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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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What is this bullshit. We've been calling them koopa kids for DECADES because they are koopas and they are kids. Whether or not they were Koopa's (Bowser's) kids, they were often thought nephews and niece at least. Now you're trying to tell me that name was stolen away by some bizarro world bullshit characters made up by Hudson for a shitty side series? Fuck no. I'm going to call them koopa kids 4 lyfe.
Fine then, if you want to use inaccurate terminology to describe certain characters in the deep lore of the Mario series, go ahead.
Please bring back this one :(

How would you feel about a new Dark Moon stage?
Bruh Sumia and Chrom get their own CG cutscene and it's called "Lovebirds."

Sumia is also the one who snaps Chrom out of his funk after that thing with Emmeryn.

And her supports with Cynthia are also pretty unsubtle about this.
How could you forget the intro, where Chrom and Sumia are holding baby Lucina?
Chrom X Sumia is canon.
Kinda disappointing that it it looks like all WiiU retro stages are from Brawl too, but I didn't really expect anything else.

Do you think the FD form will be on the first or third variant?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Chrom X Sumia is canon.
Dude, I just started FE Awakening and it was obvious from the start that Sumia had to go with Chrom and so Robin therefore belonged to someone else. Then in only the second support convo
when she bakes him a pie, she is already going "my love" when he's not paying attention, and he is a bit aloof but very positively responsive to her.
Chrom and Robin personalities don't mesh right, anyway. She'd even be a better match for Frederick.


Maturity, bitches.
I don't mind Brawl stages being retro stages. It's only the Melee stages which are a bit of a downer because so far they are all stages that were already retro stages in Brawl.


FE has more stages on the Wii U version than on the 3DS. I hope the same can be said about most the other franchises. I bet it'll be true for Mother and F-Zero, at least.


FE has more stages on the Wii U version than on the 3DS. I hope the same can be said about most the other franchises. I bet it'll be true for Mother and F-Zero, at least.

I'd also add Metroid and Starfox to that - I could see them getting one past stage in addition to their new one. Probably Norfair and Lylat Cruise.


As in "Heathcliff"
You know what's bad? Since the 3DS already has Jungle Japes, Wii U is gonna have either Rumble Falls or 75m as its returning DK stage...Dislike both stages to the point where I'd rather have Jungle Japes repeated on the U. I'd kill for the other DK Melee stage, but that's not feasible...

Well, I think that we are getting a new DKCR stage and Rumble Falls for Wii U

Please bring back this one :(


I actually predict that stage to be back in Wii U.


Knowing that a players like isai and superboomfan exist how can you say 64 smash is bad? 64 is better than brawl, that game is sick.

O: wrong thread?


I'd like Fourside to return or have a new stage based on Moonside. I just want dat fourside music :3
...Alright, forget what I said. If we could get a Moonside stage, then that's a city/town stage that gets a pass.

That Fourside stage can stay dead, though.


I would have preferred a more specific FE level based on one of the games, but hey, at least I get double the FE music now!
Music from this stage was in the 3DS extra music sound test. Going by that, Temple, Luigi's Mansion and Rainbow Cruise are probably returning as well, all of them have extra music in the 3DS


Cool picture today, nice to see another stage. So it's interesting? But is it funny? Eh, the startup is. "I guess I should actually show pictures of the Wii U version, huh?" You get a yeah today Mr. Sakurai.

I just wish we would see a past stage that isn't from Brawl. :\ They did that in Brawl too, all the past stages were from Melee. I know we have some Melee stages in 4, but only ones that were in Brawl.


I just wish we would see a past stage that isn't from Brawl. :\ They did that in Brawl too, all the past stages were from Melee. I know we have some Melee stages in 4, but only ones that were in Brawl.

The past stage selection is another aspect that shows how thinly resources are being spread between the two games. When a SSB installment ships with no new stages for franchises which, however minor they are, have had at least two in Melee and Brawl, you can kind of see that they're going to recycle as much as possible to get a decent amount of content on both the Wii U and 3DS. The only hope for 64 and unconverted Melee stages is most likely DLC now.
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