Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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legacy of cane
I have no fucking idea why, but my 3ds really doesn't like my university wifi
I can get one, maybe two hunts in and then I get booted every time
It's a good thing I'm gud at monster hunter so I can still finish the multiplayer monsters once I get into singleplayer
Turns out insect glaives can either be blunt or bladed, which is sick, but it also turns out I need 3 gore magala tails to upgrade the bladed one, which sucks ass.

The charge blade upgrades are so fucking sick.
This is the one I'm going for: Noblesse Oblige

I don't really like posters. Wall scrolls, or framed merch, hell yeah, but a poster looks super cheap.

Poster's are just a cheaper more subtle way of showing off stuff that you like and is a cheap decoration. I really don't like how wall scrolls look personally.

I don't place as much value into a poster as I do a figure because I've never been in a place long enough to enjoy putting one up

I could see how that'd be a huge problem.

It's still your fault tho.



Someone named Bob from somewhere called LUE made a 3d model of Pat apparently based on Indonesian Bob's art. He has done Zaibatsu art in the past, his Woolsworth art is the title card for the Dark Souls 2 LP

Apparently I do not want to know what LUE is, so of course this means I do want to know what it is. is it that Gamefaqs board or something else?

Pat being terrifying as always!
I'm hoping on Xrd. I can only play for ~an hour, I shouldn't get too salty
I wish my stick had a mic slot so I could get get salt at you guys vocally


legacy of cane
Monster hunter is the absolute worst game to have OCD in.

My Tetsucabra set is almost done. Just need some Rhenscoloponogos shells.

Man, fuck monster hunter names.

Well gang, I'm going to bed super early tonight.

Wish me luck, I take my makeup exam tomorrow.

Good luck!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Dammit, you shitlords. Every time y'all start talkin' about Xrd I start staring at it on the PS Store and going "FUCK I WANT IT BUT MONEY AAAAAAA". I just wanna know if my Venom skills from XX will get me anywhere against you guys. =/

(Does Venom still have Dark Angel?)
Dammit, you shitlords. Every time y'all start talkin' about Xrd I start staring at it on the PS Store and going "FUCK I WANT IT BUT MONEY AAAAAAA". I just wanna know if my Venom skills from XX will get me anywhere against you guys. =/

(Does Venom still have Dark Angel?)
I'm at least glad I now have people to play it with on campus every week.


Monster hunter is the absolute worst game to have OCD in.

My Tetsucabra set is almost done. Just need some Rhenscoloponogos shells.

Man, fuck monster hunter names.

Good luck!

It's a good set, if a bit underwhelming
I hate early game skill sets
Got one of those and a nescylla
Dammit, you shitlords. Every time y'all start talkin' about Xrd I start staring at it on the PS Store and going "FUCK I WANT IT BUT MONEY AAAAAAA". I just wanna know if my Venom skills from XX will get me anywhere against you guys. =/

(Does Venom still have Dark Angel?)

yeah he does, I'm trying to learn how to play him because he is so fucking cool
That cult classic thread feels like a contradictory existence. In this instance, to say something is over-rated is to say it is undeserving of it's "cult" status, which only serves to prove it's "cult" status amongst the people that love those games.
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