Calling Spanish, Italian and German speakers!
Repost from Reddit ( I'm the OP there.
Extra unused audio files for the upcoming Smash 4 Wii U are present in the European and American 3DS release of the game! You might have
heard them here
We need people who speak foreign languages to translate the audio into literal English, so we can better understand what these modes are. Think of the difference between "Smash Run", "Field Smash" in Japanese and "Smash Adventure" in Spanish. Each version of the translation would have helped us understand what the mode actually entails.
Go here :
And download the announcer pack. Go to the language that you can understand (snd_se_narration_common_XX), and post the literal translation of the text. I'm looking for information for the following audios:
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000000C.wav] -> Sfida al boss (Challenge the boss/ Fight against the boss)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000001.wav] -> Torneo (Tourney)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000001A.wav] -> Vittoria per... (Victory for...)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000001C.wav] -> Squadra gialla (Yellow team)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000002.wav] -> Eventi (Events)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000002A.wav] -> Richieste speciali (Special requests)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000002B.wav] -> Richieste Master (Master requests)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000002C.wav] -> Richieste Crazy (Crazy requests)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000002D.wav] -> Scegli un biglietto (Choose a ticket)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000003A.wav] -> Terzo round (Third round)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000003B.wav] -> Quarto round (Fourth round)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000003C.wav] -> Ultimo round (Last round)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_0000003E.wav] -> amiibo
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000007.wav] -> Raccogli le monete (Collect the coins)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000010.wav] -> La vittoria va a... (The victory goes to...)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000020.wav] -> Mischia a 8 (8-Man Smash)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000024.wav] -> Scegli un Mii (Choose a Mii)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000026.wav] -> Scegli una versione (Choose a version)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000031.wav] -> Mischia da tavolo (Board Smash)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000038.wav] -> Primo round (First round)
- [snd_se_narration_menu_00000039.wav] -> Secondo round (Second round)
I will add it to
this Google Doc
French was already done by SunnyDust of SmashBoards in the Leaks Group.
Based on what we know/ can guess: Smash World is a quasi-adventure mode. Based on the file numbers, Crazy Orders / Master Orders (Crazy Side and Master Side in Japanese) are probably under Event Matches.
Also, we are aware that the UK version has a slight number difference, and has "defeat" with the Master/Crazy Orders.