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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Put me on the side that thinks the proposed stage roster weakens the rumour further.
Of course I'd love to be wrong.

Funnily enough despite my love for the stage archetype and game of origin a Bramble Blast stage would surely be horrible to play on, painful stage hazards all over the place, barrel cannons everywhere.
Hang on, a jungle DK stage and one that could potentially be awful to play on? maybe there's credit to this rumour after all. Plus yet more acidic Metroid underworlds instead of Prime goodness, well damn now I don't know what to think.
Here's a quick way to find out if your leak is fake:

Is it a random text post from an anonymous source without any sort of corroborating proof and without anyone reputable able to vouch for it? If yes, it's fake.



Back when the real leak came out, my posted reaction to it was "no ice climbers, is is so fake, why even bother" and we'll, look how that ended up.
Don't put absolute full faith in a leak, but don't downright dismiss it immediately, just keep it in your mind and think about it.

To be honest, 63 stages just screams bullshit.
People shouldn't expect more than 40 tbqh-

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I'd be far more inclined to believe this if Rumble Falls and New Pork City were among the returning stages.

Out of curiosity, does anyone genuinely believe these leaks to be real, instead of just saying "it could happen..." or something along those lines?

Rumble Falls is there.

New Porky City probably won't be back since they erased all signs of Mother 3 outside Lucas.
Is Flat Zone 2 listed on there? Isn't that already a retro stage in the 3DS version? Why would a retro stage be on both versions?

Here's a quick way to find out if your leak is fake:

Is it a random text post from an anonymous source without any sort of corroborating proof and without anyone reputable able to vouch for it? If yes, it's fake.
Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.


Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.

This would be mine:

Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a stage hazard.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.
No event mode.
Only one person can access the customization screen at a time.

I am an eternal pessimist.
Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.

This, but without Ridley being controllable.
I don't expect any more characters or costumes anyway though.


Between Lucas, New Pork City, Porky, and the Pig King Statue, I get the impression that Sakurai was anticipating a much bigger reception for Mother 3 during the development of Brawl. It didn't release outside of Japan, and EarthBound remained the most popular entry in the series.

Speaking of Mother, I really find it strange that there's never been a Ninten trophy or Assist Trophy.
The WiiU version having more stages than Brawl isn't out of the realm of possibility, I think most people just think it's impossible because its suppose to be even/ close to the 3DS.

Just to pass the time for the Pic of the Day, we should compile a list of what makes it believable and what doesn't.

Believe: Tower of Smash
Bulls**t: Impa, No Event Mode


Did Brawl have event mode? I don't recall it existing.


Am I misremembering or did Sakurai say at one point that all costumes would be available in both versions?

I wouldn't expect more alternate costumes or colors in the Wii U version, unless it's (paid) DLC.
Same goes for characters - I don't know why people are expecting more characters in the game when it has been repeatedly emphasized that characters will be equal across both versions.

It's not unreasonable to expect that the WiiU comes with more characters and that those characters are then $20 DLC for the 3DS version. That would keep the pointless parity rule that's been set.
Am I misremembering or did Sakurai say at one point that all costumes would be available in both versions?

I wouldn't expect more alternate costumes or colors in the Wii U version, unless it's (paid) DLC.
Same goes for characters - I don't know why people are expecting more characters in the game when it has been repeatedly emphasized that characters will be equal across both versions.
It's not unreasonable to expect that the WiiU comes with more characters and that those characters are then $20 DLC for the 3DS version. That would keep the pointless parity rule that's been set.

I'm just not looking forward to the point where the complete roster is officially confirmed to be the same for both versions (no new characters) and people will start whining and complaining when they really should've seen this coming.
Just like what happened with Ridley.

I don't see why people are that disappointed with the alternate colors, to be honest. Sure, I would have liked Outset Island Pajamas in for Toon Link, but it's not like it was promised. The only thing to be disappointed about are the losses of Wario and Olimar colors.
Same goes for characters - I don't know why people are expecting more characters in the game when it has been repeatedly emphasized that characters will be equal across both versions.



Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.

Trying to keep it disappointing in a realistic manner -

Items, characters, costumes and such are identical, and the Pokeball / AT limit remains in place.

Same number of new stages as the 3DS version including a fair amount of shared stages, with giant, scrolling and hazard heavy stages in abundance. 75m and Rumble Falls are the only DK stages, Temple, Onett and Pirate Ship don't appear.

No intro movie, no codec equivalent for the KI / SF characters.

Most music is recycled from the source with few new arrangements, several series with fighters receive no new music at all.

Custom moves and character unlocks cannot be transferred between versions.

Break the Targets, Stage Builder, Special Brawl, Stamina mode, Event Match and Boss Rush do not return. There is no Adventure Mode equivalent, boss characters cannot be controlled. Coin Match returns, however.

Delayed to 2015.
Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.

Wii U version cancel-

oh damn you said realistic


Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.


There are two game franchises that I would spend any and all amounts of money on if they had DLC.

1. Super Smash Bros.
2. Marvel vs. Capcom

If we have to wait another 6 years for the next Smash, and all of the other big Nintendo franchises start to get DLC, yet Smash does not, I'd be super disappointed.


Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.

Besides stage hazards being controlled with the gamepad, all that you said will probably happen.
Sakurai even mentioned countless times that there will be no additional characters.
And we know that Samus alts are the same on the 3ds and wiiu ... so pretty safe to assume all will be

Realistic Worst Case scenario ?

Game is delayed till february 2015
Does not have ANY unnanounced modes.
Iwata confirms that only half the roster will have Amiibos
Besides stage hazards being controlled with the gamepad, all that you said will probably happen.
Sakurai even mentioned countless times that there will be no additional characters.
And we know that Samus alts are the same on the 3ds and wiiu ... so pretty safe to assume all will be

Realistic Worst Case scenario ?

Game is delayed till february 2015
Does not have ANY unnanounced modes.
Iwata confirms that only half the roster will have Amiibos

"only" half?
Try the 12 Ammibos right now are the only ones :p


The worst case scenario, aside from amount of stages/modes, would be them going back on the much welcomed gameplay changes in the 3DS version, and have the Wii U one end with lots of lag in moves, low speed, etc.


Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.
Wii U exclusive mode with no online.
The worst case scenario, aside from amount of stages/modes, would be them going back on the much welcomed gameplay changes in the 3DS version, and have the Wii U one end with lots of lag in moves, low speed, etc.

There's no way they developed two different engines for the games.


I don't know why people expect there to be different alt colors/costumes on the wii u, Sakurai has given no indication there will be.
Trying to keep it disappointing in a realistic manner -

Items, characters, costumes and such are identical, and the Pokeball / AT limit remains in place.

Didn't a POTD already show two Pokemon standing together? It was the two stat-boosting ones, right?

I hope people start lowering expectations, especially ones about characters. I don't want to see the kind of whining that happened when Ridley was not in the roster when people very clearly should've realized that he was a stage boss in the Smash Direct.
Character colors are also something people shouldn't expect.
Post your realistic worst case scenario for the Wii U version:
Same number of stages as 3DS version.
No additional characters.
Ridley as a controllable stage hazard with GamePad.
All alts and colors the same as 3DS version.

There would be very little hype for that game for me.

I don't know why you'd expect any more characters and costumes to start with.
I don't know why people expect there to be different alt colors/costumes on the wii u, Sakurai has given no indication there will be.

If anything, he's indicated that they will have the same colors/costumes.
At best, we'd probably only get more colors as paid DLC for both versions.



We didn't know much about the 3DS version before launch, and then it turned out that the stuff we didn't know wasn't really worth knowing in the first place.

Oh, I wouldn't say that...Surely you're counting the contents of the leak among the stuff we -did- know before release? Because if we go by officially announced information, Duck Hunt Dog alone would have destroyed the Internet's mind had it remained a surprise, alongside Bowser Jr., all 7 Koopalings included, etc...



We didn't know much about the 3DS version before launch, and then it turned out that the stuff we didn't know wasn't really worth knowing in the first place.

If the ESRB leak hadn't occurred, Bowser Jr., Duck Hunt, the Magicant and F-Zero stages and Master Core would have all been pleasant surprises. If such a leak doesn't happen for the Wii U version, I don't think it's unrealistic that things of significance will go unrevealed before release.
Oh, I wouldn't say that...Surely you're counting the contents of the leak among the stuff we -did- know before release? Because if we go by officially announced information, Duck Hunt Dog alone would have destroyed the Internet's mind had it remained a surprise, alongside Bowser Jr., all 7 Koopalings included, etc...

No, I'm going by stuff that was officially announced.
-Dark Pit/Doctor Mario being in
-Returning stages, a lot of which were used to rep series
-I think Duck Hunt would've gotten a negative reaction (as he did when the leak first came out)
It's been about two weeks, so here are your updated totals for how many times each character has appeared in Pics of the Day, i.e. how much Sakurai loves or hates your favorite character!

Just as before, some things to keep in mind:

- Characters with (+X) next to their total indicates the number of additional appearances since the last time I did one of these posts

- One pic that is divided into multiple sections (like Pac-Man's taunt or Little Mac's combos) are only counted as one appearance of that character.

- When the same character appears more than once in the same picture, each appearance is counted separately. (So the recent PotDs with all eight of Samus's alt colors counts as eight appearances for Samus!)

- I decided to combine and count all three variations of the Mii Fighters together, since it is quite hard to tell on several occasions which version a Mii Fighter is by just looking at them. Mii Gunner definitely appears the most of the three, though.

- If the same pic appears more than once and was used for different purposes (for example, the Nightmare Wizard pic appears as both a PotD and on the Assist Trophies page), both appearances are counted.

- Even if only an element of a character's moveset is visible in a pic (and not the character itself), that counts as an appearance of that character. (For example, seeing only Pikmin counts as an appearance for Olimar, and seeing only Rush counts as an appearance for Mega Man.)

- Obviously these results are heavily skewed by when characters were revealed (characters revealed later generally rank lower), but there are still some interesting discrepancies... the relative lack of Marth's, Lucario's, and Greninja's appearances, for example!

- I don't guarantee that these results are 100% accurate, but they're pretty darn close!

Here we go:

Mario: 146 (+2)
Link: 89 (+1)
Samus: 86 (+1)
Kirby: 74
Mega Man: 74 (+1)
Villager: 68
Donkey Kong: 60
Pikachu: 58
Bowser: 55 (+1)
Wii Fit Trainer: 55 (+1)
Fox: 54 (+1)
Mii Fighters: 50 (+1)
Luigi: 46 (+1)
Pit: 43
Marth: 37 (+2)
Olimar/Alph & Pikmin: 37 (+4)
Toon Link: 37
Peach: 36
Sonic: 34
King Dedede: 31 (+1)
Yoshi: 31 (+2)
Little Mac: 30 (+1)
Rosalina & Luma: 29
Zelda: 28 (+2)
Diddy Kong: 27 (+2)
Ike: 25 (+3)
Zero Suit Samus: 23
Robin: 21 (+2)
Lucario: 20 (+1)
Charizard: 19 (+1)
Pac-Man: 18
Sheik: 18
Captain Falcon: 17 (+1)
Greninja: 17
Meta Knight: 17 (+2)
Palutena: 17
Lucina: 15
Shulk: 15


I was just passing through and will say do not expect additional characters unless they're DLC. Roster parity has been reiterated by Nintendo time and time again, so that's out of the window unless there'll be a 3DS DLC option for Wii U-less owners.

Also, alt colours are probably the same. All the ones shown on Wii U are on 3DS, so...

I am confident that the stage list will be bigger though.
Mario: 146 (+2)
Link: 89 (+1)
Samus: 86 (+1)
Kirby: 74
Mega Man: 74 (+1)
Villager: 68
Donkey Kong: 60
Pikachu: 58
Bowser: 55 (+1)
Wii Fit Trainer: 55 (+1)
Fox: 54 (+1)
Mii Fighters: 50 (+1)
Luigi: 46 (+1)
Pit: 43
Marth: 37 (+2)
Olimar/Alph & Pikmin: 37 (+4)
Toon Link: 37
Peach: 36
Sonic: 34
King Dedede: 31 (+1)
Yoshi: 31 (+2)
Little Mac: 30 (+1)
Rosalina & Luma: 29
Zelda: 28 (+2)
Diddy Kong: 27 (+2)
Ike: 25 (+3)
Zero Suit Samus: 23
Robin: 21 (+2)
Lucario: 20 (+1)
Charizard: 19 (+1)
Pac-Man: 18
Sheik: 18
Captain Falcon: 17 (+1)
Greninja: 17
Meta Knight: 17 (+2)
Palutena: 17
Lucina: 15
Shulk: 15
Sakurai hates Meta Knight confirmed.
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