Dude, watch Person of Interest, now!I can't believe this is on modern-day CBS. And it looks surprisingly good to boot.
Yes, he was cast as the primary love interest. The other kid is Toyman.
I'd commercial even harder on that.Twitter will be on fire with teh first kiss. Diet Racist will flow
This timeline was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.
Were the Titans ever called that?It's been renamed to Blackbirds
Dude, I was thinking of all the possibilities for 20 minutes straight.I now want to see Reverse Flash take on Supergirl.
That'd be a hell of a match up, huh.
I'd imagine a master speedster would be capable of that not being the only option, even hard objectsRF hitting her would be like hitting a brick wall.
Only chance would be if he used the sonic boom punch
But he can dodge her heat rays so she'll have to come to him...or maybe RF can just bounce off buildings to reach her...RF can't fly tho
You know, I wasn't trying to look that much into that shot but seeing it screencapped...I feel bad...
The lighting looks really good for a green screen shot.
Dude, Malcolm looks more baller then any of those there.You're not wrong.
I can't blame him hand gesturing that Dat.Shorter prototype skirt
.......oh..........It's kind of a shame Supergirl has to be blonde. Melissa Benoist looks way better as a brunette IMO.
I feel naughty for someone who isn't trying to.........Those legs though
which it's going to have. Blake Neely, Arrow and Flash's composer, is doing Supergirl's score.
I'm hoping all that was just subverting expectations then something they thought would fly...was not a pun there...Media are picking up on that parody thing
That and Nintendo's Bill Wasted gif may go for miles this summer.E3 gif
So, this dude gonna' be a meta human or an alien?
I ain't complaining...also, are they seriously going with the whole glasses/no glasses disguise like supes?
Coming right up
Coming right up
...Wait, Jimmy Olsen can't be that cool! Jimmy Olsen has to be a total dweeb who's basically slapped around by Superman! It looks fun though. Definitely will keep my eye out.
Guess we'll wait and see if these Valeronians exist.
Does she share that apartment with someone or is she paid that well?
I hope they still make it one universe with the rest of the DCverse and there is some sort of zoning law in effect.
-Supersoldiers and ancient assassin cults: Starling City only
-Time travelers and metahumans: Central City only
-Aliens: Metropolis only
-Psychotic criminals: Gotham only
...Wait, Jimmy Olsen can't be that cool! Jimmy Olsen has to be a total dweeb who's basically slapped around by Superman! It looks fun though. Definitely will keep my eye out.
I hope they still make it one universe with the rest of the DCverse and there is some sort of zoning law in effect.
-Supersoldiers and ancient assassin cults: Starling City only
-Time travelers and metahumans: Central City only
-Aliens: Metropolis only
-Psychotic criminals: Gotham only
and Gotham had an incredible turnaround.
Multiverse. It's happening.
I wonder if MRA will boycott this show?
I felt like I was watching Zooey Deschanel with superpowers.She's pretty heavy on the adorkable trope too, which can get annoying if they don't allow her to grow out of that shit fast.
Looks boring IMO.
did it? I gave up on it around episode 5ish, can you spoil me on what happens later?
So is this Arrowverse? I'm reading conflicting things.
Was an early episode, new drug going around the city called Viper that made people stronger for a bit before killing them(drains them of calcium).
Turned out to be a prototype strain of Venom.
He better bring that swagger on. That terrifying swagger.
Cringe worthy and kinda meh.
I'll pass on this.
Was Kara this superficial and airhead in the comics? Also, it looks like everything will fall back to "because of my cousin". Lame.
Cringe worthy and kinda meh.
I'll pass on this.
Was Kara this superficial and airhead in the comics? Also, it looks like everything will fall back to "because of my cousin". Lame.
It was hilarious as well.I know that Gotham isn't loved by all, but the dude collapsing under the weight of ATM is still one of the best comicbook scenes of this season of TV.![]()
I definitely saw her smiling a few times in the trailer, and I'm sure she laughed at least once.
Goddamn CBS pushing that dumb blonde stereotype, just set feminism back seventy five years, Susan B Anthony's rolling over in her grave wanting to punch supergirl in the ovaries for this shit
I see. Thanks.For now it potentially can be. Initially it won't come into play, as CBS wants it to stand on it's own legs. But they left the door opened for future potential shared universe. That's all we know. You won't get anything more definitive for a while.
I definitely saw her smiling a few times in the trailer, and I'm sure she laughed at least once.