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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Fake as it almost certainly is, that tower does actually sound like a pretty cool idea. Would be fun and if they tied unlocks to it could be a fun way to progress through all the content, especially if there's co-op.
Wait are people actually believing this thing? It's pretty obviously fake; there's nothing to indicate this guy's credibility, unlike previous leaks (images, correct predictions before actual announcements).


I'd believe it if it was called Smash Tower. That's like the 3DS mode being called "Run of Smash." Sorta.

I want to believe, because the rumor gives me basically everything I want


Wait are people actually believing this thing? It's pretty obviously fake; there's nothing to indicate this guy's credibility, unlike previous leaks (images, correct predictions before actual announcements).

It's just funner to take it at face value and distill why it's obviously fake instead of discounting it right off the bat :p
It's just funner to take it at face value and distill why it's obviously fake instead of discounting it right off the bat :p

I guess.

With so much information, it's pretty easy to discount this in later POTD reveals:
1) Impa, Dixie, or Chorus Kids confirmed to be Assists in the Wii U version
2) Ridley being confirmed to be a stage hazard in Pyrosphere
3) Any stage (new or returning) is confirmed that does not appear in the 'leak'


Unconfirmed Member
I don't believe anything that is just text. I especially don't believe anything that is just text that sounds too good to be true. More characters? 55 stages? Smancy single player mode? Targets come back unique for every character? Nope.
Do we know how many stages there is gunna be? Has to have more than brawl right?
We don't know how many stages will be in the Wii U version, but the 3DS version has less stages than Brawl and actually has one fewer new stages than Melee introduced, so don't get your hopes up.

I'm anticipating the Wii U version matching Brawl as the absolute highest amount of stages, unfortunately.


Junior Member

That dude who posted the "Tower of Smash" rumor awhile back posted a stage list for the Wii U Version. I'd be thrilled if this list is true.
Grab some of the salt that the Ridley fans made on SmashBoards.



Finally picked my roster of go to cast. Dropping Ness this time around since Megaman fits me better. My main three are Little Mac/Ganondorf and Megaman in third. Here's my whole crew though.


I was BEGGING for Little Mac to be in Brawl. He was my biggest pick for that game. When he got a new Punchout I not only day 1 bought it, but I made the outfit, cosplayed that shit and played the game with the motion controls wearing the fucking boxing gloves (hard as shit to beat it that way...). He fits my hard hitting ground based style. He has massive mobility, berzerker slash go behind, mashable hits, KO star punch, and the ability to IDGAF and go through projectiles is like everything I ever wished My Ganondorf could do. Yes I will co-main him and Ganondorf as my biggest two.

I have mained Ganondorf since his inclusion. With the new "rage effect" making it so the more damage you take the more knockback you inflict, his new faster moves, and his running shoulder now setting up juggles by putting them above him, and his enhanced air priority there is NO WAY that I will not continue to main the Dorf. And yes...even with legit setups now I will STILL be fishing for his finishing move "The Chokendorf!" Jump above a pit and I give no shits...I will flame choke us both to hell.

Megaman felt BEAST in the demo with all his amazing setups for Air shooter and hard knuckle. Just great options vs any scenario and one of the most exciting inclusions to the roster from my wish list.

I...am actually good with Dedede. I do good with heavies. I know I should be using Bowser with all those buffs, but I just know my love of penguins and this character will win out. His buff of ALWAYS throwing spiked waddle dees now is huge. He also seems faster to me and the new 3 air dodges will make him a terror.

Shulk looks so good with his stuff. Don't know if I'll stick with him, but I know I'll enjoy him.

Peach became a secret weapon of mine in Project M. It is my duty to use that booty. Especially since it got FASTER and can now edge cancel to give me instant veggies for throwing. I hear she lost her parasoul stab for a rainbow attack. Might just be a rumor though. Either way I need to see if her float cancels feel good because her air mobility made me an absolute god damned terror and I love her. The last sounds you will ever hear as the life slowly slips from your body after facing her will be "Lalala La La Laaaaaaa <3 "


Unconfirmed Member
Do you think Ridley fans would he satisfied if he was

1. Other M Ridley
2. Only had wings half the time?

No and no. Just me.

Personally I love Meta Ridley's design but Sakurai doesn't give much thought to the Prime series and it wouldn't fit very well. Dem wings.
I don't see Ridley as a character who could ever be playable in Smash... seeing how Sakurai has constantly established the idea that he is a boss character in nature. But in regards to his design, anything but the freaking Other M design is fine by me. It's a shame that that's what we're getting for his model in the Wii U version. It' just an objectively bad design. ...Well, I think it is.


Now, what a worse case scenario be for the Wii U version's stage count?

Mario: Considering every Smash since Melee has had at least four new Mario stages, I'm gonna go with four at the very least. I wouldn't discount five or more, but for the sake of a worse case scenario, sticking with (4).
Pokémon, Zelda: Have had at least 2 brand new stages since Melee, let's go with 2 each. ((4))
Metroid, DK: While I refuse to believe they won't rectify not giving these a new stage in the 3DS version by giving them the 2 new ones they've had minimum since Melee, this -is- a worst case scenario list: 1 new each for a total of (2).
Star Fox, F-Zero, Earthbound, Yoshi, Wario, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Game & Watch: Veteran series that up to this point have had at least one new stage in each installment: (10)
Punch-Out!!, Xenoblade, Duck Hunt, Wii Fit....Mii?: Forgetting about DLC rumors for a moment, these are the five new franchises in SSB4. However, Mii doesn't have a symbol of its own, instead sharing that of Smash. In addition, in every single Smash, there's always at least one series introduced in that game that doesn't get its own stage, usually if the character was unlockable (F-Zero and Mother in the original, Fire Emblem in Melee, R.O.B. in Brawl): Since this speculation is about being as pessimistic as possible, let's assume this happens here again, and that, for instance, either Duck Hunt or Mii don't have their own stages. Leaning toward Duck Hunt since Mii has a new stage (two, even) in the 3DS version. That'd give us (4).
R.O.B.: On the other hand, every series that didn't have a stage in the past game gets one in the next; so I'm willing to concede that R.O.B. will have one in the U. (1)
Miscelaneous series: There were 2 stages without playable representation in Brawl, Electroplankton and Pictochat. And there are 3 that follow the same rule in the 3DS version, Nintendogs, Balloon Fight, Pictochat 2. For the sake of sticking with the worst route, let's go with 2 for the Wii U version, even if already knowing of Pilotwings increases the chances of there being more (2)
Mega Man, Pac Man, Sonic, one stage each: (3)
Smash Bros: You never know if they're gonna give us a new original stage here, but let's stick with Battlefield and Final Destination here. (2)

Here you have it, folks. 32 brand new stages as the bare minimum of new ones to expect in Smash Wii U. This is the worst case scenario, sooo I really don't think it'd be a surprise if we reached 40 new ones there! Thoughts?


I anticipate Ridley will be playable in a boss mode in the WiiU version, where one player uses the GamePad to control the boss and the other players (human or CPU) fight against them.


- Petey Piranha
- Koloktos
- K. Rool
- Ridley
- Hades

...and more, all playable in an asymmetric boss battle mode. Would be fun. :)


Do you think Ridley fans would he satisfied if he was

1. Other M Ridley
2. Only had wings half the time?

That'd be pretty awful. Transitioning between adult and adolescent Ridley between jumps would look really janky, and that's on top of the Other M design being a crime against nature. Though I wouldn't mind it if his wings were shrunk and folded on the ground - essentially giving him his Super wings while grounded and Prime wings in the air would be an amazing bit of fanservice.

No and no. Just me.

Personally I love Meta Ridley's design but Sakurai doesn't give much thought to the Prime series and it wouldn't fit very well. Dem wings.

Meta Ridley was a boss twice in Brawl, that seems to show he cares about him a little.
I anticipate Ridley will be playable in a boss mode in the WiiU version, where one player uses the GamePad to control the boss and the other players (human or CPU) fight against them.


- Petey Piranha
- Koloktos
- K. Rool
- Ridley
- Hades

...and more, all playable in an asymmetric boss battle mode. Would be fun. :)

THIS is the extent of what I feel Ridley's role should be in Smash Bros.. He's a boss character at heart. And this would be pretty damn cool for getting other characters out there.


So the Ice Climbers are dead in Smash once again?

EDIT: Since we've been talking so much about colors, which colors do you feel are missing? If there was costume DLC, what would you want in?
For me, I'd like Olimar/Alph to have sixteen colors like Little Mac, and among those colors should be a black and white President outfit.
Outset Island Pajamas for Toon Link would also be amazing, even if it kept the cap like the Skyward Sword Link outfit.
Rosalina could have a really cool Cosmic Spirit outfit, or maybe the karting outfit.
Same goes for Peach and her karting outfit.
And then of course, Lucina's yukata would be awesome.

Oh man, I never even considered Cosmic Witch Rosalina! I've already posted a lot of costumes I'd want to see, but Funky Kong DK, Shadow Queen Peach (As well as Pauline?), Metal Sonic Ms. Pac-Man, and Black-Red Mario are still the highest priorities.


That dude who posted the "Tower of Smash" rumor awhile back posted a stage list for the Wii U Version. I'd be thrilled if this list is true.

I want this to be true other than the lame "Ridley only has wings for his recovery" thing, but it just seems WAY too good to be true.


I honestly use default colors 99% of the time, but I'll definitely be getting some use out of the Koopalings, Alph, and the Villager/WFT/Robin alternate genders.


Here's a dream list for playable bosses in a GamePad-based boss mode against CPUs and/or friends:

- Petey Piranha
- Bouldergeist
- Koloktos
- Malladus
- Ridley
- Kraid
- King K. Rool
- Tiki Tong
- Medusa
- Hades
- Kracko
- Dyna Blade
- Andross (N64)
- Mewtwo
- Rayquaza
- Pokey Minch
- Metal Face
- King Hippo
- Yellow Devil
- Eggman

Such a mode would allow Mewtwo to be fittingly overpowered. Hades and Medusa could appear in their huge skyscraping forms. Heck, you could even make Kraid playable in the boss version of Brinstar Depths, the GamePad player deciding when the stage turns, in which direction and how fast. :)
That'd be pretty awful. Transitioning between adult and adolescent Ridley between jumps would look really janky, and that's on top of the Other M design being a crime against nature. Though I wouldn't mind it if his wings were shrunk and folded on the ground - essentially giving him his Super wings while grounded and Prime wings in the air would be an amazing bit of fan service.
Yeah, that's the impression I got, I hope they didn't mean mid stage Ridley at any rate. They'd just either be gone or like a lot smaller and he wouldn't use them on the ground.

But like someone said, this is all too good to be true.
want this to be true other than the lame "Ridley only has wings for his recovery" thing, but it just seems WAY too good to be true.

I still don't get how this would work.
First of all, characters like Meta Knight and Pit have multiple jumps with their wings, so why wouldn't Ridley have that too?
Second, how would he "grow wings" for his up special? He can't really fold them up that well, so they can't suddenly appear for certain moves.
Now, what a worse case scenario be for the Wii U version's stage count?

Mario: Considering every Smash since Melee has had at least four new Mario stages, I'm gonna go with four at the very least. I wouldn't discount five or more, but for the sake of a worse case scenario, sticking with (4).
Pokémon, Zelda: Have had at least 2 brand new stages since Melee, let's go with 2 each. ((4))
Metroid, DK: While I refuse to believe they won't rectify not giving these a new stage in the 3DS version by giving them the 2 new ones they've had minimum since Melee, this -is- a worst case scenario list: 1 new each for a total of (2).
Star Fox, F-Zero, Earthbound, Yoshi, Wario, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Game & Watch: Veteran series that up to this point have had at least one new stage in each installment: (10)
Punch-Out!!, Xenoblade, Duck Hunt, Wii Fit....Mii?: Forgetting about DLC rumors for a moment, these are the five new franchises in SSB4. However, Mii doesn't have a symbol of its own, instead sharing that of Smash. In addition, in every single Smash, there's always at least one series introduced in that game that doesn't get its own stage, usually if the character was unlockable (F-Zero and Mother in the original, Fire Emblem in Melee, R.O.B. in Brawl): Since this speculation is about being as pessimistic as possible, let's assume this happens here again, and that, for instance, either Duck Hunt or Mii don't have their own stages. Leaning toward Duck Hunt since Mii has a new stage (two, even) in the 3DS version. That'd give us (4).
R.O.B.: On the other hand, every series that didn't have a stage in the past game gets one in the next; so I'm willing to concede that R.O.B. will have one in the U. (1)
Miscelaneous series: There were 2 stages without playable representation in Brawl, Electroplankton and Pictochat. And there are 3 that follow the same rule in the 3DS version, Nintendogs, Balloon Fight, Pictochat 2. For the sake of sticking with the worst route, let's go with 2 for the Wii U version, even if already knowing of Pilotwings increases the chances of there being more (2)
Mega Man, Pac Man, Sonic, one stage each: (3)
Smash Bros: You never know if they're gonna give us a new original stage here, but let's stick with Battlefield and Final Destination here. (2)

Here you have it, folks. 32 brand new stages as the bare minimum of new ones to expect in Smash Wii U. This is the worst case scenario, sooo I really don't think it'd be a surprise if we reached 40 new ones there! Thoughts?
I fear this is still too optimistic, not pessimistic enough. Smash 3DS has shown that past rules of stage representation may not be enough to guarantee a new stage. I still do genuinely fear there may not be a new F-Zero/Earthbound/Kirby stage in the Wii U version. Yoshi, Wario, and Game & Watch are essentially guaranteed, but not sure on the first three I listed.

Though I think Magicant will be shared between the two versions. Mute City I'm less certain on, as it seems more tailored to the 3DS's small resolution. I also don't see F-Zero getting a new stage in both versions when series like Metroid and Donkey Kong can't, so... Not feeling good on a new F-Zero stage for the Wii U version. I certainly hope the 3DS version's Mute City shows up (especially over getting no new stage) but... we'll see.

Still waiting on an actual new Kirby stage to feel good on its chances. I wouldn't think Sakurai would skip out on his own series, and as the game already has a major reference to Return to Dreamland, I would like to think a stage from it would be a given, but... well, we'll see.

I don't see R.O.B. getting a new stage. The pattern you detailed for him doesn't really strike me as a genuine pattern and more just coincidence--Fire Emblem's lack of a stage in Melee seems like something they just didn't get around to, not like R.O.B. which can more easily get away with no stage.

The Pilotwings stage could be seen as a "Mii" stage as it's mostly based on Pilotwings: Resort, where you played as your Mii. So I would think it would count like Tomodachi Life counts.

The Wii U version also seems to have more character repped franchises with a stage of their own unlike the 3DS version which has a lot of holes. It's possible, however, that the new stage count is still comparable to the 3DS version and that the difference came from the multi-repped series. So it's possible there is only one new Zelda stage, for instance, or three Mario stages.

The 3DS version has really re-written the rules for stages if you ask me. Expect even less.

So bare pessimistic minimum, if you ask me, is more like this:

Mario: 3
Zelda/Pokemon: 3
Donkey Kong/Metroid: 2
Star Fox, F-Zero, Earthbound, Yoshi, Wario, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Game & Watch: 7
Punch-Out!!, Xenoblade, Duck Hunt, Wii Fit....Mii?: 4
R.O.B.: 0
Miscellaneous: 1
Third Parties: 3
Smash Bros.: 2

25, same as 3DS version.

I believe that even if Ridley is a stage boss, it would just be his Other M clone.

Regular Ridley could still have a chance. Though that would kind of ruin the consistency of both Samus' Other M design.
Still waiting on an actual new Kirby stage to feel good on its chances. I wouldn't think Sakurai would skip out on his own series, and as the game already has a major reference to Return to Dreamland, I would like to think a stage from it would be a given, but... well, we'll see.

My guess is that we'll have a Epic Yard or RTDL stage alongside the Game Boy stage in the Wii U version. I know all those extra Kirby's Dream Land music rips in the 3DS version are meant to complement the GB stage, but I still think their inclusion is rather suspect...

That said, supposing all the Brawl music rips are in the Wii U version, I can't see The Legendary Air Machine playing on that stage.
My guess is that we'll have a Epic Yard or RTDL stage alongside the Game Boy stage in the Wii U version. I know all those extra Kirby's Dream Land music rips in the 3DS version are meant to complement the GB stage, but I still think their inclusion is rather suspect...

That said, supposing all the Brawl music rips are in the Wii U version, I can't see The Legendary Air Machine playing on that stage.
Playing on what stage? We already know that the Halberd is in the Wii U version, which is where The Legendary Air Machine played in Brawl.
I don't see both version sharing the new Mute City but I could definitely see them sharing Magicant along with Onett/Fourside for the Wii U.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Sakurai seems to ignore any Kirby game he didn't have a hand in outside of music, though. :(

Everything's taken from Dreamland, Adventure, Super Star, or Air Ride.
I fear this is still too optimistic, not pessimistic enough. Smash 3DS has shown that past rules of stage representation may not be enough to guarantee a new stage. I still do genuinely fear there may not be a new F-Zero/Earthbound/Kirby stage in the Wii U version. Yoshi, Wario, and Game & Watch are essentially guaranteed, but not sure on the first three I listed.

Though I think Magicant will be shared between the two versions. Mute City I'm less certain on, as it seems more tailored to the 3DS's small resolution. I also don't see F-Zero getting a new stage in both versions when series like Metroid and Donkey Kong can't, so... Not feeling good on a new F-Zero stage for the Wii U version. I certainly hope the 3DS version's Mute City shows up (especially over getting no new stage) but... we'll see.

Still waiting on an actual new Kirby stage to feel good on its chances. I wouldn't think Sakurai would skip out on his own series, and as the game already has a major reference to Return to Dreamland, I would like to think a stage from it would be a given, but... well, we'll see.

I don't see R.O.B. getting a new stage. The pattern you detailed for him doesn't really strike me as a genuine pattern and more just coincidence--Fire Emblem's lack of a stage in Melee seems like something they just didn't get around to, not like R.O.B. which can more easily get away with no stage.

The Pilotwings stage could be seen as a "Mii" stage as it's mostly based on Pilotwings: Resort, where you played as your Mii. So I would think it would count like Tomodachi Life counts.

The Wii U version also seems to have more character repped franchises with a stage of their own unlike the 3DS version which has a lot of holes. It's possible, however, that the new stage count is still comparable to the 3DS version and that the difference came from the multi-repped series. So it's possible there is only one new Zelda stage, for instance, or three Mario stages.

The 3DS version has really re-written the rules for stages if you ask me. Expect even less.

So bare pessimistic minimum, if you ask me, is more like this:

Mario: 3
Zelda/Pokemon: 3
Donkey Kong/Metroid: 2
Star Fox, F-Zero, Earthbound, Yoshi, Wario, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Game & Watch: 7
Punch-Out!!, Xenoblade, Duck Hunt, Wii Fit....Mii?: 4
R.O.B.: 0
Miscellaneous: 1
Third Parties: 3
Smash Bros.: 2

25, same as 3DS version.


...less than 3DS? damn


Maturity, bitches.
This is only a very rough approximation, but it should show the difference that changes in hair colour would have made for the referential palette swaps.

But its not a aLttP sprite reference. Link has the right hair colour already.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Well, quite a few people thought Halberd would be the only Kirby Stage since it was like when Kongo Jungle was shown for the 3DS, which was the only DK Stage.

Castle Siege alleviates that fear a bit, though, since it shows that we're getting a mix of new and retro stages for franchises other than Mario, unlike 3DS.
Why would anyone think the 3DS Kirby stage would be shared with the Wii U version?

It's not like they've stuck entirely with the "console stages for Wii U version and handheld stages for the 3DS version" rule. Just look at the Kalos League.

I'm expecting a fully new Kirby stage but I wouldn't be surprised if the 3DS one popped up too.
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