In addition to the Tower of Smash mode being available. The 3DS is also getting a new mode when the Wii U Version comes out.
This mode will be called Smash World
This mode will be a mode where players can challenge players around the world in various formats of smash battles. The thing that differentiates this mode from others is that this mode can level your play skills and match you with players around your same skill. More features include daily challenges that must be met! If you play Smash World every day of the week, each day you will earn a prize and each day the prize will get better! Prizes include NEW Mii accessories, Coins, Smash Points, and for great performances, special powerups in future Smash World matches!
In addition to this mode, there will be another two characters available first on the Nintendo Wii U for a limited time! Those who do not get those characters in the time given, will be able to purchase those characters in the eShop.
Also the Wii U and 3DS will be given a new feature! A Shop mode where players can buy various items with the coins and money achieved.
When players are given Impa, Ridley, Chorus Men, Dixie Kong, and Mewtwo, two more characters still remain available!
Those characters are Isaac from Golden Sun and Wonder-Red from Wonderful 101!
This Special DLC pack will be released in 2015 with the release of Splatoon!
A new ink blaster item will be added, a brand new Splatoon stage awaits your arrival! And maybe a special guest will appear to battle!
This all comes in Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo Wii U and 3DS!!