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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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But Sonic is blue. And Miku is blue. You can't deny that. Therefore, you are a closet Miku fan.
You know who else is blue? Captain Novolin. -Horizon- confirmed for biggest Captain Novolin fan in existence, bigger than even Diabetus

There's also ATLUS's output now.
Alas, I've never really had a whole lot of interest in their library. I mean, I get Shin Megami Tensei and variants are super-popular, but haven't really taken the time to sit down and figure it all out, choose a title to start with, et cetera.


Tomorrow's comment:

We're canceling Smash U: But here's a picture of the brand new unlockable character Dark Pit!

Alas, I've never really had a whole lot of interest in their library. I mean, I get Shin Megami Tensei and variants are super-popular, but haven't really taken the time to sit down and figure it all out, choose a title to start with, et cetera.

Yeah, the sheer diversity of their catalog makes it hard to really pick a starting point, and all the various entries have their weaknesses that can make it hard to recommend a particular one first.

I'm of the opinion that either SMT 4 (unless you're in Europe, in which case my condolences, try either Nocturne or Soul hackers if you can find them. Soul hackers is somewhat antiquated but still perfectly playable. I'd recommend Nocturne over it, since that's more similar to 4, but that hasn't gotten a PSN release for EU and is probably extremely hard to track down.) or Persona 3 or 4 are good starting points as far as the RPGs go. Only downside to starting with SMT4 is that it starts out hellishly hard at the beginning (It's pretty manageable once you get out of that opening segment).

The Persona games are easy by Megaten standards, and aren't quite as elaborate as most other entries as far as the battle system goes. The main draw is the large, well developed cast and social sim elements. Whether you choose 3 or 4 is dependent on whether or not you want to go into one dungeon the entire game and have AI controlled partners or go through P4's 6-hour prologue before getting the freedom to do what you want. If you have the patience for older RPGs Persona 1 might also be of interest.

*looks at Marth*
...well he is pretty.

See, I was way off lol.

Might look up a few videos about it to see why you want her so bad then.
You only realy see her at the very end, but you can read optional diaries that tell her story. I was thinking her moveset having the various traps and things that chase you throughout the game. Plus I got a fan remix of the game's loop 65 song in my head and love it lol. (The original song is great too!) You can play it, look up a LP, or read the wiki page on it to see more. I'd like to play it someday but don't have a good pc and have written them off due to bad experiences and lack of money. I do hope it comes to any console one day, or maybe I will try to play it on my bad pc sometime or another...great sense of dread, and the main character has a very good backstory.
Is Super Smash Bros for WiiU actually coming out this year?

Only 3 months left this year and no firm release date. ~2 months until Black Friday. They need to get it out before then right?


Is Super Smash Bros for WiiU actually coming out this year?

Only 3 months left this year and no firm release date. ~2 months until Black Friday. They need to get it out before then right?

Yes, Nov 21st is basically a given by now, not sure why they haven't announced it though


Yes, Nov 21st is basically a given by now, not sure why they haven't announced it though

I think they're waiting for the 3DS version to sell out a few shipments first.

Anyone for DLC wishlists? Top 5.

1. Miu (Fatal Frame)
2. Mewtwo
3. Ridley
4. Snake
5. Inkling


I think they're waiting for the 3DS version to sell out a few shipments first.

Anyone for DLC wishlists? Top 5.
1. Lucas
2. Wolf
3. Ice Climbers
4. Snake
5. Mewtwo
(If we do get DLC I don't expect 5 characters though)

Honestly wouldn't be upset if DLC was nothing more than adding cuts back into the game plus some stages. I'd rather save newcomers for full fledged new games, but that's just me I guess!


pink gold popo for MK8

There's no way that'd sell without Metal Baby Nana. And Inappropriate Camouflage Popo.


Snake's moveset has to go somewhere, after all.


Can't believe I'm gonna look this up.

Quiet Teddie!

You only realy see her at the very end, but you can read optional diaries that tell her story. I was thinking her moveset having the various traps and things that chase you throughout the game. Plus I got a fan remix of the game's loop 65 song in my head and love it lol. (The original song is great too!) You can play it, look up a LP, or read the wiki page on it to see more. I'd like to play it someday but don't have a good pc and have written them off due to bad experiences and lack of money. I do hope it comes to any console one day, or maybe I will try to play it on my bad pc sometime or another...great sense of dread, and the main character has a very good backstory.
Gonna look this up too :3


Neo Member
1. Lucas
2. Wolf
3. Ice Climbers
4. Snake
5. Mewtwo
(If we do get DLC I don't expect 5 characters though)

Honestly wouldn't be upset if DLC was nothing more than adding cuts back into the game plus some stages. I'd rather save newcomers for full fledged new games, but that's just me I guess!

I'm the opposite. I would prefer all new characters with unique movesets rather than getting back characters I can already play as in previous Smash games. If they were going to bring back cut vet's I would want Ice Climbers and Snake to be included.

Anyway for my top 5:
1. Inkling (Splatoon)
2. Hades (Kid Icarus)
3. Groose (Zelda)
4. Cranky Kong (DK)
5. Chorus Kids (RH)
Conversation topic: amiibo.
Do you plan on buying an amiibo? If so, why?
What amiibos do you intend on getting if you do?
How do you think Nintendo should use amiibos outside of Smash Bros. in games like Mario Kart 8 or games that have yet to be released/announced?

Personally, I plan on getting at least one amiibo, though I'll probably end up getting two. I really like collecting things; over the past six and a half years, I've collected over a hundred plastic figures for dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, along with maybe a dozen pieces of video game/movie merchandise. I need more plastic crap.
I don't think I'll use them for the purpose in the game though - I'll certainly try it out a few times, but I doubt they'll be used often.
I definitely intend on getting the Olimar and Toon Link figures, and I think for the former at least, I'll preorder ASAP. Considering the Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and Marth all sold out really quickly, it's clear Nintendo won't be making much of the smaller-series figures in the first wave.
I don't really care about amiibo functionality in other games, but as long as the figures are of high quality and there's no content that's locked until you get an amiibo, I'll be happy.


Already Preordered Marth and Pikachu, my series mains. Although I'm not liking 4 Pikachu as much as Brawl Pikachu (RIP OP Down B)


Already Preordered Marth and Pikachu, my series mains. Although I'm not liking 4 Pikachu as much as Brawl Pikachu (RIP OP Down B)

I miss OP thunder, also his kill moves overall feel nerfed though that may just be because of the higher KO percentaeg threshold.


Don't act cute Zubz :T

Caladrius and Troubled Bat.

I'm not acting cute; I legitimately didn't know you meant those two!

I wonder if we're getting an interesting PotD to celebrate the US launch? I could play it smart and steal The Captain's idea of it being Ness, but maybe he'll explain how connectivity works?
Get hype for Wii U menus, guys!
I think amiibos would be cool if they could contain my custom controls and moveset so I can easily scan them into another Wii U for convenience sake. But AFAIK they do not do that
I wonder if we're getting an interesting PotD to celebrate the US launch? I could play it smart and steal The Captain's idea of it being Ness, but maybe he'll explain how connectivity works?
Get hype for Wii U menus, guys!
Wow. I know we're rivals and all, but stealing? That's a new low.
I don't have to take any action if you pay me for what's rightfully mine - I demand a penny for my thoughts.

Kidding of course - you can have that thought for free.

I'm expecting Ness either tomorrow or Monday, along with (hopefully) a Magicant confirmation for the Wii U version either by POTD or one of the ten images on the website. After that, it'll be Falco, then Wario, and so on until all the characters are officially revealed (and we get some high quality renders with shadows!).
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but I just turned on my Wii U and there in Wara Wara plaza is the Smash 3DS community. This is the first time a 3DS community has shown up in Wara Wara right?

Also Wara Wara Plaza has failed to live up to its potential.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
You know, the more I think of it, whenever people say Ridley's a "forgotten Nintendo All-Star" bugs me.

He's not playable (and I really think that's just because physically and characteristically he just doesn't fit with everyone else), but he's actually one of the more prolific characters. Plus he's not forgotten in his main series (even if it sort of is at times), he's been in every game iirc, even Nintendoland.
You know, the more I think of it, whenever people say Ridley's a "forgotten Nintendo All-Star" bugs me.

He's not playable (and I really think that's just because physically and characteristically he just doesn't fit with everyone else), but he's actually one of the more prolific characters. Plus he's not forgotten in his main series (even if it sort of is at times), he's been in every game iirc, even Nintendoland.
Ridley's missing in two Metroid games--Metroid II and Metroid Prime 2, three if you want to count Hunters. But yeah, he's in every other Metroid.

Honestly, I think he should be used less in the Metroid series. His credibility as a threat decreases each time he appears, and makes fighting him less special. Like, he had no business being in Metroid Prime 3 in my opinion. But that's neither here nor there, I guess.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
technically though the ridley you fight in Fusion isn't the real ridley (part of it because ridley's dead)
Sorry if it's been asked, but I'm on mobile and the thread is massive... when it says it's available at midnight on the eShop, which time zone are they using?

Please let it be EST. That'll mean it will be up at 9 PM for me.


Wow. I know we're rivals and all, but stealing? That's a new low.
I don't have to take any action if you pay me for what's rightfully mine - I demand a penny for my thoughts.

Kidding of course - you can have that thought for free.

Hence the "could." I respect you too much to do that.

You know, the more I think of it, whenever people say Ridley's a "forgotten Nintendo All-Star" bugs me.

He's not playable (and I really think that's just because physically and characteristically he just doesn't fit with everyone else), but he's actually one of the more prolific characters. Plus he's not forgotten in his main series (even if it sort of is at times), he's been in every game iirc, even Nintendoland.

That might be a bad sign, though; every other major character in Nintendo Land barring Yoshi's either played by a Mii or is just a mook. Nevertheless, I still see Ridley as a major Nintendo All-Star, albeit less mainstream than, say, Bowser. But I can see Sakurai typecasting him as "Boss" forever, as much as I disagree.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I really think Metroid would benefit by introducing more antagonists with solid characterizations...they don't have to have a lot of dialogue, be sympathetic, or anything, just give them a name, actions that show advanced sentience, and a cool design that's more humanoid yet still monstrous so you can tell "whoa, this guy's in charge!".
I really think Metroid would benefit by introducing more antagonists with solid characterizations...they don't have to have a lot of dialogue, be sympathetic, or anything, just give them a name, actions that show advanced sentience, and a cool design that's more humanoid yet still monstrous so you can tell "whoa, this guy's in charge!".


I really think Metroid would benefit by introducing more antagonists with solid characterizations...they don't have to have a lot of dialogue, be sympathetic, or anything, just give them a name, actions that show advanced sentience, and a cool design that's more humanoid yet still monstrous so you can tell "whoa, this guy's in charge!".

IDK part of Metroid's charm to me is not having that stuff

of course, Smash would benefit from it, if that's what you meant


I really think Metroid would benefit by introducing more antagonists with solid characterizations...they don't have to have a lot of dialogue, be sympathetic, or anything, just give them a name, actions that show advanced sentience, and a cool design that's more humanoid yet still monstrous so you can tell "whoa, this guy's in charge!".

The sense of isolation is one of the Metroid series' strong points (and one of the few points I criticize the Prime series for is beginning to throw that away.) I feel like adding firm intelligent antagonists that could communicate to Samus in any meaningful way would detract from that. On the plus side it would give a bit more urgency to her quest, but I feel like preserving the desolation and solitude is more important as far as presentation and story goes.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
They wouldn't need to talk.

Just give the impression that they're in-charge. And then you could use in-game text to establish their character through logs like in Prime.


I think they're waiting for the 3DS version to sell out a few shipments first.

Anyone for DLC wishlists? Top 5.

1. Miu (Fatal Frame)
2. Mewtwo
3. Ridley
4. Snake
5. Inkling

i just want my damn Ice Climbers, 3DS version can go to hell, just give them to me


I would wait for the WiiU version but I'm bored and 3DS will probably have a larger userbase to play with so I may as well capitalize on it now.

They wouldn't need to talk.

Just give the impression that they're in-charge. And then you could use in-game text to establish their character through logs like in Prime.

So like Dark Samus mostly?

I could get behind that.


The sense of isolation is one of the Metroid series' strong points (and one of the few points I criticize the Prime series for is beginning to throw that away.) I feel like adding firm intelligent antagonists that could communicate to Samus in any meaningful way would detract from that. On the plus side it would give a bit more urgency to her quest, but I feel like preserving the desolation and solitude is more important as far as presentation and story goes.

Yes to this. I loved the Prime trilogy for a lot of things, but Prime 3 was a real letdown in a way when it came to the Metroid 'feeling'. I'm willing to let the Luminoth interaction in Prime 2 slide since that was one NPC in one room in the entire game.

I love that in any given Metroid game it's pretty much just Samus vs the environment. It gives a life to the game world in a different way than something like the Zelda series which emphasizes character interaction as a method of world/lore building.
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