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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Ok there is definitely some sort of weird 2D-ish cityscape in the background of the octopus shot, I can see it better when i tilt my laptop screen now. Somebody with some actual skill should enhance the image somehow.

Edit: looks very 16-bit, SNES era. I don't think that this is a known stage.
Ok there is definitely some sort of weird 2D-ish cityscape in the background of the octopus shot, I can see it better when i tilt my laptop screen now. Somebody with some actual skill should enhance the image somehow.

Do what they do in Blade Runner and just say "enhance" over and over again.
75m is one of those levels that is terrible, but thematically, it's so perfect for smash, it sort of has to exist.

An arcade donkey kong level is deserved and perfect for smash, it's just too bad the theme is stuck being terrible. They probably could have figured out a much more creative 25m level, as it's more iconic. Even just a small sub section of 25m would have worked. Once you see those red girders, everyone knows what the level is from, not entirely the case with 75m


The 50 facts direct on the front page of youtube, most successful direct yet?

Seriously? I wonder... My Internet was down almost immediately after the Direct last night; did it get trending on Twitter/Facebook? I know Little Mac's reveal managed to pull that off in America, and there seems to be more hype over The Return of Mewtwo Strikes Back!"

I wonder if he saw his Ridley video about how "Bosses don't have grabs." I really hope he doesn't see all Ridley fans as delusional as Etika was, but if he saw one of his videos, then I wonder if he saw Etika's most-infamous? Or that Tweet of him crying over a (GAF-generated!) "Challenger Approaching!" screen for Ridley?

I don't think Ridley is nearly as annoying as the Flying Man. For starters, you have to deal a certain amount of damage to him in order for him to join your team, so it's not like Flying Man where he always appears in the same spot every time and all you have to do is touch him, forcing everyone to guard the upper-right platform. Also, he's a huge target that's easy to hit, he appears to have phases between attacks where he just flies around, and defeating him counts as a KO.

I don't know. He might be fun!

I still feel he'll do more damage than the Flying Men, though, plus there's the fact he's larger, and thus his attacks will probably have greater Areas of Effect. Plus, I see the fact he needs to take more damage as a sign he'll stick around longer, and there'll be at least 3 other kind of Metroid enemy showing up to be a pain for everyone, too. Even ignoring how much I wanted him playable, I really don't think he'll be a fun stage hazard at all.
Well, that 75M change should encourage more play in the middle.

And for the life of me, I can't see any form of structure in that Octopus pic. The background color reminds me of the Flat Zone stages, but the water wouldn't fit thematically.

I wonder how good Sakurai's English is, :lol. Not that you need to know English to understand the context of the video, but he's saying a few suggestive things.


Dr. Buni

Ok there is definitely some sort of weird 2D-ish cityscape in the background of the octopus shot, I can see it better when i tilt my laptop screen now. Somebody with some actual skill should enhance the image somehow.

Edit: looks very 16-bit, SNES era. I don't think that this is a known stage.
I am far from being somebody with actual skill, but messing up with layers a bit...
Doesn't look like a cityscape to me.



I enhanced the octopus pic. The background looks like some Mario 3D Land-esque cliffs. I thought maybe it might be from Mushroom Kingdom U when water floods a world but none of the worlds look like that. The water and cliff color are wrong for Wuhu Island and Delphino Plaza. I'm not sure what this level is.


I'm confused. How is this different? It looks the same to me, what am I missing?
I was referring to the three or four platforms on the left, and the three or four platforms on the right, but now that I think of it, I'm not sure they were walkoffs in Brawl. I'd have to boot up the game, pause in those locations and pan the camera to check. Does anyone know offhand?

I enhanced the octopus pic. The background looks like some Mario 3D Land-esque cliffs. I thought maybe it might be from Mushroom Kingdom U when water floods a world but none of the worlds look like that. The water and cliff color are wrong for Wuhu Island and Delphino Plaza. I'm not sure what this level is.

It definitely looks like a Mario stage with that pillar in the back....huh


75m is one of those levels that is terrible, but thematically, it's so perfect for smash, it sort of has to exist.

An arcade donkey kong level is deserved and perfect for smash, it's just too bad the theme is stuck being terrible. They probably could have figured out a much more creative 25m level, as it's more iconic. Even just a small sub section of 25m would have worked. Once you see those red girders, everyone knows what the level is from, not entirely the case with 75m

This is why I like Omega Mode, even if having every level just become Final Destination instead of Final Destination, Battlefield, and some original variants isn't good for the game competitively. In theory, it allows the game's variety of stages to pop, even in tournaments that would otherwise just use the generic Battlefield/Final Destination. But, again, since Omega Mode only gives us 2 variants of "Flat Stage," I doubt it's going to get used too much.

Anyone else instantly fell in love with the Nintendoland arrangement heard in the direct?

I know! A Nintendo Land stage would make me so happy, but really, I'm more than excited enough for that 1 song!


Definitely. If there really was a post-Direct press event, I really hope someone had the guts to ask why Ridley's been in every game but the 3DS one, yet each time he gets the shaft in terms of playability. It's just too weird, especially because he's been highly requested since Melee, even! After the Mega Man reveal, wasn't he the most-wanted character worldwide, too?

After Mega Man it was Mewtwo and then Ridley on a very very consistent basis no matter what poll you looked at. Ridley is certainly up there in popularity and honestly after all the constant bickering between fans it seems like Ridley has become something bigger than he initially was from his source material.

For example, we all love Ice Climbers now, though back during their Melee reveal there was always some snarky bastard talking them down. During Brawl's time of speculation IC were always on the list of cuts. They returned in Brawl and people were more or less indifferent. Now that they are gone though, holy crap! People who always loved IC are more vocal about them than ever! People who didn't realize they loved IC are going insane over their departure and now this mini "controversy" has propelled them to a higher status I would say.

The same goes for Ridley. He was always fairly popular especially with Nintendo fans who follow almost everything Nintendo does. But people asking for a playable Ridley caused a knee jerk reaction in others that escalated into something really insane. Ridley was never pushed to be some sort of Ganondorf or Bowser by Nintendo themselves because despite Metroid being well respected in the minds of gamers it just doesn't sell. There is no reason for there to be Metroid spin offs, toys and such all over the place like other Nintendo franchises. Now however there is so much noise over Ridley that was created entirely buy Nintendo fans it's hard not to hear it even when you don't care one way or another. That is why Ridley is a big deal now because fans made it that way.

Smash seems to change a franchise sometimes. Sakurai will make his thoughts known about Ridley at some point that's a given in my mind. Book mark my post though, Ridley will now play an even bigger role in future Metroid games. I'm talking story, behavior and the way Nintendo advertises Metroid from here on out.


After Mega Man it was Mewtwo and then Ridley on a very very consistent basis no matter what poll you looked at. Ridley is certainly up there in popularity and honestly after all the constant bickering between fans it seems like Ridley has become something bigger than he initially was from his source material.

For example, we all love Ice Climbers now, though back during their Melee reveal there was always some snarky bastard talking them down. During Brawl's time of speculation IC were always on the list of cuts. They returned in Brawl and people were more or less indifferent. Now that they are gone though, holy crap! People who always loved IC are more vocal about them than ever! People who didn't realize they loved IC are going insane over their departure and now this mini "controversy" has propelled them to a higher status I would say.

The same goes for Ridley. He was always fairly popular especially with Nintendo fans who follow almost everything Nintendo does. But people asking for a playable Ridley caused a knee jerk reaction in others that escalated into something really insane. Ridley was never pushed to be some sort of Ganondorf or Bowser by Nintendo themselves because despite Metroid being well respected in the minds of gamers it just doesn't sell. There is no reason for there to be Metroid spin offs, toys and such all over the place like other Nintendo franchises. Now however there is so much noise over Ridley that was created entirely buy Nintendo fans it's hard not to hear it even when you don't care one way or another. That is why Ridley is a big deal now because fans made it that way.

Smash seems to change a franchise sometimes. Sakurai will make his thoughts known about Ridley at some point that's a given in my mind. Book mark my post though, Ridley will now play an even bigger role in future Metroid games. I'm talking story, behavior and the way Nintendo advertises Metroid from here on out.
Deep down inside, even the most cynical bastard loves Ridley. Even in his ugly Other M form. It's like your friend who one day tries out a new style that totally doesn't work. "Girl, what's gotten into you!" But then you do the sitcom-style "Oh you" and shrug it off, because at the end of the day, that girl is still the lovable purple space-dragon you gossiped with over coffee back in high school.
Deep down inside, even the most cynical bastard loves Ridley. Even in his ugly Other M form. It's like your friend who one day tries out a new style that totally doesn't work. "Girl, what's gotten into you!" But then you do the sitcom-style "Oh you" and shrug it off, because at the end of the day, that girl is still the lovable purple space-dragon you gossiped with over coffee back in high school.

I can't wait until Ridley comes back from summer break and got super hot.

"Whoa... Ridley, you're looki-"

*sidelined by jock*

"Hey Ridley, how was your summer? You should come to one of my games some time."


I can't help but wonder about the guy who equated Mewtwo not being in the game to September 11th. I wonder if he's responded at all to the DLC offer.
I'm thinking now the Octopus picture might be from Mushroom Kingdom U, specifically the mountain area, when it's in the process of being flooded or draining.


The background fades into a white gradient near the bottom, and the water that floods the stage sometimes that could be seen during E3 is the closest match to the water in the Octopus picture. So I'm thinking Game & Watch is way low in the mountain area of Mushroom Kingdom U as the water is subsiding or rising.


Isn't that just the Great Sea? The way the sea is drawn really reminds me of Wind Waker's.
I generally don't like saying, "No, it's not possible," because that's how fools are so consistently surprised by Sakurai.

That being said, I'd be surprised if they changed Wind Waker's water so it's transparent. The opaque waves are part of its iconic style.


I'm thinking now the Octopus picture might be from Mushroom Kingdom U, specifically the mountain area, when it's in the process of being flooded or draining.


The background fades into a white gradient near the bottom, and the water that floods the stage sometimes that could be seen during E3 is the closest match to the water in the Octopus picture. So I'm thinking Game & Watch is way low in the mountain area of Mushroom Kingdom U as the water is subsiding or rising.
I've seen those same waterspouts pop up in the castle phase, though. There was no ocean that resulted.


I'm thinking now the Octopus picture might be from Mushroom Kingdom U, specifically the mountain area, when it's in the process of being flooded or draining.


The background fades into a white gradient near the bottom, and the water that floods the stage sometimes that could be seen during E3 is the closest match to the water in the Octopus picture. So I'm thinking Game & Watch is way low in the mountain area of Mushroom Kingdom U as the water is subsiding or rising.

The water looks similar but the background doesn't match up, I can see what appears to be sprites of skyscraper-ish structures. I'm trying to match up the design with different games, no luck so far.


Please understand.

When I look at that and his somewhat humanoid body I can't imagine a Samus being a little shorter than that and it being so wrong.
I'm definitely still iffy on parts of his design, but I dunno, I think overall he looks kind of... appealing?

HD + nice lighting + smooth animation + clever implementation + not having played Other M probably helps.
I'm not going to say I'm laughing at your sadness because that would be rude

so I have nothing else to add to this post
What do you mean sadness? I was fine with the roster as soon as Villager was announced and will be fine if Ridley isn't in, I'm just trying to figure this out because Ridley seems too odd for a stage hazard.

As a user on Smashboards posted (conorrr...I don't know the amount of rs) Ridley has:

A moveset
Get up animation
Rolling animation
Smash Attack animation
Death animation
Even part of a ledge grab animation
*Plus a stick to wall for wall jumping like some characters.

It just seems odd that Ridley has all of that and isn't playable and I am just suspecting that its all a ruse. If its not, then whatever, the roster for me is perfect if they add no more characters, I don't care, I just find it fun to speculate and Other M's Ridley moveset is just bizzare for not being a playable character. Plus he might not even be quite that big, there are super mushrooms. I'm just saying it seems really off to me.
I've seen those same waterspouts pop up in the castle phase, though. There was no ocean that resulted.
The ocean seems to only appear sometimes. I do distinctly remember it forming an ocean in the castle in some E3 demos, and sometimes it didn't. It was a pretty inconsistent level.

The water looks similar but the background doesn't match up, I can see what appears to be sprites of skyscraper-ish structures. I'm trying to match up the design with different games, no luck so far.
I don't know, the tall mountains in the background actually seem to match up pretty close to what little we can see in Ragnarok's altered picture.


The ocean seems to only appear sometimes. I do distinctly remember it forming an ocean in the castle in some E3 demos, and sometimes it didn't. It was a pretty inconsistent level.
Oh, really? I didn't know an ocean ever appeared at all, in any of the phases. Wow, that's crazy. How does that work, exactly? Like, what part do you stand on during the ocean phase?


I'm thinking now the Octopus picture might be from Mushroom Kingdom U, specifically the mountain area, when it's in the process of being flooded or draining.


The background fades into a white gradient near the bottom, and the water that floods the stage sometimes that could be seen during E3 is the closest match to the water in the Octopus picture. So I'm thinking Game & Watch is way low in the mountain area of Mushroom Kingdom U as the water is subsiding or rising.

I discounted it because the hills look straighter and more brown in the Octopus pic, but the water in this video seems to match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-CBxuK3DW8

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I actually wondered if the picture of Game and Watch Octopus was a new Flat Zone, since the background looks sort of like the LCD-screen color...

One based on Diver which includes realistic water. I guess it'd be redundant to have the actual Octopus alongside GW Final Smash.


Oh, really? I didn't know an ocean ever appeared at all, in any of the phases. Wow, that's crazy. How does that work, exactly? Like, what part do you stand on during the ocean phase?

The water only pops up to justify the geysers. It stays way below the stage.
Oh, really? I didn't know an ocean ever appeared at all, in any of the phases. Wow, that's crazy. How does that work, exactly? Like, what part do you stand on during the ocean phase?
The ocean is entirely a background element. It seems like it's supposed to signify the presence of the pillars of water but it doesn't appear every time. In the E3 demo the stage didn't seem properly finished and we know it was missing a major stage element (Nabbit) so it may be that it is supposed to signify them all the time and just wasn't working properly every time at E3. Or it's just weird like that. The ocean definitely doesn't affect the fighters itself though.


Ridley wouldn't look so bad if he had Ridley's head. And the neck would be a good touch too. I can deal with the human-ish arms and legs, and the tail/wings don't look half bad.

The face though... it's about as off putting as ripping off Mario's head and replacing it with Marcus Fenix's. Like, ok, I guess he still looks like something. But a lot of the visual identity of this character is tied up in the head/face. Without it, it's just some weird side-character.

Son Of D

Just had a thought. Seeing that we now have up to 8 player Smash, I'm guessing Event 51 will be you vs Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man and Mega Man in a 4v1.


Ridley wouldn't look so bad if he had Ridley's head. And the neck would be a good touch too. I can deal with the human-ish arms and legs, and the tail/wings don't look half bad.

The face though... it's about as off putting as ripping off Mario's head and replacing it with Marcus Fenix's. Like, ok, I guess he still looks like something. But a lot of the visual identity of this character is tied up in the head/face. Without it, it's just some weird side-character.

Those are mostly my sentiments as well.

I do also take issue with excessively bright purple and the gratuitous spikes everywhere though. If they fixed those alongside the head I'd actually like it.

I will say that I rather love the tail blade, that'd be perfect for Meta Ridley (The real Meta Ridley.)


The water only pops up to justify the geysers. It stays way below the stage.

The ocean is entirely a background element. It seems like it's supposed to signify the presence of the pillars of water but it doesn't appear every time. In the E3 demo the stage didn't seem properly finished and we know it was missing a major stage element (Nabbit) so it may be that it is supposed to signify them all the time and just wasn't working properly every time at E3. Or it's just weird like that. The ocean definitely doesn't affect the fighters itself though.
Huh, very interesting.

I'm looking forward to the Mushroom Kingdom U stage. The NSMBU backgrounds look so much nicer now with the more pronounced foreground elements.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Looking through the list of announcer data, these are unaccounted for afaik:

Boss Battle
Probably a secret mode unlocked like in Brawl...wonder since they're re-using Rayquaza's Boss Model it seems, maybe they'll throw in and re-use the other SSE Bosses?

Choose a Build
Not sure what this is for...

Smash World
Since this isn't Smash Tour, I guess maybe this is that feature they mention where you can share Miis, Photos, etc.?

Just had a thought. Seeing that we now have up to 8 player Smash, I'm guessing Event 51 will be you vs Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man and Mega Man in a 4v1.

It opens a ton of potential for Events, for sure. Hope the Events aren't limited to four-player Smash at max though.


Ridley wouldn't look so bad if he had Ridley's head. And the neck would be a good touch too. I can deal with the human-ish arms and legs, and the tail/wings don't look half bad.

The face though... it's about as off putting as ripping off Mario's head and replacing it with Marcus Fenix's. Like, ok, I guess he still looks like something. But a lot of the visual identity of this character is tied up in the head/face. Without it, it's just some weird side-character.
Ah, I know what Ridley's mouth reminds me of:

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