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Super Mario 3D Land |OT| Jump Into a New Dimension!


brazen editing lynx
Holy hell this game is awesome.

I got all the way to 4-5 in about two and a half hours. The 3D really does make it a better game. I've been sticking with the pop-out 3D setting because it feels more appropriate for the game to me.

So far, I can't think of a single level I did not like. Some are better than others, but overall the level design is fantastic. My current favorite levels are:


So far, I've gotten all the star coins in each level while only dying 4 times. I can't wait to get to the special worlds so I can start using the extra lives I've been stockpiling.


Roto13 said:
Where's the last star coin in 2-2?
The underground stage with all of the green panel switches.

Also, what are people referring to when they talk about "shiny stars"?

in the area with the flagpole. Look the at the bottom of the left wall when first enter that area.

The stars are like the shiny stars in NSMBWii. If you don't die 5 times in a level (so if you don't see the white tanooki leaf), your save file will have rainbow stars instead of normal stars. It does nothing else besides look pretty.
Oh thank goodness. There is an album to look at the pictures. And you can even save them to the SD card.


WHOA! If you let the Attract Screen run through, you can play a Mario version of Echochrome! Well, sort of, anyway. Nice little Easter Egg.


apana said:
So is there any consensus emerging so far from veteran mario players about this game?
I've played all the Mario games, and I absolutely adore 3D Land so far. Beginning World 4 now, but I'm probably going to take a break. So hard to put it down, though. Every single level so far has been perfection. And apparently it only ramps up as you go along.

What makes it so good? No level overstays its welcome, and each is packed with things to bop, break, bounce off of and climb. Try blowing lightly on the mic in a field of dandelions, or shooting fireballs at flowers. Each level is layered with interactivity. The controls are super-tight and responsive, surprisingly fast given how slow the videos looked, and I feel like I have all the precision of the console games. The hidden medals encourage thorough exploration, but the tight level design keeps the pacing fast and fluid. The graphics are the best on the portable to date, and look better than the Galaxy games, imo, with the shaders adding nice touches like the porous texture to the metal spikes that launch toward the screen in World 3's airship. The 3D (popout especially -- hit up on the Dpad to enable) makes everything look so solid and tangible that it's like a box full of candy you want to reach in and eat. And each level has its own theme, so you play a sky level one moment, a snow level the next, and so on and so forth. The variety of enemies is staggering, too, both old and new. And the music... So catchy!

Can't recommend this game enough. I knew it would be objectively good but wasn't hyped going in. Now I'm blown away!
Just played for the first time. It's been forever since a game desired to send me straight into the action as fast as humanly possible.

An intro not even 10 seconds long, and there isn't even a hint of a tutorial, instead having me figure out everything through messing with the controls and playing around on the level. There was no introduction except for turning on spotpass. I was playing the game before I even realized it. While I actually wish the intro was a bit longer, every game should be like Mario 3DS where you don't have to play a tutorial, and instead just play the game.

When they wanted to go back to 2D Mario, they weren't kidding when they include the aspect where you turn on the power and press start on the title screen and the next thing you know and you're already halfway through a level.

I've only played for a short time but everything about this game feels ingrained and natural to me. It's really surreal. Even the artstyle is a little bit of every Mario game, and I love the intermission stills that use the early 90's illustration style that I missed so much.

Also, the controls are super tight. TIIIIIIIGHT. So freaking tight.

This is where I realize I'm writing a review of a game I haven't even scratched the surface of.


Just beat World 4, and oddly enough it was the first one I got through with all the Star Coins on my first try, ha.
Ghost house was amazing, and probably the best rendition of one of those in a 3D Mario thus far.
And those 2D letters look really, really cool, and have me excited for Paper Mario.

Love it so far! I was surprised that there was a line at the local GS to pick up the game and that group of people picking it up were around my age (23).


One of the coolest parts about the 12 hand-drawn postcards you find is that they're all rendered in the exact same style used in the Super Mario World instruction booklet, and this includes renders of new enemies like the winged dragon and the bipedal block that mimics your moves (the one that's not a Thwomp and not a Whomp). Seeing these new enemies rendered in the old style maks them feel just as classic as if they had been in the NES and SNES games. And the ability to animate these postcards by shaking the 3DS, or to save them in 2D and 3D to the SD card is icing on the cake. Sorry everyone, major nostalgia rush now!
Neiteio said:
One of the coolest parts about the 12 hand-drawn postcards you find is that they're all rendered in the exact same style used in the Super Mario World instruction booklet, and this includes renders of new enemies like the winged dragon and the bipedal block that mimics your moves (the one that's not a Thwomp and not a Whomp). Seeing these new enemies rendered in the old style maks them feel just as classic as if they had been in the NES and SNES games. And the ability to animate these postcards by shaking the 3DS, or to save them in 2D and 3D to the SD card is icing on the cake. Sorry everyone, major nostalgia rush now!

Very cool


brazen editing lynx
4-Airship was slightly annoying.
Another flipping panels level. It was harder due to Boomerang Bros., so I kept making bad jumps trying to avoid their boomerangs.

At least I didn't die enough to have the invincible Tanooki Suit show up.

Also, I swear getting some of the gold flags almost requires you to have a Tanooki Suit. Some of those jumps don't give me a lot of room to build speed so I keep barely missing the top. I'll get them eventually if i want the super secret final level.


Game looks pretty, and what little I've seen from trailers and stuff says that this is what I've always wanted from a 3D Mario game. I think my girlfriend's picking this up today, I'm pretty pumped to see if the game is what I hope it is.


Just finished the third world and it's getting better. The levels are still too short and easy, but I'm finding more 'shortcuts' in the later levels. Overall, I'm finding it better than NSMB, but not by much.


Will QA for food.
KarmaCow said:
Whoops, meant left and you don't need power ups for it. Rolling breaks blocks.

Discovered this at about World 4. It's a shame, because I'd actually enjoy the challenge of having to make it through a level with a power-up to unlock secrets.
PsychoCandy said:
I didn't finish world 2 yet (as everybody said 2-4 is OMG AMAZING) but I can already say it's the most fun I ever had with a Mario game!
I love how compact it is.
Games journalist?

I just got up to 3-3. I'm taking a lunch break but it's really fun so far. The levels are extremely easy but it seems since 3-1 the Star Coins are hidden in more interesting places, so that's something at least.

I'm glad I knew about
the special stages
before going in, I'd be getting pretty antsy if I didn't. Took me like a half hour to get to 3-3.


brazen editing lynx
Hello World 5. What's that? Why yes I'd like the Star Coins to be harder to find.

I'm already missing one in 5-1 and two in 5-2. Also, 5-2 is freaking awesome. Everyone should make sure the 3D is in pop-out mode for it.

One more thing.



Roto13 said:
I guess anyone having trouble with 2-4 hasn't played Galaxy 2. :p
Oh, I've played both Galaxies to death, and I typically find Mario games too easy for my superior platforming skills, but 2-4 just wasn't working well with my brain. I died an abnormal number of times there. My brain just wasn't clicking with which color I needed to jump to and such. Drove me bonkers :p

The Galaxy flip switches where you switch by shaking felt easier for me

Also--and I kid you not--after playing both Galaxies and NSMW so much, I found myself shaking my 3DS to try to spin in midair. So embarrassing :p
Picked this up at 11 at gamestop and got the keychain and all I've been doing is playing the game.

At the end of world 5
And you need 50 star coins to get to the castle? WHAT? I wasnt planing on collecting them until I beat the game. Totally ruined me playstyle grr...oh well up to 45. Is there anywhere else in the tame where you need more star coins?

Anywayz: Reallly enjoying it so far. The games easy but I was expecting that. Tho I heard after you beat it it gets hard with the bonus levels. Kinda bummed that all of the bosses featureing Boom boom and MS boom boom are exacly the same and the fact that they are the end of level bosses instead of mini bosses but oh well...really great game otherwise. Love the gameplay and the music and of course the 3D effects (Tho it confused me at first as to why there were two 3D modes.)

And the tanooki suit. Dat tonooki.

Brb gotta go get some coins.
I fucking adore this game, and I only just completed World 1. I'm having a hard time being able to tell the difference between the two 3D modes.


Will QA for food.
Jimmy Stav said:
I fucking adore this game, and I only just completed World 1. I'm having a hard time being able to tell the difference between the two 3D modes.

The default (up) gives you more of the regular 3DS fish bowl effect, whereas the other (down) uses more pop-up. It's pretty subtle, but you can tell the difference by playing with the later for a while then switching back.
EvilMario said:
The default (up) gives you more of the regular 3DS fish bowl effect, whereas the other (down) uses more pop-up. It's pretty subtle, but you can tell the difference by playing with the later for a while then switching back.

Thank you for the clarification. It feels like the "down" setting is easier on my eyes, but it's hard to sure.


brazen editing lynx
EvilMario said:
The default (up) gives you more of the regular 3DS fish bowl effect, whereas the other (down) uses more pop-up. It's pretty subtle, but you can tell the difference by playing with the later for a while then switching back.
I think you have it backwards. Up is the pop-out, down is the fish bowl effect.

EDIT: Fuck you shitty battery! No more Mario at work today. (I have a student job that is real boring on Sundays. I can get away with playing my 3DS on slow days.)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Very slick game thus far. Enjoying it a lot more than NSMB.

The gameplay speed is still a bit slow for my taste, but it's a lot of fun. Probably the best thing on the 3DS to date.


And finished World 5. What are the red exclamation points on the various worlds for? I haven't bothered going back to try to figure it out yet, heh.


I have a question about the 3D. Outside of the areas in the game that give you indicators that you need 3D on to grasp the puzzle in front of you, is it really required or helpful beyond that?

I'm not sold on 3D as adding depth (in fact it just makes me see double images much of the time due to color contrasts), but I won't lie by admitting the 3D being used as a way to bypass intentionally deceptive designs in the game is a very unique idea.
Mank said:
And finished World 5. What are the red exclamation points on the various worlds for? I haven't bothered going back to try to figure it out yet, heh.

Means you missed a level (likely you didn't go to the Toad House or something).

Foffy said:
I have a question about the 3D. Outside of the areas in the game that give you indicators that you need 3D on to grasp the puzzle in front of you, is it really required or helpful beyond that?

I'm not sold on 3D as adding depth (in fact it just makes me see double images much of the time due to color contrasts), but I won't lie by admitting the 3D being used as a way to bypass intentionally deceptive designs in the game is a very unique idea.

It helps a lot with judging distances for jumping and landing. A LOT.


I seem to get more pop-up with Up on the Dpad, whereas Down seems to add more depth...?

Man, my head feels all delightfully warm and spacey after playing this game. It's a glorious gaming high I haven't quite gotten from any other game this season, and I've played about all the heavy hitters.

This and Arkham City are my GOTY so far, with Uncharted 3, Portal 2, Deus Ex and Catherine very close behind. Mario Kart 7 is a force to be reckoned with and may shake up the standings. Not quite hyped about Skyward Sword but have already ordered it.

But man, 3D Land. Gaming perfection.

EDIT: Oh, forgot to add, I'll get Skyrim when it's been out awhile and patched up here and there.
Pick up the game today. Finished the first 2 world. I love the level design. I ended up finding the last star coin of 2-4 by accident when I land on the flying block. The star coins are well placed.

Two deaths so far. One a 1-castle jumping into the lava and one at 2-airship spacing out and not doing anything when the level started.

The Futureshop where I bought the game had a promotion on where you got a free Mario character figurine. I picked a blue yoshi.
Got to world 3-2, the variety of levels remind me of the galaxy games and im loving it. The controls feel great, it feels good to have the run button back. The game feels like 2d Mario perfectly implemented in 3d. I was worried this game was going to be a rush job to help the 3ds this holiday but I was wrong.
Neiteio said:
I seem to get more pop-up with Up on the Dpad, whereas Down seems to add more depth...?
I'm pretty sure they have the same amount of depth, the up position just shits the center of the field of depth closer to you.


all good things
So the only deal for this is a $15 coupon from Kmart?

I hate Kmart but I guess I'll go with that if there is nothing else.


Just beat world 6, and World 7 has an... interesting map theme, heh.
And Tanooki+Propeller Block is up there for the most ridiculously cute/amazing things in the Mario series.
Az987 said:
So the only deal for this is a $15 coupon from Kmart?

I hate Kmart but I guess I'll go with that if there is nothing else.

I haven't heard anything else. I got mine from buying Uncharted 3 last week (there was a 2x employee discount day), so I'm definitely using it on this.
In case anyone didn't know, if you crouch and press the run button Mario does a roll. Doesn't seem super useful so far, but you can use it kill enemies and break blocks on the ground if you don't have a suit.
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