You really want to go back 10 years earlier to make a list ? There wasn't an issue with character deaths when Kripke was in charge.
The outrage is happening now because it's focused on two writers who have been here since season 7, and they're the ones who have killed Charlie and Eileen among others. Not to mention it was a shit episode which didn't help.
because people getting upset over women dying isnt a new revelation over the past few years. so many men die and noone bats an eyelid, like that dude that died because of mary. but but you have other one off character die and its a problem. tasha wasnt even a character before and people are losing their shit over her dying. like i said, people havent made that much of a stink over men who have died similarly fucked up
Male characters die in heavily male-dominated tv show, yes. Of course it's going to happen.
There was a recent episode, I think it was episode 18, that didn't feature a single female character who had lines to speak.
When you take into account the lack of good female characters, of course the fans are going to go nuts when they kill the best ones for shock value and/or in an OOC way.
Jared Padalecki impressed me in this episode.
He had a really awesome subtle "I'm going to break down crying" moment when he was reading Eileen's letter in the recent episode that I loved.
It's not an opinion, it's a fake over reaction. Females on this show are almost always shown as top hunters.
People thinking the show has issues with female characters is very much an opinion. How could you even begin to possibly deny that? And they have every right to express their grievances without someone telling them 'get over it' because he or she has the opinion that there is nothing wrong with the show's status quo.
Edit: As for female hunters being shown as top hunters well off the top my head, in no particular order, the top 10 I can recall are ...
Technically Ketch
Shit...stop that right now lol.
I don't have a problem with them killing female characters per se, it's just recently they kill them in the stupidest and lamest way possible.
Ellen, and Jo dying made sense, Ash had information, demons(possibly Azazel) burned the place down, fine.
Most male deaths make sense, Kevin gets killed to stop him from reading the Word of God and interfering with Metatrons diabolical plans. Rufus gets killed by KHAAAAAAN worm possessing Bobby. Ash died with Ellen & Jo. Bobby gets killed via headshot by Dick who claims to be a master marksmen(or has a deadly shot or something).
Charlie? Dies in bathtub by a one armed, unarmed man while wielding a blade and taking on one of the other Stein Bros who had two arms, and she had no weapon.
Eileen hellhound at the beginning like some random character
I'm drawing blanks right now because I haven't rewatched the series since season 10, so help would be nice.
Garth in your top 10?
Considering he takes over the role of Bobby and earns Dean's blessing in doing so, yes. Unless you don't think Bobby belongs in it.
Also if you're going to nitpick about a single entry then you've basically pointed the exception that proves the rule.
Loool like I said bad memory. It came back to me now, still makes more sense than how Charlie & Eileen died. Ellen and Jo died protecting the boys by blowing up the store(well Jo died due to her wounds, or went unconscious). I miss them ;(Garth in your top 10?
Ash was dead long before Elle and jo. They died killing a hellhound, he died in a burning building.
Teaser for next week posted by Misha and Jared on Facebook . Be warned there could be massive spoilers.
I wonder who that is coming out of the grave. I'm hoping its Bobby, but thinking it could be Michael(to start the whole apocalypse storyline, or John Winchester.
I have a feeling Mary or Castiel will die. Plz don't kill Cass.
Okay, hold on.
That HAS to be Michael, right? It can't be Bobby unless the actor was purposefully lying on Twitter when he said he's not in the season at all, for the first time ever.
And there's no way that it's John since JDM is a bit busy. So the only other dramatic return would be Michael, I would think.
It's also worth noting that this confirms Mary is there at the confrontation with Lucifer. Not a single hint of Crowley though.
It's what I am hoping for! Though part of me thinks it could be Crowley also.
That would be super lame and anti-climactic. Haha.'s some crazy future human version of Crowley
Hmm.As Crowley would say "sounds sexy."
I'm really pushing for Bobby though. It's not a season of Supernatural unless he makes an appearance. He is like Jody, make one appearance. Unless they are going to introduce someone new.
I could see them having Lucifer kill Castiel, then bring Bobby back to fill the void.. Though the show wouldn't be the same without Cass. I imagine they'd bring him back at some point but he's my favorite outside of Crowley.
So those characters don't count to you because they weren't originally hunters...right. Forget the fact that they weren't before but are extremely skilled now. Yeah. Good job.First of all, that's not even true. Charlie, Claire, Alex and Jody weren't even hunters to begin with. Neither is Rowena.
The truth is the percentage of female characters getting killed is much higher and there's something weirdly sadistic about the way they've been killing them off lately
I completely agree and I also think Castiel isn't going away.
If this season gets rid of Crowley and Lucifer I'll be happy though.
So those characters don't count to you because they weren't originally hunters...right. Forget the fact that they weren't before but are extremely skilled now. Yeah. Good job.
So the girls get killed sadisitically and the guys die of flower scents. Sure.
People want so very hard for there to be something here where there's not.
Also fuck the dbag who called me trump over supernatural.
Misha Collins isn't the end all argument to this. Name some female characters and male characters who's deaths were treated differently please. Name some male human characters who have been given the power that normal female characters have.Hi, that was me.
Yeah, you're acting ridiculous. Thee is a clear problem with how women in the show are treated. To the point where Misha Collins himself called it out.
Sorry man, that's your "fact."
I named a few up top. Recently males get more honourable or logical deaths while female deaths are just we have no more use for you, so we give you a shitty death.Misha Collins isn't the end all argument to this. Name some female characters and male characters who's deaths were treated differently please. Name some male human characters who have been given the power that normal female characters have.
Rowena is one of the most powerful human characters on the she has had the silliest survival rate.
Misha Collins isn't the end all argument to this. Name some female characters and male characters who's deaths were treated differently please.
This is ridiculous. Everyone dies who is close to Sam and dean. Just because some females have doesn't change the fact that anyone close to them dies.I named a few up top. Recently males get more honourable or logical deaths while female deaths are just we have no more use for you, so we give you a shitty death.
Rowena is like the one exceptional female. And one of the few recently that made sense since Lucifer dispises humans.
Charlie was awesome, but they gave her a bitch death.
Bela was an amazing antagonist for the boys but was literally killed off because fangirls hated that she caused them trouble.
Eileen was great but she got too close to Sammy so off with her!
One of the few females that survived was the one Dean ended up with at the end of Season 5. But they wiped her memory, therefore no longer a love interest to Dean and therefore she gets to live.
Pretty much anytime a female gets too close, or causes the boys trouble they die. Rowena survives because she's helping them but won't date em. The moment she caused em TROUBLE OFF WITH HER HEAD!
Look how long they were around for. Seasons upon seasons. How long do the females last? And I'm talking about dating because any female that is a love interest or has a connection with the boys just die. How many episodes was Bobby & Kevin around for? How long was Eileen around for? Charlie got a bitch death that made no sense to her character. At all. Like zero. She is not the type to get into female drama, or the type to leave with the most powerful book. yet suddenly Rowena makes her do both?This is ridiculous. Everyone dies who is close to Sam and dean. Just because some females have doesn't change the fact that anyone close to them dies.
I honestly don't understand what you were tying to say at the end with Rowena. She's a piece of shit like Crowley and the British hunters. She should die. What the fuck are you talking about dating for
Edit. @zeo Charlie was maybe the only character who went from nothing to another one of the most powerful characters on the show- BY HER OWN POWER. No god battery backing her up like Kevin.
I don't think Michael makes much sense because Chuck said he didn't have time to rebuild Michael to take on Amara, so I doubt it's him. If it is,Chuck is again aiding from the sidelines.
Look how long they were around for. Seasons upon seasons. How long do the females last? And I'm talking about dating because any female that is a love interest or has a connection with the boys just die. How many episodes was Bobby & Kevin around for? How long was Eileen around for? Charlie got a bitch death that made no sense to her character. At all. Like zero. She is not the type to get into female drama, or the type to leave with the most powerful book. yet suddenly Rowena makes her do both?
The female twin from a couple of weeks back is a nice example of pointless female deaths. Did that add anything to the plot? She died a most stupid death.
There's more to being a hunter than being knowledgeable. He's book smart but he's not in the same class as those listed. Chrissy is a better hunter than him. Her friends too for that matter the in the little time that I've seen them. Hell Jody is physically more impressive than garth(pre werewolf anyway.)
And what rule are you talking about in this instance?
I still can't believe how badly Crowley fucked this up, having the whole thing turn around on you to that degree? That's some Trumpian incompetence.
That rest the list is accurate, and thus the statement I was quoting of top hunters being female was an inaccurate one. And Garth was a solo hunter who managed on his own without getting offed. More than can be said about most hunters. Krissy worked in a group and still ran into trouble against basic vampires. Information and knowledge is far more valuable than strength when you're dealing with nigh-immortal beings.
Plus how many other hunters have killed the Tooth Fairy?
The Mary weird. I don't know what else to say. I'm sure the Nephilim will probably help her regain her conciousness or something along those lines, but it's an odd direction to take and came out of nowhere.
yeah, it did. it started up a new line of characters willing to sacrifice themselves for family. whether it plays out from here is yet to be seen
Besides the way Sam and Dean left Max alone just minutes after his entire family had died was incredibly stupid.
Get rid of Crowley and Lucifer though please
Concerning that trailer,I really hope it's John. It makes no sense for it to be anyone else, as even Bobby is an old hunter friend of John's, where John didn't start hunting until after Mary's death. He'd be, at best, a solid second choice because of his relationship with everyone else (as well as the audience), but he shouldn't be connected to Mary at all.
Yeah. =(I don't think they're hinting that this person would be connected to Mary though.
And the fact of the matter is that JDM is about to start shooting The Walking Dead again in Georgia. If they were to bring John back in some epic "masked stranger" way, it wouldn't be for a quick cameo. They would be doing it with the idea of bringing John back for an arc in season 13. As amazing as it would be to see that happen -- the scenes at the bunker with the boys and their parents would be so great -- I don't think he can.
And JDM doesn't have much of a gut where as the person in this trailer does.
Yeah. =(
John coming back real quick for the season finale would be a good way to end the Mary arc, though. He'd come and kill everything, and they'd reunite and walk off into the sunset to go hunting together, and that would end things for both of them. It would also kind of mirror Chuck and Amara, as well.
Yeah. =(
John coming back real quick for the season finale would be a good way to end the Mary arc, though. He'd come and kill everything, and they'd reunite and walk off into the sunset to go hunting together, and that would end things for both of them. It would also kind of mirror Chuck and Amara, as well.
Concerning that trailer,I really hope it's John. It makes no sense for it to be anyone else, as even Bobby is an old hunter friend of John's, where John didn't start hunting until after Mary's death. He'd be, at best, a solid second choice because of his relationship with everyone else (as well as the audience), but he shouldn't be connected to Mary at all.
My thought is that they are going to keep Lucifer aroundnot necessarily as the big bad but an occasional antagonistsince he's the biggest bad around, and it's not going to be easy to step up higher than him again (I'm surprised they were even able to do it once, to be honest). The British Men of Letters is the big bad this season. That will probably get resolved for the most part by them killing Hess and Ketch. Lady Whatever will turn good and go home to keep the BML away in future seasons.