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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Other M Ridley is better than no Ridley. There's always a chance for a reskin or alternate colors. I don't think Other M Ridley would be as hideous if:

a) he wasn't that ghastly purple
b) he wasn't in low resolution

c) didn't have arms that were longer than the entire length of his body.
d) didn't look like a duck.
Hey, there's still a chance here. But damn. I'm still doubting this leak, but it hasn't been refuted yet. I really don't want to see Other M Ridley. I mean, we already know Other M Ridley's in the game thanks to our Direct Analysts, but aren't they aware how reviled that design was? Hopefully Super Metroid Ridley's an alt, if this does end up being true, or that Roidley's a boss and the actual, OG Ridley's a playable character.
To be honest, at this point I would take Roidley just as long as his moveset stays far, far away from Other M's godawful "life cycle" thing that it gave him. The maybe-leak's mention of Ridley growing wings has me deeply concerned.

Maybe if a new Metroid game ever comes out it can come with SSB DLC costumes of its designs, since they're practically guaranteed to be better than Other M's.
We now know of as many new stages in the Wii U version as there are starter new stages total in the 3DS version. Not that that really means much because three of the unlockable new stages in the 3DS version were revealed prior to launch (Dream Land, Balloon Fight, and Pac-Maze).

But just something to think about. Still waiting on a Donkey Kong stage, which is easily my number one wanted stage at this point.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I honestly don't see the problem with Other M Ridley's design. It actually seems a better fit for a fighting game what with it not being all lanky as hell.


My only issue with the Other M design is the color scheme. I'm sure that will be fixed to make the design more uniform with the rest of the cast, if the leak is true anyway.
Samus in Smash is obviously other M influenced, but they made nice touches here and there to make her look better. I assume they'd do the same for Ridley.
Hhhnngh... I want the WiiU version today.

The 3DS version mocks me without ability to change item frequency (are reviews not talking about this? This is huge), and no option for Dpad movement.
Hhhnngh... I want the WiiU version today.

The 3DS version mocks me without ability to change item frequency (are reviews not talking about this? This is huge), and no option for Dpad movement.
Do you think the WiiU version will have D-pad movement? I think the remote scheme was only there because not everyone had a nunchuck.


c) didn't have arms that were longer than the entire length of his body.
d) didn't look like a duck.



To be honest, at this point I would take Roidley just as long as his moveset stays far, far away from Other M's godawful "life cycle" thing that it gave him. The maybe-leak's mention of Ridley growing wings has me deeply concerned.

... Oh no... I never considered that's why his wings grow... would adult Ridley just be his Final Smash, then? And how does Furby Ridley play into this? Oh no...

I'll still take him, though. I mean, c'mon. It's Ridley.
I'll still take him, though. I mean, c'mon. It's Ridley.
This is not Ridley. I don't care what anyone says - it's about as much Ridley as this is Bowser. No Ridley is better than horrific, fuzzy monster Ridley.

Especially since this is Smash Bros. And if Ridley gets in as a furry abomination not-Ridley, you just know that there's no chance of him getting a new moveset in the next Smash Bros. Ganondorf is still a random Falcon clone three games in. Ridley would be doomed to be an awful Other M rep forever, and I cannot think of a worse fate for any character.


Damn people didn't like Ridleys life cycle either? I loved that about other M.
From cute little monster to roided destroyer.

Then again I play too much resident evil so I'm a sucker for transformations.
Do you think the WiiU version will have D-pad movement? I think the remote scheme was only there because not everyone had a nunchuck.

I want Dpad on 3DS because I don't like circle slider.

But yes, I do think the Wii U version will have Wiimote only support, for the exact same reason.
Today's clean image (as always, only the first of a multi-image Miiverse post):

Isn't Gilv aSunners rip the legit one?
Here's Id since that was brought up earlier.

Yes, GilvaSunner's rip is direct from Smash Bros.

I know I'm being pedantic (especially since the Smash Bros. version of "Id (Purpose)" is cut rather poorly), but if you're gonna push a rip direct from the original game as the Smash version when it's clearly not, I can't be certain you're not doing that elsewhere as well. So, that's why I don't trust Crunchii.

that is why it wil happen! Because it is impossible lol Ii'd think by now people wouldn't say so and so is never happening. I thought we all learned that lesson, they would never put in Dark Pit, make Wii Fit Trainer a character, or put in Dr. Mario over Mewtwo. ;)

Why? Because two Xenoblade reps? Nothing is impossible. And that tease lines up with Dark Pit's tease.
You seem awful certain it'll happen. I'm awful certain it won't happen. Wanna bet on it?

Just to be clear, my conditions are such: Metal Face will not be a playable character selectable from the character selection screen. Appearing as a boss, or even being playable as a boss in some "playable bosses!" special mode, does not count. This must be a character who can go through Classic and All-Star Modes, participate in Home-Run Contest and whatever Break-the-Targets analogue shows up in the game, just as Mario, Link, Pikachu, Samus et al can.

Personally I'd wager a two-week avatar bet on this (which only applies to NeoGAF, I don't really care what you use off of GAF). In fact, I'm so certain I'm correct, I already made you an avatar :V

(I suppose I'm half-doing this because I'm getting a bit tired of this Sonic avatar. Don't get me wrong, it's been awesome having Neorice's work on my avatar across the Internet, but it's been nearly a year now, I kinda wanna move on...)

That can be fixed

I'm noticing the white-out seems to be leaking a bit; DarkGAF reveals there are white splotches all over the transparent part of this image...

Well, did anyone really want Warioware Inc. 2? This seems like the only alternative for representing the series. Not to mention the most up-to-date.
It's been mentioned already, but you're completely ignoring the entire Wario Land series that you could pick from - which even had an entry published since Brawl, with Shake-It!.

I've made a GIF symbolising Wario's situation, in commemoration of today's pic of the day and regarding Sakurai's hate for Wario Land series.


It has multiple interpretations.


If Ridley looked like this I would be pretty pleased.


About the long arms issue Ridley actually had really long arms in Super Metroid, Zero Mission and Fusion. I used to think it was Other M exclusive but they have been there for a super long time. So switching models with the same skeleton would look just fine.

It was the 3D Ridley that started to buck the trend of Ridley's typical but maybe not necessarily noticeably distinct characteristics. 2D Ridley has long arms and short wings. 3D Ridley starting with Prime and continuing into Smash had short arms and BIG wings. God I love the small wings. Why am I the only one?


It's been mentioned already, but you're completely ignoring the entire Wario Land series that you could pick from - which even had an entry published since Brawl, with Shake-It!.


I'm gonna push for DLC Wario Land stage, to be honest; Wario Land's more iconic of the Game Boy than Kirby's Dremland, in my opinion; that Game Boy stage should've been Kitchen Island.
This is not Ridley. I don't care what anyone says - it's about as much Ridley as this is Bowser. No Ridley is better than horrific, fuzzy monster Ridley.

Especially since this is Smash Bros. And if Ridley gets in as a furry abomination not-Ridley, you just know that there's no chance of him getting a new moveset in the next Smash Bros. Ganondorf is still a random Falcon clone three games in. Ridley would be doomed to be an awful Other M rep forever, and I cannot think of a worse fate for any character.
When it said "without wings", I think it just meant they'd be folded up or something. Not that it'd be pre-teen Ridley.
Not buying this at all. Why would Smashville return when Town and City is essentially the exact same stage?

I'm a bit shocked that it's almost October and we still don't have a release date for the Wii U version. Many are speculating the game will be released at the end of November, but when was the last time an AAA title had its release date announced less than 2 months out from the actual release?
Town and City and Smashville are as different from each other as Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 are, which were both in Brawl together.


When it said "without wings", I think it just meant they'd be folded up or something. Not that it'd be pre-teen Ridley.

The rumor definitely says the Ridley "grows" wings though. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the younger Ridley but it isn't saying the wings are just folded up.


The rumor definitely says the Ridley "grows" wings though. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the younger Ridley but it isn't saying the wings are just folded up.

It still sounds like there's confusion, but only because I can't get over how weird the idea is; why would he grow his wings? He's never not had them before, even when he was a dragonfly-like dragon in a judge outfit.
The rumor definitely says the Ridley "grows" wings though. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the younger Ridley but it isn't saying the wings are just folded up.

There was that leak (that turned out to be real) that said that Bowser Jr was in a Koopa Kart and people were confused over whether he meant the Clown Car or something from Mario Kart. Could be a simple misunderstanding.


People would probably be ok with this as long as Poke Floats came back lol.

I dunno, a lot of people hate it; I remember Fighterpedia put it as their #1 worst Fighting Game level, right in front of Fetus of God. It was one of my favorites, though, so at the very least, I want to see it back. I'm tired of all of these Brawl levels, with the only exceptions being the Brawl stages from Melee (Which I think all of them but Pokemon Stadium 1 came back). I'm glad Temple's back, but where's Hyrule Castle? Poke Floats? Mushroom Kingdom 64, since apparently Warp Pipes can work in the game again? I'm guessing a DLC pack, honestly, but I just hope we get the good ones, and not, say, New Pork City.

He technically does, though.


Yeah, but the leak only ever referred to him as driving a "Mario Kart;" that implies a kart like the Pipe Frame, not the Clown Car.

I'm confident in their ability to pick the right design.

I mean, look at them:

What could have happened:

Yeah, but the game's showing an Other M bias; Capcom may have been more open to Mega Man choices because they're doing nothing with him, and Sakurai was working right with Namco to save us from... that, but not only does Sammy have her Other M suit, but either Ridley's been redesigned, or we're seeing the Other M version; you can tell by the few frames when Ridley's tail gets into the shot; it's a silver spike like in Other M rather than its purplish-point like in every other game. 2/3's not bad, but I'm thinking they picked the wrong Ridley.


Yeah, but the leak only ever referred to him as driving a "Mario Kart;" that implies a kart like the Pipe Frame, not the Clown Car.

Which leak said that? Show me. What I remembered is that the leaker was told it was a 'kart', but then later corrected him/herself to say that maybe it was the clown car and not a 'kart', and that they misunderstood.
Man, just when I thought my hype was dying down a lot, I see an amazing pic of the day (YAY for Wii U pictures again!!!!!!) that includes a very visually and mechanically interesting stage (i like variety, not a huge fan of the Final Destination versions) and a picture of the Wii U bundle on Amazon! I am really excited for the release of the 3DS version next friday but I am dying to get the Wii U version of the game.

On that note, how soon does everyone think we will get an official release date? I anticipate it being announced fairly shortly after the release of the 3DS version in all other regions next week. Maybe a week or two after that. If the reasoning behind not announcing it yet is because they were afraid it would eat into their sales of the 3DS version.......yeah I really don't think that would have been an issue or is going to be one after the Wii U version is announced after seeing the week one sales in Japan. (wish I could be seeing Bayonetta seeing success in it's first week as well......)
I'm saying this right now: whoever the hell genuinely believes this leak because one predictable stage on the list was right has absolutely no right to be upset when it turns out not to be true.
I'm sick of people whining about "no Ridley" or "no Chorus Kids" when there was no promise that they would be in, and I do not want the same thing to happen when the five characters/fifty-five stages thing is officially deconfirmed.
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