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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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my god the demo is so hype i can't believe it. i played it at my friends for an hour straight. IT ACTUALLY FEELS GOOD. IT ACTUALLY FEELS FAST. i was so damn stoked. i absolutely hated brawl, but am so stoked for this. i think i'm going to buy it and borrow a friends 3DS for two weeks. it will be the first game i have gotten since street fighter 4 in 08. i can't believe im going to get a game, so excited


There are plenty of characters I want to use, but these are the three I'm going to put the most time into mastering.


They are my three favorite characters from my three favorite Nintendo series.



Toon Link was my main in Brawl so he has the advantage in who I want to main. Shulk is my most anticipated newcomer so I'll try to master his stance changes to win. Lucina looks so good that it's difficult to not want to use her, even more with how much I liked using Marth. Now that Lucas is dead I need to replace him with Ness, I hope this time he clicks with me unlike in the other games. Zero Suit Samus having her own slot is great news and that will guarantee that I'll pick her even more than in Brawl. Robin's mix of magic and use of swords looks interesting as is Duck Hunt in general so I'm really excited to try them, and Kirby, who I mained in 64 needs more love from me so I'll try to play as him more.


This has probably already been discussed, but does exiting the game causes the system to reboot like the Special Demo does?

It is a little bit annoying, to be honest.


This has probably already been discussed, but does exiting the game causes the system to reboot like the Special Demo does?

It is a little bit annoying, to be honest.

That doesn't happen to me... But, I've only switched to another game while Smash Demo was suspended, I don't think I've ever just closed the Demo itself.


Oh my god, there is a post in reddit about the impending war amongst Melee players and Smash 4. It's titled:

Smash 4 and Melee: The Reality We All Have To Face and Other Predictions

This guy and others seem to be fear mongering about a potential future schism between those who want Melee to live on as the only viable competitive smash platform and those that want to play the new game at the upcoming tourneys. They assume that Nintendo will outright ban Melee from tourneys/streaming once the Wii U version of smash 4 is out. If like I hear what you guys think. Is nintendo really craven enough to try and muscle Melee out of competitive play in favor of the new shininess that is Smash 4? Is the Melee competitive scene so insular and dusty that they won't accept the new game as competitively viable because of a little extra end lag and no ice climbers?? This feels paranoid and I think it's stirring up negativity instead of what they say they're doing, preventing a schism. One of the commentators went as far as to say that "dark times are ahead for smash". I am not silly enough to think that 100% of the Melee community will be on board with this transition, but I'd like to think that they are capable of at least giving smash 4 a chance to evolve a metagame before denouncing it as brawl tier trash. I'm also aware that nintendo has a vested interest in promoting their "next big thing" as much as possible, but why these guys think that will put a target on the Melee community is beyond me. I get the feeling that nintendo is fine with tourneys like evo, but that they seem to be moving towards something like the E3 smash tourney or their long running pokemon championship. If they run their own tourney and exclude Melee will competitors still rage? I don't get it, maybe it's a dog-whistle that only seasoned Melee players can hear, but I don't see any cause for his much manufactured alarm.

This has probably already been discussed, but does exiting the game causes the system to reboot like the Special Demo does?

It is a little bit annoying, to be honest.
Given how long it takes to load (compared with other software) I think even starting the game makes the system reboot. Ah DS Lite auto boot where art thou?

I guess it is the only way to flush Miiverse/web browser out of the OS (if you hit home and try to run them it won't work).
my god the demo is so hype i can't believe it. i played it at my friends for an hour straight. IT ACTUALLY FEELS GOOD. IT ACTUALLY FEELS FAST. i was so damn stoked. i absolutely hated brawl, but am so stoked for this. i think i'm going to buy it and borrow a friends 3DS for two weeks. it will be the first game i have gotten since street fighter 4 in 08. i can't believe im going to get a game, so excited

I was incredibly nervous too, but it feels so smooth to play, much different than Brawl. I love that the reception from the community has been incredibly positive. This game has a bright future, and I'm really excited to be a part of it.

Masked Man

I said wow
Okay, since I love ya'll, here's the link to my folder containing the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS OST in MP3 (22khz / 160kbit):

Please give it a few minutes to upload the remaining files (might take up to 30min).

I love you <3

Wow... What a bummer. Sad to see that 3DS limitations did, in fact, lead to the Ice Climbers' demise. :( And the line about series with no future titles lined up explains why Lucas got the axe as well...

That detail about Toda writing the trophies kinda makes that Lucas trophy description a bit more heartwarming, I think.

BTW the fact they were working on Wii U finally addresses the inclusion of the Polar Bears. Guess what else is in Smash Run? Freakin' Sneaky Spirits.

I'm beginning to fear Chorus Kids were developed and then cut due to the same roster parity reason. In fact they could've worked similarly to the IC.

I know... I'm really worried we won't be seeing them as DLC, either. :(

Off-topic spoilers about Mother 3 and EarthBound and Mother

Since Itoi feels that Flint being Ness is a valid interpretation, does this mean Hinawa is Paula? It makes a ton of sense, considering that she displays psychic powers. Further, Ness' Mom bears a resemblance to Ana from Mother 1, and Itoi has said that Ninten being Ness' Dad is a valid spoiler. Which means that every Mother game would be the next generation of heroes, fighting the same evils that their parents fought. Now Lucas just has to start dating Kumatora!

Whoooooa, totally never knew about that! :O
I've mentioned this before but the majority of the competitive scene is gonna have to move onto Smash 4 at some point unless they want the scene to collapse entirely.

I imagine Nintendo are gonna want to put money and time (even if it's only a little) into Smash 4 and they're certainly gonna want people playing it at EVO as the main Smash title. The entire scenario reminds me of the Counter-Strike series.


Oh my god, there is a post in reddit about the impending war amongst Melee players and Smash 4. It's titled:

Smash 4 and Melee: The Reality We All Have To Face and Other Predictions

This guy and others seem to be fear mongering about a potential future schism between those who want Melee to live on as the only viable competitive smash platform and those that want to play the new game at the upcoming tourneys. They assume that Nintendo will outright ban Melee from tourneys/streaming once the Wii U version of smash 4 is out. If like I hear what you guys think. Is nintendo really craven enough to try and muscle Melee out of competitive play in favor of the new shininess that is Smash 4? Is the Melee competitive scene so insular and dusty that they won't accept the new game as competitively viable because of a little extra end lag and no ice climbers?? This feels paranoid and I think it's stirring up negativity instead of what they say they're doing, preventing a schism. One of the commentators went as far as to say that "dark times are ahead for smash". I am not silly enough to think that 100% of the Melee community will be on board with this transition, but I'd like to think that they are capable of at least giving smash 4 a chance to evolve a metagame before denouncing it as brawl tier trash. I'm also aware that nintendo has a vested interest in promoting their "next big thing" as much as possible, but why these guys think that will put a target on the Melee community is beyond me. I get the feeling that nintendo is fine with tourneys like evo, but that they seem to be moving towards something like the E3 smash tourney or their long running pokemon championship. If they run their own tourney and exclude Melee will competitors still rage? I don't get it, maybe it's a dog-whistle that only seasoned Melee players can hear, but I don't see any cause for his much manufactured alarm.


He might just be afraid to see the Brawl Effect again (split and death of the Melee scene, with Brawl taking its place in MLG and stuff). But I think it's not going to happen, the majority of the Melee scene wants to give a shot at Smash4, even guys like Mango who don't really like smash but like melee tweeted good stuff about it. And... well... I guess the sponsors who arrived this year like Cloud9 or Evil Geniuses will force them to play Sm4sh too. I think one of the top 5 melee player said he wanted to play sm4sh for 6 months or a year and then see if it's worth to continue or not.

I think Melee and Sm4sh will live together for some time (at least a year) and then people will judge.
If there might be a victim in all this, it's ProjectM. It's probably not going to die thanks to constant updates, but it might stop the hype that 3.0 created.

(sorry for my bad English)
Nintendo doesn't have to muscle out Melee, the game will do that by itself. Even if it would have been Brawl 2.0 it would live for a good 6 months and that's the most important part (for Nintendo). If it stays after is unclear but Melee will survive no matter what.


I think so but I'm not sure, wait for MH4G on n3ds, since MH4 has the same issue.

Oh! Didn't know that.

Hopefully it will, since it has more memory it should be able to run Miiverse and Browser alongside the game. But then again, this would mean I would have to wait until 2015 to fix that.


How is the world average so much higher than mine in Smash Run? What am I doing wrong? For example I have 61k points for Falcon, yet the world average is 212k.


Okay, since I love ya'll, here's the link to my folder containing the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS OST in MP3 (22khz / 160kbit):

Please give it a few minutes to upload the remaining files (might take up to 30min).

How many MP3s should there be? Every time I refresh, I get a different amount.. 38, 57, 66, 100...


Are you sure 212k is for Falcon only, not all characters total?

Yes because when I hover over a character, it has my high score and then under it is a number that says "world somethingsomething" that I'm assuming is the average. You can see this in Trophy Rush as well. In Trophy Rush my high score is pretty close to the average score, yet in Smash Run they are way off. For example for Wii Fit Trainer my score is 40k but the world average is 101k.
I made this for /vg/ 4 days ago to start a discussion about alt colours but I'm on a different computer now and don't have time to cut it down to my mains (Captain Falcon, DK, Zelda)
I'll play as the whole roster anyway

Lord Phol

This was way harder than I thought, tried to keep it to 8 characters.


TOP Row:

  • Greninja - This is my man! He was my favorite new pokemon in Y and his moveset looks fantastic. Definetly going to try him out first, could very well be my first pick Main.
  • Robin - Looks very interesting and unique. I really like the combination of Sword and Magic powerset. Playing Awakening atm so hype level is at max!
  • Lucina - Marths moveset but in a better package! Never played Marth much but I do like Fire Emblem and my swordwielders!
  • Little Mac - Fast and hard hitting, I had no idea I would find him so intresting until I saw him in action. Jab jab smash! Can't wait to K.O people!


  • Shulk - Love his design and I'm a sucker for swordwielders! Note sure if the Monado mechanics will be a curse or a boon but his animations are nice.
  • Rosalina & Luma - The first Mario character that I'm really interested in. Usually not very good with these kind of heroes (2in1) but her moveset with the Luma is just too awesome too pass up.
  • Lucario - Was never the biggest fan of his design but he looks beastly in this game.
  • Ike - Probably the one I'm least interested out of this bunch, but I need a hard-hitter for variety and Ike has his moments when he's really fun to play.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Mii - Was very unexcited for their inlcusion until I saw the way they were implemented. Now they are among my favorite newcomers.
  • Bowser Jr - Just looks like an overall fun character.
  • Link - Plays so much better than in past games, looking forward to see what I can do with him.
  • Sonic - Like Link he looks much better in this game than in brawl. I love how his platsyle is fast and really feels like Sonic.
  • Palutena - Love her design and being a spell wielders gets her on my interest list!
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