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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I think my least favorite character to fight is Pacman. His keep away is so strong, and he's pretty heavy.

Yeah, add a little bit of lag in for glory, and he's probably the most obnoxious keep-away character in the game. At least the other keep away characters have lag on their moves so you can rush them down. Spamming fire hydrant and fruits is much safer.
Embrace the pain. You know it to be true.

Also congratulations on getting so many trophies. May I ask how long it took and does it get very infuriating towards the end?

I have about 300 but I when I play Trophy Rush about half my trophies are already repeats. Same with the majority in Smash Run. Considering I've regularly had two drops for the exact same custom move at the end of different modes (repeats on the same run I take issue with Sakurai!) I'm afraid of late game grinding.

Also when you first posted about the 3DS trophy store I had thought you had saw the Pic of the Day. Neat coincidence.

Thanks! I've got around 60 hours on the in-game clock (with 29 of that spent in Smash mode), so I guess that much?

And man, consider yourself lucky that only half of your trophies are repeats when you play Trophy Rush! Before too long you'll stop getting anything new from Trophy Rush - I just played three games in a row yesterday, got around 30 trophies each time, and none of them were new... and forget about randomly getting new trophies in Classic, All-Star, or Smash Run by that point. Basically at this point the only way I'm getting new trophies is by beating Classic and All-Star with characters I haven't yet, finishing Challenges I haven't yet, or paying exorbitant amounts of Gold when I'm lucky enough for a trophy I don't have yet to appear in the Trophy Shop. I've got about 14 more Classic and All-Star character trophies to get, and I just know the 20 or so trophies beyond that are going to be a serious grind...


I need an Uprising sequel on the Wii U right now.

I would seriously take both an Uprising sequel and/or an HD remake of Uprising with twin stick controls for the Wii U over almost any other HD remake or new game I can think of.

Uprising is just that untouchably amazing. 6/5 stars, 11/10, etc. etc.
Thanks! I've got around 60 hours on the in-game clock (with 29 of that spent in Smash mode), so I guess that much?

And man, consider yourself lucky that only half of your trophies are repeats when you play Trophy Rush! Before too long you'll stop getting anything new from Trophy Rush - I just played three games in a row yesterday, got around 30 trophies each time, and none of them were new... and forget about randomly getting new trophies in Classic, All-Star, or Smash Run by that point.
It also does not help the more rare trophies are 2,500 coins. I see a trophy I do not have and behold not enough coins. Then I get depressed and sulk in a corner...
My 99 stock game is still going, ha ha. I wish no contest time counted, but Nintendo!

Has this been posted?


Unused Announcer Soundbites.

Mentions Event Matches and "8 Player Smash."

Possible WiiU modes?
Hope so, that means Coin Mode, Event Mode, and Tournament Mode is back.
I have no clue how 8-Player Smash would work. Online maybe?


I would seriously take both an Uprising sequel and/or an HD remake of Uprising with twin stick controls for the Wii U over almost any other HD remake or new game I can think of.

Uprising is just that untouchably amazing. 6/5 stars, 11/10, etc. etc.
As long as a Wii U version still supports the original, superior control scheme. Fuck the haters, Kid Icarus: Uprising's controls are god tier.
I'm imagining 8 players on Final Destination with no change in size and FFA.
Chaos doesn't begin to describe it.
Also, there is a picture stating 8 player Smash could totally happen:

So it is close to confirmed considering the hidden announcer clip.
I am guessing online only mode or if local, 4 Bluetooth and 4 3DS/GC Controllers.


Dark Pit is also up.

I love this pic!


Captain Falcon: Dr. Mario. He needs help! Fast!
Little Mac: Ughhhhhhh....
Dr. Mario with a smug look on his face: I would, but my pills are all too pretty for him. I mean, look at this magnificent capsule...
"If he dies, he dies."



Pic of the day. Here's the Trophy Shop for the Wii U version. It operates identically to the 3DS version, but it sure has a different feel, doesn't it?
Damn it Nintendo, just make those plushies and toys and whatever else is in the blurred zone in this pic and my money is yours! :D


The PotD really reaffirmed my optimism about the Wii U version. There's a lot more love and care going into this one.

I wouldn't say that they didn't give love and care to the 3DS version. It's just that they are able to play around with the little details more with the Wii U version...


I wouldn't say that they didn't give love and care to the 3DS version. It's just that they are able to play around with the little details more with the Wii U version...

Yeah, I'd say the less restrictive format just lets them surface that love and care a little more. The 3DS game is a solid experience but it's hard to argue that it's not a companion piece rather than a definitive Smash experience.



Dark Pit is so kawaii
Ugh no, the black hair makes it look like a bad mod.
EDIT: Looks better in other pics though.

- Different stages
- HD Graphics
- Better controls (lord knows that's necessary)
- Trickier challenges
- Amiibo support (until New 3DS gets that, but)
- More diverse selection of music
- Better online capabilities

Then there's the possibility of a tournament mode.

Looks more like a remaster/remake than a whole new game, I know, but there's something that (as fun as it is) is just... off about Smash on a 3DS.


Why are we expecting DLC characters, again?
Because Mario Kart 8, it's Smash, and cut characters. But mainly cause of money, Nintendo loves it.


Smash Bros. Wii U
Smash Bros. Wii U + Gamecube Controller Adapter
Gamecube Controller in Smash design

are now available for preorder for GermanGAF (amazon.de) maybe other european countries too.

sorry, if old news.
"Characters from a series that has no future are rarely chosen."

I wonder if characters like Ness and Captain Falcon are lucky they were on the roster when they were. I don't think either would make the cut these days, but it's hard to imagine Smash Bros without them.


New Article today.


Yeah, The article basically confirmed what we already suspected.

Sakurai said:
Characters from a series that has no future are rarely chosen
... So, this isn't boding well for Wario, Donkey Kong, or Metroid's futures, is it?

I wonder if characters like Ness and Captain Falcon are lucky they were on the roster when they were. I don't think either would make the cut these days, but it's hard to imagine Smash Bros without them.

That's the way I see it. It seems like with the 1st game, they wanted to do 1 character per series, with Pokemon and Mario getting special treatment. F-Zero was still relevant at the time, EarthBound/Mother 2 was still big in Japan, and the only other series without a rep, but were big enough for a character, were either Rare-owned (I don't think Sakurai wanted to step on their toes past DK) or maybe Fire Emblem, and even though EarthBound sold like re-fried ass over here, it still had a US release, giving Ness the edge. This 1 character deal might have also explained Wario; maybe they felt Wario Land was too close to Mario at the time, as opposed to them trying to sell Yoshi's Story and DK continuing to branch out further?


I hope this is a neutral stage with pokemon just chilling in the back, Sakurai please give us more neutral stages :(

Definitely. Omega Mode's nice, but why can't we get Battlefield variants, let alone neutral stages that work ala Smashville or Delfino Plaza? I still remember thinking Magicant was neutral when I first saw it on a stream. The CPU Ness killed itself before any of the the many, many gimmicks showed up. Maybe news outlets will stop complaining about Little Mac if there were other balanced stages with more platforms for him to stumble around.


I wonder if characters like Ness and Captain Falcon are lucky they were on the roster when they were. I don't think either would make the cut these days, but it's hard to imagine Smash Bros without them.

They're definitely lucky to be in, especially Ness, albeit he'd have made an awesome obscure addition if introduced later on. Falcon's popularity as a character transcends that of his own series nowadays, so he's not going anywhere.

It's still a damn shame about Lucas and Wolf, though. Especially considering there -is- going to be a new Star Fox come next year, albeit Sakurai couldn't have known that when development began.

... So, this isn't boding well for Wario, Donkey Kong, or Metroid's futures, is it?

How so? Warioware games are pretty popular and profitable (Game & Wario shouldn't be taken as a traditional one), there's been a lot of talks about potential Metroid games in both Wii U and 3DS (the former from Miyamoto himself) and do you really think Donkey Kong of all Nintendo franchises has no future?


Maturity, bitches.
... So, this isn't boding well for Wario, Donkey Kong, or Metroid's futures, is it?
Two of them will keep on appearing in Mario spinoffs even if they never ever ever get another game to their own game so they'll be fine.
... So, this isn't boding well for Wario, Donkey Kong, or Metroid's futures, is it?


Game and Wario came out not too long ago. Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze just came out, and Nintendo have said they're actively pursuing Metroid ideas for both WiiU and 3DS.

If you're going to worry about any franchise's representation, worry about F-Zero and Mother.
Hearing Wolf's Star Fox 64 actor would have been nice

Oh well. Maybe DLC will bring him back. I miss his slashing and claw based fighting, no other character really does that.
... So, this isn't boding well for Wario, Donkey Kong, or Metroid's futures, is it?

Eh, some characters are more quintessential than others. Even though Wario's franchise may not have any massive blockbusters coming out anytime soon, he's still relevant in part due to the Mario franchise and he still has a healthy stream of releases as of the past few gens. DK also saw some new life with the Retro trilogy.

Metroid's kind of a tricky one, but it's also the kind of franchise that would sell like hotcakes if it actually released a new title that was better than Other M - which isn't hard to do. Again, though, Samus is one of the original twelve, so she's not going anywhere. If franchise relevancy affected the original twelve, then Ness and Captain Falcon would have been cut way earlier into Smash Bros.

I think it's specifically calling out "test the water" characters that don't have any predominant footholds save for their debut Smash title, for example Wolf. Granted, yes, he's a "core" villain in Star Fox, the Star Fox franchise at the time of Smash 4's development was fading into obscurity and didn't really need three entire reps. Likewise, depending on the success of Awakening and possible sequels, we could see Lucina and Robin getting the boot in Smash 5/6/whatever if they can't carry their own weight from a relevancy standpoint.

Another franchise that has the potential for "diplomatic immunity" is Pokemon, mainly because of how strong its sales always are. You could literally pull any Pokemon out of a bulk of the 700+-strong roster and it wouldn't go anywhere just because it's next-to-impossible to make someone forget about them the way characters come and go in other franchises. That being said, Greninja is in a unique predicament because Game Freak is making him out to be the Charizard of Gen 6 and wants to see some strong new reps for the franchise. I have a feeling Greninja is probably here to stay, too.


How so? Warioware games are pretty popular and profitable (Game & Wario shouldn't be taken as a traditional one), there's been a lot of talks about potential Metroid games in both Wii U and 3DS (the former from Miyamoto himself) and do you really think Donkey Kong of all Nintendo franchises has no future?

Two of them will keep on appearing in Mario spinoffs even if they never ever ever get another game to their own game so they'll be fine.


Game and Wario came out not too long ago. Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze just came out, and Nintendo have said they're actively pursuing Metroid ideas for both WiiU and 3DS.

If you're going to worry about any franchise's representation, worry about F-Zero and Mother.

Game & Wario sold terribly, and was the first WarioWare game in about 5 years, and as well as Tropical Freeze did, I'm not sure if Retro's going back to DKC; I feel like they've done enough with Donkey Kong. Obviously, they're going to keep showing up in spin-offs, so DK, Diddy, & Wario are fine, but I don't know what's going to happen to their own franchises from here. Similarly, I know they've talked about pursuing Metroid ideas, but I'm not sure if they're going to follow up on them. I dunno. I'm being pessimistic here.

And I know about F-Zero and Mother... That's why I expected Lucas' cut no matter how much I hated it, as well as a lack of playable Samurai Goroh or the bomb-ass suggestion of Black Shadow taking the Dorf's old moveset while he gets a brand new one so Heavy Captain Falcon stays and Zelda fans get the Ganondorf they want... And I get my 2nd F-Zero character.


... So, this isn't boding well for Wario, Donkey Kong, or Metroid's futures, is it?

That's the way I see it. It seems like with the 1st game, they wanted to do 1 character per series, with Pokemon and Mario getting special treatment. F-Zero was still relevant at the time, EarthBound/Mother 2 was still big in Japan, and the only other series without a rep, but were big enough for a character, were either Rare-owned (I don't think Sakurai wanted to step on their toes past DK) or maybe Fire Emblem, and even though EarthBound sold like re-fried ass over here, it still had a US release, giving Ness the edge. This 1 character deal might have also explained Wario; maybe they felt Wario Land was too close to Mario at the time, as opposed to them trying to sell Yoshi's Story and DK continuing to branch out further?

Definitely. Omega Mode's nice, but why can't we get Battlefield variants, let alone neutral stages that work ala Smashville or Delfino Plaza? I still remember thinking Magicant was neutral when I first saw it on a stream. The CPU Ness killed itself before any of the the many, many gimmicks showed up. Maybe news outlets will stop complaining about Little Mac if there were other balanced stages with more platforms for him to stumble around.

Yep, FD everything is ok but I want stages that are naturally neutral, and for the whole Little Mac thing.. I hope Sakurai is in his office right now saying "Fucking Casuals". He isn't that hard to beat people need to stop randomly mashing buttons, be smart and abuse his weaknesses.


As in "Heathcliff"
I wonder if characters like Ness and Captain Falcon are lucky they were on the roster when they were. I don't think either would make the cut these days, but it's hard to imagine Smash Bros without them.

I would imagine it would apply to newcomer and extra characters like Falco, Wolf, Lucas, etc.
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