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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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If you insist.




It's gonna be hard to get lava into Phendrana Drifts, but I'm sure it would happen somehow if it were in Smash.

Ice cold water with the same properties. Calling it.

I really want to see a Phendrana Drifts stage, though. That area was beautiful.


Dear SmashGAF,

My friend and I have enjoyed a heated Smash Bros. rivalry since grade school and the N64. Although he often edges me out, our battles across the four entries and Project M have always been heated and challenging, and although I may not consider myself a competitive tier player, the 17 year feud (!!!) has conditioned us into, well, Smash monsters. There are very few people in our area who can tolerate playing with us. As such, one-on-one bouts are the majority of how we play together; it's lonely at the top.

Our tradition of tirelessly locking horns has persisted into the Smash 4 demo, but with an alarming new trend: today, for the first time in a long time, my friend almost completely shut me down. Our session ended at 11 KOs for his Mario to my three with Link. Three, a number so small that style guides dictate I spell it out.

I may have just been having an off day, or maybe my hands were sweaty and the circle pad fucking blows and the dumb, clicky buttons are stupid, but I'd rather entertain a darker explanation: he is beginning to outclass me. He's mastered Mario's low-percentage combos (d-throw, up-tilt, up-tilt, up-tilt, u-air, u-air, B-up) and he reads or reacts to my every movement with his infuriatingly fluid, lagless moveset.

There are some habits I can usually predict: he quite likes to jump forward with an f-air, to which I respond with a shield-grab but usually fail to build on. I know Link can't compete with Mario's close-range neutral game, so I'd appreciate any tips on how to zone more effectively in Smash 4; Link is a far cry from his terrible Brawl incarnation but my Project M muscle memory is all wrong for the new title.

Please, SmashGAF. Help me murder Mario. Any good videos, offhand tips, or training montages, either for Link or against that awful plumber, would be wonderful.

To risk watering down the narrative, I do a little better against his Mario with Mega Man. However, I'm a longtime monogamous Smash player and leaving Link behind feels wrong. Please help us rekindle our fire.



Phendrana Drifts is right above Magmoor Caverns. Sakurai could easily make lava bubble up out of Magmoor and into the Drifts. :-D
I'm going to go with Wii U specific, maybe a stage we haven't seen before.

I'm thinking that's probably the least likely option at this moment. I'm going to say shared, and then it uses a Wii U pic.

I wish they did more with the 3DS "everyone has their system" gimmick like Golden Plains and Pac Maze. Why not have a Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy stage where the screen gets all trippy?
And why not bring back the invisibility item this time around?
I'm thinking that's probably the least likely option at this moment. I'm going to say shared, and then it uses a Wii U pic.

I wish they did more with the 3DS "everyone has their system" gimmick like Golden Plains and Pac Maze. Why not have a Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy stage where the screen gets all trippy?
And why not bring back the invisibility item this time around?

they can't even have item settings beyond on/off, you think they can do all of that? lol


Dear SmashGAF,

Please, SmashGAF. Help me murder Mario. Any good videos, offhand tips, or training montages, either for Link or against that awful plumber, would be wonderful.

Check this video maybe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHPpVEB1loA&list=UUc8JKj5y6NVUd7RooLMvjdQ

It was early, but he's the only one I know of offhand with good content for a lot of the Smash 4 characters. He's working through character tutorials for everyone too, so it might be worth checking his twitch archive (twitch.tv/zero) to see if he's gotten to Link yet.

Also, I think if you hold up, you might be able to get out of the Mario combo just before the up airs. Someone tested it and found something like that, I think. Might also need to mash air dodge or jump or something.

If I had to guess at advice, I'd say probably to hang back more. Link has always felt like he shines the most when playing keep away. Throw lots of bombs, boomerangs. Try to bait out the cape with one, then go above with with the other. Also try mixing in the aerial clawshot. I'm not sure how well it works on Mario's height, but it's pretty much lagless, covers short hops, and has a big range.


As in "Heathcliff"
but we already had that once

My lad, I must explain to you. There is a reason why we didn't get many meltdown yet because people are postponing their meltdowns since they are betting on DLC characters.

Soon, the reality will settle down and haunt some of us for rest of our lives.
they can't even have item settings beyond on/off, you think they can do all of that? lol

... are you serious? That sucks.

Well at least the fan is gone, so my friends won't have to worry. I'm the sole reason why one of my friends turned fans (and only fans) off, and why another has a habit of throwing them off the stage as soon as he can.
My lad, I must explain to you. There is a reason why we didn't get many meltdown yet because people are postponing their meltdowns since they are betting for DLC characters.

Soon, the reality will settle down and haunt some of us for rest of our lives.

True, but we already got some entertainment :p
Other M Ridley is the kind of garbage I would doodle on the side of my math notebook in sixth grade. Just absolute amateur hour.

Anyway, I'm thinking 3DS menu pic tonight. We haven't seen one of those since, gosh, yesterday?


POTD tonight, what are everyone's guesses?

3DS-specific, Wii U-specific, or an image representing a shared feature?

Are you aiming for the Wall of Shame in this thread? I just realized how much you've been posting here. I made that mistake once. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Anyhoo, I see no reason to have hope or hype. Sakurai hasn't covered every 3DS menu yet, has he?

As a Ridley supporter even I'm repulsed by that design.

I think the only thing Other M did right was Ridley's theme, and even then, it wasn't that original of a remix. Ridley himself? There's a reason people are arguing that they want 2 Ridleys, and it's not because one's a boss. Face it; we all know this is the one that'd get into Smash this time around.


Would this be better?

Other M Ridley is the kind of garbage I would doodle on the side of my math notebook in sixth grade. Just absolute amateur hour.
"Let's add some more spikes, and make sure he's really muscular! Now he'll be a real badass!"
Are you aiming for the Wall of Shame in this thread? I just realized how much you've been posting here. I made that mistake once. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Anyhoo, I see no reason to have hope or hype. Sakurai hasn't covered every 3DS menu yet, has he?
Wall of Shame? Not familiar with that.
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