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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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Faced someone called BakaGaijins Mac online and I feel kinda bad, I've been having so much trouble vs Mac but against him I just seemed to do everything right. I didn't realise how easy it was to just kill Mac if you just defend then knock him off the edge on FD.

Maybe Mac will be amazing in good hands and they'll never leave center stage but I'm not so sure how well he'll do in tournaments.
Since we're apparently still doing roster dealies, top row are veterans, bottom row are newcomers.


DK: The constant fixture of every smash game and my favourite Nintendo character, I'll channel my disappointment at the lack of new DK content into fighting prowess and Kong rage.

Ike: I'm pumped for some hench Radiant Dawn Ike, not only will it be more fitting for those heavy sword hits but they even brought along the canonically correct blue fire this time around.

Charizard: The one orange character here and I make him purple yet I'll complain about the lack of Orange alts, hmm. Anyway it was either the Zard or the Dorf and Charizard's expanded moveset gives him extra appeal while Ganonodorf looks the same as ever so for now Zard gets top billing, always enjoyed using him in Brawl.

Little Mac: The newcomer who I expect will either be really good or really bad depending on the situation, in any case I'm still intrigued to try out his ground based offensive stylings.

Palutena: I'll almost certainly be customising the heck out of those special moves since the dfeaults are lame and everything else looks so much cooler, should be fun whipping up a set tailor made for myself. I also dig the standard attack style.

Bowser Jr/Ludwig: I'll likely alternate between the two, this moveset is just so quirky and fun to watch, I just love the idea of fighting in the clown car so very much.
Faced someone called BakaGaijins Mac online and I feel kinda bad, I've been having so much trouble vs Mac but against him I just seemed to do everything right. I didn't realise how easy it was to just kill Mac if you just defend then knock him off the edge on FD.

Maybe Mac will be amazing in good hands and they'll never leave center stage but I'm not so sure how well he'll do in tournaments.
It depends on who he's facing for now it seems. Like the other day in a tournament the Mac player was destroying a Zelda player, but then when Robin switched in all she had to do was Side B and Mac was basically shut down.


I still don't have any idea who I really want to play. Thinking about Greninja, Robin, or Shulk. But Marth/Lucina, Falcon, Mario, Zero Suit, Puff, and a bunch of others all seem fun too.


Neo Member
So I have been loving the 3DS demo and have barely played any Smash Brothers before. I got up to about level 6 against the CPU and have been finding games a lot tougher. I have been playing mostly as Villager and just trying to understand the combat. I am at a point where I feel like this is the first fighting game I can possibly get to playing at a decent level and I am damn excited about that because while I always tried different games in the genre my weary old hands cannot deal with complicated move sets.

I need more training though so I was considering picking up a copy of Brawl to play via my Wii U. It's very cheap now and easily obtainable in the UK. Will it give me a hand with the basics coming into the 3DS version? Or am I better off just waiting for the full 3DS version? I know there are roster differences and fundamental changes coming into this new version but I would have thought the base gameplay will be similar enough for me to see some benefit in playing Brawl?

I think it's something my wife would enjoy playing in multiplayer too so it may be worth having good just for that. Veteran thoughts would be welcome.


Tier arguments for a game that's not even out for most of the world. :/

We can agree on this though.

S Tier:
Japanese 3DS owners

F Tier:
Everyone else

Though I'm almost certain Wii U/3DS transfers must be through the same NNID, so I have to pretty much redo everything on the NA version on my smaller 3DS. I will probably just grind out all the characters and won't try for trophies and what not until the N3DS comes out in NA.


I agree completely. I spent an hour trying to get WFT's 8th custom move and never got it. It drove me insane. It's so irritating getting duplicates, or going through classic and getting just coins and trophies, or just generally how annoying it can be to try to get custom moves. They need to just have a shop you can spend your coins on custom moves at, and get rid of duplicate custom moves entirely, since they're just useless. They're not even tallied like the duplicate trophies are.

A purchase option in addition to the grind would be nice. 1000 coins a piece, job done. I'd be happy with it. That way you can grind and unlock, but you can also use the coins to get them.

Even the trophy game doesn't include them enough. Most of the settings given are Smash Run items.


Tier arguments for a game that's not even out for most of the world. :/
Calling him bottom tier is over the top, sure, but there seems to be a general consensus that he's one of the weaker characters (at least out of the ones many were excited for, or out of the ones in the demo).


A purchase option in addition to the grind would be nice. 1000 coins a piece, job done. I'd be happy with it.

That'd be ideal. You'd have to continue obtaining coins anyway, so the grinding would still be there, just in a significantly less frustrating form. I guess it's too much to hope for that functionality to be added in a patch?


To be fair, sometimes it's pretty obvious when a character is intrinsically good or bad. I mean, pretty much everyone pegged Vergil for top tier the second his reveal trailer ended. Or at least I did.


I've never understood the aversion people have to talking about tiers early on. I completely get that it's impossible to come up with anything accurate, but it's just speculation. Stuff like "He's obviously bottom tier, don't even try learning him" is toxic, but guessing which characters might be especially good or bad is going to happen anyway. Until about a year in, people are always really quick to jump on people about it; "Why are you even thinking about that, it's still so early!"

Edit: barely related, but I was looking for an early Brawl tournament the other day for comparison. To my surprise, the finals of this one, a few days after the game was out in NA, already ended up Snake vs MetaKnight. Doesn't mean anything, but kinda funny. (and the first one I remember/was able to find is here, if anyone is curious.)


I've never understood the aversion people have to talking about tiers early on. I completely get that it's impossible to come up with anything accurate, but it's just speculation. Stuff like "He's obviously bottom tier, don't even try learning him" is toxic, but guessing which characters might be especially good or bad is going to happen anyway. Until about a year in, people are always really quick to jump on people about it; "Why are you even thinking about that, it's still so early!"

That's not at all the attitude I have. It takes time to accurately determine a tier within a game. To do it correctly, the game has to be fully explored. It takes time. You don't figure that shit out in a few days based on the 30 people you played against online via Nintendo's "ok" network.

To be fair, sometimes it's pretty obvious when a character is intrinsically good or bad. I mean, pretty much everyone pegged Vergil for top tier the second his reveal trailer ended. Or at least I did.

Naw, it's still too early. Also, tiers aren't finite. They change and evolve over time. A bad character in the first week can be much better, or even the best in a year or two.
Looking at the filenames of the MP3s if I'm remember my Brawl ones correctly the naming structure is the same complete with gaps for those.

The gaps for Brawl music and going with the same structure must have a reason...(well some tracks do return but I feel it needs to be more than that)

If someone were to compare with the brawl listings...
Fakedit: Aha:
From this:
-Mega Man is franchise now S. In Brawl franchise S was Snake.
-It goes franchise(Brawl:3DS:U)? (there are no gaps between Brawl and 3DS at the very least)
-Xenoblade, Wii Fit and Mii music is lumped in franchise R (the modern franchises) rather than being a franchise of its own.
-Punch-Out music is lumped with both retro and modern franchises (Wii version of theme counts as modern I suppose).
-Pac-Man is franchise V. And with that there are 25 letters filled*
-Smash 4 tunes are franchise CRS. There are 2 gaps. Wonder what that could mean. One looks like classic mode and the other looks like a menu.

*Note: Franchise is a loose term as W is Melee, T is 64, Z is victory themes. Y is SSE; there is no music in 3DS from that and CRS seems to be Smash 4 tunes. If there were that would be 26 letters accounted for. It not being overwritten suggests a track or two could return for Wii U.

Uncommon knowledge.
DK Jungle SSB64 music appears.
There is a Mii maker mix.
Nazo no Murasamejou finally has an arranged medley.
Kirby man, you used to be cool and yet there are two tracks (+melee) now.

Watching a stream and I just saw Ness use a taunt after killing Ike, which was a text bubble with a word "fa**ot" in it.
Real men use items. I guess client always sees theirs.
But what if the other bottomer tiered people got even better special moves, so even though he got better he got worse overall?

Poor megaman...first capcom forgets about him and now Nintendo makes him bad...

Remember the times Megaman ROCKed? :p

By the way is there a spreadsheet for NNID like there was for Mario Kart? Would love to play against some gaffers sometime (maybe even german ones)


Maturity, bitches.
I love that someone worked out the weights of all the character and yet couldn't figure out a character's name.
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