Honestly, I feel like this is the best roster they've ever made. It does suck that characters people liked were cut (I mained Roy in Melee, so don't try to tell me I don't understand lol), but I'm happy with it overall.
Yeah, I think the bigger issue with Ridley is his proportions, not his size. Even if you scale it down, it'd still be really awkwardridley it's too disproprtionated to be a's the kind of crature that looks good only standing still or flying (and that's how it has been portrayed in most of the games)..animating such creature for a fighting game while looking convincing would be next to impossible..even changing some of this chara design like trimming his wings
toad doesn't really have much to offer since in all the games all he does is smile and stay still,apart from mario 2 usa
dixie kong would have probably ended up being a clone of diddy
mewtwo already "evolved" to lucario years ago
IMpa is another character that didn't really do much in the games where she appears..i can just see her as a clone of sheik maybe
I agree for ganondorf with his own moveset though,maybe even in his pig form
I love Sakurai's Duck Hunt. The dog looks so so soooooooo much better than the original NES look.
Has someone taken the time to look closely and describe the moveset? I think the neutral special is the can right?
I don't see how it matters, to be honest. We still get the option of playing as female characters, and the roster has taken huge strides in terms of equivalency as compared to previous games.
Kung Fu/Spartan X is owned by Irem as far as I know. They'd be third party. At the very least, there are rights issues that are keeping it even from showing up on Virtual Console.I wonder if Sakurai would consider utilizing Kung Fu's franchise for Smash 5 (or possibly DLC for 4)
Who would you consider more deserving than duck hunt dog? Seriously, I'd like to know.
If Spainkiller is still reading this, what makes you think that the extra models your friend saw weren't just characters that were cut late in development?
I called him on page 259
(Unless you called him before?)
Ridley salt quotes
Greatly put, except that Snake will be back as DLC to take revenge on those that sought after his absence!
#SnakeForSmash #BELIEVE
I mean there's a whole story of how kojima wanted him in brawl, and he did have a game exclusively on GameCube, it made sense at the time, but I just didn't see it happening in 2014. If anyone was going to be cut he'd be the first to go.
here's hoping we get tournaments here at neogaf and brackets and it doesnt die out like mk8. The smash hype must prevail, Here's hoping the online works as it should!
I read it as:OH NO! Are we STILL saying this?
I don't get how people can say this is the worst roster. Are they just unaware of 64? Are they ignoring the vast majority of veterans returned (and most that didn't were honestly not that popular or well used outside of small online communities)
He still went on about them around the time of the ESRB leak and he said they were VERY detailed.
The Ridley one could've been a stage hazard/boss thing, yeah, but the other three characters were too detailed (read: "finished") not to be playable characters, according to him.
Twin Snakes, Ghost Babel, Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2
I doubt he was cut for any reason other than Konami is a pachinko company that repeatedly makes very poor video game related decisions.
If we're going to start making fun of people because their most wanted characters didn't get in, I'm out.
For those that don't think Nintendo would reward those who purchase both games I give you exhibit A:
....nope :-(
All you, homie.
Kung Fu/Spartan X is owned by Irem as far as I know. They'd be third party.
.Can we stop with the "3DS was the first version therefore any complaints about it existing are invalid" business?
To me it sounds like they made the choice to go dual consoles before planning even really began; they just considered only doing a 3DS version and decided against it almost immediately.
He still went on about them around the time of the ESRB leak and he said they were VERY detailed.
The Ridley one could've been a stage hazard/boss thing, yeah, but the other three characters were too detailed (read: "finished") not to be playable characters, according to him.
Because every smash fan is talking about their wants on the internet. People need to step back and realize that outside of a few internet communities (in the west, since Japan doesn't give a single fuck), Most smash players likely don't give a shit about Ridley. And I say this as a fanTo be fair to these guys, Sakurai has known since Brawl that the one character that is talked about - far more than any other, to a ridiculous extent - is Ridley. He has teased him and refused to rule him out, then he leaves him out.
That's just fucking with your fans, and it's not cool. Just say 'Guys, we did some tests, Ridley doesn't really work, his proportional magnitude makes it impossible.' Then the issue is settled and everyone else hypes away in peace. But Sakurai is switched on to the fans, so he must know that Ridley is the most requested, but he gives little hints and teases instead. Expecting those Ridley fans not to be upset is silly.
Note - I'm saying Sakurai has every right to pick the roster he wants, but in the case of the overwhelmingly most requested character he could have let the fans down a bit softer.
Oh my god lol
jiggs confirmed for best hat yessssssssssss
hands-down the best final smashAnd Dunk Hunt Dog is just awesome, like, everything he stands for lol.
A soundtrack, that also requires you to register both games, is not a very appealing reward for the majority of players.
Unless you mean to say that this is just another way that Nintendo would try to appease people to buy both, and that you think that they'd do this on top of DLC.
No he isn't, he's literally a laugh that people found annoying because they suck at light gun games as a kid that became an internet meme over the years.
I don't like the character, I never liked his game, I don't like his inclusion over other characters that I do like. Just because Sakurai made him unique does not mean I have to like him, or think he's a good inclusion
Everyone has a right to their opinion and who they think is a good or bad character choice. Smash 4 is the first smash game that I flat out didn't like a character inclusion, two of them in fact, its a weird feeling for me to look at a character and go "nope I don't like this newcomer and wish they weren't in"
- Pokeball Pokemon. Any really hidden ones like, say, Diancie or something.
- Trophies. We have all the ATs iirc. But I wanna see what characters got Trophies, because that may hint to possible DLC if certain characters are absent. Plus I wanna see if any obscure characters got new Trophy Models.
- Soundtrack. Smash Run apparently has a lot of songs.
- All the Smash Run Enemies and End Matches.
- Custom Moves. Mii Customization.
And...that's it, really.
hmmmFuck it, I'm just gonna put it out there:
(And I'm not saying this to troll fans or keep the hype up or whatever.)
I have a source who has been right about previous leaks and has worked on the European localization of the game. He says he has definitely seen moving models of Dixie, Ridley, Chorus Men and Mewtwo in the game and he's still confident that these four characters can be unlocked by linking the 3DS version to the Wii U version.
Now, I know how outlandish this sounds, and being a game journalist myself I'm taking this with a grain of salt myself, but we're talking about the guy who told me about the Bowser Jr. alts immediately after the ESRB leaks and has never been wrong about other stuff as well. Plus, the whole connectivity thing makes far too much sense, if only to get fans to buy both versions. *insert itprintsmoney.gif here*
Again, I swear on my soul that I'm not trolling. Time will tell. I thought Ridley was never gonna be in, but hey.
OH NO! Are we STILL saying this?
I have a solution for both the "size" and "proportions" problems with Ridley:
use this design
LolOh dear. I see a new challenger is approaching...
I have a solution for both the "size" and "proportions" problems with Ridley:
use this design
The best.Oh dear. I see a new challenger is approaching...