/co/ is cartoons and comics, /v/ is video games, /vg/ is video games general (one thread to discuss one game or genre), /a/ is anime, /vp/ is pokemon, /pol/ is politics and is racist as fuck, /b/ is anything goes, /r9k/ is also anything goes but is filled with butthurt manchildren, /d/ is uhhhh, yeah, it's something
/co/ - Comics and Cartoons
/v/ - Video Games aka "Vidya"
/vg/ - Video Game General. Basic 4chan's Gaming Community, with more edge.
/a/ - Anime
/vp/ - Pokemon
/pol/ - Politically Incorrect *WARNING - DO NOT PASS GO
/b/ - Random aka "What everyone thinks 4chan is"
/r9k/ - Robot 9000. Basically a "better" /b/
/h/ - Hentai
/d/ - Alternate Hentai.