Its not a defense bro. Its crazy how theres only ONE side to stuff here. "you want the characters buy a 300$ console."
Ahem...already got dat shit..anyways would not be the first time Nintendo had done shit like this. I remember only being able to play mewtwo in pokemon stadium was with gb game connected. People should stop acting brand new this old news.
What exactly did zipzo "leak" anyway?
lol, this stage roster just keeps giving.
It'd be interesting to see a CSS mockup of the supposed Wii U version with DHD/Jr/Doc/Dark Pit cut and Chorus/Ridley/Dixie/Mewtwo thrown in with all the known characters and see how it lines up. That might be just enough to make this theory more convincing. Either way, I shouldn't get my hopes up at all.
One left to go!
Both songs available on the Brinstar stage are both from Melee. No new Metroid songs to listen to while fighting normal VS. matches confirmed.
lol, this stage roster just keeps giving.
"Mewtwo is in."
Yeah, because people that live in Latin America don't need thisI'd be okay with this if it turns out the rumor was true anyway
SeriouslyBetter yet...people need to stop losing their shit over things that have not and may never happen.
I mean really do some of you get through your days?
I based the layout on the E3 demo layout...since the 3ds layout stayed the same.
So was there a ice climbers trophy ?![]()
lol these leaks are like a fucking game of telephone.
I can't comment on her character as I never beat Awakening, but at least Dark Pit is from a good game.
Bringing up a possible problem=/= losing your shitBetter yet...people need to stop losing their shit over things that have not and may never happen.
I mean really do some of you get through your days?
Its laughable that alot of people is believing this leak.![]()
Guys...I think Spainkiller isn't lying
This screencap was from a /v/ thread made on 07/27 before the ESRB leak
He says the game will have:
Chorus Men
Bowser Jr
Duck Hunt Dog
Fast forward to the ESRB leak from 08/20 ->
This confirms 3 out of the 7 characters from the /v/ poster and it's also confirmed 100% now that we have the final roster
Now that leaves us with the last 4 characters...Dixie, Chorus Men, Ridley, and Mewtwo
Spainkiller from NeoGAF posted this today:
"Fuck it, I'm just gonna put it out there:
(And I'm not saying this to troll fans or keep the hype up or whatever.)
I have a source who has been right about previous leaks and has worked on the European localization of the game. He says he has definitely seen moving models of Dixie, Ridley, Chorus Men and Mewtwo in the game and he's still confident that these four characters can be unlocked by linking the 3DS version to the Wii U version.
Now, I know how outlandish this sounds, and being a game journalist myself I'm taking this with a grain of salt myself, but we're talking about the guy who told me about the Bowser Jr. alts immediately after the ESRB leaks and has never been wrong about other stuff as well. Plus, the whole connectivity thing makes far too much sense, if only to get fans to buy both versions. *insert itprintsmoney.gif here*
Again, I swear on my soul that I'm not trolling. Time will tell. I thought Ridley was never gonna be in, but hey."
[source ->]
Zipzo (who is credible, he posted a lot of info from the final JP smash build a few days ago) tweeted this:
"Mewtwo is in."
[source ->]
I guess we'll see in a few months what happens![]() In all your games, and especially in Kid Icarus Uprising and Smash Bros, the amount of game content is very important, with sometimes hundreds of hours of game.Why do you always put so much content in your games?Is it because you are not really fond of DLCs and instead prefer to have access to a complete game right away?
Sakurai: Oh it's not that I dislike DLCs, it's just that I don't really have time to think about it.I'm too busy working on the game and put as much content as I can. The goal is to give a full and interesting game to players.
I'm not opposed to DLCs on principle. I really liked the Fallout 3 DLCs for example.
PN: In Famitsu magazine a few months ago you said regretted not being able to patch SSBB on Wii, especially the online mode. This is not case anymore on Wii U and 3DS where it is possible to modify a game after its release. What aspects of the new SSB game will be scrutinized in prevision of possible patches?
S: It's hard to tell right now but of course we always try to keep the best balance.Nevertheless I do not know yet if it will be easy to patch the games once they are released.For example, if you have a person playing a patched version of the game playing against a person without the patch problems may occur. We will have to do a lot of research about this.
That said I think patches are very important to keep the game balanced once it's out.As you already know players are very interested in knowing whether a character is considered strong or weak on the Internet.
And sometimes you have to see if those perceptions are correct or if people are just following the popular opinion.We really want each character to have their special abilities, with statistics balancing their strong points.
We want to put forward specific each characters' specific abilities but at the same time players have to ask themselves if they accept the Internet reputation of a character.It's something we have to take into account when we will create patches.
Have they ever done that exclusive Pokemon stuff at certain stores there?Yeah, because people that live in Latin America don't need this![]()
He'd be more passive because fighting him is not the point of the stage like actual boss fights are. As a stage hazard it would make the most sense for him to just meander about or slowly follow people around and give ample opportunity to avoid him. A stage hazard shouldn't be more important than the match. The one exception to this that we've seen is yellow devil, where, while still passive, he takes up too much room on the stage and his random attacks are too hard to avoid. And that pretty much ruins the stage.
For those that missed them
One left to go!
SnakeWhat did they bet for?
i'm worried about Nintendo patching anything. Capcom patches are pretty much always awful and I never trust the big companies to do this well :\
He probably deleted it because it's unprofessional to comment on a leak when you yourself work in the gaming industry.Was this real? I remember someone posted this earlier. Dude works for Konami and apparently deleted this tweet.
Its laughable that alot of people is believing this leak.
Its just taking he Vannrose leak, which was true, and adding more characters. Seriously people get a grip! This is our final roster!
You poor souls.Accept Dak Pit as the best character,
Sometimes... But imagine if only 6 gamestops offered that in the USA. That's how it works here.Have they ever done that exclusive Pokemon stuff at certain stores there?
Anything legitimate? Or did he basically just play a demo?
So has anyone datamined the game, yet?
Didn't rosalina x say 49 characters and 4 cuts?