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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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"metal ridley replaces ridley" or something.
Or the more liked Regular Ridley

Not sure Ridley fans will likely accept that explanation in a post-Subspace-Emissary world (aka ROB is an enemy in the game, therefore not playable... except it turns out ROB was playable :p )
Wow, I never even thought about that.

So, are we expecting a trailer w/ both DHD and Bowser Jr. Or their own trailers each?


Neo Member
Just because Ridley is a boss doesn't mean he also couldn't have been planned to be playable at one point... nor does it remove the possibility of him being DLC with the simple "metal ridley replaces ridley" or something.

"When Ridley joins the battle, he is replaced at the helm of the Pyrosphere by adolescent Ridley! Adolescent Ridley: "Leave it to me!"


True, they do drop those megaton bombs on us once in awhile. Mario Kart 8 DLC crossover, the existence of Hyrule Warriors just in general, Mega Man in Smash at the end of the E3 Direct... it is possible that we'll have all of our wildest additional character dreams fulfilled tomorrow. I just don't think it's particularly likely, but I seem to be in the minority with that opinion.

Nah, I think plenty of people don't expect too much. Smash 3DS was a reality check in a lot of ways.

Hopefully that ends up ultimately being for our benefit.

Just because Ridley is a boss doesn't mean he also couldn't have been planned to be playable at one point... nor does it remove the possibility of him being DLC with the simple "metal ridley replaces ridley" or something.

This is my opinion as well. The scenario is unlikely but not impossible, and for that reason it's still worth considering.

"When Ridley joins the battle, he is replaced at the helm of the Pyrosphere by adolescent Ridley! Adolescent Ridley: "Leave it to me!"

Someone needs to Commission Slowbeef for voice acting in Smash 4.
I'm thinking they'll both get their own trailer. Seems kinda lame for Bowser Jr.'s trailer to be Duck Hunt/Zapper-themed.

Yeah, hopefully DHD will get something interesting to show off.

This is like, what, the first trailer to be released after the 3DS' release? Maybe we'll get a bonus.

The trailer is probably going to be nothing but pure comedy and slapstick though. XD
Just because Ridley is a boss doesn't mean he also couldn't have been planned to be playable at one point... nor does it remove the possibility of him being DLC with the simple "metal ridley replaces ridley" or something.

Yeah that's quite probable. He had both regular and metal forms in Brawl. In fact with how many times Ridley comes back from death through science it would be funny if he was a stage hazard/boss and could be playable against them.

"They're just different Ridleys"


I really hope no one is going into the Direct tomorrow expecting anything related to what Spainkiller's source said.

That's setting yourself up for utter disappointment.

I cannot wait to see more stages full revealed! Dat Orbital Gate.


Yeah that's quite probable. He had both regular and metal forms in Brawl. In fact with how many times Ridley comes back from death through science it would be funny if he was a stage hazard/boss and could be playable against them.

"They're just different Ridleys"
If they were going to go to the trouble to replace Link (when Spirit Tracks Link is known to be separate from PH/WW Link and all the others), then of course they'll replace Ridley.

Speaking of that bit, is Alfonso (or conductor Link) still in the ST stage? I only played the normal version once, but I don't remember them there.


My personal guess:
Duck Hunt Dog trailer opens.
Technical tidbit (1080p 60 FPS) follows
Midway through, Bowser Jr. trailer revealing eight-player mode.
Ends with Ridley announced
Wii U becomes the greatest selling console of all time, Nintendo profits enough to cure all world diseases, and we enter a new age of scientific discovery shortly afterwards.


Yeah that's quite probable. He had both regular and metal forms in Brawl. In fact with how many times Ridley comes back from death through science it would be funny if he was a stage hazard/boss and could be playable against them.

"They're just different Ridleys"

Killing the creature from Other M with Ridley would be cathartic. Until he respawns three seconds later, of course.

I cannot wait to see more stages full revealed! Dat Orbital Gate.

Just seeing Orbital Gate in motion and the full version of the Temple remake would make the direct worthwhile. Though I wonder if any other returning stage got a similarly drastic makeover - while Castle Siege is much improved, Onett and Halberd only received minor texture alterations.
My personal guess:
Duck Hunt Dog trailer opens.
Technical tidbit (1080p 60 FPS) follows
Midway through, Bowser Jr. trailer revealing eight-player mode.
Ends with Ridley announced
Wii U becomes the greatest selling console of all time, Nintendo profits enough to cure all world diseases, and we enter a new age of scientific discovery shortly afterwards.



Basically, if ya'll are expecting one or all of Dixie, Mewtwo, Ridley, Chorus Kids, and Impa tomorrow, I think there's going to be a lot of crushing disappointment in this thread. It just doesn't seem like it's time for new character reveals, especially considering Sakurai hasn't "officially" revealed Duck Hunt or Bowser Jr. yet.

I really hope no one is going into the Direct tomorrow expecting anything related to what Spainkiller's source said.

That's setting yourself up for utter disappointment.


There's no stopping this train, I'm ready to crush.


My personal expectations:
-Da Cunt trailer
-Smash World is just a .jpeg of a new Mario Party 10 game board
-8 player Smash was just a ruse to throw dataminers off the scent. Sakurai mentions "maybe it would've been possible if we made this game on a real next gen system"
-Koopaling alts are cut from Smash Bros U. Sorry.
-Smash WiiU now runs at 240p for true 3DS parity

Anything else is just sweet icing on the cake!



Pic of the day. Here's what's happening behind the scenes in one of the secret fighter's shooting moves. The object being held is called an NES Zapper. This is an accessory which was released for the NES outside of Japan. Now, this image is edited, but it's a scene from the secret fighter's reveal video.

Haha thats really nice. Can't wait to see the video.


Not expecting any new characters, or even any mention of DLC.

We'll get stuff that hasn't been formally announced yet (Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt Dog), some stages and game modes. I'm expecting some cool, Wii U exclusive modes. Come onnnnnn event matches and real break the targets :)


If Ridley is announced as playable I will blow my Caloadrius

Not expecting any new characters, or even any mention of DLC.

We'll get stuff that hasn't been formally announced yet (Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt Dog), some stages and game modes. I'm expecting some cool, Wii U exclusive modes. Come onnnnnn event matches and real break the targets :)

This is what I'd bet money on.
This is my crazy prediction:

During the direct Ridley is shown as a stage boss or regular boss with Sakurai's Mii personally defeating him by knocking him off Pyrosphere. Ridley fans collectively sigh while a single tear runs down our faces. At the end of the direct there's a new trailer. It's on Pyrosphere with a bunch of characters just hanging out and celebrating after vanquishing Ridley. Then something flys up off the stage. "Ridley ______ in!" He then starts beating up everybody. Then it cuts to gameplay. Finally Samus and him prepare to fight at the end.

Then I wake up.

Anbody else kind of weired out at the hole in Pyrosphere and Sakurai's hint that Ridley would come out?

I mean that's basically exactly how the Pyrosphere stage hazard already works in Dead or Alive Dimensions. Would Sakurai reuse the same stage hazard on the same stage from a different fighting game? It seems like something he wouldn't do.
great cave offensive great cave offensive great cave offensive great cave offensive great cave offensive great cave offensive I NEED THE GREAT CAVE OFFENSIVE PLEASE SAKURAI

DK stage would be swell as well.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
If I remember, i'll PM you the youtube link. No promises though, but if I remember, look out for a PM from me.

I set an alarm on my phone for 6:05 to send it to you.

why not. One of us will remember for sure. I will try :p

I will send you a PM after youube link went up. :)

edited: please private message me the reminder now so I will not open the pm so I will remember by seeing the notification.



My bold .. boldprediction

Pyrosphere ridley boss shown, trophy picture mode show, actual proper online lobby/ more exclusive customization shown

Amiibos to be HEAVILy featured, amiibo this, amiibo that etc
Board game amiibo, some new stages .Duck hunt trailer along with duck hunt stage shown off, metal face shown, new and improved stage builder, sharing etc. More amiibo footage.

Miiverse posting, end with preorder amiibos


Yup and finally! I truly want to see how decent his HD model will look.

Prepare yourself.

Not expecting any new characters, or even any mention of DLC.

We'll get stuff that hasn't been formally announced yet (Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt Dog), some stages and game modes. I'm expecting some cool, Wii U exclusive modes. Come onnnnnn event matches and real break the targets :)

Aside from hoping for the return of veteran modes absent from the 3DS version, I'm really interested in seeing how the leaked modes are going to be implemented - a proper Stage Builder in particular is something I really want to see. Well, that and a dating sim minigame, of course.



Not expecting any new characters, or even any mention of DLC.

We'll get stuff that hasn't been formally announced yet (Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt Dog), some stages and game modes. I'm expecting some cool, Wii U exclusive modes. Come onnnnnn event matches and real break the targets :)

What I'm hoping for. Excited to see what Smash 4 is really about
My personal guess:
Duck Hunt Dog trailer opens.
Technical tidbit (1080p 60 FPS) follows
Midway through, Bowser Jr. trailer revealing eight-player mode.
Ends with Ridley announced
Wii U becomes the greatest selling console of all time, Nintendo profits enough to cure all world diseases, and we enter a new age of scientific discovery shortly afterwards.


As in "Heathcliff"
Not expecting any new characters, or even any mention of DLC.

We'll get stuff that hasn't been formally announced yet (Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt Dog), some stages and game modes. I'm expecting some cool, Wii U exclusive modes. Come onnnnnn event matches and real break the targets :)

Event matches are more likely to happens but not Break The Target. Apparently Break the Target is more likely to be replaced by Target Blast. I just went with what modes that got announced by announcers that founded in 3DS version.

I don't expect any dlc characters or extra characters to be announced too.
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