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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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So how would people feel about Impa (Hyrule Warriors Impa but it could be most of her designs really) possibly replacing Sheik, since Zelda+Sheik are seperate characters?

You're going to get a whole lot of no's since people aren't in for replacements.
Even if they were exactly the same. I know me personally if we got HW Impa i'd like the heavy sword involved. If it was another design wouldn't mind replacement. I was all for it when it came to Lucina and Marth back in the day as well. Always felt it would be a good way to keep the roster fresh while still having new people. Obviously they would need to fit in well though.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Final Destination looks fucking AWESOME. Probably the best and coolest looking FD so far in the series. Shame that guy changed levels so quickly.

There are hidden stages we know about that aren't shown on the default stage list, like Pokemon Stadium 2 and Pacland.

Plus, I believe one of the people who went to the press event mentioned there were unlockable stages that he "wasn't allowed to talk about".

Nope. We've seen brief hints at Smashville and Pokémon Stadium 2, and they're not anywhere to be found in the default roster.

Those are stages that are there by default.

I was counting unlockable stages that we know (Pokemon Stadium 2, Smashville, Congo Jungle (yes, from the original 64), etc.)

The WiiU actually has 4 more stages than Brawl, and we don't even know all of the WiiU stages yet.

Well that's good to know there are still more stages. Like I said, hopefully one of those is an F-Zero one.


Well that's good to know there are still more stages. Like I said, hopefully one of those is an F-Zero one.

I want 3DSes mute city. Stage so good.

So how would people feel about Impa (Hyrule Warriors Impa but it could be most of her designs really) possibly replacing Sheik, since Zelda+Sheik are seperate characters?

As a diehard zelda fan, yes please. Impa has been in way more games than sheik. At the very least, and alt (like alph).

And as much as I love hyrule warriors, I don't think they belong in smash as anything more than trophies. Impa has 2 (fighting) designs to choose from anyway, Ocarina and Skyward sword.
So how would people feel about Impa (Hyrule Warriors Impa but it could be most of her designs really) possibly replacing Sheik, since Zelda+Sheik are seperate characters?

I really hope we never get HW designs in Smash, atleast not being their 'main' costume, but I wouldn't mind SS Impa replacing Shiek.
Obviously both Shiek and her would be preferable, but SS Impa is just cool enough to make it worth it to me.
You're going to get a whole lot of no's since people aren't in for replacements.
Even if they were exactly the same.
Probably. I realise people want Impa in the series (at least some do, not really a fan of Tingle) but I think the similarities to Sheik would be just a bit too much (she could be a seperate clone character but that seems like a waste). Either one or the other.

At least Sheik has the HW Impa colours.
Ash do any of the old stages get new music included with them?

That's a really good question. I'll try to find that out on Monday!

People can mean both 'ALL people' and 'SOME people' depending on how you (want to) read it. I'm going to go ahead and assume he meant SOME people.

Sometimes it's a bit of a downer to get excited about a new feature or stage and then go on message boards and read what SEEMS (it's easier to be affected by negative criticism) like most people saying it looks bad/dumb. It's depressing sometimes and it makes me (and i'm sure others) want to go on the defensive side.

I don't know how ash feels, but I'd guess he's probably in a similar boat as I am. I think almost everything they showed last night looks great and is probably different levels of fun for different people, but sometimes the dissenters are (seemingly) louder than the people who are happy about the new stuff.

Nailed it. I'm surprised it was so difficult for people who disagreed with my positivity regarding the game and the stages to come to this conclusion.

Many people in this community really can be a downer when it comes to anything new that doesn't satisfy competitive scene standards, and it's exhausting. I'm not saying people should shut up or whatever, but it sure does get depressing. It's a bummer to finally have a new game to be excited about, only to have most people spout the same usual rhetoric about walk-offs/BANNED!/etc. But hey, looks like the game's being made with people like me, The Captain, Neiteio, and OricWindstar in mind, so I certainly can't complain.

Jungle Hijinxs is one of the most creative stages in the game, yet people complained about it right away, with barely any footage to go off of. It's certainly annoying to see.
God forbid we ever innovate - we need more variants of Battlefield!

Yup, totally the case with me. I loved the Direct, but seeing so many people complain about things they haven't even seen much of (Garden of Hope hate because of the crab? Seriously?) just bothers me.

For the record, I think in some cases it's better to generalize than to specify certain people. Had Ash actually quoted the people who had complained in that way, it would've sounded way more like an attack.

Well said. People were saying the same thing about Wuhu Island as well. It's dumb, reactionary, and unfortunate. It's incredible how resistant this community (the Smash community at large, not SmashGAF) is to change. I think the Mega Man and Sonic fanbases are the only other communities that come close to being this bad.

I don't understand the appeal of this guy, and hell, I agree with him here. I know a lot of people don't realize that he's apparently playing a character, and I know that he is, but that character is obscenely obnoxious. I can't believe it's so popular.

Not sure if anyone noticed this, but this was posted on KYM


At least 437 songs confirmed. Brawl had 255 IIRC.

Yep, I noted this several pages back! It was in the middle of the night, though, so I'm not surprised people missed it. This is probably one of the top four most exciting things about the Direct for me, besides Palutena's Guidance, 8-player Smash, and Final Smash trophies.

I'm still shocked NA gets this before Japan.

I'm not. The handheld and mobile markets are much bigger and more important in Japan; consoles aren't that big there anymore, thus why Japan got the 3DS version first. On the other hand, the console market here is massive. It makes sense.

The 3DS version has 34 levels. How many does the Wii-U version have? A whopping FIVE additional levels! Wow. I'm totally overwhelmed here. No need to go crazy, Sakurai!

I'm sorry, but I didn't look at that cute bar graph animation and think that "not even comparable" meant "a 15% increase". But hey, I guess it's my fault for thinking this was America.

If it was 10 levels higher, okay I can dig that. But anything less is an insult.

An insult? Really? An insult?

Anyway, I had to stop reading there because as of now, we have 45 confirmed stages and we know there are more. I'm thinking the total will be around 48-50, but either way we already have more than ten additional stages over the 3DS version (the arbitrary amount you yourself specified). You really shouldn't make arguments like this if you're not prepared to do the research yourself. You took the information on an obviously outdated page as gospel when you could have almost as easily paused the Direct at one of the several points it shows the stage select screen and counted them yourself. You could also have gone to the My Music section of the official site, where it shows a state of the stage select screen with the most unlocked stages we've seen thus far.
So how would people feel about Impa (Hyrule Warriors Impa but it could be most of her designs really) possibly replacing Sheik, since Zelda+Sheik are seperate characters?

I don't really care for Sheik, but I'd rather not have someone who's been with us since the original Smash, and Melee, being replaced by someone else.

We would have another "Lucario & Mewtwo" situation on our hands.
Impa has been in more mainline games (8) than Ganondorf (3) and almost as many as Ganon (10). She was there from the very beginning. She's the only real logical choice. I mean Toon Zelda shows up at the end of one game and is featured in another. Toon Link makes sense as he also represents Young Link who is featured in most games.

If Impa gets in it better be Skyward Sword version and not white-washed Hyrule Warriors version.

I never saw the Hyrule Warriors version as white-washed. She's actually an excellent fusion of the Orcarina and Skyward Sword Impas. She's inbetween them in stockiness, skin color as one's hair color and the other's braid.

I do agree brown skin is a must. Beside if we were to assign races to Zelda characters Hyrule Warriors Impa is still definitely not white.

Excited to use Amiibo for co-op.
That's a really good question. I'll try to find that out on Monday!

If you don't mind, it seems that My Music is accessible from the Stage Select, so if it's not a bother, maybe you could run through some of them real quick and see if there's anything interesting or noteworthy? Obviously not, like, writing up an entire list of every song in the game or anything. I'm just stupid curious about the music in the game, lol.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Is it possible for Amiibos to become more challenging than a level 9 CPU?

Also, people were complaining about Jungle Hijinks? That's one of the coolest and creatie levels in the game. Even I can't bitch about it.


I feel like each smash bros is bigger and has more content than the last (more characters, stages, modes, trophies, songs, etc) and what I want to know is... at what point do we peak? It's impossible to make each one bigger than before forever, especially with the way sakurai does it (remake almost everything!). When do we peak? Are people ready for the future when half the content has to be cut to make way for new stuff?
Tingle is more consistent as a character, more interesting, and has his own series to base him on.
I can't really see a way to make Impa interesting. We already have Sheik, and I think that's enough.

Tingle isn't in probably because a lot of Westerners hate him.

While I would love to see Tingle, "no way to make Impa interesting"? Come on, dude. She has a lot of games to draw inspiration from. Even if you ignore Hyrule Warriors - She can be a hybrid between Zelda and Sheik, using both ninja-like moves (Ocarina/Skyward Sword) and magic (other iterations, but also "ninja magic" could be applied to her). Or you could make it entirely different - particularly if you go with the Ocarina design, you could make her a grappler with shadow magic and some ninja tools for good measure.
The fact that she is not as consistent and has significantly different depictions over the course of the series could easily make her a unique fighter.

Personally, I am struggling in how making Tingle unique would work. In his game appearances, he can draw maps, has Balloon Fight balloons, can drop bombs, cook, dig, and hire bodyguards to fight for him. Granted, I'm sure that if you implemented him as a puppet master ala Rosalina, he could be interesting, or if he had some sort of Rupee-collecting mechanic. And that would make him incredibly complex. Plus, just from a basic moveset standpoint, I'm heavily struggling thinking of something for him. He'd have to get a Villager-like treatment, where he fights accidentally, because even in the one game he does fight in (Rosy Rupeeland), he's so pathetically weak that he gets completely bodied even by the very first enemies. And you don't see him actually fight, it's a cute little dust cloud like Prince Sablé's AT has, so there's nothing to draw moves from. But that would pretty much deter from Villager's fighting style being unique, either.

So how would people feel about Impa (Hyrule Warriors Impa but it could be most of her designs really) possibly replacing Sheik, since Zelda+Sheik are seperate characters?

Sheik at this point is as much part of Smash as having Mario in it. Cutting one character just to replace them with somebody else who inherits the same moveset is, to be honest, a really bad idea. Especially with a character who is so popular with the Smash fanbase as Sheik. Remember what happened when Mewtwo was cut from Brawl and "replaced" by Lucario, because he was the Pokemon newcomer and also had a move that was similar to one of Mewtwo's? People still claim Lucario is a Mewtwo clone to this day.
If you don't mind, it seems that My Music is accessible from the Stage Select, so if it's not a bother, maybe you could run through some of them real quick and see if there's anything interesting or noteworthy? Obviously not, like, writing up an entire list of every song in the game or anything. I'm just stupid curious about the music in the game, lol.

I definitely will if I get the opportunity! No need to explain that to me - the music is one of the things I'm most hyped for in any new game, but for a new Smash game that's amplified by like 100!

Is it possible for Amiibos to become more challenging than a level 9 CPU?

I believe so. Amiibo can reach up to level 50 and apparently they continue learning beyond that.
I feel like each smash bros is bigger and has more content than the last (more characters, stages, modes, trophies, songs, etc) and what I want to know is... at what point do we peak? It's impossible to make each one bigger than before forever, especially with the way sakurai does it (remake almost everything!). When do we peak? Are people ready for the future when half the content has to be cut to make way for new stuff?

I was thinking about that myself.

If it was anyone else, I would think copy and paste, but with Sakurai, I don't know.

He might force himself to do so, or not, we just have to wait and see.
I feel like each smash bros is bigger and has more content than the last (more characters, stages, modes, trophies, songs, etc) and what I want to know is... at what point do we peak? It's impossible to make each one bigger than before forever, especially with the way sakurai does it (remake almost everything!). When do we peak? Are people ready for the future when half the content has to be cut to make way for new stuff?

I don't think Smash 6 will have very many new comers at all. I'm thinking like 5 or 6 only.

Not really a lot of big names left to add to the game. The stage selection will probably be similar too, maybe more of a focus on retro levels, bringing back way more and only filling in the stage gaps when needed.


I feel like each smash bros is bigger and has more content than the last (more characters, stages, modes, trophies, songs, etc) and what I want to know is... at what point do we peak? It's impossible to make each one bigger than before forever, especially with the way sakurai does it (remake almost everything!). When do we peak? Are people ready for the future when half the content has to be cut to make way for new stuff?

you have to realize that nintendo is going to "peak" before smash bros does... ;_;

(nintendo please)


Wait, that ProJared guy said that the WIi-U version has no Adventure Mode at all?

Correct. We have other modes instead. Personally I'm happy that the majority of the effort spent making single player content was spent making more multiplayer.

I feel like SSE was a huge focus for brawl and it affected the rest of the game for the worse, but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Personally, I am struggling in how making Tingle unique would work. In his game appearances, he can draw maps, has Balloon Fight balloons, can drop bombs, cook, dig, and hire bodyguards to fight for him. Granted, I'm sure that if you implemented him as a puppet master ala Rosalina, he could be interesting, or if he had some sort of Rupee-collecting mechanic. And that would make him incredibly complex. Plus, just from a basic moveset standpoint, I'm heavily struggling thinking of something for him. He'd have to get a Villager-like treatment, where he fights accidentally, because even in the one game he does fight in (Rosy Rupeeland), he's so pathetically weak that he gets completely bodied even by the very first enemies. And you don't see him actually fight, it's a cute little dust cloud like Prince Sablé's AT has, so there's nothing to draw moves from. But that would pretty much deter from Villager's fighting style being unique, either.

Super Smash Bros. Crusade is very good at coming up with unique movesets for characters, like Tingle.

I'm certain Sakurai can make a unique moveset for him too. Similar to the Villager, or DHD, both of which aren't even fighters.
Some people were saying that about this game.

People like Villager, Miis, Little Mac, Bowser Jr and Rosalina were holes in the roster that are filled now

More and more every game will have less obvious holes to fill, I think the next game will have a really tough time adding a character that people will wonder "why weren't they always in the series"

Well, I can think of one... really big one.
People like Villager, Miis, Little Mac, Bowser Jr and Rosalina were holes in the roster that are filled now

More and more every game will have less obvious holes to fill, I think the next game will have a really tough time adding a character that people will wonder "why weren't they always in the series"

Well, I can think of one... really big one.

I like where this is going...

Let's see, we could have:

- Ridley
- Chorus Kids
- Dixie Kong
- Wonder Red (is that his name?)
- Impa/ Tingle
- Isaac
- Inklings
- Virdi
- Ray MK 2/3
- Takamaru
- 2nd Xenoblade rep.
- Someone for Advance Wars
- 5th Fire Embl...really?
- Chibi Robo
- Dillon the Armadillo
- Mallo

Anyone got anything else to add?


Third Metroid rep.
Third Donkey Kong rep.
Fourth Kirby rep.
Second MOTHER rep.
Second F-Zero rep.

Then I will be satisfied.
I like where this is going...

Let's see, we could have:

- Ridley
- Chorus Kids
- Dixie Kong
- Wonder Red (is that his name?)
- Impa/ Tingle
- Isaac
- Inklings

Anyone got anything else to add?
Ray MkII (Custom Robo)
Chibi Robo
maybe Zael or someone else from Last Story
probably a new Pokemon by that point
kind of want Yarn Kirby or Yoshi
Ignoring with what happens with DLC, a new Metroid rep (regardless of whether it's Ridley or someone else), possibly even two DK reps if the resurgence DKCR brought forward didn't get killed by DKCTF sorta bombing, Inkling, eShop reps such as Dillon and Mallo, the inevitable Pokemon newcomer, Impa, Isabelle, Captain Toad, a potential Wario newcomer, Takamaru, the return of cut veterans such as Ice Climbers, even more retro-reps, possible new 3rd party guests all seem pretty likely candidates to varying degrees...

I don't think Smash 5 (or 6, though I consider Smash 3DS more of a Smash 3.5 at this rate) is going to be all that panicked for finding newcomers to include.

In terms of who I'd absolutely want, again ignoring whatever happens with DLC?

- Ridley
- Dixie Kong
- Cranky Kong or K. Rool, depends how the franchise goes on from here for the next five years really.
- Impa
- Inkling
- Takamaru
- Ice Climbers, Lucas, Wolf and Snake returning
Banjo & Kazooie

After all that they can do whateves really.
Super Smash Bros. Crusade is very good at coming up with unique movesets for characters, like Tingle.

Wow. That moveset is so boring and generic lol.

I'm certain Sakurai can make a unique moveset for him too. Similar to the Villager, or DHD, both of which aren't even fighters.

I'm sure he could, and I readily admit that I was surprised with Duck Hunt's implementation, but still. My point is that saying Tingle has more moveset potential than Impa seems... odd to me. :S


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can you play 8 players with the computer?

Correct. We have other modes instead. Personally I'm happy that the majority of the effort spent making single player content was spent making more multiplayer.

I feel like SSE was a huge focus for brawl and it affected the rest of the game for the worse, but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

SSE was hugely flawed no doubt, but they should have sought to improve it the next time around instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water.
I like where this is going...

Let's see, we could have:

- Ridley
- Chorus Kids
- Dixie Kong
- Wonder Red (is that his name?)
- Impa/ Tingle
- Isaac
- Inklings
- Virdi
- Ray MK 2/3
- Takamaru
- 2nd Xenoblade rep.
- Someone for Advance Wars
- 5th Fire Embl...really?
- Chibi Robo
- Dillon the Armadillo
- Mallo

Anyone got anything else to add?


As in "Heathcliff"
Speaking of DLC,

I wonder when we are getting Mario Kart 8 DLC. I really hope that it would be early Nov so Smash Bros U wouldn't overshadow the game for me.

I will skip everything just for Smash Bros U. :)


Nailed it. I'm surprised it was so difficult for people who disagreed with my positivity regarding the game and the stages to come to this conclusion.

Many people in this community really can be a downer when it comes to anything new that doesn't satisfy competitive scene standards, and it's exhausting. I'm not saying people should shut up or whatever, but it sure does get depressing. It's a bummer to finally have a new game to be excited about, only to have most people spout the same usual rhetoric about walk-offs/BANNED!/etc. But hey, looks like the game's being made with people like me, The Captain, Neiteio, and OricWindstar in mind, so I certainly can't complain.

Well said. People were saying the same thing about Wuhu Island as well. It's dumb, reactionary, and unfortunate. It's incredible how resistant this community (the Smash community at large, not SmashGAF) is to change. I think the Mega Man and Sonic fanbases are the only other communities that come close to being this bad
You should still not take it so seriously. I'd wager the majority of the people on SmashGAF are just making legitimate criticism about the stages. Like I'd criticize Magicant from a competitive standpoint all day, but from an Earthbound fan's perspective it's one of my favorite stages in the Smash series. As someone who enjoys the competition in Smash as well it's disappointing we can't get some tamer gimmicks on some beautiful stages like Gaur Plains, and Omega mode is a poor band-aid on the problem.
If I criticize something it's coming from my huge passion of the series.

I do agree the majority of the Smash community needs to improve how they communicate any criticism and complaints but when you direct it here on GAF when the majority are fairly reasonable... it comes off as overly aggressive. It was like when you went off about Melee fans in the 3DS OT and everyone was like "wat". It's like... I get where you're coming from but it's being directed at the wrong audience.
- Ridley
- Chorus Kids
- Dixie Kong
- Wonder Red (is that his name?)
- Impa/ Tingle
- Isaac
- Inklings
- Virdi
- Ray MK 2/3
- Takamaru
- 2nd Xenoblade rep.
- Someone for Advance Wars
- 5th Fire Embl...really?
- Chibi Robo
- Dillon the Armadillo
- Mallo
- Bandana Dee
- Cranky Kong
- Dark Samus
- Toad/ Captain Toad
- Elite Beat Agents
- Krystal

Yeah, I think we have plenty of candidates.

Wow. That moveset is so boring and generic lol.

Meh, the Russian Kick Dance is pretty neat. Probably looks better in motion.


Speaking of DLC,

I wonder when we are getting Mario Kart 8 DLC. I really hope that it would be early Nov so Smash Bros U wouldn't overshadow the game for me.

I will skip everything just for Smash Bros U. :)

Oh crap I forgot about link dlc. Too much stuff to do in november ;_;


I thought this was going to be the game that would be rather lackluster with new additions and creative moves, but Sakurai basically called me a goddamn idiot and asked me if I even made games. Characters like Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina, and Bowser Jr. (and the Koopalings!!) shows that he is much more creative than I when it comes to deciding worthy additions and making movesets for them. I'm sure a new iteration of Smash would be fine when it comes to getting more characters, especially when new games are coming out to give the man more source material to work with. Honestly though I wouldn't even be mad about a new Smash that added no new characters and just spent time polishing what we have.


As in "Heathcliff"
Oh crap I forgot about link dlc. Too much stuff to do in november ;_;

Yeah. I know for sure that I'm going to spend most of my times on Smash U before I move on to other games.


I thought this was going to be the game that would be rather lackluster with new additions and creative moves, but Sakurai basically called me a goddamn idiot and asked me if I even made games. Characters like Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina, and Bowser Jr. (and the Koopalings!!) shows that he is much more creative than I when it comes to deciding worthy additions and making movesets for them. I'm sure a new iteration of Smash would be fine when it comes to getting more characters, especially when new games are coming out to give the man more source material to work with. Honestly though I wouldn't even be mad about a new Smash that added no new characters and just spent time polishing what we have.

Well, I knew that it wouldn't be lackluster but I'm very impressed with all characters' movesets that Sakurai and his team came up with. I'm very pleased with current roster so any dlc characters are just perfect icing to my cake. :)
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