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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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My mostly likely mains. Could easily change, though.


My mostly likely mains. Could easily change, though.
Yeah, if you are like me, most of your favorite characters won't jive with you as much as you hoped. Mega Man, Pacman, and Falco in particular have fallen out of my favor. I still try to play the entire cast, but it didn't take long for my big three to solidify.

Pre-release hopes




I never expected I would like Mario so much. He is basically Falcon 64.

I'll jump on the bandwagon. This isn't a list of mains, but more of the characters I'm most interested in cracking open and see how I like them. Visually they fit my playstyle, but it's hard to know until I get them in my own hands.

I'm also digging Link, but I want to see how the others stack up before I decide who to invest in.

Shulk is the biggest unknown for me. I love the character, but I haven't seen anyone do anything really impressive with him yet. I hope he has a bit of a learning curve.


Yeah, if you are like me, most of your favorite characters won't jive with you as much as you hoped. Mega Man, Pacman, and Falco in particular have fallen out of my favor. I still try to play the entire cast, but it didn't take long for my big three to solidify.
Part of me is worried that I'll just end up only using Link or Toon Link, because he's the character I'm best at, right now, and certainly the character from the demo I've been playing the most. I'm gonna try to give all the character a go, of course.

1. Peach- She has been one of my most consistent played characters, she loves to win for me and I appreciate that. I have no choice but to let her run course and enjoy another tenure by my side.

2. Diddy kong was so balling for me on brawl he was #1 ahead of peach for me for awhile. Hes strong as hell and can rack up damage % like it aint shit with the damn cartwheel.

3. Fox, Fox was my dude on melee so I always give him a shot and place him very high in my character rankings as who im good with. He fell of hard in brawl but whatever I still love him.

4. Zero Suit Samus is baddie. Like forreal she was always missing that one thing in brawl for me but since smash 4 is fixing some shit up I believe she could possibly end up very high on my list. Shes so agile and smooth I love it.

5. I am a huge ground player, I love to rack up damage before tryna ko somebody out of the stage and little mac seems perfect for that. I will avoid you and take you up 200% to knock yo ass out if i have to.

6. Marth was a beauty to play as in melee. I never gave him the time of day in brawl though. I hope we can re-ignite that flame we once had.

7. Sasuke Robin and Lightning robin they look very cool to use. And I love their color schemes cant wait to see it in action on Wii U. One thing though.. if they are a bit slow I could easily drop them.

8. Toon Link was by far my 3rd best in brawl and probably young link my 4th best in melee. He seems a bit stronger than link and also less of tank to in his movements cant wait to play him again.

9. Sonic was probably my 4th best in brawl. Hes fast and can knock you out with some strong smash attacks. I really need to play him more though I feel like i couldve been way better with him if I gave brawl the amount of time I gave other smash games.

10. Dark Pit arouses me

11. Greninja looks like a boss.. his speed bis moves, his air play it all seems very consistent and if you are good with him you could freestyle on your opponents just leaving them all kinds of confused and lost with his moves.

12. I think WFT is an underdog her smash attacks look strong as hell! She also seems really graceful in her movements I wouldnt mind getting good with her just to style on my opponent.

13. My day 1. Pikachu! We been through so much ever since 64 he was my number 1.. melee he was still somewhat up there then in brawl he took a backseat. After playing the demo all i can do is express my excitement how glad I am that i can use him confidently like I could before.

Cant wait for smash 4!


How many MP3s should there be? Every time I refresh, I get a different amount.. 38, 57, 66, 100...

If you scroll down and keep scrolling, it'll update more. It's dynamic, hence the numbers do not represent the immediate total in the folder. Sadly.

Or try the new link posted above.


If you scroll down and keep scrolling, it'll update more. It's dynamic, hence the numbers do not represent the immediate total in the folder. Sadly.

Or try the new link posted above.

Yeah, it didn't really behave as it should.

But the new link, that one's amazing! So thank's a whole bunch. :)

I think I might check out Ness this game. I adore Earthbound and he's apparently pretty good. Any Ness mains have any advice?

I couldn't decide between regular/shiny Greninja, White Mage/Anna Robin and regular/Gemini Man? Mega Man so I'll probably just use both.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot someone.



I uphold Diddy with great reluctance now that his bananas have been destroyed but I'm hoping his increased range can make up for it. Less miffed about Peach's veggies since ledge cancelling remedies most of it.
To break up the list wars...

Posted? Hori will make a Gamecube Turbo controller for Wii U with official Mario & Luigi color shemes:
This is bizarre land at best. A Japanese website posting about a US Amazon listing:
Oh November 21 eh...just announce it already, they're not even trying to hide it now.

Like the real GC controller and not one of those types that connect to the Wii Remote?

I'd be down for this because I have missed the turbo button and just using it in some games for good fun or tedious work.
Good question. The third pic at the JP site which shows the rounded plugs is sadly an observation that these look like the ones on Club Nintendo about a decade ago and is unrelated to these pads.

Sadly the US Amazon description has these words: "Simply plug into your Wii U Remote and enjoy! Features short stroke L and R buttons". Well there you have it. I suppose plugging into GC ports is pointless as official GC pads do that is their view.

Makes me wonder how PDP feel. I guess Hori don't have Yoshi or Peach :p

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I don't get how the fuck are people gonna main up to sixteen characters. You guys don't know what a main is.


Potential Mains:

Toon Link - Been playing Link since Smash 64, but I jumped ship in Brawl because Twilight Princess Link is ugly and sucky.
Robin - Been wanting a mixed swords(wo)man/mage since forever.

Other characters I'm really interested in:

Palutena - Been wanting her in Smash since the original Uprising trailer. She looks like Dormammu in Marvel.
Greninja - Looks fun.


I don't get how the fuck are people gonna main up to sixteen characters. You guys don't know what a main is.


Potential Mains:

Toon Link - Been playing Link since Smash 64, but I jumped ship in Brawl because Twilight Princess Link is ugly and sucky.
Robin - Been wanting a mixed swords(wo)man/mage since forever.

Other characters I'm really interested in:

Palutena - Been wanting her in Smash since the original Uprising trailer. She looks like Dormammu in Marvel.
Greninja - Looks fun.

I don't know about 16 but the 8 I posted will get all my attention in the next several months until it's narrowed down, a bit. Hard to call anyone a main when the game has yet to get in my hands. So many things can change.
It's really less "mains" and more characters they're definitely using or are interested in. A lot here (me included) are just having fun.

My main will be Wario, but I know I'll use a lot more. He's just the character that I'll use and focus on the most.


Little Mac's easily becoming my favorite non-Ganondorf in this game. He's so hard to use, but not in a way that feels like he just sucks. Instead, it feels like you're just not using him right, and he's really, really compelling to try to learn because of that. Also, properly utilizing your KO meter is absolutely required to win with him. He's designed around it, if you're not using it, you're almost certainly going to lose.


Little Mac's easily becoming my favorite non-Ganondorf in this game. He's so hard to use, but not in a way that feels like he just sucks. Instead, it feels like you're just not using him right, and he's really, really compelling to try to learn because of that. Also, properly utilizing your KO meter is absolutely required to win with him. He's designed around it, if you're not using it, you're almost certainly going to lose.

I think a lot of people have trouble with Little Mac because they don't know his range. His side tilts and smashes move him a bit forward, so if you are right next to your opponent, you will just completely whiff. Once you know what position you need to be in order to hit them, you can send people flying with even the simplest moves.

Also I just found a Hitmonlee trophy. He hasn't been in Smash since the 64 version. Maybe he will be a Pokeball Pokemon on the Wii U game.


I figure I'll try to main 3 newcomers, and 3 veterans I'm already good at.


Villager - I'm interested in seeing what he can really do. Playing against CPUs in the demo isn't really the best way to learn him since they act like idiots by feeding me easy projectiles to pocket and blindly walking into my trees, but once I can fight real people I'll surely figure out some new tricks.

Pac-Man - He looks so weird, I have no clue what to expect but I'm going for it anyway. Also, I like the Namco references.

Duck Hunt - His traps are awesome, and it's the Duck Hunt Dog. How can I resist?

Mr. Game & Watch: I just love this guy's fighting style. His aerials are so good.

Olimar - This dude was my MAN back in Brawl... here's hoping the Pikmin nerf didn't hurt him TOO much.

Jigglypuff - OK, I'm not actually that great at her. But I think now is the time to make an attempt!


The grind to get custom moves is really starting to grate on me

8 new moves for each character, that's 384 custom moves, with the distinct possibility of either getting duplicates in the settings, or not getting any special moves at all. It irks me.

Don't know how JoeInky is doing it. It's driving me bananas.

Nose Master

The grind to get custom moves is really starting to grate on me

8 new moves for each character, that's 384 custom moves, with the distinct possibility of either getting duplicates in the settings, or not getting any special moves at all. It irks me.

Don't know how JoeInky is doing it. It's driving me bananas.


I love grinding for unlockables. Straight into my veins.


The grind to get custom moves is really starting to grate on me

8 new moves for each character, that's 384 custom moves, with the distinct possibility of either getting duplicates in the settings, or not getting any special moves at all. It irks me.

Don't know how JoeInky is doing it. It's driving me bananas.

Just play classic on 9.0 without dying about 130 times and you should get them all. Good luck!

This is one of the things I hope transfer over to the Wii U.


The grind to get custom moves is really starting to grate on me

8 new moves for each character, that's 384 custom moves, with the distinct possibility of either getting duplicates in the settings, or not getting any special moves at all. It irks me.

Don't know how JoeInky is doing it. It's driving me bananas.

I agree completely. I spent an hour trying to get WFT's 8th custom move and never got it. It drove me insane. It's so irritating getting duplicates, or going through classic and getting just coins and trophies, or just generally how annoying it can be to try to get custom moves. They need to just have a shop you can spend your coins on custom moves at, and get rid of duplicate custom moves entirely, since they're just useless. They're not even tallied like the duplicate trophies are.

I don't appear to be good enough for that, keep dying on the Miis

This bugs me too. Little Mac's great for taking on the Miis, but good luck defeating Master Core with him.


Watching a stream and I just saw Ness use a taunt after killing Ike, which was a text bubble with a word "fa**ot" in it.
I gotta say, the alt colours in the new Smash are pretty cool. It's a shame though that some colour schemes that have different models associated with them are just alts. What I wouldn't give for proper suits for Samus. D:
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