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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese


Alrighty, the tournament is on for the Monday. If you're participating or on the reservation list, please read the info below to see how things are going down.

You must PM me to show that you remember you're in the tournament!
With a lot of people waiting on the reserves list, I want to make sure all of the people who signed up are actually going to show up and play there matches. Therefore, starting right now, you can PM me to show that you plan on keeping up with the tournament. If I don't receive a PM from you by the end of Monday, you will be disqualified.

Once the tournament starts, everything will be posted in a separate thread.
To keep this thread focused and on topic, I will be making a new thread for this tournament on Monday. I may post the occasional update after each round in here, but aside from that all tournament activity is to be posted in the thread made for this.

It is up to you to meet up with your opponent and play your matches.
When I post then new thread on Monday, I will also put up the brackets showing who everyone is facing (this will be randomized). It is up to you guys to communicate with each other and coordinate a time to meet up and play. You will have three days for each round to complete your matches; if there is an issue in doing this or your opponent is not responding to you, PM me and we can go from there. For the first round, If your opponent is not able to play we will find someone from the reserves list to take their spot. Otherwise, it will be a disqualification and you will move on to the next round.

If there is lag, I have no idea what the rules are for that!
For real, have not thought of what the best course of action would be for this. Unfortunately, lag is something that is going to happen because it's a online tournament, so if anyone has some suggestions on what the rules should be regarding this I'd love to hear them. As of now, it may just have to be a "whatever happens, happens" mentality.

Have fun and don't be a dick!
This tournament is for fun! Be competitive, but also don't be a douche if you win. For the most part this community is friendly and inviting; let's keep it that way.

If you have any questions, let me know. For more info on the tourney, such as rules and who's participating, check this post here for all that. Looking forward to seeing how this all turns out!


Anyone down to play

Sorry about that, internet decided to crash right when I saw you come back online and it just got back. Ugh, well if there were going to be any connection issues, it would definitely have been on my end.

Hopefully it's been ironed out now, though.

Alrighty, the tournament is on for the Monday. If you're participating or on the reservation list, please read the info below to see how things are going down.

Oh, I didn't know there was going to be a tourney. Would have participated. Oh well.


Oh yeah, kept forgetting to ask, but... Is there really no item frequency switch in this game? It's not a huge deal to me, but it's kind of lame if there's really no way to say, make it rain pokeballs, which I used to love doing in older games for a goofy match type.


Oh yeah, kept forgetting to ask, but... Is there really no item frequency switch in this game? It's not a huge deal to me, but it's kind of lame if there's really no way to say, make it rain pokeballs, which I used to love doing in older games for a goofy match type.

You can't have more than one Pokemon out anyway. Gotta wait for the Wii U version for the superior competitive and party game.


You must PM me to show that you remember you're in the tournament!
With a lot of people waiting on the reserves list, I want to make sure all of the people who signed up are actually going to show up and play there matches. Therefore, starting right now, you can PM me to show that you plan on keeping up with the tournament. If I don't receive a PM from you by the end of Monday, you will be disqualified.

If there is lag, I have no idea what the rules are for that!
For real, have not thought of what the best course of action would be for this. Unfortunately, lag is something that is going to happen because it's a online tournament running on Nintendo's servers, so if anyone has some suggestions on what the rules should be regarding this I'd love to hear them. As of now, it may just have to be a "whatever happens, happens" mentality.
For the most part, isn't the bolded NOT true since most if not all play experiences so far suggest the game uses P2P? As such it will presumably depend on the individual player's connections and what their ping / jitter is between each other.

For the most part, isn't the bolded NOT true since most if not all play experiences so far suggest the game uses P2P? As such it will presumably depend on the individual player's connections and what their ping / jitter is between each other.
Oh yeah, that was badly worded on my part. I just meant Nintendo online is generally prone to lag, though at least for me Smash has been pretty smooth.
Anyone have any tips against Falco? I've never been able to beat him because of that reflector. Any good counter pick characters?
Also, Oric, your tournament is separate from Sah's, right?


Was 1 v 1 my friend, he was Bowser and he just revived... He grabbed me did over B and we went off the ledge and I died first. :(
nice link k_hop you know how to apply projectile pressure well. I can never get close and always have that problem with links when using D3



the man who sold the world
My 'Dorf is becoming a force to be reckoned with, especially now that I've figured out Diddy Kongs (keep distance, let them come to you, shield the kicks, punish) and Mac's KO punch (roll away to give them the impression that you're scared, then Warlock Kick in their face the moment they come rushing towards you).

Still having problems with good ZSS (I absolutely fucking hate her) and to a lesser extent, good Villagers and Greninjas, but I'm getting there.

EDIT: Here in Amsterdam, competitive matches are three stock, still.


nice link k_hop you know how to apply projectile pressure well. I can never get close and always have that problem with links when using D3


GGs man, my WFT sucks lol. With Dedede, what I noticed playing that dude yesterday--his off-stage game is super strong. When I'm Link you can just use your hammer aerials to bat me out of recovering. Gordos are super good at battling my projectiles with the right spacing, too--especially if you wait until you've got me airborne.
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