Blood Diamonds
uh... the Spanish Smash 4 Community banned Bayonetta:
uh... the Spanish Smash 4 Community banned Bayonetta:
Zero majors.They would Ban Bayonetta before banning Corrin.......alrighty then. -.- #CorrinCounterSalt
Like, how may tournaments have had Bayo winning? I haven't been paying much attention. honestly....its not like shes Metaknight Brawl bad.
They would Ban Bayonetta before banning Corrin.......alrighty then. -.- #CorrinCounterSalt
Apparently Spain hasn't officially banned her yet.
They already nerfed the heck out of Corrin's counter!
The whole thing with Bayonetta is ridiculous, and really shows what's wrong if the community.
Banning something on the possible outcome of her dominating the metagame is absolutely ridiculous. But that's how we are right now: Ban first, verify later.
Everyone is deathly afraid of Bayonetta becoming the Brawl MK of this game. The only issue is that we don't have much results as of yet, and of course people are gonna lose to her given they haven't had time to fully learn the matchup yet.
People however aren't willing to wait, and it's ridiculous. I'd rather suffer 5 months of upsets than set a ban-happy precedent because "oh well maybe we'll get a patch later."
As far as I'm concerned, once the next official tier list comes out every character above Bowser should be banned. For balance, of course.
For FuryIt'll eventually become everyone above Zelda.
New metagame becomes Zelda's only, Final Destination, Smashballs on high.
20zzIt'll eventually become everyone above Zelda.
New metagame becomes Zelda's only, Final Destination, Smashballs on high.
It'll eventually become everyone above Zelda.
New metagame becomes Zelda's only, Final Destination, Smashballs on high.
I think the Bayonetta hate is overblown. She'll get adjusted. I mean shit, all she really needs is a more punishable Up B and the ability to DI out of her combos and she won't be broken.
I think the Bayonetta hate is overblown. She'll get adjusted. I mean shit, all she really needs is a more punishable Up B and the ability to DI out of her combos and she won't be broken.
the crowd be like:
Why wasn't Diddy banned?
People complaining about Bayonetta are salty as hell. Diddy could literally killed you from up-air around 70%-80% and wasn't banned at all.
And Zero is an hypocrite.
Git gud
So I am free now, anyone down for some games?
I've given up asking for matches on here or the discord lol. But if I see a request I'll respond!So this time it's Shamrock accepting a fight request instead of making it... how times have changed.
Actually, I think most of us use the discord chat to arrange games, and even then there aren't that many people looking for a fight whenever I drop by.
I've given up asking for matches on here or the discord lol. But if I see a request I'll respond!
Smash online is down for server maintenance, maybe we might get some character buffs/nerfs
when will you join us for doubles shamrock
I wanna PK Double Up <3
Smash online is down for server maintenance, maybe we might get some character buffs/nerfs
hype rose to maximum levels and was then killed in the span of a secondDon't think it is, I'm playing online right now.