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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Anyone else really excited about Norfair coming back? One of the most underrated stages in the series, IMO. It's so much fun scrambling for the safe zone before the tidal wave of lava hits, and fighting one another to get inside. An absolute riot in local multiplayer. :)

Looks really spiffy in HD, too. I always liked the look of this stage. Vibrant colors, epic lava floes, and the distant background is true to the source material with the fleshy green formations, etc.





Even Ridley and Metal Face?


Anyone else really excited about Norfair coming back? One of the most underrated stages in the series, IMO. It's so much fun scrambling for the safe zone before the tidal wave of lava hits, and fighting one another to get inside. An absolute riot in local multiplayer. :)

Looks really spiffy in HD, too. I always liked the look of this stage. Vibrant colors, epic lava floes, and the distant background is true to the source material with the fleshy green formations, etc.

That looks amazing!

I really don't mind all these classic stages coming back, they all look amazing.
...I really can't tell if you're just doing all this to mess with us or not at this point
? I'm not. Why does everyone keep saying that I'm joking. ._.

It seems really likely either the huge Ridley is playable, or a smaller sized Super Metroid Ridley (due to icon)

And since Spainkiller's source said that they saw the big Other M Ridley on 3DS version I think its the Other M Ridley. Most likely can be unlocked on WiiU then transfered to 3DS after unlocking, or theres no stage hazard on Pyrophere since he may still be in development and mass hysteria ensues.
Call me crazy, but this level looks awesome. I dunno, I like the idea of constantly racing to the top and constantly doing things to fuck up the competition. Worth a try.

I'll admit though, there are MANY gimmicky stages with way too much going on in them. I'm willing to give em all a try, but between bosses, partners/helpers, moving levels, and constant destruction, there's so much chaos it'll be hard to keep track the battle. Even the Star Fox stage, which looks awesome, has you departing from the Great Fox to board flying ships. It'll probably be fun, but I'd like a new dormant Great Fox stage ala Melee and 64. Maybe the FD variant will appease me? Who knows. Hell, it might even be awesome. We'll see.
Anyone else really excited about Norfair coming back? One of the most underrated stages in the series, IMO. It's so much fun scrambling for the safe zone before the tidal wave of lava hits, and fighting one another to get inside. An absolute riot in local multiplayer. :)

Looks really spiffy in HD, too. I always liked the look of this stage. Vibrant colors, epic lava floes, and the distant background is true to the source material with the fleshy green formations, etc.

Yeah, even though it's another Lava based Metroid stage, I'm excited for it. Real glad to see it back.

That reminds me how sterilized the P:M version was.

Dr. Buni

Norfair sucked. Visually it wasn't bad, but that lava is such an annoying hazard. Frigate Orpheon should be the returning Metroid stage instead.

It's going to be odd hearing the StarFox 64 3D voices on this stage. Already seemed surreal in the direct, but I can see now that they're flat out talking about stuff that happened during this level in Star Fox Assault, so there's an extra level of bizarre. Krystal and Panther will probably appear here too like they did in Assault, just for yet another level of weird.


As in "Heathcliff"
Anyone else really excited about Norfair coming back? One of the most underrated stages in the series, IMO. It's so much fun scrambling for the safe zone before the tidal wave of lava hits, and fighting one another to get inside. An absolute riot in local multiplayer. :)

Looks really spiffy in HD, too. I always liked the look of this stage. Vibrant colors, epic lava floes, and the distant background is true to the source material with the fleshy green formations, etc.

One of my favorite Metroid stage. I love how I always kicked my opponents out of barrier and let them dealing with the lava. Sadly, it's very easy to dodge the lava wall in Brawl.

Also I would love to see Brinstar Depth coming back as well tho.


New Bowser challenge for Smash Wii U: 1 vs 7 Bowsers with team attack off on regular Battlefield. Oh my god. That would be impossible lmao.


Villager dittos in 8-player mode would be glorious. Imagine those flying trees and pocketing them. Can be insta-kill for those who'll make a slight mistake lol.



It's going to be odd hearing the StarFox 64 3D voices on this stage. Already seemed surreal in the direct, but I can see now that they're flat out talking about stuff that happened during this level in Star Fox Assault, so there's an extra level of bizarre. Krystal and Panther will probably appear here too like they did in Assault, just for yet another level of weird.

Just different voice actors, the characters are the same.

I mean, it would mean something if Star Fox voice actors changing was a new thing.
? I'm not. Why does everyone keep saying that I'm joking. ._.

It seems really likely either the huge Ridley is playable, or a smaller sized Super Metroid Ridley (due to icon)

And since Spainkiller's source said that they saw the big Other M Ridley on 3DS version I think its the Other M Ridley. Most likely can be unlocked on WiiU then transfered to 3DS after unlocking, or theres no stage hazard on Pyrophere since he may still be in development and mass hysteria ensues.

I'm not going to say I'm laughing at your sadness because that would be rude

so I have nothing else to add to this post


I still can't believe they name-dropped Snake in the Direct. I consider his chances null, but the acknowledgment sat well with me.

That seemed sort of suspicious, especially since they could have been more general or just used the Starfox conversations as an example. I can hope it means something, but it's likely just an innocuous reference. There wouldn't have been any legal issues with using the name like this without Konami's knowledge, would there?

Norfair sucked. Visually it wasn't bad, but that lava is such an annoying hazard. Frigate Orpheon should be the returning Metroid stage instead.

Does Frigate Orpheon really count as a Metroid stage, though?


New Bowser challenge for Smash Wii U: 1 vs 7 Bowsers with team attack off on regular Battlefield. Oh my god. That would be impossible lmao.

I was thinking this morning that I will be very sad if one of the events isn't a single player against 7 different Koopa Kids.


The leaker I know WhatsApped me this morning.

"The Ridley boss showed in last night's Direct was pretty much the model I saw. Same goes for the Mewtwo reveal. Anyway, sorry, I assumed Ridley would be playable because of the quality of the model. Dixie and Chorus Men could be anything, I guess."

Well, there ya go.

But, anyway, Mewtwo, woohoo!

*Sigh* Dammit. I was thinking that his KO Icon being his Super Metroid design meant that he might have been considered for a playable character at one point until Sakurai dropped the idea for whatever reason, and was a late-enough cut that the DLC team could whip him up together relatively quickly, compared to starting over from scratch. Granted, I'm hoping the same thing for the Ice Climbers in the Wii U game as well, or that possible "Make them 8-Bit Sprites only for 3DS and possibly 8 Player, but have their Smash models as options everywhere else" idea, so I'm probably being overly optimistic, anyway. Glad to see that we have Mewtwo and you don't owe EmCee your soul, though! And you never know; maybe Mewtwo'll end up as part of a pack with someone? And maybe that someone's Dixie? Because after the Ice Climbers got cut, I'm doubting the Chorus Kids, and I seriously thought Ridley would be playable when Smash 4 was announced, hence why I got hyped for him and not, say, Mega Man or the Villager, but now I've been burned too hard to think he'll ever be anything more than a worse version of the Flying Men...

Hades showing up is, I think, almost a certainty.

He better; despite how much I talk about Ridley, Hades is Nintendo's best villain, and may be one of my favorite villains of all time, despite only being around for under half of a game! Granted, Chrom's cameo alone has me over the moon. Here's hoping Palutena and Dark Pit have general chatter conversations, too!


Oh, yes, they referenced Pyoro!


With Mewtwo coming back I wonder if this song will make an appearance.


It's seriously a crime that this hasn't been remixed or placed in a Pokémon game since.

I doubt it, since Stadium might be too obscure for them, but personally I'd be all over it.

Here's what we're looking at for competitive stages so far:
Competitive: 4 (Based on status in previous games, plus Miiverse being Battlefield)
Final Destination
Lyat Cruise
Competitive (but might be too large to be the standard): 2
Big Battlefield
Town and City
Possibly Competitive, Depending on Judgement of Stage Hazards: 7 (*=not competitive in Brawl, but might get bumped up in this game)
Mushroom Kingdom U
Delfino Plaza*
Kalos Pokemon League (dependant on if Rayquaza is a boss or not. He might just fly by at the top of the screen)
Pokemon Stadium 2*
Mario Circuit 8

So possibly 11 thus far. Not too shabby. I do wish Fountain of Dreams, Dreamland 64, Pokemon Stadium 1 were in though.

Wait, Rayquaza? Where? If he's back, then Boss/Hazard Toggle definitely needs to be an option if it keeps stopping beautiful looking stages from being competitively viable; I want tournaments to be spectacles, and we've all said this, but Omega Mode just assimilates all stages under Final Destination; there's no way it's going to be used in tournaments. Hell, even a Battlefield-style Alpha mode won't fix that!

Also, I still find it suspect that Miiverse is a Battlefield clone. I mean, it's not too surprising, but still. I wonder how hard Nintendo's going to have to monitor that stage. Like, are they going to

Yeah definitely thought it was fun how that all pieces together.

"We're again going to have something like the Snake codecs from Brawl! This time, they'll happen in Palutena's Temple!"

This all feels really weird, too. Like, seriously, maybe Snake is going to be DLC? I mean, I'd love it if Sakurai & Co. surprised us with, like, that Mini Game Series Kangaroo, but with Ridley the way he is, and with (probably) Chorus Kids and Ice Climbers dying everywhere thanks to roster parity and maybe 8-Player Mode (But again, why not just allow them for 4-Player and below, or make them low-FPS Sprites to work in these situations?), our only leads for others right now are Dixie from Spainkiller and Lucas from way back in the Gematsu leak! ... And maybe Ridley; I'm still baffled by the use of his superior design for his KO Icon when his awful Other M is being used. I mean, like, did he have that Icon somewhere in Brawl? Did bosses have icons there and I just forgot?


That seemed sort of suspicious, especially since they could have been more general or just used the Starfox conversations as an example. I can hope it means something, but it's likely just an innocuous reference. There wouldn't have been any legal issues with using the name like this without Konami's knowledge, would there?

As ace as that'd be, I'm really considering it a gentle nod and nothing more. Not that I'd mind being proved wrong, of course.

Frigate Orpheon always seemed to me like a poor man's Brinstar Depths, so I'm pleased as punch that they went with the infinitely superior Norfair here. One of my favorite stages in Brawl.
So far Pokemon Music in Smash has completely ignored anything outside of the main handheld games...

Which is a shame. Some of the spin-offs have awesome music I'd love to hear, especially the battle themes from Pokemon Colosseum.

Wasn't there a part with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon music during the Direct. Also, some music that sounded a lot like Pyrite Town with Fact 48


Wasn't there a part with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon music during the Direct. Also, some music that sounded a lot like Pyrite Town with Fact 48

Huh. A list of music that played during the Direct'd be nice... Plus the stuff from the old Smash Fest tournament, because I know they played the Gear Getaway remix there, as well as Dark Pit's theme and, most importantly, the still-unaccounted for Highway theme from MegaMan X. I know I caught the Nintendo Land theme in the Direct, and some others I can't remember off-hand. Maybe we are getting a Nintendo Land theme, or it's playing on Wuhu Island/Miiverse? All of those options are great for me; the remix was grand!


Flying Man -- I see two possibilities here: Magicant is in the WiiU version, or he's an Assist Trophy in the WiiU version.
Why can't he just be in Smash Tour? Tac, Souflee, Reaper, and Banzai Bill show up as well, but I doubt they'll be featured outside of the mode.
It's just a trophy... Riiiiiiiiight?

Also, neat there's a trophy of the ghosts from the original Luigi's Mansion, unlike the 3DS game which has a trophy of the ghosts from LM2.

Makes sense -- console vs. portable, etc.

i don't really see why they'd be inclined to include the trophy unless they're bringing the stage back

and mario bros sucksssssss :(

i suppose i'll wait and see, nonetheless~
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