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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
LOL my friends and I quoted that last one for days.

Yup, I think someone made a comparison pic here? It's mostly improved.

oh hey foxuzamaki haven't seen you here in a while!

I think it looks better
In the flesh...er electrify? Anyways cool, I wonder since they are releasing the WiiU version later they're going back and taking the time to add extra features to the older stages or maybe even just bump up the graphics in general


Ridley's my most wanted character at this point, solely because somehow the internet has made someone who killed a young girl's entire family in front of her own eyes into a lovable underdog.

A couple of months ago, I didn't really care at all about Ridley.

But after looking him up, seeing what he's done in the games and the manga, and what potential he has. My interest grew as time went on.

Like meeting someone new, and then learning more about them.
I still stand by that Dark Samus is the perfect enemy rep for Metroid.

Oh well, maybe Smash 5
It's not like she'll ever be irrelevant, considering she's the main villain of one of the most important trilogy in video games, so she has just as much a chance for 5 as she did for Brawl and 4.
One minor thing with the "leak" is there's only 4 spaces left on the CSS, but he mentions 5 characters (adding Impa)

Which means either it flips pages for these 5, or it's fake, or one of the characters isn't in.


Don't forget the arrows!

The whole CSS on the 3DS will be so fragmented with pages.

Like, it's already weirdly set up, separating Mario characters, clones in a corner with no rhyme or reason, some chronological order until it's not. Adding a page for a DK, Metroid, Pokemon and Zelda, in addition to a new comer would make the CSS just an absolute mess.

Now it's already a mess, but... a page for some characters would just look so silly.


I can't trust a rumor that says Other M Ridley is playable. We all know he will be a stage boss.

It would be more believable if he said classic Ridley would be playable, because Ridley in Other M is a clone.


Why use the Project M version?

That's what I use to play, but the stage is the exact same minus skipping the walkoff part.

Plus I was already playing the game around the time the PoTD was posted, so I just jumped in there really quick for a comparison picture.

Did the same for Halberd.

you know ALM5252 at first I thought you were Rayis lol

Ha, well I'm not. :p

I'm the evil doppelganger of him.
The first video's top comment and the chain of replies, holy shit lmao

That guy really likes Cooking Mama as a character, even though she's third party. For those who don't want to look through all the comments, here are some of PerfectPhoenixLPs' highlights.
I'm this close to switching over to Sony. Not only did Smash 4 not include Ridley as finally being playable, but now it's utter proof that Nintendo is letting Metroid die like F-Zero did. Now, Metroid is just going to be mini-game fodder for their minigames like NintendoLand and WarioWare.

But Nintendo doesn't care, no. They have to put in more clone characters. Oh, wait, even better. Nintendo is STILL doing StarFox out of all games. I've been a huge fan of the Metroid series since I grew up with the Prime series and this was just a kick to the groin for me. StarFox had a 3DS release and DS release where the 3DS was just a remake AND where the DS release was just a boring as hell game.

Great job Nintendo. Way to ruin the hopes for your entire Metroid fanbase.
Funny you mention 'original' ideas. It's funny they include Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, and Falco (I actually like Dark Pit, but it's still clones), but don't have the decency to put in Dark Samus as a character, BUT an assist trophy? It's a slap in the face. And Duck Hunt doesn't belong in a place full of things like Heroes and guns. It's retro for a reason: It no longer belongs, but Nintendo wanted it just because.

And what about Cooking Mama? That's original. 
Give me ONE good reason why we should hope for a bastard like Sakurai to give us hope for DLC Ridley.
And if my math adds up, Mr. Sakurai plays favorites. The guy obviously likes Duck Hunt, so he threw that in for no reason other than he likes it. He threw in Pac-Man because it was a game with a close release year to their first, Mr Game and Watch, AND he threw in Dark Pit because favorites.

It's plainly obvious Smash 4's roster is all his favorites so far. I'm sure he'll push for no DLC.
There's no new news of a Metroid game. Funny how Sakurai can show a trailer of a new StarFox, but they don't show any hints at it and just because they say they're doing it can mean it's dead. It could be another shitty mini-game spinoff.
He told everyone before he does not like DLC. This is probably the seventh time I have to tell you guys, BUT SMASH 4 is full of just his favorites at this point, so it's clear as day he won't do DLC. Who heard of DLC for a fighting game anyway? It's ridiculous.

This one is pretty good (response to another comment)
My god, you, sir, are the dumbest person in the planet.

PerfectPhoenixLPs is proof that any dumbass can make Let's Plays.

That dude who posted the "Tower of Smash" rumor awhile back posted a stage list for the Wii U Version. I'd be thrilled if this list is true.
It has around 20 more stages than 3DS when I'm sure they'll be the dame, give or take three.

It has two new Donkey Kong and Metroid stages. Nuff said.

(If it is from the Tower guy.) It has exclusive singleplayer modes when Sakurai has already said the 3DS will be more single player focused. I highly doubt the WiiU will get any exclusive mode, especially single player after whats been said.
The single player content seems really barebones on 3DS to me tho...So I wouldn't mind being wrong but I just don't see it.

There is no way this can be real. Its not realistic at all.
Yep, I'm pretty sure that PerfectPhoenixLPs is actually serious when he says DLC for fighting games isn't a thing. Nobody could be that dedicated to a persona, to keep a crappy channel updated with minimal views for years.


Hey zroid, what is the probability of getting a Wii U pic today?

perfect because of your avatar right now :p

My calculations project there is only a 4% chance the Wii U version will have an awesome timeshifting Lanayru Desert stage, and only a 0.2% chance that it will appear in tonight's POTD. :(
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