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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Yes, and No.

The only reason anybody thinks Ridley still has a chance is because of Spainkiller's leak, 4 characters in the WiiU by default, and in the 3DS as DLC.

I don't think anyone is foolish enough to believe WiiU exclusive characters after the Ice Climbers announcement.
Why do people believe Spainkiller?
So let's do this: 3DS or Wii U pic today?

3DS tomorrow, but I'm expecting a Wii U-specific pic once a week until the worldwide launch.


Why do people believe Spainkiller?

Game journalists and long standing GAF members generally don't like to flush their career down the drain.

I don't doubt him, but I do heavily fear that his source's source was the 4chan rumor or some stuff and that he may have inflated his own role and importance.
Game journalists and long standing GAF members generally don't like to flush their career down the drain.

I don't doubt him, but I do heavily fear that his source's source was the 4chan rumor or some stuff and that he may have inflated his own role and importance.
So what would happen if he's wrong?

Watch what happens with Luigi in this video, and make sure you're wearing headphones. The attention to detail is INSANE.

Aw man, someone needs to replicate this without him getting knocked out right away, it looked like he was getting out.
Pls no

There are better avatars to quote, like this one

that's too mainstream to quote any more


As in "Heathcliff"
Game journalists and long standing GAF members generally don't like to flush their career down the drain.

I don't doubt him, but I do heavily fear that his source's source was the 4chan rumor or some stuff and that he may have inflated his own role and importance.

That's what I'm afraid of. I think I'm going to type up the summary of 4chan & spainkiller rumor.

Watch what happens with Luigi in this video, and make sure you're wearing headphones. The attention to detail is INSANE.


So what would happen if he's wrong?

Aw man, someone needs to replicate this without him getting knocked out right away, it looked like he was getting out.

Well, he might get banned but who know?


As in "Heathcliff"
Here's a summary of what going on with 4 characters leaks.

July 21- Ninka posted the leak at Smashboards. Vaanrose and Ninka never mentioned Ridley, Chorus Kids, Dixie and Mewtwo.

July 27 - 4chan anonymous posted the leak at 4chan, and decided to toss Ridley, Dixie, Chorus Kid and Mewtwo along with the characters that have been leaked by Ninka. We have no idea if it's legit or not.

Sept 11 - Well, Spainkiller said:

Fuck it, I'm just gonna put it out there:

(And I'm not saying this to troll fans or keep the hype up or whatever.)

I have a source who has been right about previous leaks and has worked on the European localization of the game. He says he has definitely seen moving models of Dixie, Ridley, Chorus Men and Mewtwo in the game and he's still confident that these four characters can be unlocked by linking the 3DS version to the Wii U version.

Now, I know how outlandish this sounds, and being a game journalist myself I'm taking this with a grain of salt myself, but we're talking about the guy who told me about the Bowser Jr. alts immediately after the ESRB leaks and has never been wrong about other stuff as well. Plus, the whole connectivity thing makes far too much sense, if only to get fans to buy both versions. *insert itprintsmoney.gif here*

Again, I swear on my soul that I'm not trolling. Time will tell. I thought Ridley was never gonna be in, but hey.



I trust Spainkiller due to his posting history and online presence outside of GAF, and he seems really confident in his source. I want to believe. :(


Even then download play has always been extremely limited...

Yup, if his kids would be satisfied playing with the demo roster only then download play would have been a decent option. (It's not, so whatever) Personally, the full game seems worth the price. I would imagine that it would be worth all the peace it would buy you by occupying your kids for hours. But I personally solved that problem with a vasectomy.


Watch what happens with Luigi in this video, and make sure you're wearing headphones. The attention to detail is INSANE.

I'm pretty sure that sound effect and animation plays whenever you stick into any wall. Normally Luigi's head goes into the wall and he pulls it out, but here, the collision treats that edge as a full wall with no gap, so it looks like his head fits in the little space. I don't think it's some crazy case on that stage only and some crazy detail or anything.


Anyone go to the "How would you rate Sakurai as a videogame designer" thread? Someone brought up Project M and the entire thing turned toxic.

"But the climactic reveal of SMB3 is burned – no, seared – into my memory the way JFK’s assassination was for my parents’ generation… or the way 9/11 would be for mine a scant 12 years from then…" - Bob Chipman
(I realize P4R is a joke game journalism site, but the quotes in this article are from his book)

Also reminds me of:
"No amount of Rosalina, Villager, Megaman, Robin, Lucina, Palutena, DHD, Little Mac or anyone else can make up for the fact that there's no Ridley, and YOU should rethink your life priorities and get over yourself if Ridley not being in has such a small impact on you." - From the Ridley SmashBoards thread
Anyone go to the "How would you rate Sakurai as a videogame designer" thread? Someone brought up Project M and the entire thing turned toxic.

of course it would

I don't even know how that thread is still up, if it were a Naughty Dog thread shit would've gone down already one way or the other
I'm still laughing at that one Ridley thread on Smashboards.
Some highlights.

Literally F*** Sakurai. I try to respect him and I've loved almost everything he's done... but this is outrageous. He ignored all the fan demand for Mewtwo, K. Rool AND RIDLEY. LIKE SERIOUSLY?!??! EVEN FRIGGING REGGIE KNOWS HOW MUCH PEOPLE WANT REGGIE!!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS....
Sorry. I'm just pissed.
wow i always thought these kind of people are *******es, but im considering to not buy the game, not just because of my of saltyness right now, but also because of not accepting to keep buying this series when sakurai does nothing than trolling the fans more and more. his arm pains in the ***. his ****ty kid icarus overrepresentation in the ***. him being the director in the ***.

This guy takes the cake though. All of these posts were written by D-idara (now banned).

Sakurai confirmed to be a disgusting, power-hungry, expectation playing dictator-developer who doesn't care about what the fans want. This game's officially confirmed to be the worst game on the Smash series, no Ridley, no K. Rool, no Mewtwo, not even Dixie or Chorus Men to throw us off, no Sakurai, NO! I'm THIS close to not buying the game, this IS ABSOLUTE BULL****!
You can't do that, those can't be all the characters we get...I guess I'll enjoy Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 (Two franchises that ACTUALLY DESERVED REPS) because I won't be playing this piece of crap game anytime soon, and I won't buy the Wii U version either.
Yeah, tomorrow's the Smash Stream, there's much fun to be had and streamed with such a sucky, lackluster game. Go back to making Kid Icarus 2, Sakurai, a game you're actually good at making, because you've shown that you have no idea of how to make a Smash game anymore...

Haha, all these people saying we'll still get an 'awesome game' regardless, well let me tell you, WE'RE NOT GETTING ANY AWESOME GAME WITH THIS ****TY ROSTER. Everything that was good about the game was hanging on there being 5 more characters, now we can actually confirm that the game sucks and we should only buy it to make a public burning of Smash 3DS and Wii U and retweet it to Sakurai, we can throw in some older Kirbys, Air Ride, Melee, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Brawl boxes there too, oh, and don't forget Smash64 boxes.
And no, don't try to make it better with your 'We can have Project M Ridley' IT'S OVER, SMASH4 SUCKS, that's all that mattered, and now it's gone, I can't even bring myself to cry...I'm just, deeply dissapointed and furious.

I'm not embarrassing anyone, the only embarrassing thing about this IS THE ROSTER. What? So I'm embarrassing because I don't accept a Ridley-less Smash4 because it objectively SUCKS without Ridley? Sakurai failed us all, he failed to add the most relevant and important newcomer who really deserved to make the cut and added a bunch of disgusting clones instead.
No amount of Rosalina, Villager, Megaman, Robin, Lucina, Palutena, DHD, Little Mac or anyone else can make up for the fact that there's no Ridley, and YOU should rethink your life priorities and get over yourself if Ridley not being in has such a small impact on you.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Woah, I didnt know there was a WiiU pic, and its thebrawl FE stage but...is the lighting and texture like upgraded?
LOL my friends and I quoted that last one for days.

I think this line is the best though.
Everything that was good about the game was hanging on there being 5 more characters, now we can actually confirm that the game sucks and we should only buy it to make a public burning of Smash 3DS and Wii U and retweet it to Sakurai, we can throw in some older Kirbys, Air Ride, Melee, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Brawl boxes there too, oh, and don't forget Smash64 boxes.
I love the way the Ridley complaints mirror the Geno complaints from pre-Brawl:
What were they thinking when they assembled that sorry excuse for a roster? If they wanted to only give us 35 characters, why couldn't they have been the most requested characters?
What was wrong with King K Rool? It shocks me to no end, I mean, they can create moves for Bowser, Dedede, Ganondorf but they drew a total blank on K. Rool?
What about Geno? I can understand if there were some legal issues that couldn't be resolved (Square Enix and Nintendo act like they went through a bitter divorce) but I just don't understand it. Why didn't Sakurai try harder to get Geno to be a playable character? Instead a God forsaken robot took its spot. What a horrible idea.
For the record, no, the roster isn't ok the way it is. Its pathetic and I feel like we were all misled into believing this game was better than what it was. Why was Itawa going around saying that a 35 character roster is "impressive"? Has he even SEEN the roster? Is he completely oblivious to what the fans actually wanted? I mean, sure, they worked VERY hard on the game but I fail to see the awe in the roster. It seems like the way they worded everything on the Dojo was misguiding "up until now, Ness... blah blah blah" but it wasn't true. My respect for the game and anticipation for it to come out has plummeted. It looked so very promising and so awesome at first and its very difficult for me to be forgiving after all the delays and the pitiful roster selection.
I shouldn't have expected this from the get go, but can you blame false advertising?
Nintendo/Sakurai never claimed this, but this was my benchmark for this game:
A 40-50 character roster (with appealing characters). Was it really THAT hard to achieve? They could have done it had they put in the most wanted characters. But, wait, I forgot that the poll was nothing more than an illusion. The confirmed characters were all planned to be in the game already.
But its more than just the characters now. Everything seems a bit "low" now. The item select screen doesn't seem any different in terms of quantity from Melee. The number of stages is ok, especially with stage editor.
I don't know guys, I don't think I could enjoy this game nearly as much as I wanted to. None of the characters seem appealing enough for me to want to try out. Maybe Sonic, but he's going to be one of the most overused characters.
*rant over*
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