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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Mario Kart8 showed how to bring back retro tracks. I wish Sakurai went the same route. Would love a remade hyrule castle.


The past stage selection is another aspect that shows how thinly resources are being spread between the two games. When a SSB installment ships with no new stages for franchises which, however minor they are, have had at least two in Melee and Brawl, you can kind of see that they're going to recycle as much as possible to get a decent amount of content on both the Wii U and 3DS. The only hope for 64 and unconverted Melee stages is most likely DLC now.
I think we really are starting to hit the point where Smash has already expanded so much... that continually adding more and more stuff is becoming difficult.


I think we really are starting to hit the point where Smash has already expanded so much... that continually adding more and more stuff is becoming difficult.

I don't think it's all that bleak - if you look at the content between both versions as a single game, they've done a fairly good job of building on what's been offered by past games. The problem lies in the way that content's been distributed.

Though if NintendOS ends up happening and Smash 5/6 is the same piece of software for both Nintendo's next handheld and portable, this will be much less of an issue.


The stage I most want to return on Wii U is...


It's talk like a pirate day. Make it happen, Sakurai!



Is it just my rosy memories of Brawl's visuals, or is the updated Fire Emblem stage the exact same stage (same models/textures) but just in HD?


Here's my list of most favourite and least favourite retro stages. I excluded the stages which already appeared on 3DS.

10 retro stages I'd want back on Wii U:

1. Bridge of Eldin (Brawl)

2. Pirate Ship (Brawl)

3. Fourside (Melee)

4. Onett (Melee)

5. Princess Peach's Castle (Melee)

6. Hyrule Temple (Melee)

7. Pokémon Stadium (Melee)

8. Hyrule Castle (N64)

9. Congo Jungle (N64)

Dream Land (N64)


10 retro stages I'd never want back on Wii U:

1. Rumble Falls (Brawl)

2. New Pork City (Brawl)

3. Hanenbow (Brawl)

4. 75 m (Brawl)

5. Mario Bros. (Brawl)

6. PokéFloats (Melee)

7. Icicle Mountain (Melee)

8. Big Blue (Melee)

9. Flat Zone (Melee)

10. Mute City (Melee)

In conclusion Brawl has lots of really bad or boring stages, Melee has very good ones mixed with terrible moving stages, N64 Smash has mostly amazing stages.


Is it just my rosy memories of Brawl's visuals, or is the updated Fire Emblem stage the exact same stage (same models/textures) but just in HD?

It's you.

I was unsure as well seeing as no returning stage has received this kind of makeover, but comparing them directly, far more detailed lighting and model / texture detail can be seen in the SSB4 version.
Thinking about it, the removal of swimming may possibly ruin Pirate Ship. I hated Great Bay in Melee because it was pretty much instant death if you touched the water.
Here's my list of most favourite and least favourite retro stages. I excluded the stages which already appeared on 3DS.

10 retro stages I'd want back on Wii U:

1. Bridge of Eldin (Brawl)

2. Pirate Ship (Brawl)

3. Fourside (Melee)

4. Onett (Melee)

5. Princess Peach's Castle (Melee)

6. Hyrule Temple (Melee)

7. Pokémon Stadium (Melee)

8. Hyrule Castle (N64)

9. Congo Jungle (N64)

Dream Land (N64)


10 retro stages I'd never want back on Wii U:

1. Rumble Falls (Brawl)

2. New Pork City (Brawl)

3. Hanenbow (Brawl)

4. 75 m (Brawl)

5. Mario Bros. (Brawl)

6. PokéFloats (Melee)

7. Icicle Mountain (Melee)

8. Big Blue (Melee)

9. Flat Zone (Melee)

10. Mute City (Melee)

In conclusion Brawl has lots of really bad or boring stages, Melee has very good ones mixed with terrible moving stages, N64 Smash has mostly amazing stages.
Wow, I almost completely agree! I'm not a huge fan of Bridge of Eldin, and I wouldn't mind Mute City if the SNES one is 3DS only, but still!
Oh, hey, I'm liking this. This update makes me feel a lot better about the Wii U's stage roster. The only franchise in the 3DS version that got both new stages and a past stage was Mario, so this is another nail in the coffin of the horrid "past stages only for those who got new stages in the 3DS version" scenario. Makes me feel much better about Kirby getting a new stage in the Wii U version.

....now show a Donkey Kong stage for the love of god.


On the topic of retro stages, there's only one I want:


The atmosphere was beautiful. And that music...

12 years later and I still don't see why people love that stage so much. It's just so small and the background/setting does nothing for me since I'm not a Kirby fan. Give me Green Greens any day of the week.


12 years later and I still don't see why people love that stage so much. It's just so small and I'm not a huge Kirby fan therefore, I have never seen what the big deal is. Give me Green Greens any day of the week.
It's pretty, and not all that annoying. And it has good music (though pretty much every Kirby stage has similar music).

The platforms on the side are kinda dumb though. I hate it when I can't short hop under them. And it is obnoxiously small sometimes.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It's pretty, and not all that annoying. And it has good music (though pretty much every Kirby stage has similar music).

The platforms on the side are kinda dumb though. I hate it when I can't short hop under them. And it is obnoxiously small sometimes.

It's inferior to 64's Dreamland tho


Unconfirmed Member
Hyrule Castle and the original Pokemon Stadium are probably my two favorite levels in the series. Would love to see them both remade.


I hope the retro stages coming back aren't just the ones from Brawl. Think about the nice ones that haven't been brought back yet: Fountain of Dreams, Great Bay, Fourside, Poke Floats, and Mute City all say "hi".

(Maybe it's just easier to reuse Brawl assets, but I'd like to believe there's a chance that some other Melee stages will make it in.)


I hope the retro stages coming back aren't just the ones from Brawl. Think about the nice ones that haven't been brought back yet: Fountain of Dreams, Great Bay, Fourside, Poke Floats, and Mute City all say "hi".

(Maybe it's just easier to reuse Brawl assets, but I'd like to believe there's a chance that some other Melee stages will make it in.)

While I like Mute City, I really want Port Town to come back as a classic F-Zero stage. GX nostalgia is all we F-Zero fans have these days :(


12 years later and I still don't see why people love that stage so much. It's just so small and the background/setting does nothing for me since I'm not a Kirby fan. Give me Green Greens any day of the week.

The reflection effect really impressed me in 2001, and it had one of the best tracks in Smash history. I like it more than Battlefield.

The only vet stages I really want are Saffron City and Poke Floats. I didn't really love Brawl's new stages that much.


The reflection effect really impressed me in 2001, and it had one of the best tracks in Smash history. I like it more than Battlefield.

The only vet stages I really want are Saffron City and Poke Floats. I didn't really love Brawl's new stages that much.
My mind was blown whenever I heard I could go to sleep at Jiggly, and then the reflections eyes would still be open.

I really want to see Saffron return too. Every single stage in the N64 game was pretty great, aside from maybe Yoshi's and Brinstar.


Has it been confirmed if having all the characters in 3DS will unlock them all in Wii U by default? I really don't want to have to do it twice.


Has it been confirmed if having all the characters in 3DS will unlock them all in Wii U by default? I really don't want to have to do it twice.
As far as I know, we really don't know anything about the connection between the two.

I think a long time ago, the possibility of customizing characters on 3DS and then bringing them to Wii U was brought up, so you can probably at least transfer your setups?


Just read things about green and yellow arrows. I think it will be used while transferring data between 3DS and WiiU.

I'd doubt this. They're with the stage and roster icons, they're treated at stage and roster icons, and they specifically have page in their file names. It's greatly surprise me if they were used for that instead of either DLC or not being used at all.
The past stage selection is another aspect that shows how thinly resources are being spread between the two games. When a SSB installment ships with no new stages for franchises which, however minor they are, have had at least two in Melee and Brawl, you can kind of see that they're going to recycle as much as possible to get a decent amount of content on both the Wii U and 3DS. The only hope for 64 and unconverted Melee stages is most likely DLC now.

I think people here have a problem where every small thing that isn't included is a sign of a rush job, or resources spread too thin, or some other ridiculous excuse instead of Sakurai simply not wanting to. The guy is a huge control freak. If he wants something in, it will be in. If not, it won't be. This isn't the days when Melee came out and surprisingly became a breakaway hit. Smash is one of Nintendo's biggest titles for the gen. It will get all the resources he requires for it


How would you feel about a new Dark Moon stage?
I wouldn't mind.
But let's be honest, if they didn't bother to make one for 3DS (the main console for that game) despite the huge success/sales and all that, I don't see it making its way to Wii U just because.

I actually predict that stage to be back in Wii U.
Hope you're right.
It' my favorite stage in Brawl next to Frigate Orpheon/Parasite Queen.
Hope both make their way to Wii U :)


Considering that, on the 3DS, the only past Melee stages were also in Brawl, I would expect the most likely Melee stages to be on the Wii U would be Pokemon Stadium, Big Blue, Green Greens, Rainbow Cruise, Onett, Yoshi's Island, and Temple.
Screw Pirate Ship. It's time for Gangplank Galleon to make an appearance.

Considering that, on the 3DS, the only past Melee stages were also in Brawl, I would expect the most likely Melee stages to be on the Wii U would be Pokemon Stadium, Big Blue, Green Greens, Rainbow Cruise, Onett, Yoshi's Island, and Temple.

That would be downright repulsive. Give me Princess Peach's Castle, Fountain of Dreams, and Fourside.


I think people here have a problem where every small thing that isn't included is a sign of a rush job, or resources spread too thin, or some other ridiculous excuse instead of Sakurai simply not wanting to. The guy is a huge control freak. If he wants something in, it will be in. If not, it won't be. This isn't the days when Melee came out and surprisingly became a breakaway hit. Smash is one of Nintendo's biggest titles for the gen. It will get all the resources he requires for it

Well that is balanced with the need to have both games out this year. Brawl could afford to be delayed because Wii didn't need it as much as Wii U needs Smash.

I do really think the 3DS version will hurt Wii U's sales, even if it will make more for Nintendo overall.


I think people here have a problem where every small thing that isn't included is a sign of a rush job, or resources spread too thin, or some other ridiculous excuse instead of Sakurai simply not wanting to. The guy is a huge control freak. If he wants something in, it will be in. If not, it won't be. This isn't the days when Melee came out and surprisingly became a breakaway hit. Smash is one of Nintendo's biggest titles for the gen. It will get all the resources he requires for it

I actually disagree with this sentiment pretty heavily. The fact that it's Nintendo's biggest game of the year actually increases the chances that elements will have to be left on the cutting room floor. They HAVE to get these games out by the end of the year. We've already seen evidence of this by the fact that they cut several characters due to either time or technical limitations. Heck, the 3DS version launched without any of the "special" smash modes, a staple in Melee and Brawl.

To assume that they could fit anything they wanted to in the game is nonsense considering the strict deadlines they were under.


I want all Smash 64 stages back! Specially a big Sector Z, Corneria is too small.

From Melee I would like Fourside and Pokefloats. From Brawl I want the Wind Waker and Yoshi's Island stages.


I think people here have a problem where every small thing that isn't included is a sign of a rush job, or resources spread too thin, or some other ridiculous excuse instead of Sakurai simply not wanting to. The guy is a huge control freak. If he wants something in, it will be in. If not, it won't be. This isn't the days when Melee came out and surprisingly became a breakaway hit. Smash is one of Nintendo's biggest titles for the gen. It will get all the resources he requires for it

"...I didn't think we could do it, but thanks to the determination of a female designer..."

"...the Ice Climbers were one such instance of working with the limitations of the 3DS..."

Because of the past history of Smash, and statements like that, we can't pretend that things always work out as planned. Especially since they're working on two games, I don't think the air of compromising one's plans for the reality of the workload can be ignored in game development just because "big budget."


Well that is balanced with the need to have both games out this year. Brawl could afford to be delayed because Wii didn't need it as much as Wii U needs Smash.

I do really think the 3DS version will hurt Wii U's sales, even if it will make more for Nintendo overall.

If Smash becomes a handheld thing now, they definitely need to consider take a Mario Kart approach and have different development cycles (one every 3 years console-handheld-console-handheld) because if they keep doing it this way, both games will suffer eventually.


As in "Heathcliff"
Surprised at how many old levels people want. I'd prefer as many new levels as possible.

Well, I would love to have a lot of old stages because I felt that majority of new stages would be based on recently games that got released on Wii and DS, rather than bringing back historical (or memorable) stages for the characters. I'm fine with stages that came from variable era.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Wait, Hyrule Temple is not coming back in the final game??

My interest just plummeted immensely.


Wait, Hyrule Temple is not coming back in the final game??

My interest just plummeted immensely.

Where was that said? Since the 3DS and Wii U games share a couple of bonus music tracks, having the Temple music present but not tied to a stage suggests it's more likely to return.
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