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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please

grandjedi6 said:
I'm surrendering that Surfer Girl obviously has some connections. But I can't fathom how she would know all of this or be able to spread it in a blog without getting shut down. Plus alot of her info comes from tips from other people, which aren't reliable.
1. We don't live in China
2. Let's say Surfer Girl has worked in games journalism for the past 10 years. Then SG met a lot of people and has some good contacts at Ubisoft, EA, and others.

That is potentially a huge contact list, and it is not an unreasonable guess that this person receives information and tips regularly from these people and posts them anonymously as a gesture of good will to gamers/rebellion. If you listen to 1UP Yours you'd know that Shane has friends at developers, so does Garnett and without a doubt others.

It's not a commercial blog, there is no real vested interest besides the occasional party political broadcast. I see no reason why SG would tarnish her growing reputation by making things up. I trust practically everything posted about Eidos, Ubisoft and EA.

I do question how SG gets Japanese information, but obv. we will see.


Visualante said:
I do question how SG gets Japanese information, but obv. we will see.

Again, this was a point I made earlier but was shouted down. I can certainly imagine her having deep links with the video game journalism and development comunity in Europe and the US, but I really can't see how that translates to having an insight into the workings of SE and the like.
Busty said:
Again, this was a point I made earlier but was shouted down.

Yep. The Far Cry 2 thing got shouted down too, even though that was a specific concrete example of Surfer Girl throwing something out there, getting pwned by an announcement, and then damage controlling her inaccurate rumor with "oh, they changed things in development!" And so did the fact that she didn't understand that Sonic DS and "Dark Brotherhood" were the same game, just a week before the NP reveal of the game. And so on.


Disclaimer: this post was entirely written by a dimwit
Disaster: You Guerrillas Have Created a Drainzone
Take it away, friendo:

remember this story? that figure was actually €21 million ($30 million) and it has only gone up from there (by gone up i mean it has doubled to €42 million/$60 million). by the time killzone 2 comes out it will dethrone shenmue as the most expensive video game ever made. the game should have cost the former figure but guerrilla's managerial lacks any sort of financial or work allocation skills, the studio has high turnover and a few other things. because of this incapacity a nice portion of the team at studio cambridge is assisting in development. to top this off the game may be pretty but it's barely mediocre and past the point of no return. the september release date floating around will without doubt be missed if guerrilla sticks to their intention of not releasing the game until its done which will be early next year.
To add to this, over at Insomniac, there is a general feeling of sharp resent towards Guerrilla and Killzone, as they believe that Guerrilla is imbibing the currency whilst they are delivering. In far less time and with less people, Insomniac have a far better title that is further along in development. This resent seems justified.

I do not doubt that the info is correct but the way it's pieced together to reach SG's conclusions give a bad taste of sensationalistic Internet journalism in my mouth (there can no longer be any doubt, SG is a game reporter).

We all knew that KZ2 was delayed when the online beta Motherm had promised for last year never came. But can it really be considered as a bad omen when most big budget hardware pushing showpieces of next gen gaming suffer from delays?

If GG's managerial lacks any sort of financial or work allocation skills then why haven't this showed in the past?
Yes the first KZ wasn't outstanding in any way but it sure as H' had a huge production value. That game was only made by 20 (ramped up to 40 after the Nam game was released) for a medium budget.
Not even Halo 2 with a much bigger budget and staff blew away KZ in this aspect.

The SCE Cambridge comment is just weird, SG of all people should know that this studio (like SCE Liverpool) has been lending its staff to several developers while they are in the planning process of their own IP.
It's not easy to pull in qualified artists from the street and with GG growing from 40 to 120+ in record time there's obviously need for experienced developers in key positions to ensure the quality.

For the budget and Insomniac, I do not know how reliable this is.
It's just like the Ubi case where we do not know SG's source and it's personal standing; a story always has more than one angle.

Kittonwy said:
Where's Tempy? Where's Tempy?

Who cares, never gave us anything. :(

Lightning said:
All I can say that if Killzone 2 sucks Sony should get rid of Guerilla Games. They are money wasting idiots.

Good graphics does not equal good game.

Graphics are of importance and no matter what you say fact stays that GG is setting the bar for what next gen gaming is.

It's the same with the next Star Wars game, game-play and background comes second because it gives us a taste of why we got a 360/PS3 instead of staying with our old consoles.

Deepblue said:
I thought there was only one hands-on? (N'Gai)

Wow you have been trolling the official KZ2 thread for so long without actually bothering to look at the media. :S

That explains the weird graphics comments.

Night_Trekker said:
Alright... can someone tell me what Guerrilla has done to inspire this kind of fanatical loyalty? And please don't say Liberation. This ridiculous KZ2 hype existed long before that game was released.

They shared a vision of next gen gaming, till then people only expected last gen gaming in high def.

It has Euphoria, animation blending, volumetric explosions, volumetric clouds, Depth of Field and various other blur effects. All things which actually can be done and are being done now by other developers but not o the same extend (they tend to only focus on one thing)

Not forgetting the high production value, a ton of unique sound and unique character models with their own animations where action and cut-scenes were mixed together HalfLife2 style but where the characters weren't fixed statues.

Yes it's a very lofty goal but the hardware with the Blu-Ray media allows for it and GG has proved it worth when it comes to technical achievements plus they this time around have the budget.

Game-play has indeed been GG's weak spot but if they manages to reach their vision it will help making the experience engaging enough for the player to overlook game-play issues (we both know this is true because we have seen it countless times).

But when that is said, GG's is at least aware of the game-play flaws of the first KZ and have already fixed them (we saw this at E3 '07; I'll re-list them if anyone wants me to) and even had the vision to implement a first person cover system; something so simple and intuitive yet no other developer has had the imagination needed to do it.

In short; GG envisioned gaming as something where the player doesn't get the feeling of the NPCs not just standing around waiting for one's actions.


Now let's get this into RPGs, instead of the player having to click a character I want the NPCs to approach me and begin a conversation without the game pausing all other action (I want to be able to order a beer while listening to one of the bar guests sharing what it got on its heart).


VonGak, did you run out of memory or something with your previous post? Because you posted a cut-off version of your recent post! :lol

edit: I'm referring to:

VonGak! said:
I'm not saying that any of the info is wrong but the way they are pieced together to form SG's conclusion does annoy me.

It's no secret that KZ2 was delayed, we all knew this when the b and it ends right here!!


SRG01 said:
VonGak, did you run out of memory or something with your previous post? Because you posted a cut-off version of your recent post! :lol

edit: I'm referring to:

LOL, it was a teaser of what to come ^.^
VonGak! said:
I do not doubt that the info is correct but the way it's pieced together to reach SG's conclusions give a bad taste of nationalistic Internet journalism in my mouth (there can no longer be any doubt, SG is a game reporter).

Has to be one of the most baffling typos I have ever seen.
I did some research, can't comment on the budget as this information is reserved for the management at Guerilla Games. I am not sure Tempy would even be able to comment on it.

Basically the only thing I got is that Guerilla wants the game to ship when they consider it done. Which if SG's source is to be believed will be later rather than sooner.
Sony is happy to pay. They want this game to be good

Oh yeah what Surfer Girl says about high turnover is true also.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dancing Queen (lol) reported the same thing. Surfer Girl is just pooling her rumor resources from a forum somewhere.


VonGak! said:
Wow you have been trolling the official KZ2 thread for so long without actually bothering to look at the media. :S

That explains the weird graphics comments.

Major Nelson
has been this way ever since the official 'unveiling thread' during last years E3.

I feel a bit sorry for him to be honest.


VonGak! said:
It has Euphoria, animation blending, volumetric explosions, volumetric clouds, Depth of Field and various other blur effects. All things which actually can be done and are being done now by other developers but not o the same extend (they tend to only focus on one thing).
Really? First I've heard of this. That's awesome.


Visualante said:
I did some research, can't comment on the budget as this information is reserved for the management at Guerilla Games. I am not sure Tempy would even be able to comment on it.

Basically the only thing I got is that Guerilla wants the game to ship when they consider it done. Which if SG's source is to be believed will be later rather than sooner.
Sony is happy to pay. They want this game to be good

Oh yeah what Surfer Girl says about high turnover is true also.

Is it possibly to compare it to other rapidly growing studios in central Europe outside the UK and has any of the core staffers left?

Because the filling in with SCE Cambridge staffers has been done with many SCE published titles while the studio doesn't have its own project.


Zabka said:
Really? First I've heard of this. That's awesome.
No the original "target"/PR/hot air/concept trailer had what Euphoria allows for; the Helgast falling down from the bridge (EDIT: everyone was amazed by it and said it couldn't be done but SW is doing it with Storm Troopers).


The personal attacks and insults Surfer Girl gets illustrates how poorly we gamers represent ourselves.

She gets information and she puts it on her blog for our perusal. Whether she winds up being right or wrong on a topic, why does that justify personal attacks? What if she is getting some of her info from other websites or even NeoGAF? Why is that mentioned as some kind of negative?

There is nothing wrong with agreeing or disagreeing with her and mentioning that, but should the responders have a different point of view, why are they compelled to insult her? I just don't understand this reaction.


VonGak! said:
Because the filling in with SCE Cambridge staffers has been done with many SCE published titles while the studio doesn't have its own project.

They do. And their own engine they built from the ground up, likely using alot tech from the likes of Killzone2 and Heavenly Sword.


Dyno said:
The personal attacks and insults Surfer Girl gets illustrates how poorly we gamers represent ourselves.

She gets information and she puts it on her blog for our perusal. Whether she winds up being right or wrong on a topic, why does that justify personal attacks? What if she is getting some of her info from other websites or even NeoGAF? Why is that mentioned as some kind of negative?

There is nothing wrong with agreeing or disagreeing with her and mentioning that, but should the responders have a different point of view, why are they compelled to insult her? I just don't understand this reaction.
Who insulted her?


stotch said:
Check the comments section. She actually answered like 60 questions from people bashing her. I wonder what she does for a living.

Well she handled all those livid gaming fanboys like a pro so she probably works for Microsoft Customer Services.


Thanks, I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


stotch said:
Check the comments section. She actually answered like 60 questions from people bashing her. I wonder what she does for a living.
So what? They could be kids for all we know. Hell, they probably are kids. Immature comments in a comments section is par for the course. Plus, she approves every one of those posts herself.

Besides all that, there are very few insulting comments. I read the comments there all the time and less then 10% are negative or insults.


Lightning said:
Well, Surfer Girl is insistent that Star Ocean 4 is a PS3 exclusive and Square cannot ignore platform forever. So whenever this games platform gets announced will be if I bother reading anything more from her.

If it's not too much trouble to find, could you provide a link to the post where she said that?


Dyno said:
The personal attacks and insults Surfer Girl gets illustrates how poorly we gamers represent ourselves.

She gets information and she puts it on her blog for our perusal. Whether she winds up being right or wrong on a topic, why does that justify personal attacks? What if she is getting some of her info from other websites or even NeoGAF? Why is that mentioned as some kind of negative?

There is nothing wrong with agreeing or disagreeing with her and mentioning that, but should the responders have a different point of view, why are they compelled to insult her? I just don't understand this reaction.


If I may express my opinion on all this Surfer Girl Killzone 2 silliness.

I think it's clear that this Surfer Girl does have sources and I'm sure she's right about the budget being increased, but as someone posted above, Im sure Sony are quite happy to pay it, it is such a massive title after all. Personally I'd rather GG did ship it "when they felt it was ready" as the problem with the first game was that it was rushed out to meet Halo 2.

Sony Cambridge helping out on the title? This isn't anything new or anything shocking. Cambridge have apparently done that on a few titles so far and a few more titles coming up. It was also rumoured that Sony Liverpool did some QA on some Killzone 2 tech a while a go as well.

As for her opinion on it being mediocre, she's said for a while now that's she not interested in playing Killzone 2 or MGS4, it's clearly just not her type of game, and I seriously doubt she's actually played it, nothing more than the E3 build anyway as Sony are very secretive about it. Will the game be mediocre? Who knows, GG dont have the best track record (tho Killzone Lib is AAA screw EGM/1UP!!!) and even the best, most experienced devs can make a stinker, you never know until it ships, so we'll have to wait and see.

But the most BS part of her "rumour" surely has to be that Insomniac have some sort of spite towards Guerilla Games and Sony because GG have a bigger budget and Insomniac think their game is better? oh come on, Insomniac games are one of the most classy, humble dev teams around, there's no way they would act like a bunch of butt hurt school children. GG are a first party dev team, Insomniac are independent and are therefore going to make more profit off their game than GG will. Also GGs budget is obviously gonna be bigger than Insomniac's because Insomniac are much more efficient and fast working when it comes to their games. The fact that R2's budget is small is just because they're doing a better job than GG in getting their game finished.

There's a chance it's all true, some things that seem unlikely can in fact turn out to be correct, but I think common sense on a number of things points to some of this being made up, especially the Insomniac part of the rumour. I love Insomniac games and I truly hope it isn't true as they would go down in my estimations, and I don't want that to happen. And before anyone says anything, yes I really do want Killzone 2 to be a AAA title, Im not one of these people who thinks it's going to be god of all FPSs just because it's the best looking game we've seen, but why would anyone want a game to suck? So maybe this is some damage control because i dont want it to be true on many levels, but i think common sense shows that she could easily be wrong, just as she could be right and we'll have to wait see how the game turns out.
I'm still trying to figure out why people can't see through her BS. How many times has she been wrong already? I mean, most of her rumors just seem like guesses.


FFObsessed said:
ahh it was in one of her new posts, ok thank you.
It's not the first time she has said it, she said the same thing twice last year that I can remember. So we just wait and see if she is full of shit or not.

We will probably have to wait until the S-E event in May though...


DevilWillcry said:
Maybe "critics" could have the competence to say some constructive criticism about the game instead of pure BS.


The game is incredibly awesome, but it could be incredibly awesomer.
FFObsessed said:
It was also rumoured that Sony Liverpool did some QA on some Killzone 2 tech a while a go as well.
Why would that be a rumour? All major SCEE QA is done in Liverpool, it's cheaper that way.

FFObsessed said:
But the most BS part of her "rumour" surely has to be that Insomniac have some sort of spite towards Guerilla Games and Sony because GG have a bigger budget and Insomniac think their game is better? oh come on, Insomniac games are one of the most classy, humble dev teams around, there's no way they would act like a bunch of butt hurt school children. GG are a first party dev team, Insomniac are independent and are therefore going to make more profit off their game than GG will. Also GGs budget is obviously gonna be bigger than Insomniac's because Insomniac are much more efficient and fast working when it comes to their games. The fact that R2's budget is small is just because they're doing a better job than GG in getting their game finished.
I think you make a wrong assumption here, the people who represent Insomniac are very humble. We have no idea where that information came from inside Insomniac and might represent that person alone. I think in general the rivalry between studios is a friendly one, but just like when we found out people at SCEE Liverpool were editing the Halo 3 Wikipedia page there are bad apples out there.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
new rumors

Here's some recent tidbits I've been able to confirm:

1) Capcom is reviving an IP from the (16/32-bit) generation as a PSN/XBLA title
2) Speaking of Capcom, they are developing a Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles 2 with scenarios from Resident Evil 2 and 4 after the smashing success of the first one.
3) Halo Wars has hit a snag in development. The control scheme works fairly well, but it facilitates only simplistic gameplay scenarios and uninteresting level design.
4) n-Space will take their first step into Wii development with a new story-intensive shooter featuring RPG elements.

Mindlog said:

The game is incredibly awesome, but it could be incredibly awesomer.
Nothing is perfect, and there is plenty of room for improvement. I'd just prefer these critics explain what needs to be improved instead of just saying "lulz".
Ah, yes, it's that time again.


1) Capcom is reviving an IP from the (16/32-bit) generation as a PSN/XBLA title
2) Speaking of Capcom, they are developing a Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles 2 with scenarios from Resident Evil 2 and 4 after the smashing success of the first one.
3) Halo Wars has hit a snag in development. The control scheme works fairly well, but it facilitates only simplistic gameplay scenarios and uninteresting level design.
4) n-Space will take their first step into Wii development with a new story-intensive shooter featuring RPG elements.


- Luxoflux should be ready to show off their new game at E3 at the latest (it's not another True Crime, thankfully).

- On a related note, Vigilante 8 Arcade is still coming to XBLA later this year.

- PROPE will be unveiling their original Wii game "before TGS." Sega has optioned the publishing rights.

- Just Cause 2 looks much better than the first.

- Marvel Universe Online and Untitled Marvel Fighting Game may both be dead and buried in shallow graves, but Raven will still have Marvel: Even More Ultimater Alliance (tentative title) ready by next Spring.

They are definitely making a new Star Wars MMO, but I don't think it takes place in the same era as KOTOR. Bioware isn't involved with it.

Well, considering that Lionhead's Project Dimitri has (kind of, sort of, in a way) come back from the dead, anything is possible. I wouldn't place any bets, though.

True Fantasy Live Online is never going to happen, though Level 5 has thought about an MMO since then. For now, though, they seem to prefer staying out of the MMO arena.

I don't know anything about WarDevil that isn't already out there. Interstellar Marines looks like vaporware.

Dead Phoenix is completely dead, buried, and forgotten. The old rumors about it's remains forming the basis for a new Kid Icarus game were totally untrue, by the way.

Turok 2 is still pretty early and TRON is nothing beyond drawing board ideas and pre-alpha concept experiments.


lol i remember the "we'd say gears looks prettier still" quote from Matt Leone. That was the most ridiculous thing I've seen 1UP do.
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