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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Miiverse Update Thread XVI

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He still went on about them around the time of the ESRB leak and he said they were VERY detailed.

The Ridley one could've been a stage hazard/boss thing, yeah, but the other three characters were too detailed (read: "finished") not to be playable characters, according to him.

Was he just speculating on the whole 3DS/Wii U connectivity tidbit after seeing them or does he really know?
It's fine to really want a character in. It's annoying as fuck to see people get pissed because their choice isn't in. Especially with the diversity of the new comers this time around

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I have a solution for both the "size" and "proportions" problems with Ridley:

use this design


After seeing what they did with DHD I'd love to see them just do a 3D version of NES Ridley.

Have his attacks summon different Metroid Sprites. Be neat.


To be fair to these guys, Sakurai has known since Brawl that the one character that is talked about - far more than any other, to a ridiculous extent - is Ridley. He has teased him and refused to rule him out, then he leaves him out.

That's just fucking with your fans, and it's not cool. Just say 'Guys, we did some tests, Ridley doesn't really work, his proportional magnitude makes it impossible.' Then the issue is settled and everyone else hypes away in peace. But Sakurai is switched on to the fans, so he must know that Ridley is the most requested, but he gives little hints and teases instead. Expecting those Ridley fans not to be upset is silly.

Note - I'm saying Sakurai has every right to pick the roster he wants, but in the case of the overwhelmingly most requested character he could have let the fans down a bit softer.

he ruled him out several times actually
it has only been "teased" in the minds of ridley fans..for everyone else,he was ruled out as a fighter years ago and was disconfirmed for smash 4 since the direct.


Neo Member
He still went on about them around the time of the ESRB leak and he said they were VERY detailed.

The Ridley one could've been a stage hazard/boss thing, yeah, but the other three characters were too detailed (read: "finished") not to be playable characters, according to him.

My friend keeps insisting on a Wii U exclusive playable boss mode ala Nintendoland's assymetric gameplay. 1 vs 4


Get Inside Her!
Yes characters who have been in multiple games over the past 20 years deserve to be in smash before another irrelevant retro rep that represents some of the most shallow and repetitive games in the NES library.

Duck Hunt dog is crazy iconic. Everyone with an NES remembers him. And he was bundled on the same card with Mario Bros. for a ton of people, myself included. There's really nobody who's not in the game who deserves a slot more than him, full-stop.


As in "Heathcliff"
For Importers, once you got the games. Please take the 3DS conversation to 3DS |OT|. I would appreciate that.

fantastic job.

How do you feel on that vid of him? He looks faster and I like his damage. I really wanna know how he chains stuff now with these speed differences and if he can do that whole react instantly after down throw up throw stuff that Link can do. I used to flame choke into combo all day before...be nice if I can do it off normal throws. I also need to know if I can follow up after his air grab (not flame choke the other one) quicker. If so...imagine the instant lovin of grab up throw instant air grab cancel the backlfip into more shit. :D

Need to play soooooo bad...

I really need to watch the video again before I making the comments but I noticed that he is somewhat faster than what he was in Brawl, but again everyone speeded up as well. To be honest, I'm more of hand on guy so I need to sit down and having a session with Ganondorf and see where I can go with him.
C'mon lets not be that way with peoples dream characters.
As someone who primarily plays villains, I just wish we had one new villain. Sure, Ridley was my top choice, but I would have even been happy with Mewtwo returning.

Also, cutting Ice Climbers is really miserable.


So did this happen when Brawl came out where people refused to buy the game?

I distinctly remember the same kind of vitriol for Mewtwo being "replaced" by Lucario.

Well... almost. Not as many "FUCK YOU SAMRAI" posts, but it was close.

I mean I won't lie, he has been effing with Ridley fans for a gooooooooooood minute now, but still... gotta' have some self control at a certain level and remember exactly what you're screaming about at the end of the day. :p
I'll post some positive things now even though my gripes still stand.

- Jiggs looks amazing (even if her not getting a FS that puts everyone to sleep is fucking crazy). Actually, a lot of characters got a fresh coat of paint visually and it shows. Can't wait to see what they look like in HD.

- The final boss of Classic mode (on harder difficulties) is fucking rad.

- I'm fucking stoked about every single newcomer, even Dark Pit. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't use his staff for normals (yes it could've been done), just for visual variety, but I seriously love every addition. This roster plus Wolf, ICs and Lucas would be perfect for me. Bonus points for Chorus Kids, Ridley, and Mewtwo. But all that aside, the newcomers are all sublime.

- Alph is really cool. While I'm (very) confused as to why they didn't simply reskin Purples as Rocks, I have a feeling I'll be switching between Olimar and Alph quite a bit. In the same breath, the Koopalings are so goddamned cool. Gimme Iggy please and thank you.

- The game is gorgeous. I know I do kinda give the 3DS version shit (I don't even do it that often jesus) but I know I'll be playing this version a lot (even if not as much as the Wii U version). It's packed with content like Sakurai games always are, and I'll get excellent mileage out of this game.

- The gameplay seems balanced for the most part (yet to be seen how the unlockables stack up) and all the characters seem fun to play.

- The customization is insane (in a good way). The equipment, the custom specials, the Mii outfits, all of this appeals to my inner completionist. I'm pumped to try out combinations of custom stuff.

I love Smash Bros.

Unrelated, but holy fuck people I'm a rational person and I don't have that much invested in Ridley making a playable appearance but you gotta stop telling Ridley fans they're deluded for thinking the Smash Direct thing was a tease. It kind of was. Whether Sakurai intended it initially or not, it was really suspect. I mean come on. It's not some crazy person leap to make like some of you imply.
I agree wholeheartedly.

I guess you can look at it that way.
I don't know. My hope is DLC since they didn't want to over crowd third party advertising for 3DS.

I mean even if you think about it as third party advertising. Twin Snakes wasn't even out when Brawl started development, so it really made sense after Nintendo and koonami made this partnership. Also Pac-Man and Sonic have games coming to Nintendo platforms, Megaman is dead, but he's always been associated with Nintendo, Snake has been exclusive to competitor platforms for a decade minus a single portable game.


Did we ever find out what is up with that Rayman trophy? Is in the 3ds version as a trophy? is there a chance he will be a playable character?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
All this talk about Kid Icarus having too many reps sounds very similar to what people were saying about StarFox in Brawl.

I wonder what franchise will be the focus of people's wrath when Smash 6's roster gets revealed.


Not about to read through this whole thread, can somebody link me to a post with all the characters in the game

BTW has ever character been unlocked?
It's pretty funny, that of all three clones in the clone corner, Dr. Mario is easily the most unique. Dr. fucking Mario.

i recall reading that dark pit also has some different things but u know hes just a palette swap so that doesnt count right :/

All this talk about Kid Icarus having too many reps sounds very similar to what people were saying about StarFox in Brawl.

I wonder what franchise will be the focus of people's wrath when Smash 6's roster gets revealed.

its going to be the new ice climbers character action game that sakurai will be working on

Azure J

Honestly, I'm salty that Greninja, Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina, Dark Pit, Lucina, Robin, and Mii's got in over more deserving characters.

Still salty as fuck Duck Hunt and Wii Fit Trainer got in over far more deserving characters regardless of how good they look in gameplay

Y'all need to chill. I don't see how any of those are bad choices with and without the context of their move sets.

RosaLuma represents the highest point in the already legendary Mario series to date, gives some female player character diversity to the roster and comes with the unique Stand mechanics.

the bestest starter
a poster child of Pokemon X/Y and comes with a slew of well realized actions and animations while fitting it's theme admirably.

Wii Fit Trainer fits Sakurai's quirky character quota and fits in the roster the same way that Mr. Game & Watch or R.O.B. do by highlighting the alternative or expanded universe of Nintendo's development history and hardware.

Miis were GUARANTEED to be in this both for what they mean in a similar light to Wii Fit Trainer, and for being the first real attempts at making player avatars a reality in Smash. Also, contrary to what a lot of people feel about them on message boards, Miis are one of the most iconic things about Nintendo in the last two generations.

Fire Emblem is a big boy franchise now. Awakening's popularity allows it to have a resurgence among public opinion and as such, Nintendo's going to take full advantage of this. That said, Robin was an excellent addition and way better than the large majority of characters who were being championed for getting FE up to the three character bracket. By finally focusing on game play aspects of FE and playing the character up as more than "Lord with Sword", Robin was automatically the best thing to happen as a newcomer from the franchise. Lucina was a coincidental surprise that appeals to the same group and while I myself have no love for her over the much better Robin, the fans of Awakening got something a little extra and that's cool.

Dark Pit is about the "worst" it gets and even he makes sense given that he's popular, his move set is different enough from Pit's and it still adds more than it "takes away" in the eyes of people who are concerned about their picks who had no work done on them being drowned out by the inclusions of bonus psuedo clones that exist because "hey we have values and assets we can play with, wanna give more characters to people?"

Admittedly, I wish if Viridi or Medusa had been cloned off of Palutena over getting Dark Pit though just because I'd love more takes on Palutena's move set. If she's "tanky offense", I'd love to have seen glass cannon.

As a side note since I'm feeling particularly rant-y and catty, this notion that certain franchises shouldn't have X many reps or X many reps more than Y franchise is dumb as fuck SmashGAF.


Haha, I defintely remember retweeting that the moment Bowser Jr got in with Koopaling alts confirmed.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I hope Duck Hunt Dog's Down-B Customization has some other NES cameos.

By the way, waiting for Mega's Custom Moves and Sonic's Custom Moves. Hope the latter gets something unique and referential.
So Pichu was ok? Young link? Roy (who didn't even have a game out yet?). I'm guessing the ones you disliked were clones, so removing them wouldn't have added anything else to the game

I extremely dislike Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt, and Falcondorf

I'm indifferent to Mii Fighters, Little Mac, Rosalina, Villager, Palutena, and Bowser Jr

I'm cool with Dr Mario, Lucina, and Dark Pit as new clones

I'm excited for Mega Man, Pac Man, Greninja, Robin, Shulk

I'm very upset that Ice Climbers and Mewtwo are gone/still gone, and I'm disappointed Lucas and Wolf didn't return either.

The newcomer list as a whole does less for me then Brawl's did, and the cuts really sting. That is why I personally am disappointed
For Importers, once you got the games. Please take the 3DS conversation to 3DS |OT|. I would appreciate that.

fantastic job.

I really need to watch the video again before I making the comments but I noticed that he is somewhat faster than what he was in Brawl, but again everyone speeded up as well. To be honest, I'm more of hand on guy so I need to sit down and having a session with Ganondorf and see where I can go with him.

Sure heath :3


If we're going to start making fun of people because their most wanted characters didn't get in, I'm out.

only if they we're rational about it, you see, my most wanted character for Smash this time around was Tharja, why?

1.- Female Rep from one of my favorites series
2.- Tome User
3.- One of the Most Popular characters in the game (her figure, which I proudly posses, came out before even 'Marth' and Cordelia)
4.- would have been the first non-main character rep from Fire Emblem
5.- beloved waifu by many
6.- because I wanted
7.- because I have more game-development experience than Sakurai

see where I am going? I don't lie when I said I wanted Tharja in, but that won't make me hate Lucina because she has her color scheme instead of making her actually playable, or hate any other aspect of the game, really, it's just dumb, the game is still awesome regardless whoever is missing



Sakurai confirmed to be a disgusting, power-hungry, expectation playing dictator-developer who doesn't care about what the fans want. This game's officially confirmed to be the worst game on the Smash series, no Ridley, no K. Rool, no Mewtwo, not even Dixie or Chorus Men to throw us off, no Sakurai, NO! I'm THIS close to not buying the game, this IS ABSOLUTE BULL****!

…oh my.
Anyways, now that we know the roster, here's my grade:

Grade: 9/10, A


- Love the amount of surprises in this roster. Wii Fit Trainer, Pac-Man, Robin, Rosalina and Luma, Duck Hunt Dog, Villager, Shulk and Koopa Kid Clown Car gang (to a lesser degree); all of these are characters no one really expected yet play so uniquely from other fighters in the game.

- Mega Man. Really, just look at how much Sakurai has invested in encapsulating the entire history of this character. One could make a case he did a better job with Mega Man than some of the other Nintendo series in the game.

- All of the returning veterans have new nuances that make them feel fresh. Granted, some more so than others, but enough to make it feel like you're relearning the characters all over again.

- Glad Sonic the Hedgehog returned. Wouldn't have felt complete having a game with Mega Man and Pac-Man but no Sonic the Hedgehog. The perfect third party trifecta.

- Also glad R.O.B is back. Go kick a rock all of you that wanted him cut.


- Not a fan of losing Ice Climbers. Really liked them in Brawl and hate seeing them potentially get the boot. Lucas is also a tad disappointing, but I have less attachment to him than say Ness.

- Really wanted Mewtwo back, but I'll wait until the Wii U version is released to completely bury him.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
All this talk about Kid Icarus having too many reps sounds very similar to what people were saying about StarFox in Brawl.

I wonder what franchise will be the focus of people's wrath when Smash 6's roster gets revealed.

Dark Duck Hunt Dog? Come the fuck on Samurai, Duck & Hunt was a great game and all, but we don't need another one of your precious donut-steel OCs.
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