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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

It's hard for me to tell, but is this Orbital Gate or Lylat Cruise from Brawl I'm seeing here?

Orbital Gate


How will the Ice Climbers be represented in the Wii U version?

3ds has the polar bears in smash run...
wii u will have a stage?

Ice Climbers' Resort For Retired Smashers! A snowy landscape with cabins in the background, with hosts Pop and Nana relaxing as they watch the fight, alongside the likes of Pichu, Roy and Young Link!
I need this in real life. Sooo beautiful *-*

No shit, at first I thought "Why would you post a photo of a store selling unnanounced Smash Bros. amiibos?"
Then I noticed it's the in-game Trophy shop.

This s VERY awesome indeed.

Seems like they put way more work into the Wii U version of the game somehow.


How will the Ice Climbers be represented in the Wii U version?

3ds has the polar bears in smash run...
wii u will have a stage?

One of their stages was largely hated (Melee) and the other has swimming as a major mechanic. I don't see either of them returning.


when will he start promoting the wii u who cares about the trophy shop

He's been promoting it as of late. He's gradually swapped to more Wii U-focused updates, such as past stages (the Fire Emblem one), new stages (Orbital Gate, Gamer), menu stuff (Amiibos, trophy shop), and characters being shown on the Wii U for the first time (Falco, Ness, Wario, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario). Anything major, such as major exclusive modes, most likely aren't going to debut outside of a Nintendo Direct.
I'm not really a fan, but it sucks that Dark Pit didn't get a trailer or some special newcomer artwork like the rest of the new additions.

That's pretty lame.


Maturity, bitches.
How will the Ice Climbers be represented in the Wii U version?

3ds has the polar bears in smash run...
wii u will have a stage?

Poor Ice Climbers. After years of representing Balloon Fight via the alt track on their stage, Balloon Fight doesn't bother to return the favour.


Pretty lame piggyback. He's a mere speck in her artwork, and shows up for two seconds in the trailer. Not enough IMO.

I just hope the other secret newcomers don't get the same treatment. (I don't think they will though.)

At least she got to be in a cool trailer.

In all fairness, Dark Pit comes across as more of a threat in his 2 seconds of animation than Lucina does in all of her CGI portion.


I'm not really a fan, but it sucks that Dark Pit didn't get a trailer or some special newcomer artwork like the rest of the new additions.

That's pretty lame.

Considering the amount of effort put into his character, he doesn't deserve it.
Hell the tease at the end of Palutena's trailer is more than enough.

Lucina just lucked out since that was all FE in that trailer.


Dr. Mario in all his HD-glory. The character and his return to Smash are so hilarious that I love it, it's one of my most used fighters.
I really do wonder what kind of progress will be carried over between the 3DS and Wii U versions. Because the two games share so much of the same content, I'd be a little bummed if Sakurai made owners of both versions unlock the same stuff twice.

Because custom characters can be moved between the two versions, it seems likely to me that, at the very least, gear/equipment and custom specials already unlocked in the 3DS version will transfer over to the Wii U version without having to get them again.

I can also see character unlocks carrying over, because why would Sakurai want to have us unlock the same roster twice? This doesn't count any possible characters beyond what we know as the complete 3DS roster, of course.

Trophies... I wonder. There seems to be a lot of crossover between the trophies in both versions, and I already have 650 in the 3DS version, so I really hope Sakurai doesn't make us collect all the same trophies again. I feel like it'd be more fun (and would make more sense) for owners of both versions to be able to transfer trophies collected in the 3DS version that exist in both to the Wii U version and focus on collecting just the Wii U-exclusive trophies.

It'll be interesting to see how all this is handled. Or maybe there will be zero carryover between the two versions outside of being able to transfer custom characters, and everything will have to be unlocked/collected from scratch in the Wii U version even if you've already done it in the 3DS version.

That's probably it. :(


Castle. LOL

Mega Man has such a badass expression on his face in this screenshot!

Too bad he's about to get hit by Dr. Mario's forward smash. :p
I'm hoping for Sonic arrangements period. There was what... one total in Brawl? And they didn't even bother using it in the 3DS version?

I'm just grateful we got Live and Learn over anything from Sonic Heroes and beyond.

Maybe Sega has a tight leash over music arrangements and the like...?

Son Of D

At least she got to be in a cool trailer.

To be fair I think Lucina was only revealed because she was shown at the start. Would have been weird to ignore the fact that she's playable in Smash despite her being a focus in the trailer. Dark Pit was just a cameo at the end of a trailer focused on Palutena whereas Lucina was in a Robin/Lucina focused trailer.
Next up will be ROB and Ganondorf
Then Mr Game and Watch and Jiggly
And probably end with Duck Hunt and Bowser Jr

Other than Jiggly, this would be the order in which they're unlocked. But I think Jr and Duck Hunt have a trailer to show, otherwise the "we're getting to the bottom of new comer trailers" literally meant they had one left (Shulk's)
That's probably it. :(

Embrace the pain. You know it to be true.

Also congratulations on getting so many trophies. May I ask how long it took and does it get very infuriating towards the end?

I have about 300 but I when I play Trophy Rush about half my trophies are already repeats. Same with the majority in Smash Run. Considering I've regularly had two drops for the exact same custom move at the end of different modes (repeats on the same run I take issue with Sakurai!) I'm afraid of late game grinding.

Also when you first posted about the 3DS trophy store I had thought you had saw the Pic of the Day. Neat coincidence.


He already is pretty easy to deal with on every stage that's not Final Destination, a version of Final Destination, or Battlefield. I don't see why that would change with the Wii U version.

Idk why I didnt think of this, my younger kid is soooooooo good/annoying with Mac, regular Gaur Plains every day all days from now on.
Did you guys really expect them to create 600 brand new exclusive trophies for nearly the same game?
Not really, I expected some shared trophies.
Trophies are pretty easy to make since you are just ripping off models.
I expect probably 300-400 exclusive trophies.
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