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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet


This is always so strange to me. Because even though Sector Z is obviously giant, I never remembered it being huge as a kid. Between 64 and Melee I didn't even notice a change in scale. I thought it was the same stage all the way until Brawl when people pointed out Corneria was even smaller now because fighters were so much bigger.

Because it was such a gradual shrinking, it goes almost unnoticed in the years. But if you compare Corneria on 3DS to Sector Z, it is ridiculously small. It's not even the same stage anymore.


Now for something that isn't
bitching about stages, I seriously can't wait for the Uprising Codec calls. Really hope that we get Dark Pit variations, and even other Uprising characters showing up (Hades and even Medusa would be neat)



Mr Buddy

I'm really digging all of the newly revealed stages, although the wrecking crew stage has me a bit concerned :S I can't see it being too bad though.

On a related note, I love the new look for the All Star rest area. It's a little boring, sure, but It's definitely better than the previous ones we've had. I wish that we would get it as an actual stage to battle on. It would be super cool to display off all of the trophies you've earned while fighting.



I'm really digging all of the newly revealed stages, although the wrecking crew stage has me a bit concerned :S I can't see it being too bad though.

On a related note, I love the new look for the All Star rest area. It's a little boring, sure, but It's definitely better than the previous ones we've had. I wish that we would get it as an actual stage to battle on. It would be super cool to display off all of the trophies you've earned while fighting.


Reminds me of the corrida colosseum in One Piece.



What would be the point of the boss then is the weren't obtrusive and powerful? Might as well not even put it in then.
They completely lose their purpose and removes a new game mechanic. Also just seeing them in the background would disappoint people and then you'd have people going. "I wish Ridley did more than just fire a laser beam everr so often."

I mean if you don't like it go Omega mode then.
I think that point just makes it clear that bosses are inherently a bad mechanic. You either make them obtrusive and annoying, swinging the center of gravity in terms of battle flow heavily towards thhe stage as opposed to the other players, or you don't, and you wonder why they bothered at all. The worst stages in Smash have always been the stages that felt like they were actively fighting your attempts to play on it, and stage bosses are a quite literal expression of that.

And the 'just go Omega Mode' is never not going to be ridiculous. I don't even want to go into the importance of platforms in terms of competitive play because it's been said again and again and again, but Omega Mode utterly homogenizes stage variety and kills any distinct personality in a stage besides a new 'theme'. It's just not fun to keep going back to Final Destination all the time. It's tiring. Imagine never getting to play anything but 3D Land if you liked the idea of scrolling stages.

That all said, I am more than fine with the WiiU stage roster. I'm still sad that Wily's Castle remains spoiled by Yellow Devil, but there's way more stage variety than the 3DS version (where we basically only had four stages) and I think even some of the more 'gimmicky' stages that wouldn't be acceptable in a competitive context still look pretty cool and much more fun to play on than most of the 3DS's (generally quite bad) stages. Kalos Pokemon League in particular looks awesome from pretty much any angle of play you look at. Jungle Hijinks looks fucking awesome, too. Still blows my mind.

And we get Melee Yoshi's Island back hnnnnnng

And as opposed as I am to stage bosses... I think I'm alright with Ridley. I doubt that I'll play on that stage much in general, but as much as people are saying 'Flying Man, but bigger', I think having to beat Ridley up in order to ally him with you fixes a lot of what was shit about Flying Man in Magicant. It's a better and more persistent award than the dumb Yellow Devil explosion, and Ridley doesn't completely deny three quarters of the stage like Yellow Devil does either.

Too bad Metal Face fucks Gaur Plain up, though. Those huge fuck-off claws basically covering half the stage in a swing, ugh.


As in "Heathcliff"
Now for something that isn't
bitching about stages, I seriously can't wait for the Uprising Codec calls. Really hope that we get Dark Pit variations, and even other Uprising characters showing up (Hades and even Medusa would be neat)


I have a feeling that Hades would shown up for villain conversation like Ganondorf and Bowser.


I think that point just makes it clear that bosses are inherently a bad mechanic. You either make them obtrusive and annoying, swinging the center of gravity in terms of battle flow heavily towards thhe stage as opposed to the other players, or you don't, and you wonder why they bothered at all. The worst stages in Smash have always been the stages that felt like they were actively fighting your attempts to play on it, and stage bosses are a quite literal expression of that.

And the 'just go Omega Mode' is never not going to be ridiculous. I don't even want to go into the importance of platforms in terms of competitive play because it's been said again and again and again, but Omega Mode utterly homogenizes stage variety and kills any distinct personality in a stage besides a new 'theme'. It's just not fun to keep going back to Final Destination all the time. It's tiring. Imagine never getting to play anything but 3D Land if you liked the idea of scrolling stages.

Those stages are only bad if you want to have a serious fight with your friends/family. If you want to focus on the fight and feel like you deserved the win/loss, then yes, it's a bad mechanic.

If you play in a room with kids/casual gamers, those levels are a ton of fun. Kids don't mind if their victory means nothing, they only care that ridley killed you. It's also fun for those times when you're bored and start making up random stupid rules. Same with special smash. You don't care about winning/losing, you just want to goof around and see crazy stuff happen. Those stages have their place, even if their place wears thin after awhile.

If we didn't have that stuff, smash would be a lot less interesting. For me anyway.


Those stages are only bad if you want to have a serious fight with your friends/family. If you want to focus on the fight and feel like you deserved the win/loss, then yes, it's a bad mechanic.

If you play in a room with kids/casual gamers, those levels are a ton of fun. Kids don't mind if their victory means nothing, they only care that ridley killed you. It's also fun for those times when you're bored and start making up random stupid rules. Same with special smash. You don't care about winning/losing, you just want to goof around and see crazy stuff happen. Those stages have their place, even if their place wears thin after awhile.

If we didn't have that stuff, smash would be a lot less interesting. For me anyway.
The kids I've usually played with will get excited when a boss or something kills me... but get more depressed when they're the ones caught in the stage hazards.
I'm really digging all of the newly revealed stages, although the wrecking crew stage has me a bit concerned :S I can't see it being too bad though.

On a related note, I love the new look for the All Star rest area. It's a little boring, sure, but It's definitely better than the previous ones we've had. I wish that we would get it as an actual stage to battle on. It would be super cool to display off all of the trophies you've earned while fighting.

Looks beautiful, why would you want to battle on such a beautiful, and serene rest-area?


Looks beautiful, why would you want to battle on such a beautiful, and serene rest-area?

I think the contrast between how serene it looks while a fight is happening would make for a good stage. They'd just need to shrink it so that it's not a walk-off and add a few more platforms.


The kids I've usually played with will get excited when a boss or something kills me... but get more depressed when they're the ones caught in the stage hazards.

Kids getting upset when they lose is inevitable. At least in those cases it's 'not their fault' and you can try to console them in that regard and say 'oh no the game cheated i'm so sorry!' It's harder to say 'oops, sorry i kicked your butt, i'll go easier on you next time.'


Pit: These conversations remind me of something lady palutena.
Palutena: what's that pit? The snake codecs?
Pit: yeah that's it! Where is snake anyway?
Palutena: I killed him


As in "Heathcliff"
I would take a sign of 64 stage as good sign right now. I can't help but wonder if we are getting three bundles of dlc stages for both versions.

64 stages, Melee stages and Brawl stages (along with few brand new stages)


Kids getting upset when they lose is inevitable. At least in those cases it's 'not their fault' and you can try to console them in that regard and say 'oh no the game cheated i'm so sorry!' It's harder to say 'oops, sorry i kicked your butt, i'll go easier on you next time.'
Yeah, I suppose that's true.

What I usually have to do is put me and the kid(s) against a CPU team, friendly fire off. Let's me have fun and do stuff, and gives them a sense of victory. Just plain sandbagging works too, but they (understandably) get mad if they realize what you're doing.


Pit: These conversations remind me of something lady palutena.
Palutena: what's that pit? The snake codecs?
Pit: yeah that's it! Where is snake anyway?
Palutena: I killed him

I still can't believe they name-dropped Snake in the Direct. I consider his chances null, but the acknowledgment sat well with me.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Those stages are only bad if you want to have a serious fight with your friends/family. If you want to focus on the fight and feel like you deserved the win/loss, then yes, it's a bad mechanic.

If you play in a room with kids/casual gamers, those levels are a ton of fun. Kids don't mind if their victory means nothing, they only care that ridley killed you. It's also fun for those times when you're bored and start making up random stupid rules. Same with special smash. You don't care about winning/losing, you just want to goof around and see crazy stuff happen. Those stages have their place, even if their place wears thin after awhile.

If we didn't have that stuff, smash would be a lot less interesting. For me anyway.

I'm all for having random fun in Smash, but I still think those stages take it too far. Magicant is just someone getting ganged up on and the boss always shows up very early on in the same spot, so there's no real element of fun to even get him on your side since it's predictable and even in casual matches there is no reason to not just rush the top right. Yellow Devil is fucking massive and not really fun at all to fight, just gets in the way.

I'm not very hopeful for Metal Face as he also looks like he just puts out massive sweeping attacks. Ridley seems like the most active/inventive but I guess I'll see.


Those stages are only bad if you want to have a serious fight with your friends/family. If you want to focus on the fight and feel like you deserved the win/loss, then yes, it's a bad mechanic.

If you play in a room with kids/casual gamers, those levels are a ton of fun. Kids don't mind if their victory means nothing, they only care that ridley killed you. It's also fun for those times when you're bored and start making up random stupid rules. Same with special smash. You don't care about winning/losing, you just want to goof around and see crazy stuff happen. Those stages have their place, even if their place wears thin after awhile.

If we didn't have that stuff, smash would be a lot less interesting. For me anyway.
I see the point, and I am not intrinsically opposed to intrusive stages and the like. I actually like Dreamland a lot. I'm just annoyed because the 3DS version is overwhelmingly populated by these stages and a handful of stages would be much more fun to play on with the addition of a toggle.

But I don't really agree that intrusive stages only matter if you care about winning or losing. I suppose this is just anecdotal, but I've played a good amount of items-on 4-Player Smash with friends (who are entirely apathetic to the principle of competitive play) and nobody felt it was that much fun to get arbitrarily blown up on Unova. I think it's generally discouraging to get killed in the game by no fault of your own and nothing to blame but the game. It's like rubber-banding in MK Wii. Maybe you're 'intended' to just laugh off that last second Blue Shell, but in practice it swung from kinda funny to really frustrating pretty quickly.


What did they exactly said about Snake?

They said the pit/palu stuff is just like snake's codecs.

Yeah, I suppose that's true.

What I usually have to do is put me and the kid(s) against a CPU team, friendly fire off. Let's me have fun and do stuff, and gives them a sense of victory. Just plain sandbagging works too, but they (understandably) get mad if they realize what you're doing.

8 player smash is a godsend, because I can team up w/ the kids and have it not be a 2v2 or a 3v1. Each good player can team up with a bad player now, which is great.

Or each kid can have 1-2 CPUs on their team to help them out. So it could be 1v1v3v3 which is the best.
Just saw this update. (Still catching up.)

Well...okay then. The Ridley we saw yesterday was a playable Ridley, and his gimmick his him being a huge playable character. I am calling it. Holy shit if Sakurai actually makes a playable character that big. O_O

...I really can't tell if you're just doing all this to mess with us or not at this point


I still think the most likely DLC characters are the regular trophies without specific unlock conditions — Mewtwo (already confirmed), Dixie Kong, Chorus Kids, Wolf, and so on. Those types of trophies are the perfect red herrings.
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