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Super Best Friends Thread 15: Two Guys Play

So I might be getting Monster Hunter 4 sooner than I thought
and maybe Omega Ruby as well.
the soonest I might be getting it is tomorrow. but ill definitely have in the next few weeks. and not 3 weeks like I originally thought.



The closest thing to an ex I have is my best female friend who i had sex with once and my fake ex who was nothing but a big fat phony
You can't delete memories, you can only remember them forever and be embarrassed or feel regret.
I was looking for something i had made in photoshop a long time ago and didnt feel like going to open my laptop so i went to see if i uploaded it on there. Oh god some of the shit that is on this photo bucket.
Great. You should go through all those photos and relive some memories ;)
I found what i was looking for. A wallpaper i made from basquash! along time ago.
Was it worth all the trouble?


Man fuck Chrono Cross.

A pretty infamous one happens in the Chrono Trigger universe. In Chrono Trigger the "nation" of Porre mostly consists of a humble town with an inn, a port, and a selfish mayor that you can turn into a generous one due to judicious use of time travel, but is otherwise fairly unremarkable. In Chrono Cross, suddenly Porre is a giant military nation that pretty much took over, sacked, and burned much of the rest of the world, or at least the kingdom of Guardia, a mere five years after the present era of Chrono Trigger (which is revealed in the epilogue from the PS1 port). This despite the fact that Guardia actually had a standing army, not to mention it was likely under the protection of Crono, Lucca, and Marle, who had previously single-handedly defeated Magus' army, not to mention several other armies from the past and future, including a giant space hedgehog responsible for creating and then destroying humanity as they knew it. So what's the official explanation of Porre's sudden inexplicable rise to power, according to canon? The DS release of Chrono Trigger had Dalton (the comic-relief villain from 12,000 BC whose only real technology was stolen from Belthasar and who ends up being so incompetent that he defeats himself in the final battle against him) somehow end up in the present, whereupon he used magic or something to build an army out of a tiny little town and take over the world, apparently subduing at least some of the party from the original game (you know, the party that had already defeated him several times by that point). ◦ A character named Guile appears in Chrono Cross that was clearly at one point supposed to be Magus (they look almost identical save for a mask that Guile wears, they're both shadow (or black-elemental) magic users, they both have the same running animation), but that plot thread was cut for space, leaving Guile as a separate person who just happened to be similar to Magus without having any actual connection to him. Then the DS port of Chrono Trigger comes along, which implies that Guile actually is Magus, just a Magus from an alternate dimension that suffered amnesia after not being able to defeat the "Dream Devourer" and getting dumped in the present era somehow
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