes of Bubuki Buranki where everything is undercooked on a script level. I might even be able to roll with it if I hadn't just seen Towa no Quon which took a near identical concept and was better at it, although Towa no Quon wasn't exactly good either.
Let's talk about the art direction. We all came for the visuals right? The art direction is some of the most stale, sterile, and bland stuff I've seen this year. There's only one shot in the entire episode that I was kinda impressed by the art direction. Just look at the screencaps above. There's no personality in the setting despite the entire episode revolving around the school. At least the concept footage had the city skyscape but here it's just a bunch of CGI classrooms that don't even look finished. Even an abandoned warehouse could have offered more on a visual standpoint. The city shots in the trailer had the whole contrast of pristine futuristic city at the forefront but then the grimy places lurking just around the corner. The backgrounds in the trailer helped make the city look like an interesting dystopia reminiscent of Glass in Mirror's Edge. In the actual episode however, none of that contrast exists.
^Look at this. Everything's flat as fuck and they even screwed up the camera perspective when you look out the classroom door in the second shot. There's zero depth in the first shot in the security room and so everything comes across as cheap and fake. That's not all though, notice anything missing from all the above shots? No lighting, everything is at full blast and there's no sense of direction or purpose to the lighting. Hell the empty hallway shot looks like there's shadows missing.

What happens when the characters are more off-model than they are on-model? Do the off-models become on-model?
Now on to the main attraction (besides the action choreography) for me. That's Yusuke Kozaki's character designs. I've always been a fan of his work since No More Heroes and he was one of the highlights for me going into this project. Somehow they always fuck up his character designs when they go to actually adapt it for animation.
They keep making his designs chubbier in the face and as a result it just goes screws up the whole design. It's the exact same issue as in Babaki Buranki in that I would rather just buy the concept art book (primarily for the purple haired sniper waifu, as I imagine she looks amazing in the concept art probably along the lines of Camilla). So much of the charm is lost in the adaptation process for anime, yet somehow the videogames nail it.
This is more of a minor pet peeve but these user interfaces are terrible. Maybe Takashi Aoki has spoiled me but man this is awful. The text on the tablet is just that, a bunch of text on a white screen with little thought into the OS. Then in the second shot there's a ton of unreadable text and is boring.
Anthea's screens were at least a significant step up with some screen warping, depth, and useful information in the UI. I'm not a fan of the color scheme but eh it's better than the earlier garbage.

I appreciate the gore.
I wasn't that impressed with the action. It definitely didn't live up the trailer. Parts near the end were decent but didn't blow me back in any way. The staging for the fights, even the Anthea segments, was pretty boring and there wasn't any cool choreography ala Canaan. It's really mediocre work for Ando. Some motorcycle combat could have definitely spiced things up and while I did like the missile barrage, it was way too short.

Dialogue Oshii would be proud of.
On the audio front, I thought the soundtrack was pretty decent. It's mostly traditional fare but some of the piano pieces are nice and the track during the final action scene was good. I appreciate them using English/American voice actors for the American soldiers despite the voice actors being horribly miscast in some cases. Still it's the thought that matters as virtually nobody even tries in the first place.

This is the whitest black man I've ever heard in my life.
The sound direction was lacking at times in that impacts didn't have enough oomph but then the audience would get something cool like the hawk cry for Anthea's pod or the railgun shots. I'm not sure if the muffled shots in the hallway gun fight are due to the guns having silencers on them or just the sound direction not being sharp enough.

This is it. This is the only shot that impressed me on an art direction level.
So in short, needed more Anthea-chan. Thankfully
Hana got put to sleep
, so if there's a sequel/TV series it should improve. The visuals were ruff initially but it got better and while the ending fight sequence wasn't stellar, it was at least barking up the right tree. I don't think this was a good pilot from a storytelling point of view nor did the visuals blow me back enough to overlook the faults. The final product comes off as unpolished on most fronts and it seems like it either needed more baking time or better staff. This was the rough draft of something that could have been a lot better but it'll probably end up being another forgotten franchise in a month's time. Hopefully if they do more, they never put the show in another high school setting. Oh and tits.

Should have taken the TV deal. Oops.


Kizumonogatari (the first one)

This is everything I could have ever wanted... from the first part of the story anyway.

Dang Aniplex why did you have to get greedy and split this into three parts! This first part is so incredibly well done it makes the wait for the rest of it even more unbearable.
Pokemon Best Wishes! 22

uh they spend the episode catching bugs while the Rocket Gang continues to do ???

You've reach the part where they had to rewrite Best Wishes, because of the 2011 tsunami.

So if it seems like episodes are missing, it's because they axed two episodes that were supposed to introduce Team Plasma.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Mob Psycho 100 Episode 5, oops I mean 4.

Okay, that was hype as fuck. Can't believe I have to wait a full week to see the next episode.


You've reach the part where they had to rewrite Best Wishes, because of the 2011 tsunami.

So if it seems like episodes are missing, it's because they axed two episodes that were supposed to introduce Team Plasma.

haha yeah I just had a heads up about that on twitter and i'm pretty mad about it!
I even knew about it going in but forgot!


Kizumonogatari (the first one)

This is everything I could have ever wanted... from the first part of the story anyway.

Dang Aniplex why did you have to get greedy and split this into three parts! This first part is so incredibly well done it makes the wait for the rest of it even more unbearable.

I would have less of a problem with the splittting if each of them was at least the bare minimum 90 minutes. I didn't even finish the food I ordered and then Part 1 was already over.
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