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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015



Help R.O.B escape from his Icy prison.


Made my first not very Mario-ass Mario level. Kinda feel like it's more of a concept than a proper level. Give it a shot and tell me how dumb it is. I'll play a few here in the meantime.

Rail Shooter (0320-0000-005B-B1F7)


I think 10% is a solid completion percentage for a level that aims to be "tough but fair." Remember, that's not a sign that 10% of the people who played it have beaten it, but that it takes about 10 lives before someone beats it. I think that's about right for a good challenge.

It's only when it dips below 1% that I begin to suspect shenanigans out of the gate.

I for one look for those 0% levels and spend the night popping that cherry, it's been my mission to do so for the last 3 days.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Btw, has anyone had the Easter Egg where when Mario dies from the bottom of the screen, you can hear him make a whole bunch of noise? Like, it sounds like he's beatboxing with all of his different Mario sound effects, like "Woo-hoo-AY-yaayaayaa-HA-hooo!"

It was really strange. I think it's totally random, though, because I couldn't reproduce it doing the same thing. Haven't seen any YouTube vids of the Easter Egg yet, though.

Anyone else run into this?


Btw, has anyone had the Easter Egg where when Mario dies from the bottom of the screen, you can hear him make a whole bunch of noise? Like, it sounds like he's beatboxing with all of his different Mario sound effects, like "Woo-hoo-AY-yaayaayaa-HA-hooo!"

It was really strange. I think it's totally random, though, because I couldn't reproduce it doing the same thing. Haven't seen any YouTube vids of the Easter Egg yet, though.

Anyone else run into this?
I've had it happen a few times. I gather it's just a random thing.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Btw, has anyone had the Easter Egg where when Mario dies from the bottom of the screen, you can hear him make a whole bunch of noise? Like, it sounds like he's beatboxing with all of his different Mario sound effects, like "Woo-hoo-AY-yaayaayaa-HA-hooo!"

It was really strange. I think it's totally random, though, because I couldn't reproduce it doing the same thing. Haven't seen any YouTube vids of the Easter Egg yet, though.

Anyone else run into this?

Gamexplain has a video of 8 different secret death sounds.


Made a new level yesterday and checked my notifications before work this morning.
It still has 0 plays...

Please give it a try and leave some feedback. Add you level code and I will return the favor tonight when I get home!

Trials of Osiris
Course ID: 4BC9-0000-0062-5935


The main area is a small maze pyramid that you have to go through to enter the actual trial chambers within. The subworld has three short trials and one "reward" chamber that leads to the exit. It's fairly easy but hopefully still fun! Also, there are three not so hidden 1 UPs.

I hope the coins in the maze at the beginning aren't too annoying. They are supposed to tell you where you already went so you don't get too lost.

Link to my other levels in case anyone wants to try them: http://www.mariomakerhub.com/makers/KeRaSh
More people should you this site. It's so easy to add your levels and it creates the user profiles automatically.


I finished your level. Hard but not impossible.

The Hammer Bros on the clown car was probably the hardest most unpredictable part, everything else really relyed on well timed jumps and tactful evasion of fireballs/fire blowers.

Am kinda surprised to hear a good lot of people expressing that they aren't willing to spend a prolonged amount of time on a level. I love these hard levels and spend the night looking for hard but fair levels (no cheap deaths, spring board luck, etc.) to play.

Figures that most of my levels end up having clear rates of under 10%.

I for one look for those 0% levels and spend the night popping that cherry, it's been my mission to do so for the last 3 days.

Hey thanks for playing! I'm glad there are some on GAF that can clear it. It was great seeing SixFortyFive tackle it all the way to the end until the unfortunate trap. But that's basically the level. That's my mantra of level design is difficult, puzzling, yet fair.

I'm kinda in the same boat as you, in terms of looking for these hard as hell GAF levels to clear (In exchange for them giving mine a shot XD) This mentality gave me the pleasure of "Bowling with Bowser" and "Greenhouse Grinder" .

Btw, has anyone had the Easter Egg where when Mario dies from the bottom of the screen, you can hear him make a whole bunch of noise? Like, it sounds like he's beatboxing with all of his different Mario sound effects, like "Woo-hoo-AY-yaayaayaa-HA-hooo!"

It was really strange. I think it's totally random, though, because I couldn't reproduce it doing the same thing. Haven't seen any YouTube vids of the Easter Egg yet, though.

Anyone else run into this?

It's kind of a random meta, as in Mario runs into the other Marios that have fallen down there... Or even Peach!


Oh, and if you want to see a truly chaotic creation, check out the level "Fantastica" in my levels. It was the first real level I made, so it's sort of all over the place. There are a couple cool things in it, though.

this level is a lot more doable than your more recent one, but i've hit that point in the evening where my brain can no longer process what's happening in time for me to react properly. the same happened with timetokill's my lil yoshi level (which i beat the next day on my first attempt). i can't tell if the skinny mushroom is meant to be used for mario to down between the sawblades, but the skinny mushroom doesn't replace a costume mario, so that long jump with skinny mario winds up being wasted and the sawblades become instant death.

you seem to have a great affection for sound effects and for interesting cues too. i liked that the koopa shells at the start were warnings for what was to come. something like that could actually be a very interesting concept for a level, where right now i've mostly seen them used to correspond to door or pipe choices. you could even try something different and do a sort of memory game, where a sound is made early in the level and let's say a koopa shell makes the same sound, letting the player know that it's meant to be used for that earlier part in particular.


Really really good. Not only do you have a good sense of aethestic design, and not only is your ability to create illusions of space and progression via sub-worlds really smart, but your moment to moment gameplay is really tight and well thought out as well.

I especially loved how this level made good use of folds in the level design to make the most out of the space by traversing the same areas or obstacles under different conditions. Like the first section inside the fortress where you introduce saw blades. By going underneath them (where they can't hurt you) and playing the first gameplay challenge with the jumping fire and the dry bones, then going up the moving platform and forcing the player to go back to the left, you're able to actually introduce the exact same saw blades to the player in a new, unique gameplay challenge. It's simple, but it's brilliant.

And then of course there's the section right before you get Yoshi where you have two paths, one of which you can't use yet. Then you get Yoshi and retread the same space in a different way.

You need to keep making levels. You're good at it.

The only thing I'd say should be changed is the flip blocks that you have to hit above the elevator platform in the first room. I think you should either remove them or you should add a safety net underneath the player instead of lava. If the player doesn't think to jump to activate the flip platform the impact will actually shove them downward and they'll fall through the elevator platform into the lava. It's a little awkward, and not really a good way for players to die, I think. I even know how flip blocks work and it happened to me. I noticed them and reacted one second too late and I was dead. And maybe it's just me, but this didn't seem like a significant enough gameplay challenge for it to be something I could die to. I don't think removing it would detract anything from the level.

Wow, wow, wow! Your feedback put quite the smile on my face. Thanks for playing the stage and really going into depth about what you enjoyed and what didn't suit your fancy.

I didn't know that about the flip blocks :( I didn't think it was possible to actually fall through the platform due to late reaction. I might add a bit of a safety net, because the blocks are there to add to the theme. Mario is "breaking out" of the cell he snuck into through an error in architecture.

If I encounter this complaint again, I'll re-upload with the changes. I don't know if stages lose stars or not, lol.

Wow dude. This was a phenomenal course, it felt straight out of SMW for real. It's clear you put a ton of work into it. My only real complaint is the part where you need to break the wall with the bob-ombs that drop right there. There's no point to that part, and it only serves to waste time. That's the only part I didn't like, but even with that, it was honestly one of the best courses I've played so far. Keep making 'em!

Thanks a lot for your feedback and time!!

That part is in relation to the theme. I wanted to make it as if Mario is literally busting into the fortress. He's snuck in through the fortress cell, defeated the dungeon guards (hammer bros) and is nearing Yoshi's chamber. He comes across a wall, blocking his path, using bob-ombs coming from the fort, he smashes into the next layer of the tower.

I know how finicky bob-omb blasts can be, so I had included the "pitchers mound" in the area. Just stand on the elevated part, face the wall, and throw...the opening should be immediate!

i think the best part about it is that it has a really beautiful aesthetic. you make great use of both themes to create a nice scenario. i also like that the second path opens up for the escape route once you 'rescue' yoshi.

Thank you so much! I came up with that by thinking of ways that I could incorporate Yoshi into this whole 'rescue' theme. He was essential, so he couldn't be hidden in a bonus room, and Mario couldn't escape alone. They needed each other!

Sky Fort: I'm the last guy to worry about this stuck, but the sense of place is way off in this level. You go into small-looking ship-like areas and emerge in a giant open castle. Is this sky fort supposed to be way bigger on the inside, like the Toad Houses in SMB3?

As for the actual stage, it's sort of open in the castle but the level design is really tight. I loved the loop back around with Yoshi. I dug the first hidden 1-up, classic placement and it also provided the way back. Just very sharp work there. Probably too many mushrooms though, it felt like they were everywhere.

Also Gsnap has a much better collection of feedback than me so go read his post again!

Big-Tall Mountain: Man, you gotta lay off the mushrooms! They are outta control here! Really fun stage, love the main gimmick and the grand finale makes me jealous it's not in my stage. The subarea exit spits you into the middle of a giant death pit though which is problematic.

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I really love the detail in your response.

If you notice, you're never actually on a ship until the small airships towards the end. So Mario climbs up and sneaks into the underside of the castle (it's not a traditional tower, per se...I have the design in my head, but think a fantastical design...like Castle Oblivion in the KH series) where he finds himself in the tower jail cell.

It's a HUGE fortress, so the inside needs to reflect that. Or it could be like the toad houses, lol. There are just different chambers and rooms all around the fortress, and Mario is only ever 'outside' in the beginning and end of the stage.

As for the mushrooms, I get my bestfriend to playtest my stages before I upload them–he's a novice Mario player–and I'd place mushrooms according to how he progresses; coinciding with my own playthroughs. That way I have a good idea on where to place the convenient power up.

For the critique on Big-Tall Mountain. Do you mean the exit from the first special room? I playtested it over and over...you should fall directly onto the giant red koopa and kick it to the left. Unless you hold left the moment you get out the pipe, you shouldn't fall into the pit! Can you elaborate a bit?

I admit I might have been generous with the mushrooms in this stage! Haha. In my defense, there aren't any checkpoints, and the stage is relatively long. Being able to take an extra hit, rather than die and start all over is preferable to me.

Looking forward to hearing your impressions on future levels. Thank you everyone!!


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
this level is a lot more doable than your more recent one, but i've hit that point in the evening where my brain can no longer process what's happening in time for me to react properly. the same happened with timetokill's my lil yoshi level (which i beat the next day on my first attempt). i can't tell if the skinny mushroom is meant to be used for mario to down between the sawblades, but the skinny mushroom doesn't replace a costume mario, so that long jump with skinny mario winds up being wasted and the sawblades become instant death.

Dah, crap. I thought I fixed that part. I'll edit it and reupload it - there's supposed to be a spare Mushroom for when you drop out of the pipe right before the sawblades.

you seem to have a great affection for sound effects and for interesting cues too. i liked that the koopa shells at the start were warnings for what was to come. something like that could actually be a very interesting concept for a level, where right now i've mostly seen them used to correspond to door or pipe choices. you could even try something different and do a sort of memory game, where a sound is made early in the level and let's say a koopa shell makes the same sound, letting the player know that it's meant to be used for that earlier part in particular.

I haven't really been doing anything high-concept with the sound effects yet, but I definitely enjoy using them. But yeah, I bet there's something there... Let me know if you ever come up with something creative using them.


Made a new level yesterday and checked my notifications before work this morning.
It still has 0 plays...
I don't care much for mazes, but I liked the second part of your level. I like using new powerups to clear a path in a previous area, and you did that without going overboard, so it was fun.
I make Mario-ass Mario levels.
EDIT: I think I might rely on the "Start in the overworld, immediately go into sub-level, level takes place entirely in sub-level" style too much. At least for SMB 3 it feels so wrong to end a level anywhere but the overworld though.
Yes you do. I hope you keep making them. Enjoyed all the ones you posted. I'd do the entrance quickly into sub-level thing more often too if we could see deaths in the sub-level. I hate not being able to see those X'd problem areas for people. Especially since I tend towards SMB3 levels, and like you said, it's weird to not end in the overworld if it's not a castle.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
this level is a lot more doable than your more recent one, but i've hit that point in the evening where my brain can no longer process what's happening in time for me to react properly. the same happened with timetokill's my lil yoshi level (which i beat the next day on my first attempt). i can't tell if the skinny mushroom is meant to be used for mario to down between the sawblades, but the skinny mushroom doesn't replace a costume mario, so that long jump with skinny mario winds up being wasted and the sawblades become instant death.

Dah, crap. I thought I fixed that part. I'll edit it and reupload it - there's supposed to be a spare Mushroom for when you drop out of the pipe right before the sawblades.

Oh, I remember why I removed that. Because then if you miss the previous jump, there's no punishment for missing it.

There's actually a few things wrong with the design of that stage. The biggest issue is when you're taking that elevator up (where you have to stand on the edge on the right), sometimes Bowser's fire will be unavoidable. Same for when that elevator drops on the right.

There's actually a hidden star block under the shortest vine in the group of three vines to the left of Skinny Mushroom, which should help with that jump.

But yeah, dude, thanks a ton for trying out my levels. I really appreciate the feedback, especially from someone who's so thorough when playing. You'd be amazing at QA and design. Anyway, go to sleep. :p Edit: I don't know why I just realized this, but you've been on gaf for more than 10 years. Man, we must be old.


:O Ferrio, complete mine and I'll do yours!

Escape Boo's Haunted Lab.!

The 5th revision at this point, and even more forgiving after watching SixtyFortyFive go at it.
The changes make this far more reasonable than before, while still keeping the difficulty high. Well done.


But yeah, dude, thanks a ton for trying out my levels. I really appreciate the feedback, especially from someone who's so thorough when playing. You'd be amazing at QA and design. Anyway, go to sleep. :p Edit: I don't know why I just realized this, but you've been on gaf for more than 10 years. Man, we must be old.

haha thanks. i did qa for four years and i work as a graphic designer so i guess that makes sense.


I don't care much for mazes, but I liked the second part of your level. I like using new powerups to clear a path in a previous area, and you did that without going overboard, so it was fun.

Thanks for playing! :) Drop me a level code and I'll play one of yours in return when I get back from work today.
I think my problem with 100 Mario Expert is that I find myself having to skip challenging levels I actually enjoy because I've lost too many lives to them. I think the mode would be a lot better if it only required you to beat 8 stages or you had more lives.

if i'm loosing lives in a level, i skip it. i think it's fine because u can always play it back later.
the 100 mario aims only to make you discover more levels.

nonetheless, a lot of those levels are crappy, i really would like the options to create and share playlists.


if i'm loosing lives in a level, i skip it. i think it's fine because u can always play it back later.
the 100 mario aims only to make you discover more levels.

nonetheless, a lot of those levels are crappy, i really would like the options to create and share playlists.

They need tagging, like LBP.


Thanks for playing! :) Drop me a level code and I'll play one of yours in return when I get back from work today.
If you're into ghost houses, see what you think of Yoshi braves the Switch House v2 (DE90-0000-0049-4A2E). I've got a good amount of pretty traditional-ish Mario levels of varying difficulties if that one doesn't look interesting though.


If you're into ghost houses, see what you think of Yoshi braves the Switch House v2 (DE90-0000-0049-4A2E). I've got a good amount of pretty traditional-ish Mario levels of varying difficulties if that one doesn't look interesting though.

I like ghost houses. I've put it on my list of levels to play and will check out your other levels, too. :)


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
A brand new level

Name: Un inizio, tre vie...o una sola?
ID: 1C9C-0000-0064-D0BA

Brief description - It's a level with three main themes: vines, saws and Piranha Plants, with a beginning dominated by Twhomps. Each theme represent a specific mini-course: by playing each of them, you can reach the final flag. But, you'll notice how the flag is very distant from the platform where every mini-course brings on, and requires a long jump with spinning. It's quite strange that there's no way to reach the top of the pole....or maybe there is a way...a way made of different courses, all linked between each other, where you need specific items to travel between the different courses. I've talked too much though. Try it on your own and bring me your feedbacks.


I gave feedback last night to others but no-one replied on mine :(

So reposting for better luck!


I will give feedback back to anyone commenting on mine.


After playing Mario for so long I really enjoy the challenge of the hard levels. That Pranga guy's levels are ridiculous but I still keep coming back!


I made a (probably awful) airship level.


Really disappointed you can't seem to make actual airship boss fights.


I think 10% is a solid completion percentage for a level that aims to be "tough but fair." Remember, that's not a sign that 10% of the people who played it have beaten it, but that it takes about 10 lives before someone beats it. I think that's about right for a good challenge.

It's only when it dips below 1% that I begin to suspect shenanigans out of the gate.

Completion rates should be based on how many players have actually beaten the level.

And there should be counter on the times the level was skipped :p.
I made a (probably awful) airship level.


Really disappointed you can't seem to make actual airship boss fights.

Without getting really tricky, the best you can do is put Bowser Jr. in a Clown Copter, then put a pipe or path up high that you pretty much have to get the Copter to reach. But then, that's what almost everyone else does. Almost, anyway.

Jr. outside of the Copter actually acts a bit like the original Koopa Kids, but it's difficult to actually require the player to fight them, when they can just hop over and continue on.

It is very weird they included a mini-boss and a boss, both of which can be upgraded, but no way that their defeat impacts anything beyond a clearer path to the end of the stage.


Reposting this, as I would like some feedback for this. It's a normal platformer, but pretty hard, endgame or special world difficulty I think.

Sölf;179627083 said:
Someone told me my level are to easy (referring to my 1-X and 2-X levels). So I made now this one:


The Iron Fleet


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Without getting really tricky, the best you can do is put Bowser Jr. in a Clown Copter, then put a pipe or path up high that you pretty much have to get the Copter to reach. But then, that's what almost everyone else does. Almost, anyway.

Jr. outside of the Copter actually acts a bit like the original Koopa Kids, but it's difficult to actually require the player to fight them, when they can just hop over and continue on.

It is very weird they included a mini-boss and a boss, both of which can be upgraded, but no way that their defeat impacts anything beyond a clearer path to the end of the stage.

On the other hand, a boss whose goal is to simply advance past him is very SMB1-esque. Plus you can do things like require SMB3 Bowser to break the floor to reveal the path ahead.

I considered the idea of putting either Bowser or Jr. into Lakitu's cloud and have him constantly harass you through an autoscroll castle that never gives you the opportunity to reach him. I think it's a solid idea but I need to flesh it out more; Bowser's fireball trajectories seem like they might not be good enough to be a fitting obstacle, actually.



Thanks for playing my level in your stream earlier today. You brought attention to a major design error I made, so I deleted the course, made some tweaks and reuploaded. Hope you give it another try. Glad you liked what you played though!

Anyway, here's the new Course ID:




I look forward to trying it out tomorrow. For now though, I sleep XD

Thanks for the stages as always :)


No, it is from 10 Mario Challenge. Are you sure you're not getting new levels? Have you died without completing some? You have to beat them all to unlock the NWC levels.
So far all I've been getting is repeats, although not sure if I've been getting to the end of the challenge.


I gave feedback last night to others but no-one replied on mine :(

So reposting for better luck!


I will give feedback back to anyone commenting on mine.

I played your level and beat it... After quite a few tries. It might be harder than you think.

Loads of nice touches with the layout, like ice blocks inside stone blocks which looks nice. There's lots of good ideas in there. Maybe enough ideas to make several levels from. Good iterations on ideas as it progresses too. The thwomps on springs are pretty nefarious.

It would really benefit from having a half way point, because there's a bit of trial and error in the level.
The ending sequence is really satisfying.

I'm going to upload one of my levels soon. Mine are for beginners tho.


So far all I've been getting is repeats, although not sure if I've been getting to the end of the challenge.
Did you unlock all the editor pieces? I think the top two rows of sample levels in coursebot are example usages of unlockables, and you may need those to get the NWC stages.



The editor should display how many items you have used and what´s the limit for each one, it´s really frustrating running out of elements just as you´re about to complete a level :(

Ran out of blocks twice with my Bowser's Castle 64. And the enemy limit was also reached on my Dark Side of the Goomba. Solely because of the black plants :p.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I gave feedback last night to others but no-one replied on mine :(

So reposting for better luck!


I will give feedback back to anyone commenting on mine.

I tried to complete it, but that first part with the Twhomp and the trampolines...it's too difficult.
I get it, you need to start running right before the Twhomp stops, but the timing is so strict, it's impossible to get it right every time. Way, way, waaay to difficult IMHO. I obtained to surpass that point once, though, and I was reaching what probably was the pipe leading to the ending sequence, but that Red Koopa
Aside from that, cool ideas for Twhomps + ice blocks between sliding and gates to open, and
I liked how you used a coin as a hint for a hidden ? block with a 1Up

I'll try to complete it in the future.
I finally finished the level I started day one in Super Mario Maker, my Metroid/Brinstar level, "y cant metroid shoot? - Brinstar"


It's a Metroid level made to evoke Brinstar, with actual Metroid gameplay. I've put an emphasis on atmosphere and visuals (in particular, I wanted the scrolling and screen management to be extremely close to the original NES game, which led to a lot of constraints which IMO benefited the level), but exploration/puzzle elements have also been carefully crafted. In that sense, the level is an homage to NES Metroid but also to 8-bit computer exploration/puzzle action games I grew up with.




  • Five levels of powerups.
  • Some powerups don't stack up and are mutually exclusive, you'll have to find when and where to use them.
  • Powerups are regenerated, if you lose one you can get it back at its original location.
  • In Super Mario Maker, when you use a pipe (or a door), enemies are regenerated, but broken blocks stay broken. This allowed me to make it so, once a powerup is unlocked, it stays unlocked and is immediately accessible in its location by square #1 little Mario: you won't ever have to redo the powerup chain, even if you lose all your powerups (this, to avoid tedious repetition and to keep a good pace).
  • (Obviously) you can't ever get stuck in an area without being able to progress.
  • When you get a powerup, you won't be able to continue until you've used its specific power(s), to make sure everybody understands powerup capabilities (there is one single exception to this, because the powerup's power is well-known and obvious).
  • You can finish the level without using one powerup specifically, but doing so makes the level much harder.
  • Action is slow and balanced, not particularly tough, there aren't too many rooms. Even if you obviously have to be careful, it's completely different from my Tourian level: since one hit means you have to backtrack, it's more about avoiding stupid mistakes and figuring things out rather than being masterful. The addition of all those "easy" sequences and the general exploration/puzzle elements make it not easy on the whole, though, especially since the MAX 500 time limit threatens.
  • Three lives are hidden, and many coins, even if they aren't in the level openly.
  • The time limit is a threat, but I could finish the level while collecting the three lives and many coins in XXX time units.
  • Puzzles, enemies and locations are inspired by Brinstar, but the level is its own thing.
  • To my knowledge, you can't sequence break (optional powerup excluded).

Reminder of chapter 4 of "y cant metroid shoot?", the action-oriented Tourian (I'll do Kraid then Ridley later):

man I played Tourian when you first posted it here and I played Brinstar yesterday. Tourian was awesome but I think Brinstar might be better! You really do an awesome job of making the levels feel like a Mario/Metroid combination. It's clear that you take pride in the details - the mechanics of the levels are fun in their own right and the look of the levels have a sort of textured, gritty feel that captures the look of the original. Awesome stuff.

still haven't finished Brinstar. Got stuck after getting no the heel kuribo suit.


Most of the levels I've come across in the wild are either pretty ridiculously hard or just play and finish themselves.
So I've been trying to make levels for beginners. With introductions to basic platforming that still make them feel satisfied when they finish the level. And hopefully giving experienced players some small challenge or fun in the level by finding a secrets or other paths. Also they can be beaten without using the run button, as it seems to be an incomprehensible concept to Mario beginners.

I'm calling them 'Jr.' Levels. They've gone thru quite a lot of testing on a 7 year old, a 14 year old and a 40 year old that hasn't played any Mario before.

If you have someone new to Mario to test them on or want to give feedback yourself, please give them a try.

We Need Your Help Star Fox! Jr.

ID: 51D0 0000 0064 822E
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