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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Do we have a list of the Assist Trophies that didn't make the jump from Brawl? Sakurai did say that there would be version-exclusive ATs, so the Golden Sun fans shouldn't lose hope yet.
Not sure if going purely off trophies is the best logic for disproving potential DLC characters, since I expect every cut Brawl vet (besides maybe Snake) to get a trophy and every potential newcomer via DLC will also have a trophy already. They're probably just either going to become 'alternate' trophies or will get updated with their Smash model when you buy them off the eShop.
Or we don't get character DLC but I don't want to entertain that thought just yet.

AT's or boss characters who physically show up and move around are probably the only surefire way to disconfirm someone being made playable down the track. After the whole ROB fiasco in Brawl where we saw him as enemies and trophies before he was playable I don't think they're a definitive answer to anything beyond obviously being playable in the default 3DS game.


Neo Member
Not sure if this is new but I just got a Chorus Men trophy in my game:



To be honest, I suspected that Sakurai might use those trophies as red herrings to make people believe that they are disconfirmed.

I'm going with my stance that we are not getting any dlc characters for now.

Don't spend a lot of time in previous trophies menu in smash but every playable character own a trophy model, right? Even if Sakurai is a master for driving us crazy cutting a long time veteran is a non sense so I expect a total makeover of the character who will come in DLC. But he made it with Mewtwo so ...

BTW, I love barely everything I saw since the leak of the 3DS version but how Sakurai handle his priorities. The man have the back up of Bandai Namco but still struggle with simple thing like give a alt costume every character of the roster (Little Mac got 3, Bowser Jr. Got 7) when other just have swap color like Samus or Link. It's not like it's hard I'm not a hard core fan of Nintendo IP but Samus have so many suits, Wario could wear his Wario Land costume, stuff like that.
Idem with Ganondorf still sharing most of God moveset with The Captain instead of getting reworked from the scratch.

Harada should kick Sakurai ass sometimes...


Not sure if this is new but I just got a Chorus Men trophy in my game:

I never realized how evil trophies could be until today. *Sigh* Anyone find a Ridley trophy yet?

I'm still of the belief that trophies don't invalidate DLC, but this does hurt these characters' chances.
Can we stop assuming that having a trophy means they won't be DLC? There isn't really and logic behind that. If anything the lack of important characters having trophies would have been a dead give away for DLC. The trophies=/=DLC.


Dark Pit
Duck Hunt Dog
Bowser Jr.

Anything that isn't a hero, we need more of.

It's probably easier to group characters as protagonists and antagonists rather than heroes and villains. So while characters like Metaknight and Dedede usually have benign motivations, (aside from the time where Metaknight tried his hand at being a fascistic dictator) their roles as antagonists would place them in that category.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
It's probably easier to group characters as protagonists and antagonists rather than heroes and villains. So while characters like Metaknight and Dedede usually have benign motivations, (aside from the time where Metaknight tried his hand at being a fascistic dictator) their roles as antagonists would place them in that category.

Metaknight did nothing wrong. Kirby is the true evil of Dream Land.
It's probably easier to group characters as protagonists and antagonists rather than heroes and villains. So while characters like Metaknight and Dedede usually have benign motivations, (aside from the time where Metaknight tried his hand at being a fascistic dictator) their roles as antagonists would place them in that category.

I read that as "fascistic director" for a second. LOL

But yeah, your right.
Not sure if this is what you meant, but when I rotate it around I get this:

Also ended up with Mewtwo in the Figure Shop after playing the box mini-game again:

For what it's worth I still don't have a Ridley figure.
Mewtwo is dead. Chorus Kids is dead.

Our only hope is more Melee veterans like Pichu. And our last hope for a newcomer is Ridley since thats the only interesting character left besides Inklings, (Thats feasable.)
If you're thinking that trophies (regular or AT) hurt chances, then that essentially means (by that logic) that only characters with zero trophy representation in Smash will be made playable. The characters that we've seen with ATs and regular trophies who have been "deconfirmed" are mostly highly requested potential fighters. If anything, those are the characters I think would be the most sensible to add.

Unless if the development team decides to just innovate and add in characters who are currently without trophies, I fully expect some of these trophied characters to be given playable roles. The whole purpose of adding character DLC to this game is to further appease fans. Not as many people will pay top dollar for some character obscure enough to be without a trophy over a playable Ashley or Dixie Kong, you know?

This is, of course, assuming that there will be character DLC at all. And with MK8 having the amount of added content it does, I hold little doubt over it.
The game is beautiful, seriously, the best looking game I've played on the system, I wasn't going to get it on 3DS but this might change my mind. Also, I didn't play Brawl, but this is much slower than Melee, so I don't want to imagine what Brawl was like.


From the start, I saw no reason why a trophy would be a deconfirm of future DLC (or locked away content in Spainkiller's case). Whenever the content is unlocked, the trophy could change, or we'd just have two different trophies of the character with the same title. On top of that, if a couple of the most requested characters were mysteriously missing trophies it'd be blatantly obvious.

That said, I find it hilarious that Ridley is still MIA.

Dat Mewtwo render...

Translations please
I don't see how trophy = dead, but whatever.

All that would need to be done is for the original trophy to be removed/modified to fit the now playable character. Change the description, and tweak the character's appearance/pose to match their artwork and in-game model. Simple. At least in terms of the trophies. Making them into fighters is a whole different thing, lol.
From the start, I saw no reason why a trophy would be a deconfirm of future DLC (or locked away content in Spainkiller's case). Whenever the content is unlocked, the trophy could change, or we'd just have two different trophies of the character with the same title. On top of that, if a couple of the most requested characters were mysteriously missing trophies it'd be blatantly obvious.

That said, I find it hilarious that Ridley is still MIA.

Dat Mewtwo render...

Translations please

The hunt begins...
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