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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread


The humor in this game is like going to a bakery with someone who keeps point at cakes and shouting "HEY! The Cake is a lie! HAHAHAHA!"

Feels like it was committee written by a group of 30-something white guys with backwards baseball caps


Maybe someone else mentioned it, but you should probably put that in quotes, since it's not yours.



I have no problem with anyone gloating over high review scores for an exclusive game. But I will still take the Sony exclusives and better performance on 3rd party games over the ability to play this one any day.


I and many others will still take playing every console they're interested in vs ignoring good games.


It is funny how sites are eager to lower the score of a game like bayonetta because of issues with its presentation but when a game fails tonally and stylistically, and also in humor, some of those same sites make no reflection of this in scores.
"Sites" isn't one entity. And didn't bayo reidw very well?

E92 M3

Can someone please tell me if there is a NG+. It's really important and I want to understand the replay value (coop doesn't interest me).


Saint Titanfall
It is funny how sites are eager to lower the score of a game like bayonetta because of issues with its presentation but when a game fails tonally and stylistically, and also in humor, some of those same sites make no reflection of this in scores.

What are you even talking about? Bayonetta has a Metacritic of 91 this has a Metacritic of 83, the reviews don't even remotely imply what your saying outside of odd examples which is how opinions work they differ.


Really excellent reviews for this. So happy. Hopefully there's enough jokes that get a chuckle out of Mr and I'll pass on the rest. I'm here for the gameplay. Looks great
Not too sure about the grinding gameplay but screw it..I love the look and enjoyed Insomniac's previous games and since I have some money from all those Bing rewards...


My first digital purchase as well!


slept with Malkin
great reviews, actually surprised. Congrats to Insomniac, looking forward to picking up my copy tomorrow.
Why this game is only 3 points above InFamous;SS in Metacritic? Not trying to argue wich game is better but IIRC I:SS received a lot of non so good reviews. And here we have a lot of 9 of the major review sites.


The humour doesn't seem too bad to me. What I dislike more is playing as a bearded female with a giant fluorescent green afro. Thankfully that's optional so I'll just be playing as the guy on the front of the box who is an okay design.

I did the same when I played Saint's Row The Third, I just played as a normal looking guy with a white shirt and black pants. Even when I played GTA V I never changed the hairstyles or facial hair of the characters once. I hate playing as really dumb looking characters with garish clothes and outrageous hair.


I have no problem with anyone gloating over high review scores for an exclusive game. But I will still take the Sony exclusives and better performance on 3rd party games over the ability to play this one any day.

Great!! Explain why you are in this thread again?
It is funny how sites are eager to lower the score of a game like bayonetta because of issues with its presentation but when a game fails tonally and stylistically, and also in humor, some of those same sites make no reflection of this in scores.

According to you.

Grand Arbiter of all that is funny are we?


Why this game is only 3 points above InFamous;SS in Metacritic? Not trying to argue wich game is better but IIRC I:SS received a lot of non so good reviews. And here we have a lot of 9 of the major review sites.

Yeah, I agree seems kind of weird. Does metacritic weight the scores somehow?
I have no problem with anyone gloating over high review scores for an exclusive game. But I will still take the Sony exclusives and better performance on 3rd party games over the ability to play this one any day.

What system did you play 3rd party games on last generation ?


The Gamespot review mentions that it can be compared to Crackdown, which could be my favorite game from last gen. Does anyone know how it compares to it?

well, Chris Kohler (a dude who usually knows his way about games), wrote this simple equation for gamers:

<<Sunset Overdrive is my new jam. And if you’re like me, it’s a great reason to go buy Xbox One.

Allow me to speak directly to gamer nerds for a second. Sunset Overdrive = Crackdown + Jet Set Radio. There is a certain type of person for whom that sentence is more than enough information. For the rest of you: Sunset Overdrive is a new game from Microsoft and Insomniac blahblah.....>>


Metacritic or no, I sincerely hope MS is delivering the champagne and cocaine to Insomniac right now.
last time I checked that Ted Price dude seemed adult.
adults prefer to buy their own party shit.

but for sure, looks to me like what microsoft offered them (money, support, retention of ip, marketing, etc) did get a long way in helping them create what I find refreshing for my eyes.

it would be interesting to take a look at this scheme, but lets wait until the puzzle is complete, sales included.


I'm just pointing out his right to call people out on comments generally intended to downplay and dishearten fans about a game just because it is on another platform.

I didn't intend to get upset.

none of that was going on in here, though. you're bringing it in.

you can't make a "general idea you claim to exist" eat crow. to make someone eat crow, you need names and quotes. so unless you want to bring in names and quotes and dress those people down individually, (which is sure to have fun results) I'd just leave it out of this thread.


I have no problem with anyone gloating over high review scores for an exclusive game. But I will still take the Sony exclusives and better performance on 3rd party games over the ability to play this one any day.


Are you sure you have no problems with it?
Great reviews. The comparisons to Crackdown (my favorite open world wacky game) are very enticing.

It is funny how sites are eager to lower the score of a game like bayonetta because of issues with its presentation but when a game fails tonally and stylistically, and also in humor, some of those same sites make no reflection of this in scores.

Bayonetta is the second highest reviewed current gen console game of 2014 (behind TLOU remaster). What a bizarre thing to say.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The humor sounds about par for course with Insom's previous games. They have their groaner jokes that just fall flat, but generally their humor puts a gentle smile on your face.
Why this game is only 3 points above InFamous;SS in Metacritic? Not trying to argue wich game is better but IIRC I:SS received a lot of non so good reviews. And here we have a lot of 9 of the major review sites.

Sounds like you were just focused in on the hyperbole reactions of the reviews and not the actual reviews themselves.

Tons of positive reviews for Infamous, rightfully so. The negative reviews had their merits. Some reviewers thought the negatives outweighed the positives in the game. Some didn't. Just like in SO it looks like. Some reviewers thought the game was too repetitive, too easy, redundant, etc. and thought that merited pulling the score down, others didn't.


The humour doesn't seem too bad to me. What I dislike more is playing as a bearded female with a giant fluorescent green afro. Thankfully that's optional so I'll just be playing as the guy on the front of the box who is an okay design.

I did the same when I played Saint's Row The Third, I just played as a normal looking guy with a white shirt and black pants. Even when I played GTA V I never changed the hairstyles or facial hair of the characters once. I hate playing as really dumb looking characters with garish clothes and outrageous hair.

Tv and games have ruined your imagination

E92 M3

well, Chris Kohler (a dude who usually knows his way about games), wrote this simple equation for gamers:



last time I checked that Ted Price dude seemed adult.
adults prefer to buy their own party shit.

but for sure, looks to me like what microsoft offered them (money, support, retention of ip, marketing, etc) did get a long way in helping them create what I find refreshing for my eyes.

it would be interesting to take a look at this scheme, but lets wait until the puzzle is complete, sales included.

Sunset is Crackdown + JSR - OMG. If it's truly like that I must buy the game today. Crackdown and JSR are both of my favorite all-time franchises.


Yeah, I agree seems kind of weird. Does metacritic weight the scores somehow?

Yes, meta-scoring sites always do, IGN or Gamespot don't have the same weigh as minor sites. I think someone reverse-engineered their scores to estimate the coefficient of each site, apparently he was quite accurate.
Obviously humor is different for everyone, saying that I think that there is some genuinely good stuff in the game. Yes, there are more then a few horrible, cringe inducing, forced as hell pop culture and internet references that really don't work. But there is also a good deal of dumb, stupid humor in the same vein as Saints Row 3/4 and that stuff is good. There are also a few moments (actually just one long sequence that I've encountered so far) where the game gets into super dark humor territory and that was the funniest it's been for me. It's definitely hit and miss, but it has amused me more then it has annoyed me.


got a dilemma. I was all pumped to pick it up tomorrow , then I get an email from gamefly saying they Shipped it. I must've forgot to clear my queue. now I don't know whether to wait until Wednesday or Thursday for it to get here or just trade destiny in and play it day 1
I kind of don't understand why some people ITT are so against people replying on reviews so much right now. This is a game that had a TON of people on the fence. If you're on the fence and not sure about a game, then I see nothing wrong with waiting for reviews. Not everyone has time in their life to play every single game they're not sure about,


Looks like Microsoft backed the right horse in Insomniac, letting them produce the game they wanted unlike FUSE. Hopefully Phill will give Rare similar support, Xbox One is going to have one hell of an exclusive line up.
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